One Last Chance

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One Last Chance Page 14

by Hollowed, Beverley

  “I can understand why,” Nick nodded and took a sip of his coffee.

  “Can I ask you something?” Ally said as she sat Ben up and began to rub his back to burp him.

  “Sure,” he said as he placed his coffee cup down on the table and sat up straight.

  “Do you think I should be worried about this Jason thing?” Ally said, lowering her voice so no one could hear her. “I mean he hasn’t tried to contact me, maybe he did just wanted to say sorry when he dropped into the garage. And maybe he did just bump into Nan in the supermarket.”

  “Do you think you have anything to worry about?” Nick asked leaning forward and looking into her eyes. “Let’s say he walked in here right now, how would you feel? Would you be scared?”

  Ally thought for a moment but she already knew her answer.

  “Yes,” she replied honestly.

  “Sometimes our gut instincts speak louder than every other part of our body.” Nick shrugged. “It’s that little voice inside that tells us what we don’t always want to hear. It’s that voice that should be listened to because it’s usually right. But that said, you shouldn’t worry. He won’t get the chance to do anything.”

  “Okay,” Ally said with a smile.

  A few minutes later, she settled Ben back into his buggy and they were off again. Ally told Nick she wanted to stop by the Boots store to pick up some baby stuff for Ben and then they could head back home.

  As they were walking around the baby department in Boots, Ally realised she had left her purse on the table in the coffee shop.

  “Can you watch him while I run back?” She asked Nick.

  “I don’t think that’s a very good idea.” Nick protested.

  “I need to get it before someone else does,” Ally insisted. “All my cards are in it. It won’t take two minutes to run back down to the shop. Or you could go. I am in the middle of a busy shop. I will be safe. Nothing will happen here.”

  “Fine,” Nick said, looking a little unsure. “I will run back for it. But you stay right here. Don’t move, do you hear me?”

  “Okay,” Ally nodded.

  Nick hurried towards the exit of the shop.

  Ally stood rooted to the spot, one hand on the buggy one holding the shopping basket she was carrying. Suddenly, Ben started to cry and Ally began to wheel the pram back and forth slightly trying to settle him down. But he just cried harder.

  She reached into the buggy, looking for his soother but couldn’t find it. She sat the shopping basket on floor and bent down to search in the nappy bag in the basket under the buggy. Ben just howled louder. Ally was starting to feel panicked when she couldn’t seem to find the spare soother. She saw two feet walk towards her and stop. She was relieved Nick was back.

  “Can you pick him up,” she asked while she continued to search her bag. Finally, she located the spare soother. “Got it.”

  She stood back up and her heart nearly burst out of her chest with fright. There standing before her with Ben in his arms, was Jason.

  Chapter 20

  “What are you doing here?” Ally asked as she swallowed hard to stop herself from throwing up.

  “I was just doing a bit of shopping,” he replied like it was an obvious answer. “Wasn’t aware it was a crime to shop these days.”

  Ben started to cry again and Ally’s mothering instinct kicked in.

  “Give me my baby back,” she demanded as she reached out her hands to take Ben from him. But to her horror Jason stepped back.

  “You’re baby?” Jason replied in a sarcastic tone. “That’s some magic sperm lover boy has to have to produce this little bundle so quickly.”

  “Jason, just give him to me,” Ally said trying hard to hide the fear in her voice. “Please.”

  “I think he likes it with Uncle Jason,” Jason said as he gently rocked the baby back and forth.

  “Why are you doing this?” She half demanded, half cried. “Please, just stop. Give him to me.”

  “And what is it I am doing exactly,” Jason asked looking Ally straight in the eye. “Holding the baby of someone who once meant a great deal to me? Or keeping a parent from its child. It’s not very nice, is it Ally?”

  “I don’t know what you are getting at,” Ally said looking at him in complete confusion, but she knew he was upset about something.

  “Did you really think I wouldn’t have figured it out, Ally?” Jason continued as Ally stared at him. She didn’t know what to say. “Do you really think I am that stupid?”

