Whitedell Pride 25 - Aeron

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Whitedell Pride 25 - Aeron Page 4

by Lievens Catherine

  “Why are you thinking here all alone, then?”

  Aeron sighed and leaned against the wall, sliding down it until his ass hit the carpet. “About things.”

  “Oh, now that I know it’ll be so much easier to help you.”

  Aeron couldn’t help but laugh. “Fuck off.”

  André grinned. “No, thanks. I quite like living here. And I like you, so tell me what’s wrong and I’ll help you through it. Is it still the werewolf thing? Because you know no one cares, right?”

  Aeron wasn’t sure that was true. Most pride members hadn’t even batted an eyelash at his revelation, but he’d noticed some giving him a wide berth. He didn’t blame them, even though he’d hated it. That was one of the reasons he hadn’t wanted to tell anyone. He’d known some people would be scared of him, people he considered friends.

  “No, it’s not that.”

  “So it has to do with the guy in the infirmary.”

  Aeron looked up at André. “How do you know that?”

  “It’s not hard to add two and two, you know. I haven’t seen you this often in a while. You don’t usually hang around the mansion, and don’t bother trying to lie because I asked around. So I asked myself why you were sticking around, and there’s really only one reason why you would. The guy in the infirmary.”

  “Or maybe I want to be sure I’m here if the hunters attack again.”

  André scrunched his nose. “I thought about that, but you didn’t want to help the pride in the first place, so why would that be different now?”

  “That’s not true. I never said I didn’t want to help the pride.”

  “Maybe not in those words, but you left, found a job on the other side of the country and rarely visit. You told no one that you could be of use in a battle. You hid what you are, even from your best friends.”

  “You’re right, I didn’t want anyone to know about my furry half, but it wasn’t because I didn’t want to help, not if I had to. I’ll help if Dominic needs me, but I knew he’d try to talk me into becoming part of the pride’s security if he’d known. He’s a great guy, but let’s face it, the most important things in his life are his mate and his pride. And I get it, really I do, but I had other aspirations. I didn’t want to spend my life fighting.”

  André reached down and patted Aeron’s shoulder. “You don’t have to defend your choices to me. I’m not Dominic.”

  “All right, but don’t tell me I don’t want to fight for the pride. They took me in when I needed it. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the pride, and I’ll always come if Dominic needs me.”

  André nodded and huffed. “How did this conversation become so serious? I was just trying to get you to talk about the hot hunter in the infirmary.”

  Aeron chuckled and relaxed. André was his friend just as much as Nysys, Ani, and the others were. He might not be a Nix, but it didn’t matter. “All right. Well, the hot hunter, as you call him, has a name.”

  “Oh, do tell.”

  “His name is Jericho. Jericho Masters.”

  “And? Is he the reason why you’re here in the entrance looking like someone kicked your puppy?”

  “I found out he’s my mate during the battle and I’m not sure how to handle it.”

  André hummed. “Uh. Okay. What do you mean, you’re not sure how to handle it? I thought all paranormals wanted to mate and that was it?”

  Aeron rolled his eyes. “Please. You know that’s not true.”

  “Right. Nicky had to be convinced. I didn’t think you would have to, though.”

  “He’s a hunter, André. No matter how much I want him, I don’t know if I can trust him.”

  “And I understand that, but what he is doesn’t matter. It’s not who he is. Do I have to remind you that Nicky once challenged Dominic for his spot in the council and got his ass kicked?”

  “But Nicky is a shifter, and he didn’t do anything wrong. Challenging another alpha isn’t the same as killing shifters.”

  “I can’t deny that, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give him a chance. Look, I’m the first to admit the whole mating thing is weird. I still have a hard time believing in the whole happy ever after thing sometimes, even though Nicky’s in my life. I guess it’s the human in me. It’s hard to accept one can live and be in love with someone else for more than a hundred years without falling out of love and wanting out. But I’m getting used to the idea, and I’m sure anyone you ask will tell you that the fact that Jericho entered your life right now has to mean something, like the fact that he’s your mate has to mean something.”

