His Lust (By His Command #6) (billionaire domination / erotic romance)

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His Lust (By His Command #6) (billionaire domination / erotic romance) Page 5

by Ana W. Fawkes

  He nibbled at my ear and then started to whisper to me.

  “Do you feel me?”

  “Yes,” I replied. Of course I felt him. I could feel the definition of his cock... back and forth... back and forth...

  “Do you feel me inside your heart, Isabella Grace?”

  “Yes,” I said with a whimper.

  Jonathan slid a hand up my shirt. He touched my chest, finding my heart. It was racing, the result of his actions, not mine.

  “Do you want to feel me inside you?”

  I didn’t reply. I turned my head and Jonathan stopped me, forcing his cheek against mine. He took a deep breath.

  “This is about feeling right now,” he said. “Do not look. Just feel.”

  “Yes, Mr. Black,” I said. “I want to feel you. I want to feel everything.”

  “Only me,” Jonathan said.

  “Only you.”

  I swallowed hard and felt as Jonathan touched himself, positioning his engorged tip to my body, easing his way into me. I sensed something different and off about Jonathan and it scared me. But the fear and the worry were thrown to the side when Jonathan thrust hard at me, penetrating me deep. He held there, pushing hard, his left hand touching my lower stomach, pulling me. There was only so much room for the both of us and he made sure there wasn’t a centimeter to waste. His left hand came down to my left leg and he pulled, opening my leg and holding tight at the inside of my thigh.

  There, he enjoyed me, pulling himself out of my slit slow enough that I could feel his definition touching all the right places. He thrust back into me with a grunt and held again, then moved slow again. That’s how the sex began and continued for a few minutes. The harsh thrusts deep and the slow pull out. I didn’t know what it meant for Jonathan but for me it was an intense pleasure. The deep pulse made my body rage with need, wanting him to move fast. The gentle sliding out of my body left me aching for him. My heart beat with a sense of romance, if that could ever exist between he and I.

  When Jonathan moved his hand from the inside of my leg, I tried to keep my leg open as wide as possible. His hand crept up my body, my arm, and then to my neck. I moaned as his fingers caressed my face and one of his fingers followed along my lips. That’s when he started to have me, gently working himself into a rhythm, thrusting so that the only sound allowed in the hotel room was the sound of our bodies. My wetness. His thickness. The erotic collision of the two, again and again.

  Jonathan’s hand then came around to my neck. His hand was so big it took up my entire neck. He was so strong but I trusted him. He placed his right hand to my lower back, positioning me where he wanted me. The sex casually grew faster and harder not in the typical Jonathan Black fashion. I felt like he was making love to me instead of commanding my body and instead of just fucking me. I sensed some kind of emotion pouring from him. But the faster he went and the harder he thrust, that emotion left the room. His hands were tight to my body.

  Jonathan would never hurt me.

  I believed it.

  I trusted it.

  When my mind flashed the image of the cell phone... the messages... Kellen... I never told Jonathan about it... I closed my eyes. That didn’t matter. When the time came, I would tell Jonathan. He wouldn’t get mad. And even if he did, what would he do? Punish me? Sexually? Beyond that...?

  Jonathan thrust hard at me with a grunt. All my thoughts were suddenly shattered. The sex now had a taken a turn to the intense side of Jonathan. I could almost feel him thinking about his meeting with Kellen. Having something taken away from him, something he wanted. Jonathan moved both hands to my shoulders, just like last night. His grip was tighter than last night. I bit on my lip and rocked myself at him, wanting him to climax. He moved with speed and force, wanting to get it all out. I felt his cock thickening, wanting to come, but he didn’t. I stayed with Jonathan, breathing as fast as I had to, keeping my moans and groans as silent as possible.

  I felt his raging breath across my back and my neck. He was intense and the sex followed suit. Each thrust came with a deep feeling of need that my body accepted, but my heart and mind weren’t sure what to do with. I had become something he could take his sexual frustrations out on.

