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by Cameron Hale

  The car’s engines deepened in pitch. Nikki could imagine the client’s growing excitement. Certainly this one was persistent. Coyly, she peeked through one of the slats. The low slung, late model Fer de Lance gleaming like polished ebony reeked of wealth and influence, though the actual client remained anonymous behind discreetly tinted windows. Identity was not a factor, but in this case, price was. Pricked by her growing hunger for a jaxpatch, she opened the blinds enough to give the visitor a glimpse of her exquisite body.

  Slowly, the car edged closer. She glanced at the building’s perimeter lasers. If the vehicle drew any closer, a warning would alert the driver to retreat to a safe distance. The car edged to the fringe of the lasers and stopped, its lateral engines maintaining a perfect hover beyond the window. Banks of running lights glared at her with a predatory gleam. Nikki could almost feel the heat of invisible eyes devouring her body. She felt a thrill of excitement, felt the moistening of her cunt lips. Perhaps one more session—she could always sleep later, and with enough credits, buy enough jaxpatches to keep her stocked for months.

  She opened the blinds but did not raise them. Mystery was critical to prompt the client into maximum purchasing time. Reaching for the open chest concealed at the base of the window, she sprayed a veil of fragrant oil onto her hands and slowly massaged it onto her body using sinuous, circular strokes. She kept her head lowered to allow her hair to partially conceal her face, but made a point to spread her legs so her clit ring could be seen from her now prominently engorged button of flesh. Moving her hips ever so slightly, she turned in a circle, allowing the client to glimpse the tight pear shaped cheeks of her ass. Bending forward, she spread them, and then tickled her anus with the edge of a tapered scarlet fingernail.

  A confirmation bleeped softly from the wallscreen. She smiled as the transaction quickly completed. Maybe running out of jaxpatches was a good thing if it attracted a client this eager. Eager and well heeled, she realized by the astonishing sum credited into her account. She blinked at the five-digit figure flashing on the screen.

  “Music,” she said softly. Immediately, a subdued primal drumbeat echoed throughout the room. Sauntering toward the blinds, she slowly raised them and stared at the car filling the airspace beyond her window. She tossed back her damp mane of hair and smiled seductively at her invisible audience, her body writhing with serpentine grace. Slowly, she continued her dance around the chair, bending and flexing with contortionist ease, her body an instrument that she played with salacious expertise.

  A resounding slap across her ass preceded a twirl and flawlessly executed handstand, her legs spreading horizontally into the splits. Her whipping hair embraced her in a cornsilk veil. Completely revealing her permanently depilated cunt, the clit ring rose like a monument before she leapt with gazelle-like grace onto her feet. She bent over, grabbed her ankles, and snaked the fingers of one hand up her crack. Gazing over her shoulder, she smiled coyly and deftly mounted the chair.

  Outside the window, the car had crept closer until it barely skimmed the laser sensors. Its headlights leered brilliantly into the room, bathing Nikki’s body in a feral glow. She could almost smell the tension of the faceless observer. For the first time in longer than she could remember, a thrill of genuine excitement filled her. The arousal she felt was not feigned, the wetness oozing between her legs there without the help of her deft fingers.

  Draping her thighs over the armrests, she leaned forward and clutched the back of the chair until her breasts firmly pressed against the cushion. The maneuver spread her ass for optimal viewing, and no doubt, she could feel eyes literally fucking her. As if in response to her thoughts, a spotlight from the car focused on her cunt. Slowly, she rubbed her clit ring against the seat.

  With one hand, she reached into a basket attached to the back of the chair and withdrew a huge black dildo. Pliant and realistic to the finest detail, it ejaculated a clear lubricant that dripped suggestively down to a realistic pair of balls. She pressed the shaft discreetly to initiate the vibrator. The sensation was electric as she teased her swollen lips. Unable to suppress a gasp, she writhed against the dildo. A prickling heat infused her flesh, her pounding heartbeat matching the rising cadence of her breath. She inhaled the ripe aroma of her sex and found it more an aphrodisiac than the pheromonal candles she customarily used. With the other hand, she teased her painfully erect nipples and traced the Ouroboros outlining each breast.