  “Jason, what is it you want?” Ally sobbed unable to hold her tears back any longer. “What do you want from me?”

  “Ally, I want what is rightfully mine,” Jason said lowering his voice. “I want you back. You need to see that you belong with me. I am the one that loves you the most.”

  “Jason, I am married to Cole,” she cried. A few passers-by were looking at them now and Ally could feel her heart race faster. She wished Nick would hurry up and come back.

  “But you don’t love him the way you love me,” Jason insisted. “I know you still love me Ally.”

  Ben cried harder and wriggled in Jason’s arms. Ally’s heart was breaking as she longed to comfort her baby.

  “Jason, please,” Ally begged. “Just give me my baby.”

  Jason didn’t reply he just stared at Ally and Ben continued to scream.

  “YOU’RE SCARING HIM!” She screamed, not caring who was watching them now.

  “Fine,” he sighed, sounding completely irritated as he handed Ben back to Ally. As he did, the manager from the store came up to them.

  “Is everything alright madam?” He asked looking directly at Ally. She didn’t reply. Instead she hugged Ben tightly, closed her eyes and cried.

  “Madam,” the manager said again, this time a little firmer. This time Ally opened her eyes and was surprised to find Jason was gone but there was a crowd around her. “Madam are you okay?”

  “I… I… I’m okay,” Ally sobbed. Just then, Nick appeared behind the store manager and the minute Ally saw him, the tear’s started again. But this time they were tears of relief.

  “Ally!” Nick said as he quickly pushed his way past everyone until he got to her. “Ally, what’s happened?”

  “Ja…Jason,” she sobbed as she struggled hard to catch her breath. “H… he…ha…had…B…B…Ben.”

  Nick instinctively wrapped his arms around Ally and a wailing Ben and hugged them tightly, all the time scanning the shop, trying to spot Jason.

  “I just want to go home,” Ally whispered sadly against Nick’s chest.

  “Okay,” he said taking Ben from Ally and after he reassured the manager of the store that everything was ok. He escorted Ally to the car. He opened the door of the car and waited for Ally to climb inside before he hurried around to place Ben in his car seat. Then he packed away her buggy, her shopping bags and headed for home.

  He called Cole on the way home and Cole nearly exploded on the other end of the phone. Nick knew Cole had every right to be angry with him. He knew he should have never left Ally alone in the store.

  “I’m sorry,” Ally said when Cole finished ranting in to the phone at Nick and hung up.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for Ally,” Nick replied. “Mr. Thomas is right, I should have never left you alone. I messed up. He has every reason to be mad at me.”

  “You cannot take the blame for Jason,” a still tearful Ally insisted. “Nick, I was in a store, in a shopping center for Christ sakes. Even I thought Jason wouldn’t have had the guts to pull something like this. I am not letting you take the blame for this.”

  “Ally,” Nick said. “I took my eye off the ball. I allowed things to get personal, I dropped my guard and he got to you. If anything happened to you or Ben, I would never forgive myself.”

  “We are okay.” Ally said reaching forward and placing her hand on his shoulder. “You have nothing to beat yourself up over.”

  “I don’t think Mr. Thomas sees it that way,” Nick
replied sadly.

  “Well, I will make him see it like that,” Ally said defiantly.

  They rode the rest of the way in silence. Ally was lost in her thoughts, replaying what happened with Jason over and over in her mind.

  When they reached the house, Cole was already home. He was out the door and next to the car as soon as they pulled into the driveway.

  “Are you okay?” He asked as he pulled open the car door, his voice a mixture of worry and anger. He took hold of Ally as she stepped out of the car and held her close to him. “Did he put his hands on you?”

  “I’m okay, honestly,” Ally said, fighting to hold the tears back. She knew Cole was mad and her crying would only fuel his anger.

  “Let’s get you both in side,” he said as he released her and leaned into the car to take Ben from his car seat.

  He led her up the steps of the house and inside where they were greeted by a worried looking Rosie.

  “Rosie, can you do me a favour and take Ben up to the nursery and get him settled,” Cole asked as he passed Ben over to her.