  As my body reached a desperate climax, I pulled at the tie holding my wrists together. I clawed at him, wanting to break free. I wanted to move. I wanted to get on top of Jonathan and force him to let me take care of him.

  I couldn’t.

  And it wouldn’t happen.

  As my sex throbbed and pulsed on Jonathan, he grunted and put his open mouth between my shoulder blades. I felt his lips. I felt his teeth. His tongue flickered as he groaned and started to climax.

  When he came, he didn’t hold himself deep inside me. This time, he worked with his body. He pumped with his orgasm, the thrusts hard and gradually slower by the second. After he finished, he pulled from me and I felt his cock touch the inside of my leg. I felt it throbbing, still leaking. His lips were still at my back, kissing me. He groaned every few seconds and we remained like that for what felt like hours.

  Jonathan finally reached up and pulled at the tie, untying the knot. My wrists fell free to the bed and I didn’t move. I wasn’t sure if I was allowed and my body was in such a wild state, I wouldn’t know what to do.

  “I take what I want when I want it,” Jonathan said. “You know that, and most of the world knows it too. Soon... others will know... oh, Isabella Grace, I need your body again and again.”

  “I’m still here,” I whispered.

  “Look at me then,” Jonathan said. “Face me.”

  I moved and saw a flicker of Jonathan Black, the murderer. The sexy murderer. The man who could tie me up, blindfold me, handcuff me, and pleasure me with the sweet movements of his hands, his tongue, his body.

  He kissed me with a passion that forced me to my back. He touched me between my legs for a few seconds and then it all ended.

  Just like that.

  The moment of sexual romance came and went so fast. But in my mind, my mouth, my body, it lingered.

  Jonathan dressed himself with an intense look on his face.

  I remained naked, just watching Jonathan operate. I was lost in the way he dressed himself, the way he took the tie from the bed and checked it, smoothing it out, and then put it on. He worked as though I wasn’t there but yet I didn’t feel invisible at all.

  Jonathan Black needed me.

  And I wasn’t going to go anywhere.


  I opened my eyes and the room wasn’t dark. I had an eerie deja vu feeling inside me and I shifted in the large bed, my mind picking up where it left off as I fell asleep. Thinking about the busy day. Thinking about how Jonathan handled himself all day - taking phone call after phone call, dealing with business associates coming to his room throughout the day, everyone appearing to be in a sense of panic. Everyone but Jonathan. I caught bits and pieces of the conversations. How important it was for the financing. How the new building, the new expansion, how it all was going to be left to waste if Kellen didn’t change his mind.

  And Jonathan just went with it all.

  He didn’t command anyone, he didn’t yell, he didn’t fight back. He also didn’t accept anything. He was simply just there, physically there, listening and rarely speaking. I never saw Jonathan like that before, but even in his silence he still had more power than anyone could possibly imagine. The ironic part was that the less he spoke, the more nervous everyone seemed to get.

  I casually snuck away three different times to check the cell phone and there hadn’t been a text message since the meeting. Each time I touched the phone, watching the screen light up, I pictured Kellen turning the corner and coming down the hall. I saw every little feature - from his clothing to his face. I couldn’t get it out of my mind and I didn’t know why. It wasn’t as though it turned me on, even though he was a beautiful man. He was just so opposite of Jonathan, and maybe that’s where it came from.

  But I chased it away and
continued to chase it away all afternoon and into the evening. Jonathan finally ended the day of business as I felt the need to sleep. He sent everyone away, allowing them to figure out what to do. When Jonathan looked at me, he smiled, telling me he had something up his sleeve. Maybe he had a plan, and maybe having everyone work like this was just his way of self satisfaction.

  When we went to sleep, I rolled to my side, figuring that’s how Jonathan wanted it. I felt him get into bed and then felt one of his hands touch my thigh. His hand moved, casually at first, then slowly worked his fingers into my pants. He touched me, letting all his fingers touch my warm center, and then he moved up and touched my chest. He made sure to touch everywhere I wanted to be touched and everywhere he wanted to touch me.