  Yes—she thought, her body now throbbing with arousal. This was different, so different from the others she could barely comprehend how she could endure the empty, automatic responses and rehearsed moves that dominated her nightly sessions. She arched her body and raised her ass as high as she could. I want him to see me, I want him in me, and I want him to be bigger than this dildo and shove it so hard inside me…

  The window vibrated behind her, halting her before she slipped the dildo inside her dripping cunt. Impatiently, she turned to find the car aglow with a bank of strobing red lights. The pattern indicated almost a negative response, and in the space of a moment, she realized that he wanted her to do something else. Withdrawing the dildo, she turned and repositioned herself over the chair, ensuring that her legs draped the arms. She lowered her hips to the edge of the seat to afford her audience a prime view of her exposed cunt. There was no preamble necessary now, no need to continue the dance.

  With a single, furious thrust, she impaled herself on the dildo and bucked hard against it. The sensation was explosive, the desire to come so fierce she had to force herself to hold off. Her body trembled, her juices dribbling around the dildo and pooling onto the seat. She threw her head back and stifled the cry rising in her throat. Writhing on the chair, she inserted a finger into her anus and felt the pressure of the dildo filling her cunt.

  It was more than she could bear. Despite her efforts, she came with a garbled scream, her spasming body rocking so violently that the chair almost toppled. The dildo dropped to the floor. Gasping, panting, she could only collapse in a stupor, her mind reeling from the intensity of what she had just experienced.

  Beyond, a bank of cobalt blue lights pulsed from the car. A tone from the wallscreen indicated another transaction. Distractedly, Nikki turned to look, her eyes widening with astonishment at the additional sum transferred into her account. She stared at the figure, her longing for jaxpatches long forgotten. Gazing at the car, she realized she had discovered a far better addiction, one that presented no barriers.

  “Who are you?” she murmured. Seized by a longing to touch, to make contact with her audience, she considered going to the window and opening it. She hesitated, knowing it would violate city safety ordnances. The car backed away as if wanting her to avoid the temptation. She rose from the chair. Sweeping back her dampened hair, she approached the window and pressed her hands against the steamed up glass.

  “Music off,” she barked, annoyed by the intrusive cadence of the background music. “Who are you?” she asked again, her eyes following the rakish lines of the car. “Let me see you. You’ve seen me.”

  The car watched her with a predatory air. She tried to glean meaning in the display of flashing lights, her attention oblivious to the glittering steel canyon that rose into the backlit sky of a city that knew no true sleep. The blur of passing traffic could not distract her, nor the fleeting motion from other windows. For the moment, nothing else existed but herself and her enigmatic audience.

  A tone from the wallscreen distracted her. She turned, her mind unable to immediately digest the words pulsing on the screen.

  “The city has hidden you well. But we knew we would find you someday. You have haunted our dreams and visions, driving us like wolves scenting its prey. Now, now we will taste you.”

  Stunned, Nikki moved toward the hypnotic words. Her fingers touched the liquid screen and merged with the text.

  “Answer,” she said, but the sender did not respond. The transmission was incoming only, her access blocked by a security protocol. She tur
ned toward the window. The car had moved in order to view her standing by the screen.

  Another tone drew her attention to the screen.

  “Siren’s Rock. Dawn.”

  Nikki felt a chill invade her body. She stared numbly as a vague memory from days long before the city surfaced in her mind. Suddenly, a decade vanished along with the walls around her and she regarded a granite sky embracing a leaden ocean on the eve of a violent storm. Seagulls caterwauled above the frothy waves, the beach an untread path between tortuously strewn boulders and the chiseled, guano streaked cliffs above. Scrub and mud-formed bird nests clung precariously to nooks and crevices. The briny tang of seaweed kissed the wintry air, the wind an eerie dirge in her ears. Tiny fleet-footed birds scampered across the waterline to peck at the remnants of crabs amidst a collage of sand dollars and tiny shells. Straying close to the surging water, her footsteps left indentations that were quickly filled by the next surge.

