On A Silent Night

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On A Silent Night Page 13

by Sterling, S. L.

  “Don't tease me,” I moaned.

  His hand moved back up my thigh, this time getting closer to my center than before, then pulled away again. “Why not?”

  I looked into his eyes, his pupils dilated as he looked up at me with a soft smile.

  “Because it's not fair!” I lifted my body off the couch to bite his bottom lip as my hand reached down and ran my hand over his hard cock one time only, then pulled away, listening to the groan that left his throat.

  Again, I felt his hand dancing along the skin of my inner thigh, this time though, he reached into the leg of my shorts and ran his fingers through my center, teasing my clit. A moan escaped me as his lips crashed down on mine. He stopped, and when I was about to voice my complaint, he buried two fingers deep inside of me.

  “Is that better, baby?”

  When I felt myself starting to tighten around his fingers, he removed his fingers and picked me up off the couch, carrying me down the hall. He placed me down on the floor by the bed and pulled my shirt over my head. Then he slowly pulled my shorts down, kissing down my body, until they fell in a puddle at my feet. I ran my hands down his strong chest to the waistband of his sweats and pulled them down, his cock springing free. He pulled me down onto the bed, kissing me slow and deep. Lying on his back he gripped my waist, holding on to me while I straddled him. Placing himself at my opening, he guided himself inside of me, bringing me down on top of him as he relaxed against the mattress. I felt so full this way, and he waited to let me adjust to him.

  With our eyes locked, I slowly started to rock my hips. He took his hands and ran them down my breasts to my belly, finally resting them once again on my hips. I loved feeling him deep inside of me.

  He sat up on the edge of the bed, picked me up and lay me on my back, thrusting into me deeply. I wrapped my legs around his waist and moaned deeply as he continued to pound into me. We came hard and fast, Brody collapsing on me.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I had just finished cleaning up the small kitchen in the back of the store, so I sat down at the table, opened my laptop, and started writing. While we were waiting for the new tires he had ordered me to come in, Brody had religiously driven me every day to the shop and picked me up. Today, I had to wait for Brody. He had been called out on a call late this morning and was on his way back. He had messaged me just as I was closing to let me know he would be here a little after six.

  My phone pinged with a message while I was checking Amazon for a couple of Christmas gifts for Brody.

  BRODY: I should be there soon, just unloading the truck, hang tight

  ME: No worries, I'm not going anywhere

  I smiled to myself and put the phone down on the table and went back to writing. The familiar ping rang through the room once again.

  BRODY: I can't wait to see you, been a long day, I need me some Cass time

  ME: Makes two of us

  BRODY: You need Cass time too? I really didn't want to have to share you

  I smiled to myself and was just about to type out my response when my phone started to ring, and Ray's name flashed across my screen. I was almost paralyzed with fear. I had done a good job of answering his text messages, but I couldn't answer his call, he would hear my betrayal in my voice. I tried to ignore it, but he called again. He would know I was finished work and would more than likely be either just leaving the store or on my way home. When the phone rang for the third time in a row, I decided I didn't have a choice, I had to answer the phone and face him.

  “Hello,” I said quietly into the phone, trying to hide the shake in my voice.

  “There you are. I’ve called three times, where were you?”

  I looked around the tiny room and shut down the lid of my laptop. There was no use in trying to write anymore waiting for Brody because I knew after this call, the words wouldn't flow.

  “Sorry, I was just in the shower, I left my phone in the living room.”

  “You're home already?”

  I glanced at the time, I was cutting it close to have been home and in the shower by six.

  “It was quiet today, I wasn't feeling all that well, so I closed a little early.” I doubted he would buy that either.

  “You closed early?” he asked in disbelief. “Cass, I told you, you are burning the candle at both ends, I wish you would just drop this silly book stuff, get some rest.”

  I didn't want to hear it, so I changed the subject. “How's the trip going?”

  “Good, I might be back earlier than I expected. The weather has been good.” I felt my chest get tighter at the mere thought of him returning.

  “Glad to hear,” I choked.

  “Are you guys done playing house yet?” I knew right away from his comment, he had been out drinking with some of his buddies.

  “Ray, I told you, he's a friend. I won't have him stay in some back room at the fire station.

  “So, knowing it bothers me, you'll have him stay with you instead. Nice.”

  I said nothing and got quiet. I certainly wasn't innocent, and at this point, I wasn't proud of what I had done, but I knew how I felt. I twirled the cord to my laptop in between my fingers.

  “Ray, I'm sorry, but I just can't let him do that, I explained things to you.”

  “What you explained to me is that you have feelings for the guy, a guy might I add you have a prior history with. Don’t you think that makes me worry? Why are you so quiet?”

  “I’m not feeling all that well.”

  “I'm not going to have to rearrange any teeth, am I?”

  “Ray, stop it.”

  The line went quiet for a couple of minutes. “Should I be worried, Cass? Am I going to lose you to him?”

  I swallowed hard, tears coming to my eyes. Rearrange teeth, no you won't have to do that, but I fear you may kill him or possibly me when you find out what’s gone on between us.