  Then his touch was gone and that was the end of the day.

  As I looked around the bedroom, still on my side, I noticed that Jonathan had his light on. I moved as slow as I could and caught Jonathan sitting on the edge of the bed. He sat up tall, the light running against him in a way that showed off his wide, strong shoulders.

  He didn’t move.

  He didn’t make a sound.

  I couldn’t stop staring at him.

  I decided I needed to let him know I was there. Whatever he felt, I wanted to know and I wanted to share it. Maybe I needed to tell him about the text messages. Could someone actually kill Jonathan Black? I thought about Kellen again and there was no match. Jonathan could handle himself...

  My right hand started to move across the bed. My fingertips were shaking as I reached towards Jonathan. I was an inch away when he stood up. He turned and my eyes closed. It happened so fast and so smooth, I just went with it. I had no choice but to go with it. I felt Jonathan staring at me and I fought the urge to open my eyes. He shuffled from the room and I waited a few seconds before slowly opening my eyes. I sat up in bed and moved as far as I could, waiting for him to just pop in the doorway and catch me.

  I slid from the bed and just like the night before I caught him standing at the window. His hands at his sides, in fists. He was like a perfect statue, a beautiful statue. I wanted to know how he felt but I also knew what it was like to hide something from someone.

  It was obvious that something about Kellen had Jonathan thinking.

  I stood and watched him for as long as I could handle. I stood for twenty minutes and in that time, Jonathan didn’t make a single move or a single sound.

  As I slipped back into bed I told myself that this had to end. Tomorrow it would all end. I’d show Jonathan the cell phone. I’d plead my case and explain that I kept it from him because I wanted to help him. I had no idea this financing deal would produce someone like Kellen and I had no idea another man could get to Jonathan like this.

  Tomorrow... everything would be okay.

  At least I hoped.


  We shared a freshly made, delivered breakfast with the curtains open and the sun shining bright. It was calm, relaxing, and enjoyable.

  “Did I wake you last night?” Jonathan asked.

  “I don’t know, maybe,” I said. “Did you leave the bed?”

  “Yes. I had to clear my head.”

  “In the middle of the night?”

  “Isabella Grace, my mind never stops working. I thought you would understand that by now.”

  “I don’t doubt it,” I said. “I just... if you have another way to clear your head...”

  I smiled and felt my cheeks turn red.

  “Are you flirting with me?” he asked, his face not looking as satisfied as mine was.

  “No,” I said. “I’m sorry. Just...”

  “I’m going to take a shower,” Jonathan said. “Wait five minutes and come join me. We have a busy day today, Isabella.”


  “I have a plan for you,” he said. He sipped a cup of orange juice. “You’re going to go beyond anything you’ve ever done for me. I’m going to send you out of your comfort zone.”

  I opened my mouth and Jonathan raised a hand.

  He had something else to add to his statement.

  “And mine...”

  I stiffened and my heart jumped.

  Jonathan was sending me out of his comfort zone? What was his comfort zone? This was a man who blindfolded for pleasure. This was a man who handcuffed my hands and legs to a bed to punish me. This was a man... who I didn’t believe had a comfort zone.

  But he did.

  And I was going to find out what it was.

  “It’s an important day for us,” Jonathan said. “One where you prove to me just how hard you’re willing to work and how well you can be commanded. For me, it’s a day where I seek an answer to a question that only I know. A question that I’ve asked myself and an answer that you’ll get me.”

  I didn’t know what to do.

  I had delicious food in front of me and my appetite was robbed. I felt full and to be honest, I felt like I could vomit.

  “But Isabella Grace,” Jonathan whispered, “the reward... it’s wonderful. When I have my answer. When my eyes are satisfied. When my heart beats free. When my soul is calm. Oh, the reward...”

  “Is it money?” I asked. “The money your...”

  “Don’t ask,” Jonathan said. “You’ll have plenty of time to ask questions, Isabella Grace. Right now you’re going to think about how perfect your life is and how perfect it can continue to be. You’re going to think about everything I’ve done to you. You’re going to think about your wildest desires and your deepest fears. Because I’m taking them all, Isabella Grace.”