  It had been cold, unseasonably so, and with a brisker pace she had followed the beach to its abrupt end behind a hidden cove. Craggy cliffs towered above, the weathered rock jutting into the water. Clumps of seaweed lay like fallen bodies on the sand while tide pools glistened between massive boulders etched smooth by the pounding surf.

  She had been peering at the barnacles clinging to the exposed rock of a shallow pool when she noticed reflected movement in the water. The two of them had appeared behind her so suddenly she had no time to react, only to stare at twins so breathtakingly perfect they might have been cloned. Naked despite the cold, they must have watched her approach, their hard-ons huge purple-headed clubs despite the chill.

  The chiseled beauty of their bodies transfixed her, their faces living visions of ancient monuments and statues. Waves of ebony hair cascaded past their shoulders. Gray eyes that blended with the sea and sky watched her with a peculiar hunger. There was no fear, only fascination and a yearning deep within her that she could not deny. She remembered the strength of their hands as they reached for her and pulled her to the sand…

  Nikki gasped and jerked away from the screen. Reeling from the intensity of the long-forgotten incident, she backed toward the window and stumbled into the chair. She felt the floor lurch beneath her feet when she turned to see that the car had gone.

  “No!” she cried, splaying herself against the glass. “Don’t go. Don’t go! Don’t leave me again!”

  She slid to the floor and stared dully at the suite that contained her entire world. Visible, yet invisible, isolated by an existence that centered solely around the window, she suddenly felt the aching hollowness of her life. Her gaze drifted to the discarded black dildo. Inanimate, the like other objects she used to penetrate her body night after endless night, she felt a sudden urge to smash the window and the dubious tools of her trade outside to the distant street below. She glanced at the clock pulsing on the wall above the bedside table. It would be dawn soon. If she left now, there would be just enough time…

  Yet how long had it been since she had left the sanctuary of her suite? Jerondo saw to her immediate needs while the anonymous virtual world of the globalnet attended to all other matters. Human contact was a condition best left to those who still chose to deal with people in the flesh, or those who might have families who did not become casualties of the endemic addictions that followed the dubious creation of the jaxpatches. Orphaned as a child after both parents overdosed, she could barely remember their faces, let alone lay claim to any attachments or memories from her brief and troubled years with them. Only the streets welcomed her after their deaths, and the covetous eyes of those willing to pay for her body following her into adulthood.

  Who am I? she wondered briefly. I have a name, but there’s nothing behind it…

  Ushering the dregs of her willpower, she forced herself to rise. Somewhere, on the tower roof port, her car waited, and maybe, possibly, a future.

  * * *

  Though dawn in the city identified itself merely by a brightening of the sky, the undeveloped miles fronting the coastline basked under a faerie glow that stained the mauve sky with ribbons of peach, salmon and gold. Waning stars winked a poignant farewell to the velvety night. Staring raptly from the tinted window of her car, Nikki could scarcely believe that such beauty still existed.

  Ignoring the lethargy that signaled a jaxpatch withdrawal, she tried to focus on the destination illuminated on the car’s navigational panel. Banking across slumbering hills and valleys, the vessel purred softly and efficiently, the maintenance included in her exorbitant lease ensuring functionality almost three years of disuse. She had downloaded the latest system upgrades before takeoff, her eyes averted from the vertiginous height of the roof port crowning a residential tower reaching over two thousand feet into the sky. The sensation of movement quickly transformed into smooth acceleration. Soon, the chaotic city vanished into a distant afterglow.

  A discreet tone notified her of a change of course. Her breath caught with a rising sense of excitement. Ahead, the indigo swathe of the ocean awaited her. The car dropped on its landing approach, and the soaring cliffs that existed so long only in her memory now rose with solid reality. She endured the descent onto the beach with impatience, a soft plop the only indication that the car had landed. The engines whined to silence, ushering the opening hatch.