  “Certainly, Mr. Thomas,” she replied and headed straight for the stairs. Cole walked in to the living room and paced up and down. Ally stood for a moment in the hallway, unsure of what she should do. Before she could decide, Nick came through the door carrying Ally’s shopping bags. He place them on the floor in the hallway.

  “Can you both come in here, now!” The sound of Cole’s voice made Ally jump with fright. She looked up at Nick before they both walked into the living room. Ally suddenly felt like a kid being sent to the headmaster’s office.

  For a moment, he just paced up and down trying to bring his anger back under control. Ally glanced over at Nick but his eyes were fixed on Cole.

  “I seriously don’t know who I am angrier with,” Cole finally spoke as he stopped pacing and turned to Ally and Nick. He looked at Nick and Ally’s heart sank. She didn’t want Nick in trouble over this. “I told you not to let her out of your sight. I asked you to keep my family safe. I trusted you with them and you let me down.”

  “Cole that is not fair,” Ally snapped unable to listen to anymore.

  “It’s the truth,” Cole snapped back.

  “This was my fault,” she shouted back. “I forgot my purse and I convinced Nick I would be fine. For God sakes, I was standing in the middle of a shop full of people while he ran the whole hundred yards back to the coffee shop.”

  “He should have never left you alone,” Cole snapped back.

  “Oh for god sakes Cole, listen to yourself,” Ally cried. “You tell me to not let him win, but you don’t let me breathe because of him. I was in a shop. A shop full of people. I thought I would be safe. I know now I was wrong but that is not Nicks fault.”

  “ENOUGH!” Nick shouted suddenly. “Ally, I am very grateful for what you are trying to do, but Mr. Thomas is right. I should have never left you alone. I knew it was wrong, but I was stupid. You and Ben could have been hurt because of my stupidity.”

  Ally stared at Nick as the hot salty tears stung her eyes. She tried to blink them back but it was no use. They burst free and trickled down her face.

  “Mr. Thomas,” Nick continued, turning his focus back to Cole. “I take full responsibility for what has happened today. I have no excuse. I will gather my things and will leave your home within the hour.”

  “WHAT!” Ally exclaimed. “NO! Cole say something.” But Cole said nothing. He just stood glued to the spot staring at Ally.

  “Cole, you fix this now!” Ally demanded.

  “Ally, enough!” Cole replied abruptly.

  “Like hell it’s enough,” Ally shot back at him quickly. “Cole, you fix this now, or so help me God. I will leave too.”

  “Ally no,” Nick said stopping at the door and turning back.

  “You’ll leave me,” Cole asked in complete disbelief.

  “Yes,” she replied defiantly. “You let him walk out that door, you are not the man I thought you were. You know this is wrong. Don’t make a mistake because you are angry. This is not his fault. This is all Jason’s doing. And you know it.”

  “Ally,” Nick said walking back into the room. “This is stupid. This is my mistake. Please don’t do this.”

  Ally didn’t reply, instead she just stared at Cole and waited for his response.

  “She is right,” Cole finally said, never taking his eyes off Ally. “I don’t want you to leave Nick. That was never my intentions.”

  “Mr. Thomas, I…” Nick began to protest but Cole stopped him.

  “Nick,” Cole said finally looking at him. “Today was a learning experience for us all. We have under estimated that lowlife and the level he will sink to. I know you won’t underestimate him again, as I hope Ally won’t either.”

  “It will never happen again, Mr. Thomas,” Nick assured Cole.

  “Good,” Cole said with a tight-lipped smile. “Now, if you’ll excuse me. I have some calls I need to make.”

  Without looking at Ally again, Cole turned and headed into his office.

  “Ally, you didn’t have to do that,” Nick said once they were left alone.

  “Yes I did,” Ally said sadly. She looked up at Nick, trying her best to smile. “I needed him to see how ridiculous he was being. Nick we need you. I need you. I was never more scared in my whole life, than I was standing in that shop today. Nick he had my baby. I trust you and I know after today neither of us will make that mistake again. I just needed Cole to see that too.”