  “What does it mean, though?” Did Aeron have to redeem Jericho? Was that why they were mates? Or was it because Jericho could be useful to the pride? Aeron didn’t want to believe that, but he couldn’t be sure of anything. No one knew how mates were chosen, if they even were. No one knew how it worked.

  Aeron wanted to think fate had put them together because Jericho somehow completed him, but he couldn’t help but have doubts. That didn’t help, especially not added to the other doubts plaguing his mind. Would Jericho accept his werewolf half? Would he be scared? Would he want to become a pride member, or would he want to go back to the hunters? And really, how could Aeron trust him?

  “Well, you probably know this stuff better than I do,” André said. “But it means you and Jericho are two parts of a whole. He can’t be that bad a guy. He might have made questionable decisions, but I’m sure he had his reasons. Even if he didn’t, everyone makes mistakes. I don’t think we should hold those mistakes against him, not when there’s a chance he might make better decisions now. Not when your happiness is at stake. I’m not saying you have to trust him right away, because I know it’s not possible, but you should give him a chance. Even Dominic is doing it.”

  Dominic wasn’t risking his heart, though. Not that the pride was less important than Aeron’s heart, far from it. He would survive having his heart broken, but he wasn’t sure the pride would survive being betrayed. How was Dominic able to trust Jericho, then?

  “There, why don’t you ask him?” André said.

  Aeron looked up, surprised to see Dominic standing over them.

  “What are you two doing here in the entrance?” Dominic asked. “And what do you need to ask me?”

  André got up. “I’ll leave you two alone.”

  Aeron wanted to tell him to stay, but he didn’t. He got up and brushed his ass, fully aware he was wasting time on purpose. He kind of hoped Dominic would have better things to do and that he’d have to leave, but he stayed there. Waiting for Aeron to talk.

  Aeron sighed. “We were talking about Jericho.”

  Dominic nodded. “I see. He told me you two talked last night.”

  “We did.”

  “I’m all ears.”

  “How do you know you can trust him?” Aeron blurted out before he could think better about it.

  “I don’t.”

  Aeron blinked. He hadn’t expected that answer. “Then why are you allowing him to stay here?”

  “You know the answer to that question.”

  “It can’t be just because he’s my mate. Since when does the happiness of one mean more to you than the safety of the entire pride?”

  “It doesn’t.”

  Aeron huffed in annoyance and crossed his arms on his chest. “Come on, talk. Or do you want me to keep asking questions you don’t answer?”

  Dominic sat in the chair André had sat in earlier. “I can’t know if I can trust him, but can you ever, with anyone? How could I know I could trust Nysys and you when you popped up in our life? How could I know I could trust John? He worked for the Glass Research Company. He kidnapped Jamie. The thing is, you can’t know that about anyone. You just have to decide if you want to take that leap of faith.”

  “Okay, but things could go so bad if it turns out he can’t be trusted. He isn’t just a guy.”

  “He’s not, and I already made s
ure the pride will be fine even if he does betray us. I might want to give anyone who deserves it a second chance, but I’m not a fool, especially after Bradley. We trusted him, and in his case, we were wrong. The pride is still here, though, and it’s still strong.”

  “So your advice is to just... trust him?”

  “Yes. Give it a try. Talk to him. Don’t keep him away just because of what he is.”

  “You make it sound so easy.”

  Dominic smiled and got up. “It’s not, but you don’t have a choice, not if you want a shot at being with your mate.”

  “I’m not sure where to start, though. I’ve been avoiding him. It’s so much easier.”

  Dominic’s smile widened. “Then it’s a good thing I told Jericho you’d bring him clothes and show him around the house.”

  * * * *

  Jericho looked up when someone knocked on the door. “Come in.”

  He pressed his thumb between the pages of the book he was attempting to read. He couldn’t really focus on it, though, and Jared had told him to take it easy because of the concussion. He didn’t have anything else to do, so he’d given it a try.