  “Everything's fine. No need to worry.”

  I heard the back door to the shop open and felt a blast of cold air.

  “Cass?” Brody called from the door.

  I popped my head around the corner. As soon as I saw him, I gave him a gentle smile and held my finger over my lips.

  “Is he there Cass?” Rays voice came over the phone blaring in my ear.


  “I heard him, Cass, why are you lying?” he demanded.

  “I'm not, it was the TV, Ray.”


  “I’m not doing this with you right now, Ray. I’ve got to go.” Brody looked at me, his expression changing from happy to pissed off. He waved his fingers in a 'give me' motion, pointing at the phone, but I shook my head and locked eyes with him.

  “You're not wanting to do what right now, Cass? If I find out anything has gone on between you while I've been gone, I swear to god that man won't be walking another day in his life.”

  I didn't have anything to say. The tears welled in my eyes, finally spilling over and tumbling down my cheeks. Brody walked over and pulled me against him, gently brushing away my tears.

  “Cass, I'm fucking talking to you.”

  Brody looked into my eyes and slowly took the cell phone from my hand and ended the call. Throwing it on the table, he wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace. I rested my head on his chest and let out a deep sob.

  “He's going to be so mad at me for that.”

  “Nope, he deserved that. I could hear him yelling before I was even near you. Now, let’s go home.”

  I glanced down at the table, my cell phone vibrating away, Ray's name flashing on the screen. “I need to get that.”

  I stood frozen, not moving from Brody's embrace, just staring down at the phone. He picked up my phone, turning the power off, silencing the noise, and placed it in his pocket. Then he lay two fingers on the side of my jaw and placed the gentlest kiss on my lips, sweeping his tongue through my mouth. Soon, I forgot all about what had just happened and let myself get lost in his kiss.

sp; Chapter Twenty-Three


  We were supposed to be cleaning up after dinner, but instead, I found myself with my arms pinned above my head and my back pressed against the wall as Brody continued his assault on my lips. He swept his tongue through my mouth and ground his erection against my leg.

  “Fuck, I feel like a teenager again,” he moaned into my mouth.

  I fought to get a hand loose, and when I did, I opened the button on his jeans. There was just enough room, I could reach my hand inside his pants and stroke him through his boxers.

  “God Cass, that feels amazing.” He kissed the side of my neck and gripped my ass, pulling me closer against him.

  I opened my eyes and caught my cell phone, sitting on the counter, vibrating away. I eyed my cell phone, Ray's name flashing across the screen, distracting me.

  “Leave it alone, Cass,” Brody murmured into my neck. “Get lost in me.”

  “Brody, please. I should answer it.”

  “You should shut the thing off, he doesn't deserve you.” He groaned as he ran his hands over my body.

  “Brody, we should really clean up this kitchen.”

  “I'd rather be right where I am,” he whispered as he leaned down and bit my nipple through my thin t-shirt.

  I threw my head back against the wall, letting myself do exactly as he asked—get lost in him.

  “Come join me in the shower,” he said, meeting my lips again.

  “No go, I’m going to clean up here, then we’ll relax.”

  He pouted like a schoolboy, kissed me one final time, then made his way down the hall to shower and get changed. It took me a few minutes to calm my beating heart, but the throbbing ache between my legs wasn't going to subside until I was screaming his name. I shut the thought out of my head and started cleaning up the mess we had made from dinner. I placed the final pan into the dishwasher and started wiping down the counters when my phone vibrated again. I glanced down the hall and could still hear the shower running. I eyed the phone again, finally grabbing it off the counter and answered it.


  “It's about fucking time you picked up the damn phone.”

  “Don't be angry, Ray.”

  “I'm not angry, I'm furious. Why are you ignoring my calls? Were you busy... with him?”

  What was I going to say, Sorry, Ray, I couldn't answer the phone because Brody had his tongue in my mouth? “I left my phone in my purse, and I didn't hear it ring,” I lied.

  “Listen, I've been giving it some thought, Cass, I think I'm going to stay down here a little longer, sort out how I feel about you. Give you a little space and time.”

  My eyes burned as I listened to his words.

  “I think it's the right thing to do,” his voice cracked as it came over the phone.

  I sat down on the couch in the living room. I didn't have anything to say, I knew he was right, it was the right thing to do.

  “I'll come see you when I return.”

  I still couldn't speak, the words wanted to come, but my throat wouldn't open to allow them to come out.

  “Goodbye, Cass.” The line went dead. I covered my mouth with my hand. I was so torn, I didn't know what to do. I wiped the tears from my eyes and heard the water shut off in the bathroom. I needed to get some control over myself before Brody came back out here.

  I powered down my phone and put it on the charger. I went into the storage room across from my bedroom. I was still looking for a small box of decorations I had packed away I couldn't find, and this was the only place I had left to look. I walked into the room and looked at the mountain of boxes that still needed to be unpacked. How I had managed to live here for three years and not unpack a single, solitary box in this room was beyond me. I grabbed a couple boxes off the pile and started to root through them.

  “What are you doing?” I heard his deep sexy voice from the doorway.

