Chasing Dreams

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Chasing Dreams Page 3

by Alison Mello

  “What are you smiling at?”

  “Oh nothing.” Shit, I was daydreaming about Logan.

  “Come on, Sky, it wasn’t nothing. You were glowing and had a smile on your face that reached your freaking ears.”

  I laugh. “Okay, I was thinking about Logan and what he wears to sleep.” I walk back into the kitchen to make a quick bagel so I can eat something before we go out to dinner in a few hours.

  “What are you going to wear tonight?” Sadie shouts from the other room. I take my bagel and coffee and head to her painting room, where I lean against the doorframe.

  “I have no idea. I need to finish eating and wake up a little bit more before I can think about that.”

  I watch my friend paint and I have to admit she’s pretty amazing. She has painted so many different types of art and I love all of it. Of course, I’m probably partial because she’s my best friend, but whatever.

  “Are you still going to the gallery showing at the end of the month? I have quite a few pieces that will be out.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it. I already told Dugan’s I need that Friday off.”

  “Great, I could use the support. You know it’s a formal event so you’ll need a nice dress to wear. This isn’t like some of the crappy shows I have been in where you can wear anything you want and be okay. You need to dress really nice.”

  “I got it, Sadie. I’ll make sure I dress nice.” I roll my eyes at her concern for my attire and go relax with the rest of my breakfast and coffee.

  After finishing, I make one more cup and head into my room to think about my clothes for tonight. We are only going to Trisha’s Diner, but I don’t know if he wants to do something else after.

  Skyler: Good afternoon, are you awake?

  It only takes about a minute before he responds.

  Logan: Yes I’m awake. What are you up to?

  Skyler: Trying to decide what to wear to dinner tonight. Are we doing something after dinner or do you have to go to work?

  Logan: Well if you want to do something after, the club is closed so I don’t have to work, but if you don’t want to do anything else with me I’ll be forced to go to work so I can try and stop thinking about you :-(

  Skyler: Blushing…

  Logan: I like when you blush

  Skyler: Making it worse.

  Logan: Dress comfortable Sky.

  Skyler: I can’t because then I would be going out in these little shorts I wore to bed with this tank top.

  Logan: I can’t believe you did that to me…I have to go take a cold shower and get ready now.

  Skyler: ;-)

  That is payback for making me blush. I hate that I blush so easily, but I can’t help it. I’ve always been like this. I choose a pair of gray leggings to wear with a tank top and a long lightweight coral sweater, along with a pair of ballet flats from the bottom of my closet. I head for the shower with my robe and towel.



  I have been awake for all of ten minutes when I hear my phone ping that alerts me I have a new message. The club is closed tonight so it can’t be anything urgent and I contemplate ignoring it. When I realize it could be Skyler, I grab my phone, curious at what she may have to say.

  We go back and forth over dinner tonight. She pretty much told me she’s half naked and now I’m picturing her sweet ass body in some little skimpy shorts and a tight tank top. I bet she isn’t wearing any panties or a bra and her nipples are probably peeking through her shirt. Now I need to go take a cold shower and relieve this pressure. How the hell am I going to keep my hands off her tonight?

  I climb out of bed with my rock hard cock poking up toward my stomach, unable to even piss. I head to the kitchen for some coffee because God knows I’m going to need both strength and caffeine to get through tonight.

  I can’t believe how late I slept. Despite my late hours I don’t usually sleep this late, but my constant thoughts of a certain pretty lady has made it hard to fall asleep. I don’t get it because I don’t even really know her, but there’s something about her. I can’t get her out of my head. Every time I close my eyes I picture her sitting at the bar smiling at me. She has the most gorgeous smile, perfect teeth, and those big brown eyes light up her beautiful face.

  Coffee mug in hand, I head back to my room so I can figure out what I’m going to wear tonight. Though I want to look good for her, I don’t want to overdress. We’re going to a diner and I’m thinking about taking her to do something fun. I want to do something where we can laugh and have a good time, and get to know each other too.

  I head for the shower, setting the water to slightly warm to help my hard on, and quickly shave before I jump in.



  I’m standing in the mirror checking out my outfit and I realize I’m nervous. I haven’t been on a date with anyone since my ex, and that ended about eight months ago. He was a total ass. I swear it took him longer to get ready to go out than any woman I know. He was always late and he couldn’t give a girl an orgasm if you gave him step-by-step instructions. Truthfully, I think it was because he cares about himself more than the girl he’s with.

  “Sadie, do I look okay?” I ask, standing in the doorway of her paint room. She takes a minute to finish what she’s doing on her canvas before she looks up.

  “You look amazing and you always do. Be yourself and have some fun.”

  I have thirty minutes before my date and we are about twenty minutes from the diner. I get my purse and keys and head out the door.

  I pull up to the diner and head straight in to get us a table. I love this place because everyone in here is so friendly and the food is decent. Also, I love supporting local mom and pop places that have a hard time up against some of the busier, more popular restaurants. This place seems to hold its own. It almost always has a decent crowd of people here.