  She stood and gasped at the onslaught of sharp, briny air. Greedily inhaling the invigorating breeze, the bracing effect banished the lingering symptoms of her jaxpatch comedown. With a smile, she climbed onto the pliant sand a few feet from the waterline and listened to the gentle welcome of the whispering surf. Slowly, she walked toward the cove accompanied by the raucous squawking of seabirds circling and diving for food. Above, the sky had lightened to gold veined lavender that illuminated her way past the shadowy cliffs.

  A familiar bend appeared. She followed it, her heart hammering in anticipation when she recognized a familiar array of boulders in the cove beyond. Somehow the sensation was like one of coming home, of returning to a place where she knew she belonged. She walked among the boulders, her hands trailing along their water-smoothed flanks. Tide pools gleamed faintly, luring her. She paused to peer inside one and felt hands pulling her.

  Now there was no need to replay the memory. She turned toward them and leaned into the embrace of their nakedness. Barely changed in ten years, she reveled in the feel of the tautly muscled bodies pressing her into the sand. Thick tresses of dark hair brushed her body as they silently stripped her. She gasped at the sharp chill of cold sand on her bare flesh, but it was quickly banished by their eager heat.

  Together, the twins entwined her, hands and lips exploring, probing, tasting. Wordlessly, Nikki responded and opened herself to them. They rolled, imprinting the sand in a brushstroke pattern and splashed into the shocking cold of a tide pool. Slickened bodies moved around Nikki like eels. One eager tongue played with her clit ring and sought entry into her cunt to lap the salty water from her swollen lips while another teased her anus. The dance continued in perfect synchronization.

  Abruptly, the twins rose and positioned Nikki on her knees. Without preamble, one spread her ass and shoved his cock deep inside her while the other knelt before her. She cried out at the hugeness stretching her and bucked to meet his urgent thrusts. Clutching the slimy depths of the tide pool, she bent to take the waiting cock of the brother into her mouth. Sucking the engorged head, she tasted the sea and the first trickling of his come.

  Water splashed from their movements, cooling the heat inflaming Nikki’s body. Ignoring the roughness of the surrounding rock, the threesome rocked in unison until a series of garbled cries rose above the booming surf. They separated and fell together into the water where Nikki welcomed the respite.

  But even as she caught her breath, the twins lifted her from the tide pool and spread her across the top of a nearby boulder. Exposed to the elements, she lay her head back, her hair clinging wetly to the surface of the rock. Closing her eyes, she felt her legs lifted and spread
, but what penetrated her now was not the heat of turgid flesh but the cold, smooth surface of large, slender stones. She bucked as the twins simultaneously inserted them into her cunt and anus, stretching and filling her with each thrust.

  The coldness quickly transformed to heat. She writhed on the boulder, her hips rising to take the stones deeper within her. The hardness was a welcome reintroduction to feelings that had long atrophied, the rising tension simmering in her loins a connection to herself as a woman rather than a performer.

  Now one of the twins lowered his mouth to her breasts and mouth, stifling her cries as she came with dribbles of saltwater. She drank eagerly, riding on a crest of sensation that she had not tasted in a decade. Yet each time she came was a precursor to another type of penetration, the twins positioning her body to receive the slippery, bulbous pods of seaweed, a smoothed knob of driftwood or the rounded contours of a shell.

  The twins allowed her no respite, as though each experience was atonement for the lost years. Words were merely a pointless intrusion, their actions conveying the need that bonded them. They pulled her off the rock and massaged her body with sand. Lovingly, they bathed her in the tidepool before stretching her on the waterline beneath the ripening brilliance of the sun crowning a pristine blue sky. Straddling one twin, Nikki lowered herself onto his cock and filled his mouth with her breasts. She felt a rush of saltwater against her anus as the other knelt behind her and filled her with his cock. Her body swayed to the rhythmic thrusting of the double penetration, and only with a fleeting glance did she notice the approaching wash of the incoming tide.


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