  The door opened and Aeron’s head poked through the opening. “Hi.”

  Jericho waved him in. He’d wondered if Aeron would obey Dominic and really bring him clothes. He obviously shouldn’t have worried, although he couldn’t help but wonder if he was there just because of Dominic or because he wanted to be there.

  “You weren’t there when I woke up this morning,” he said, and damn, he hadn’t meant that to sound the way it did.

  Aeron came in, closing the door behind himself. “I didn’t want to sleep in the plastic chair.”

  Jericho looked at it. It didn’t look comfortable, and he wouldn’t have wanted to sleep in it either, not if he had a perfectly good bed somewhere in the house. “I understand that.”

  Aeron walked closer and put a bunch of clothes on the bed by Jericho’s feet. “So Dominic asked me to bring these by for you and to show you around.”

  “I know.”

  Aeron bit on his lower lip. He moved his weight from foot to foot, and Jericho took the opportunity to observe him. He hadn’t really managed the night before because he’d been sleepy and his head had hurt, but now he could.

  Aeron was hot. Jericho didn’t normally go for smaller guys. He didn’t have a problem with them. He just liked guys as big or bigger than he was. He didn’t mind Aeron’s size, though. He would fit just right against Jericho, his head under Jericho’s chin. They would be perfect together.

  Aeron’s dark hair was shorter on the back of his head with longer strands that fell in front of his eyes, as if to shield him. There was stubble on his cheeks, the start of a beard, and Jericho reached up to rub at his own cheeks. He needed a shave.

  Aeron was smaller than Jericho’s six foot two height, maybe around five foot nine or ten, and he was lean. He was dressed smartly—black pants and a shirt.

  And he had pointed ears.

  Aeron wasn’t the first guy with pointed ears Jericho had met. Noem had them, and Jericho hadn’t really thought about them, but on Aeron, it was different. Jericho wasn’t sure how yet, but they were.

  “Are you sure it’s a good idea,” Aeron finally said.

  “What?” Jericho had been so distracted by staring that he wasn’t sure what Aeron was referring to.

  “The tour. Are you sure it’s a good idea?”

  “I’m sure it’s a bad idea.”

  Aeron frowned. “Why do I have to give it to you, then?”

  “Have you tried saying no to your alpha?”

  Aeron grinned. “Yeah, you’re right. Dominic doesn’t usually take no for an answer.”

  “So you know that even though I’m pretty sure the entire pride will be after me with torches as soon as I step out of here, I’m still going to do what Dominic asked me to do.”

  “You mean ordered.”


  Jericho pushed away the sheets and slowly turned around. He’d learned that brusque movements didn’t do his head any good. Aeron squeaked and Jericho looked at him, but he was already turning around. Jericho looked down and chuckled. “I have underwear under my hospital gown.”

  Aeron kept his back to Jericho. “I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to want to look at me?”

  “Me turning around doesn’t mean I don’t want to look at you, just that I want to give you privacy. I’m sure you haven’t had a lot of that since you woke up. You’ve been stuck in here the entire time.”

  Jericho got up and carefully stretched. His head was fine for now, and he wasn’t dizzy, not like the last time he’d gotten up. That could change—in fact he wouldn’t be surprised if it did. But for now he felt fine, and he couldn’t wait to get out of there. He just hoped no one would try to kill him.

  “I’m going to the bathroom,” he told Aeron. He grabbed the clothes and slowly walked that way, glad when his head still didn’t hurt. He closed the bathroom door behind himself and turned the water on in the shower.

  He was glad to be able to ditch the hospital gown and to not have to put it back on once he was done. He scrubbed as well as he could, wanting to get rid of the hospital smell that clung to his skin. He hoped he wouldn’t have to come back to the infirmary, even though it was probably safer for him. No one had tried to off him in the time he’d spent here, but who knew what might happen if he slept elsewhere? Although he wouldn’t be against sharing Aeron’s room, he would rather not lose his life for it.

