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Vampire Page 11

by Richie Tankersley Cusick

  “A little strange?”

  “But he’s …” Kyle stammered, searching for words. “You know, kind to kids and animals and—”

  “What’s wrong with you two?” Darcy narrowed her eyes. “You act like you’re hiding something.” And for the third time a secretive sort of look passed between the boys.

  Darcy made breakfast, but all the fun had gone out of the occasion. She felt strangely removed from Brandon and Kyle’s conversation, her mind going relentlessly over all the strange events that had taken place in the past few days. She dreaded being with Elliott at work today, but when she finally went downstairs to open up, he was already letting customers in. She welcomed the steady stream of visitors—it gave her an excuse to avoid him. When closing time came, he escaped while she chatted with a customer, and she was glad to get upstairs and change for the concert.

  She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Jake all day.

  As Darcy wandered restlessly through the apartment, her thoughts kept going back to the Farmer’s Market and what had happened there that morning. How did Jake know where I was—why was he so nervous? Again she heard the desperate voice in his bedroom—“I can’t stand this anymore.…”

  “What is it, Jake?” she whispered now. “What’s making me feel so afraid?” She remembered the confession he’d made at the market, and the expression on his face as he’d looked down at her, and a whole range of confused emotions went through her. “I’m not your uncle … we’re not even related.”

  She realized she was standing in his room, staring at his closet. The door was half open, dirty clothes spilling out onto the floor. She opened it and stared down at the pile. You threw something in here last night … what was it?

  She reached down and picked up a towel, wondering how it could have gotten so muddy, all those dark stains … mostly dried now and stiff to the touch.… Only now she could see they weren’t really brown at all, but more of a reddish color, like old rust, and not a muddy smell, but another, stranger kind of odor.…

  “Get out of there, Darcy,” Jake said, and she whirled around, flinging the towel guiltily onto the floor.

  “You … you scared me.” She fought for composure. “I didn’t hear you come home.…”

  Jake walked slowly over to where she was standing. He reached past her and closed the closet door.

  “What were you looking for?” he asked, and his voice was smooth and very, very calm.

  She realized he hadn’t seen what she’d been holding, and she blurted out the first thing she could think of.

  “I thought you might have an umbrella I could use—it looks rainy again, and there’s that concert tonight. Are you going?”

  “No.” He stood there, eyes going to the ceiling … down the wall … across the floor. For a moment he looked as if he was going to say something, then seemed to change his mind. He started out the door … stopped … looked back at her. Darcy moved past him into the living room.

  “Don’t ever go in my room again,” Jake said.

  “No.” Darcy shook her head, her voice barely a whisper. “I won’t. I’m sorry.”

  She didn’t realize how badly she was shaking until Jake was gone again. Nausea rushed over her, and she sagged against the wall. Blood … the towel all soaked and stained, oh, God.… She forced a deep breath into her lungs and tried to think logically. It could be anything, really, lots of things could stain that color, but what did you do to your hand, Jake, and “I didn’t expect it … the struggle.…”

  She thought of the body she’d found in the alley … and the body discovered just hours ago in the market.

  “What did they see before they died?” Darcy whispered. “Who did they see?”


  She jumped back, swallowing a scream. “God, Kyle, I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “Sorry. I knocked, but nobody answered.” He motioned toward the stairs. “You ready? I came by the park on my way, and the band’s already warming up.”

  “Great. Let’s get out of here.”

  It felt good to be out in the fresh air where she could breathe … where she could think. On the back of Kyle’s motorcycle she closed her eyes and tilted her face into the wind, loving the sting of it against her cheeks, something natural and real. And then, as Kyle rolled to a stop in the parking lot, she suddenly buried her face against his back.

  “Hey.” Kyle twisted around, concerned. “What’s wrong?”

  She forced a smile, shaking her head. For a minute she didn’t trust herself to speak.


  “It’s just …” She bit her lip and forced a laugh. “It’s nothing. I’m just feeling … I don’t know … empty or something.”