  I nodded. “Of course. Anything you want. You need...”

  Jonathan stood from his chair. He wiped his mouth with his napkin and dropped it to his plate. He moved towards me and stood behind me. His hands touched my neck and then my face. His hands were wildly warm, comfortable, giving me shades of the Jonathan Black I desperately wanted and needed.

  He tilted my head back and I saw him staring down at me. He lowered himself and kissed my lips. Then his tongue tasted my neck and he made a line with the tip of his tongue to my mouth. I kept my lips together and let him part my lips with his demanding tongue. We kissed and I held the sides of my chair, unsure what to do.

  Jonathan broke the kiss and took a deep breath.

  “Sit and think,” he said. “Then come join me in the shower.”

  He walked into the bathroom and I sat in awe.

  My body was on fire. All my senses were heightened and I wanted nothing more than to please Jonathan Black. I knew then that once I completed his next task, I could show the cell phone without worry. I could prove to him everything...

  The cell phone.

  I hadn’t checked it yet that morning.

  It was the perfect time to check, the water now running in the bathroom.

  I took the cell phone from the bag and stood in the doorway so I could keep my eyes on the bathroom.

  There was a message.

  I saw you.


  I shivered and growled, not wanting the warm feeling Jonathan gave me to be chased away. I hated that the message had to end with ‘-K’. I knew who it was, I didn’t need to be reminded of it.

  I wrote back.


  The phone vibrated a few seconds later. That meant ‘K’ was at their phone. I could converse now, just as long as the water was on in the bathroom.

  Yesterday. You... you are beautiful, Isabella Grace. Too beautiful for the evil touch of Him.


  I saw Kellen yesterday... walking down the hall. He looked at me. I looked at him.

  I didn’t reply but ‘K’ wasn’t done texting me.

  His scent is on you. I can smell it from here. But it can be washed away. With the right hands... the right care... the right love...


  I refused to read it. I wanted nothing to do with this.

  I am in the right hands and the right care. What do you want from us?

  I realized
I left out ‘love’ in the message. Was there love between Jonathan and I? Perhaps. But it was an odd love. A wicked, passion filled, lust driven, dominating kind of love. And at that moment, I was okay with it. At that moment, I didn’t need some stranger to tell me otherwise.

  I told you what I want, but my urges are changing. You’re too beautiful to just kill, aren’t you? Maybe I’ll enjoy you first. Maybe I’ll just kill Him and then take you.

  The anger that flowed through my body was nothing I ever felt before. I tried to find something to say, something to do. My hands were tense and I couldn’t find the keys on the phone.

  Do me a favor, Isabella Grace. Walk to the window. To the window where He stands in the middle of the night. He’s lost... even with you...

  The comment hurt me. I stumbled from the room, stuck between tears and the crippling feeling of fear inside me. I walked to the window and stood there. I hated standing there. Seeing the life of the city. The people. The cars. The buildings. We were supposed to come back here and have something normal.

  I wrote back to ‘K’.

  Now what do you want?

  I looked over my shoulder and saw the bathroom door still shut. I could hear the water running. I wasn’t sure how much time had passed but I kept Jonathan’s command in my mind. The one where he wanted me to join him in the shower.

  The phone went off.

  I want you to keep looking at me...

  That’s when I gasped for air.

  K was out there, somewhere, looking at me. I wanted to back away from the window but my knees were locked. The hotel was directly across from another tall building. I tried to look up and down all the windows but I couldn’t see a thing. My eyes tried to focus on too much at once.

  The phone went off again.

  I have everything I need, Isabella Grace. Copy of your hotel key card. It’s a lovely room, isn’t it? So big. So inviting. Maybe I’ll stop by. Again.

  My lip curled as I pictured Kellen walking down the hall for the hundredth time.

  Stop by again?

  I thought about the hotel room. Were there knives in it? Did Jonathan have the capabilities to protect himself? And me?


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