  The waitress comes over, and I tell her I’m waiting for someone else and that he should be here any minute. She drops two menus and tells me she’ll be back with some water while I wait. I send Logan a text.

  Skyler: I got us a table inside.

  Logan: I’m pulling in, sorry, got stuck in traffic.

  He walks in, spots me immediately, and heads over. “Sorry I’m late, I was stuck in traffic.”

  “Technically it’s only six now so you got here on time.”

  “I know, but I’m usually a few minutes early because I hate being late.”

  I smile. “Me too.”

  “Good. We are going to get along well.”

  He picks up his menu. “Let’s order, because I’m starving. Then I can run my plan for after dinner by you.”

  I glance over the menu even though I know I’m getting the turkey dinner. I love the turkey dinner from here. It comes with the most delicious turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and homemade cranberry sauce.

  Logan peeks up from his menu. “Let me guess, you already knew what you wanted.”

  “I told you, I like this place.” I grin.

  “Okay then, what’s good?”

  “Almost anything you get from here is good, but my favorite is the turkey dinner and that’s what I’m getting. I also love the meatloaf, or the Reuben if you prefer a sandwich.”

  “I’ll do the meatloaf.” He lays his menu down. “So I was thinking after dinner we could maybe go play some miniature golf together.”

  He’s so stinking cute. I’ll have to admit to Sadie she was totally right that he wants this to be a date.

  “Where’s there miniature golf in LA?”

  “I know of an indoor place and an outdoor place.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “Indoor mini golf?”

  “Yup, it’s really cool. Everything glows in the dark and they use black lights everywhere.”

  I chuckle. “This I have to see.”

  “Okay, indoor mini golf after dinner it is. Do you want to ride with me and we can leave your car here?” Before I can answer the waitress arrives and asks if w
e are ready to order. I tell her I want the turkey dinner, Logan orders his meatloaf, and we both ask for Diet Coke.

  I look back to him after the waitress leaves. “Where were we?”

  “You were about to agree to ride with me to play mini golf.”

  I burst out laughing. “Oh, is that what I was doing? What if you’re some crazy guy who’s going to kidnap me, turn dom on me, and then ravage my body?”

  “You caught me,” Logan laughs. “You’re right, you may want to take your car.”

  Now we are both laughing. “It’s fine. I’ll ride with you. If Sadie and Jonah like you that’s good enough for me.”



  “I have an idea I want to run by you for the club,” I tell her.

  “What is it?”

  “I’m thinking about giving the club a bit of a classier vibe with a singles night that will have a table with fresh fruit, cheese, and crackers, which will be included in the cover charge, and I’ve ordered some different wines to start serving at the bar. Patrons will only pay for their drinks like you would at any other club. The part I’m unsure of is the live entertainment. I was thinking of hiring a singer instead of a DJ. Not like a crazy band but someone who can sing soothing, nice music.”

  “I actually kind of like that idea. Are you going to set a dress code?”

  “Yeah, and I already told the staff if they want to work it they will have to dress nicer too. I’m thinking black slacks and button down shirts for the men, but I have to figure out something for the ladies. I’ll also list something for the patrons that say no casual attire and list some rules to it.”

  “I think it sounds like a great idea.”

  “Would you be more likely to attend on a Wednesday or a Sunday night? I was thinking of doing Wednesday from 7:00-11:00 so it isn’t too late, and that will replace my 18+ night now that summer is coming to an end and the younger college crowd will be back to school.”

  “That’s tough. Both nights are work nights, and I can totally understand why you wouldn’t do it on a weekend. I would say stick to the Wednesday night. People will like having something to break up the work week and nothing says they have to stay until 11:00 if that’s late for them. You can change the hours if you see the place is empty before 11:00.”

  “Cool. Now I have to start making a promo plan and getting the word out for when the first one will be. The wine I ordered will be in next week, and it’s time to line up some entertainment. I’ll have to hold some auditions and find a catering company to provide the food so I can figure out the cover charge.”

  Our food arrives and we start to eat. I’m waiting to see if Skyler will tell me that she sings at local places on the side, though if she doesn’t I’ll figure out a way to tell her that I’d like to hear her sing for me. Maybe I can find out what night she performs and where from Sadie and pop in to see her.

  “You’re right, this meatloaf is so good,” I say. “How is your turkey?”

  “It’s perfect. I told you the food here is good. People think small diners like this have crap food but this place is really yummy.” She takes one more bite and says, “I’m so full.” She pushes her plate away.

  “Do you usually eat so little at meals?” I have almost cleared my plate; then again I haven’t eaten yet today.

  “Actually yeah, and I ate a bagel when I got up. I tend to eat small amounts more times a day, so I’ll take this to go and eat it later tonight or I’ll have a snack when I get home. I have to keep up my girlish figure, you know.”

  “Your figure is perfect.” The waitress approaches to take her plate so she can wrap it up for her. “I’ll take the check when you have a minute too,” I say.

  The waitress produces the bill from the pocket of her apron and hands it to me.

  “What do I owe?” Skyler asks.