  He didn’t laugh. His eyes searched hers, and in their depths she recognized real understanding. “Hey,” he said and reached out to give her an awkward pat, “hey, it’s … you know … going to be okay.”

  Is it, Kyle? I want to believe you … but is something really wrong here, or am I just being paranoid?

  “We don’t have to do this,” Kyle was saying, his eyes full of worry. “I can take you back, or we can go anywhere you like.”

  “No,” Darcy said firmly. “That’s sweet, but no. I’m not going to ruin your evening.”

  “You’re not.” He smiled. “Quit talking like that.”

  “I’m being difficult. I do that sometimes.”

  “Uh-oh. Then maybe you need a spanking.” Kyle’s eyes twinkled as he helped her off. “It’s a tempting thought, but Brandon probably wouldn’t be too happy about it.”

  “Now you quit talking like that.” Darcy blushed. “There’s nothing going on between Brandon and me, and he’s in enough trouble already.”

  “Nothing, huh?” Kyle gave her a sly look. “That’s not what I hear.”

  “What do you mean? What do you hear?”

  “My, my, but we seem awfully curious.” Kyle laughed, walking a little ahead. “But I should warn you, Liz isn’t going to give him up without a fight.”

  “You’re pretty presumptuous.” Darcy looked indignant, but Kyle only chuckled.

  “Presumptuous?” he teased. “Just because Brandon woke up on your couch this morning?”

  “I told you before, we were just talking and we fell asleep,” Darcy sighed, exasperated. “Anyway, he’s probably the kind who attracts girls like crazy.” She tried to sound indifferent, but Kyle stole a knowing glance at her.

  “He’s the best,” Kyle agreed. “At just about everything.” Then with a wink, “But you’re different, aren’t you?”

  “Different how?”

  “From all his others.”

  “All his others, huh?”

  Kyle gave another grin, then led the way to the outdoor stage. The viewing area was already packed. As they found a spot near the front, Kyle stood a moment, looking around.

  “Brandon’s supposed to meet us here. If Liz doesn’t kill him first.”

  Darcy didn’t find the subject that amusing. As she sat down on the ground, she noticed Kyle watching her thoughtfully.

  “Darcy … I have to tell you something.”

  “Then come down here.” She patted the grass beside her and wondered why he suddenly seemed so ill at ease. For a moment he stared off into the distance, then slowly sank down beside her.

  “You’re not going to like it,” he said quietly.

  Her face changed from surprise to suspicion. “Kyle … what’s this all about?”

  Again he hesitated. His eyes lowered guiltily.


  “The rat,” he mumbled. And then, as if afraid of losing his nerve, he blurted, “We put it there. In your bed, I mean.” He looked away from her, and Darcy regarded him speechlessly.

  “You … did … what?”

  “It was just—you know”—he gestured vaguely—“it was …” Finally his eyes met hers. “Not very funny,” he finished lamely.

  Darcy stared him down. “No. No, it wasn’t very

  “Liz was mad about your getting her job,” he said, talking to the ground, resting his chin on one knee. “Jake told her that night at the Club right as we were leaving. And she was already jealous of you because of your picture.”

  “The one Jake got from Aunt Alicia?

  He nodded. “When Jake showed it to us, Brandon thought you were really beautiful—only he made the mistake of saying it out loud in front of Liz.”

  “So the rat was really her idea.”

  Another reluctant nod. “When she told me about it, I didn’t want any part of it—”

  “So why did you do it?” Darcy nudged him with her foot, but he wouldn’t look at her.

  “She said she’d tell Jake that Brandon and I smuggled beer into the Club one night—I mean, we didn’t even drink it, it was just a dare, but if Jake ever found out, that’d be the end of my job. He wouldn’t even let me in the building. He doesn’t put up with stuff like that.” He thought a minute and gave a wry smile. “I don’t even know why I’m worried about it anymore—it looks like I’ll be losing my job anyway.”

  Darcy shook her head angrily. “What about Jake and that dumb story about his cat?”