  “Thank you, Ally,” he said from the heart. “I truly mean that. And I promise you I will never let what happened today, happen again. You have my word on that one.”

  “I know you won’t,” Ally said as she kissed him on the cheek. “Now, I need to go and talk to Cole. I know I hurt him, so I need to put it right.”

  She walked to the door of Cole’s office and softly tapped on it.

  “Come,” she heard him call out. Taking a deep breath, she slowly opened the door. He was on the phone when she opened stepped inside. He looked up at her and, as she nervously stood by the door, he motioned with his finger for her to come in.

  Slowly she edged her way closer to his desk. She walked around to his side of it and perched her backside on the edge of the desk, peering down at Cole through her long thick lashes.

  His eyes never left hers as he finished his conversation on the phone. Ally could feel her face burn as he held her eyes with his.

  Finally, the phone call ended and Cole sat back in his chair, he continued to stare up at Ally.

  “So,” he finally said. “You were going to leave me.”

  “I was never going to leave you,” Ally sighed as she slipped down on to his lap. “I just needed you to see how ridiculous it was to let Nick quit. You know what happened today was no one’s fault. No one except Jason’s. For Nick to lose his job would have been just wrong.”

  “Ally, all I want is for you to be safe,” Cole sighed.

  “I know.” Ally replied as she rested her head against his forehead.

  “Today when Nick told me what had happened,” Cole said, his voice barely a whisper. “I was so scared. Ally I couldn’t go on if something ever happened to you. You are my world. You mean everything to me”

  “I promise from now on,” Ally said honestly. “I will do whatever you ask me to do. I will take no more chances.”

  “Thank you my gorgeous girl,” Cole smiled as he leaned up and brushed his lips to hers briefly. “That makes me so happy.”

  Then once again he claimed her mouth.

  Chapter 21

  Ally kept her promise to Cole. She never went anywhere alone anymore. She was more careful about what she did and where she went.

  Even when she met up with her girls, Nick was never far away.

  “Ally, this has to be wearing you down,” Caitlin said as they sat in Coopers one afternoon, where they had met for lunch.

  “I just wish he would leave us alone,” Ally sighed sadly as she sipped
her water. “This is supposed to be the happiest time of our life. We are newlyweds for God sake. We have Ben, and Little Bean is on the way. I just wish we could live a normal life.”

  “Oh sweetie,” Hannah sighed reaching out and taking Ally by the hand. “What does Cole say about everything?”

  “He wants us to go back to London,” Ally shrugged. “He thinks that the further away from Jason the better.”

  “I don’t think that would be a bad idea,” Caitlin replied sipping her white wine. “It would probably be for the best, you wouldn’t have to deal with Jason anymore.”

  “But I don’t want to leave Nan and Pop,” Ally said sadly. “We asked them if they would like to come to London for a while, but Nan is adamant she won’t be run out of her home by Jason. If I went over there, I would feel like I was abandoning them. What if he went after them if he couldn’t get to me?”

  “You can’t blame her for not wanting to leave her home,” Hannah replied. “Ally, why not go to the police?”

  “And what will I tell them?” Ally replied. “I can’t tell them about the night in my apartment because then they would know about Cole beating the snot out of him. And what else has he done. He called into my old place of work to say he was sorry he upset me in the pub. He bumped into Nan and gave her a lift.”

  “What about the day in Boots?” Caitlin asked.

  “There is no law against him being in Boots,” Ally sighed. “Sure he could even argue I asked him to lift Ben up. Jason isn’t stupid. He isn’t doing anything that he doesn’t have an innocent explanation for.”

  “But you can’t keep living like this,” Hannah sighed and glanced over to where Nick was sitting alone, drinking a coffee. “Having someone shadow you all the time, I don’t think I could cope to be honest.”

  “Nick is a nice guy,” Ally replied, knowing what Hannah was getting at. “We are friends. It’s not so bad.”

  “How are Nan and Pop dealing with all this,” Caitlin asked. She always had a soft spot for Ally’s grandparents.


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