  When Jericho exited the bathroom, Aeron was sitting on his bed, watching the snow falling outside the window. He hadn’t heard the door, or if he had, he didn’t care, because he didn’t turn. Jericho took the opportunity to look at him, and it made him even more eager to spend some time with him. Jericho didn’t know whether he’d have the opportunity to do that for long. He still didn’t know what Dominic wanted to do with him, or if he himself wanted to stay. He wasn’t sure he completely believed Dominic, and he needed to talk to Brad as soon as possible.

  Leaving the mansion, the pride, might mean losing Aeron, but staying would mean not having answers to the questions swirling in Jericho’s mind. He wasn’t sure which one would be worse yet.

  He cleared his throat, and Aeron jumped and turned to face him. His gaze went from Jericho’s feet to his face, and Aeron blushed when he realized Jericho had noticed him looking. “You look good in clothes.”

  Jericho grinned. “I look even better out of them.”

  “I’m sure you do.”

  “Don’t you want to find out?”

  Aeron licked his lips. “Maybe.”

  “We could skip the tour.”

  “Dominic will probably come looking for us if we do.”

  “We could hide. You have your own room here, right?”

  “Yeah, even though I haven’t actually lived here in a while. But I’m sure Dominic is smart enough to come look for us there.”

  “What about the attic? The basement?”

  Aeron laughed and Jericho relaxed. He liked this banter. It was almost enough to make him forget about the rest of the situation, about what was waiting for him outside the mansion, about the decisions he’d soon need to make.

  “Believe me,” Aeron said. “Dominic will find us anywhere in the house. I swear he has eyes everywhere.”

  Jericho gestured at the door. “Lead the way, then.”

  Aeron hopped off the bed and walked to the door. He opened it and paused, looking back at Jericho. Jericho followed him. The infirmary was empty. Light came from what Jericho knew was Jared’s office, but he wasn’t sure if the man was in there or not.

  He looked in as they passed, and sure enough, Jared was there, writing something down. He must have heard something, because he looked up, his eyes widening. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “Uh, Dominic said I had to
meet the pride.” Jericho kind of hoped Jared would forbid him to obey, but instead, he nodded.

  “Ah, yes. He asked me if you could get up and walk around.”

  “And you said yes?”

  Jared leaned backward in his chair. “Are you feeling dizzy? Do you have a headache? Are you confused, sensitive to light or noise, nauseated?”

  Jericho considered saying yes to one of those, but he really wanted to see something that wasn’t the four white walls of the infirmary. “I’m fine. I had a headache last night, but it was gone when I woke up.”

  “All right. Come back here if you need it, and try to rest as much as you can and to stay away from any kind of electronic screen, but apart from that, I think you’re well enough to get out of here.”

  Jericho pressed his lips together and nodded. “Oh joy. Well, I hope you’ll be ready for my mangled body when it comes back.”

  Jared laughed. “You’ll be fine. We have all kinds of people here, including several who worked for a company who kidnapped shifters and experimented on them. You’ll fit right in.”

  Jericho hoped that was true, because he wasn’t sure there was still something or someone out there for him.

  Chapter Three

  Aeron walked next to Jericho, wondering if his mate would say something if he took his hand. He hated how insecure he felt when he was with Jericho. He’d worked so hard to get over that, to appear strong, then one guy walked into his life and everything was ruined. Granted, it would have happened with any other man, but still. That didn’t mean Aeron had to like it.

  He’d been taking what he wanted from life since he’d run from his tribe, or at least he’d tried to. He’d left the pride, had finished college, had found a job and an apartment. Now he could have someone in his life, his mate, yet he wasn’t doing anything about it.

  “So, how many possibilities to get out of this alive do I have?” Jericho asked.

  “Dominic won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  “He’s probably in his office. Can’t hear me if I scream from there.”

  Aeron chuckled. “Of course he can, and he doesn’t have to be there for people to know they shouldn’t hurt you. His mere presence in the house will stop anyone, and it’s not like people are actually out to get you, you know.”


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