  “He told me he told you that so you wouldn’t think some psycho was after you.”

  “Does he know you did it?”

  Kyle squirmed uncomfortably. “He figured Liz did it. He told me he thought it was her, but he wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of making a big deal out of it. He said … well … that you were really upset.”

  “That’s putting it mildly. So what else have you done?”

  “Nothing.” Kyle sighed and buried his face in his arms. “I feel terrible.”

  “You should.” Darcy got up and brushed herself off while Kyle mumbled into his knees.

  “Where you going?”

  “I don’t know,” Darcy said irritably. “I’m just going.”

  Kyle took the hint he wasn’t welcome and stayed put as Darcy set off through the trees. She wasn’t sure how she felt anymore—hurt, angry, or even amused at Liz’s immaturity. Of course Brandon would have known about it, too.… She hated being the butt of a joke when everyone was in on it but her. As she followed a path through the park, she even considered running away—just finding a phone and calling a cab and going straight to the bus station. She didn’t know what to think about anyone anymore. I’m just the outsider. As usual.

  She stopped at a fountain and splashed cool water over her face, pressing her hands to her eyes, trying to put her thoughts into proper perspective. A screen of trees enclosed the spot where she stood, but just beyond the greenery a couple was engaged in an argument. Darcy tried to ignore their heated words until she realized the voices were familiar.

  “Why is this one so special?” Liz snapped. “What is it about this one that’s got your charm working overtime?”

  “She happens to be a very nice girl,” Brandon retorted angrily. “Which, I might add, is a pleasant change.”

  “Yeah? Well, I know she’ll end up like all the others you go after. I know you’ll try to make me jealous, and then you’ll dump her and come back to me. Just like always.”

  “You’re really sick, Liz, you know that?” Brandon sounded tired. “Really sick.”

  As Darcy glanced up, she saw Kyle standing beside her, his face like a scolded puppy.

  “I know you’re really upset, and I don’t blame you, but you shouldn’t be wandering around alone out—” He broke off in surprise as he heard Liz lash into a tirade, and then he gently touched Darcy’s shoulder. “Come on, you don’t want to hear this.”

  “You really think you’re perfect, don’t you?” Liz’s fury carried loud and clear, and Kyle winced. “God’s gift to women? Well, let me tell you something, Mister Tall, Dark, and Stupid, if you don’t stay away from little Miss Darcy, I promise you I’ll fix it—personally—so no one will even want to look at her again!”

  “Shut up, Liz, just—shut—up—”

  “I mean it, Brandon, I swear if you don’t forget about her, I’ll—”

  And suddenly she choked, as if her body had been jolted, as if her threat had been stopped halfway in her throat. In their hiding place Kyle looked at Darcy and slowly squeezed her hand.

  “And you listen to me.” Brandon spoke carefully … deliberately … every syllable tight and controlled. “If you dare—if you even think about doing anything to Darcy … I swear—”

  “You’ll do what?” Liz said smugly.

  Silence fell, thick and dangerous.

  As Darcy rested her head against Kyle’s shoulder, they heard Brandon’s heels fading swiftly into the night.


  Please, Darcy, I wish you’d forget about it,” Kyle said for the tenth time. “They argue like that all the time. You wouldn’t believe some of their fights.”

  Darcy nodded wearily. “I bet I would.” She unlocked the lobby door, then turned and looked up into his face. “I enjoyed the concert.”


  “Well, I tried to enjoy the concert. And thanks for being honest about the rat. That took a lot of guts.”

  Kyle let out a low whistle. “Yeah, it sure did.” As Darcy smiled at him, his eyes crinkled up into a relieved grin. “No more worrying, okay? I mean, I live with her; I’ll keep an eye on her all night.”

  She knew he was trying to make a joke, but she didn’t feel like laughing. As he walked back to his motorcycle, she stopped him.

  “Kyle … I’m really sorry about the problems in your band. Can’t you find another one that needs a drummer? I think you’re so good. I’ve never been able to figure out how drummers can do ten things at the same time.”