  “I got it.”

  “Logan, let me pay for mine.”

  I shake my head and take a sip of my soda. “Are you trying to wound me? I let you pick the place. I’m paying the bill.”

  She tries to look mad but fails terribly. “Fine I’ll pay for mini golf then.”

  “We’ll see.” I laugh. There is no way I’m letting her pay for mini golf either, but I don’t want to fight her yet because I don’t want her to go home instead of coming out to have fun with me.

  When we get to my car, I remember I have the top down. “Do you want me to put the top up?”

  Skyler pulls a clip from her purse, gathers her hair up, and grins.

  I start the car and drive away.

  She’s quiet and I’m sure she’s thinking about me paying for dinner because technically we said we were going to dinner as friends. However, she has to see I want it to be more than that. I put on some music to try and distract her. She’s singing with the music, and she sounds lovely. I can tell she loves to sing. She’s glowing and has a huge smile on her face.

  The mini golf place is not far from the diner so we are only in the car about twenty minutes. As soon as I park, I jump out of the car and run to her door to open it.

  I reach for her hand and pull her toward me with a bit more force than I mean to, and she lands pressed against my chest. She looks up into my eyes with total amusement and I get lost for a moment in her brown eyes. I can smell her sweet coconut scent, and it makes me want to bury my face in her neck to take it all in.

  “You know you're beautiful, right?”

  Skyler instantly blushes. “I wouldn’t say I know I am, but I have been told.”

  I laugh. “Come on, let’s go have some fun.”

  We walk into the mini golf place holding hands, and once we get inside she’s so amused by all the walls painted in black and neon that it gives me the chance to pay without a fight. I hand her a club and a ball and we head off to the first hole. She takes her first shot and gets lucky. Her ball stops right before the hole so she runs up and taps it in so that she gets a two. My first shot I hit too hard and it bounces back at me, so it takes me three to get it in.

  “If I find out you’re playing badly on purpose I’ll be mad at you,” Skyler says with her hands across her chest, looking so damn cute.

  “Skyler, I promise I did not do that on purpose. I have not played in a long time and I’m not a golfer.”

  “Well, maybe you should lay off the gym a little. Your big muscles are making you hit the ball too hard.”

  I bite my tongue because I want to reply ‘let’s go to my place and I’ll show you my big muscle,’ but I just grin.

  She bends over to pick up the ball and it gives me a perfect view of her ass, and to make it even better, she’s wearing leggings. I feel a twitch in my pants and I have to mentally talk myself down. Down boy, not yet.

  We’re about halfway done when her luck runs out and now she’s having a hard time. I wrap my arms around her from behind so I’m helping her grip the club. We fit perfectly together and I can’t help but wonder if she can feel it too. Not only does she fit perfect against my body, there is a charge between us.

  “You’re trying too hard. Take a breath and lightly swing the club.”

  She does as I suggest and gets a hole in one; she’s jumping up and down, excited.

  “You sure you want to keep helping me? Because I’m pretty sure I’m winning.”

  I grip her by the waist and pull her against my body, this time on purpose. Her arms go around me and I look into her eyes. “If I get to see that gorgeous smile, I’ll absolutely help you.”

  Skyler bites her lip and bows her head to hide her blush.

  We finish our game and sure enough she has beaten me by two strokes. She’s ecstatic, making me feel like I’ll hear about this again. We head out to my car and before I open the door for her I press her against it. She looks up at me and gives me a flirtatious grin.

  “Do you know I have wanted to kiss those luscious lips of yours all night?” She says nothing but smiles wider. I put my thumb under her chin, lifting her face, and pull her lip free with m
y forefinger before I lower my mouth to hers. I kiss her gently and then hover for a minute, then she lifts her lips to mine. She pokes her tongue out, lightly licking my lips. I open to her and our tongues collide; I hold her by the nape of her neck and deepen the kiss.

  After a minute, as much as it kills me, I do the gentlemanly thing and pull away, opening the car door for her. I don’t want to press my luck on my first night out with her. She gets in the car looking slightly disappointed, and that’s a good thing. It means she’s starting to want me as much as I want her. For now I’ll take her to her car and let her think about it a bit more.

  Chapter 4


  I can’t wait to see Sadie tonight. Our paths have been crossing so we haven’t had a chance to talk about my date from the other night. Even I’m calling it a date now. I swear my lips are still tingling from our hot as hell kiss. Logan was so sweet and very much the gentleman. I texted him to tell him I had a great time and thank him for dinner and mini golf, but we haven’t talked since and I can’t help but wonder if he was disappointed that I wanted to pay for my own meal or if he wanted to do something more and I screwed up somehow.

  I’m all dressed up for my gig tonight when Sadie comes walking in the house. “I know you don’t have a lot of time, but I want you to tell me all about it.”

  I laugh at her dramatic entrance. “Hey, Sadie, how’s it going? I’ve missed you around here.” She jumps up from the table, gives me a hug, and says in a fake and over the top tone, “Hi, Sky, I’ve missed you so much. How was your date with Logan?”


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