  “Looking for those decorations for the tree,” I sighed.

  Brody took a step in the room and helped me lift a rather heavy box down to the floor. I opened it and frowned. Inside, right on top, sat a wooden, locked box with my name engraved on the top. I had never seen it before. I removed the box and set it beside me.

  “What’s that?” he asked.

  “I don't know, I've never seen this before. Jackson used to have a box sort of like this, nothing engraved on the top of his, but I haven't seen it in years. If I recall correctly, he either lost or broke it shortly after we got married. I'll have to ask my mom where she found this, she must have packed it. She was the one who did most of the packing when I moved.” I continued sorting through the box, coming across more of Jackson's belongings.

  “Maybe it's in this one, Cass.”


  “The one labeled Christmas.” I looked over my shoulder and saw his smile.

  “Perhaps,” I laughed. I closed the box I had been sorting through, leaving the mysterious locked box on the floor to take to my room and turned to go through the box Brody had opened. Sure enough, there sat the small box of decorations I had been looking for.

  “Could you take these to the living room, please? I'll be there in a minute,” I said, running my hand over his back.

  He leaned in and tenderly kissed me. “Sure thing, I'll pour us some wine.”

  I nodded, and Brody took the box of decorations from my hand and left the room. I closed the box, bent to pick up the little wooden box from the floor, and took it into my bedroom, setting it on my dresser. I tugged on the lock to see if it would open, but it was secured. I had no idea where I would find the key.

  I glanced back at the little box again before I shut off the bedroom light. I had a small box of loose keys somewhere in the kitchen I would have to sort through, but for now, it would have to wait.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  There was something about the way Brody held me that had always made me feel so safe and secure. I didn't know if it was just because we fit so perfectly against one another or because when he held me, I knew it was with every fiber of his being.

  When I opened my eyes, the room was completely dark, the blackout curtains drawn tight. I checked the clock, it was already five. I didn't want to get out of bed, but I had to get to the store, and the way the wind was howling outside, told me it was probably storming, and it would take me longer than usual to get there.

  Brody kissed me on the shoulder, pulling me tighter into him. I could only stay in his arms for another ten minutes at most, or else I would probably be late. My eyes drifted shut as I felt his hands slide down my bare body. He had kept me up most of the night, not that I regretted that, but I was tired. His hand stopped on my hip, and he pulled me back against his hardness.

  “Don't start, I'm sore, and I have to get up to get ready for work.”

  He started kissing my neck, his hand inching toward the inside of my thighs.

  “Open your legs,” he breathed into my ear.

  A chill ran through my body as I leaned against his chest. He propped himself up on his elbow and met my lips, his fingers running over my aching clit. I was super sensitive and gripped his hand to stop him as he started rubbing in small circles.

  “What is it?”

  “I'm a little sore and a lot sensitive.”

  “That's okay, I have a treat for you,” he chuckled as he kissed me deeper, moving down to my neck stopping at my chest to suck my hardened nipples. He continued kissing down my stomach, stopping when he moved to the insides of my thighs. My back arched off the mattress as I felt his tongue run down my slit and back up, sucking my clit into his mouth. He kept his hands firmly planted on the inside of my thighs, holding them open while I grabbed hold of my pillow and arched my back off the mattress.

  “Be a good girl, Cass, I want you to come on my tongue. I want to taste you.” He moaned, blowing gentle breaths across my wetness, then pressing his tongue against my clit.

  “Fuck, Brody, you've got to stop.” My h
ands ran over his head, my fingers pulling and gripping his hair.

  “No fucking way.” He sucked my clit into his mouth, gently taking it between his teeth and running his tongue over it.

  I couldn't hold it back anymore, yet another orgasm smashed into me. I screamed out his name as he continued lapping at my center.

  I lay there, breathing hard, my eyes closed, trying to come down from my orgasm. When I opened my eyes, Brody was studying me a soft smile on his lips.

  “You good?”

  “Hmmm, yes,” I giggled. Looking at the clock, it was now almost six, and I jumped out of bed. “I'm going to be so late, Brody.” I spun around the room, grabbing clothes from my dresser and closet as he lay in bed chuckling, his arms behind his head, looking awfully proud of himself.

  “Yeah, but you can't tell me it wasn't worth it, and you’re the boss, you can be late,” he winked. I stopped what I was doing, walked over, and kissed him hard.

  “What about you?” I ran my hand down his stomach, playing with the hair just below his navel.

  “You can owe me tonight,” he smiled at me as he threw the covers off himself, grabbing his sweatpants off the floor. I couldn't help but take him in. “Get yourself ready, I'll go make us some breakfast.

  Five minutes after he was gone, he came back into the bedroom calling my name.

  “Yeah,” I shouted from the bathroom where I had just gotten out of a hot shower.

  “You aren't going anywhere, Cass, massive storm outside. Highway patrol has shut all the roads up here.” He walked into the bathroom, ripped the towel from my hand and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder.

  “It's time for you to reward me.” I laughed as he grabbed hold of me, opened the shower door, and pulled me inside.


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