  “Quick hands.” He chuckled modestly. “This city’s full of good drummers. But maybe … yeah … I might be able to find another group to play with. Jake said he’d keep his ears open.”

  “Speaking of Jake, can I ask you something else?”


  “Why isn’t he ever home at night? What does he do?”

  Kyle paused, digging his keys from his pocket. “Well, he’s in charge of the whole place, and the owner’s never there, so I guess he does everything.”

  “Are you sure that’s where he is every night?”

  “Well, sure.” Kyle shrugged. “Where else would he be?”

  Darcy watched him leave, then went up to her room. It didn’t take long to inspect for bats, but even though everything seemed normal, she still felt uneasy. So what else have you been up to, Liz? Things that haven’t even happened yet?

  She slept fitfully, her dreams full of black-caped strangers with Jake’s green eyes and Brandon’s deep voice. A shadowy whisperer tempted and threatened her, and when she begged him to reveal himself, she saw Elliott without his glasses and empty sockets where his eyes should have been.

  She dreamed she was in terrible danger.

  She dreamed someone was in her room.

  In one terrorized second she woke up, realizing that this was no dream. And as a childhood instinct took over, she lay perfectly, silently still.

  The figure stood at the foot of her bed. She could feel invisible eyes watching her … inspecting her.…

  He glided noiselessly to her pillow.

  Darcy felt every nerve contract, and her body turned to ice. She could hear her rapid breathing … could feel her heart thumping out of control.

  A faint warm breath trailed across her neck. In one swift flash of insight Darcy wondered how it would feel to have her throat slit.

  “Darcy,” a voice whispered.

  From downstairs a door slammed.

  Immediately Darcy sensed a change in her intruder, sensed rather than saw, felt his sudden tension, his hand paralyzed upon her hair, the faint stir of air as he slid away from the bed. She heard her bedroom door closing softly … the muffled footsteps down the stairs. And then … voices … familiar voices … but low and urgent, as if they didn’t want to be heard.

��What are you doing here?” And that was Jake’s voice, Darcy knew it at once as she pressed her ear to the door. “Do you know how late it is?”

  “We just thought you should know,” Brandon said. “Liz threatened Darcy tonight.”

  “So what? Liz is always threatening someone.”

  “No, this was different.” Kyle’s voice, tense and unhappy. “I think she really means it.”

  “I do, too,” Brandon echoed.

  “And let me guess what brought this on,” Jake said sarcastically. “You and your overactive hormones?”

  “That’s not fair.” Brandon’s voice raised. “I really like Darcy!”

  “You like everything that’s female—”

  “Come on,” Kyle broke in, “let’s think about Darcy. She might be in danger or something.”

  Jake sighed. “So how do you know about all this?” The couch groaned several times as if they’d all sat down.

  “We were at the concert,” Kyle said, “and Darcy went off by herself and—Brandon and Liz were fighting—”

  “Great timing,” Brandon grumbled. “I guess she heard it all.”

  “I guess,” Kyle said softly. “I tried to play it down. I don’t want her getting all paranoid. Even if she should be,” he added reluctantly.

  “Someone’s going to have to keep an eye on Liz,” Brandon said.

  “She’s your girl, you keep an eye on her—”

  “Well, she’s your sister.”

  “So what?”

  “Will you two cut it out?” Darcy could picture Jake throwing up his hands in his standard gesture of impatience. “When are you guys going to learn that Liz is ninety-nine percent bluff?”

  For a long moment there was silence. Then finally Kyle mumbled, “Well, we thought you should know.”

  “Fine. Thanks. Now go home. Nothing’s going to happen to Darcy.”

  “Unless,” Brandon spoke up, “Liz decides to use that other one percent.”

  “Nothing is going to happen to Darcy,” Jake said again emphatically. “Liz isn’t going to touch her.”

  Darcy heard the door close … the sudden silence.

  “No one is going to touch Darcy,” Jake said aloud to the empty room. “I’ll see to that.”


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