Carnal Vengeance

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Carnal Vengeance Page 15

by Marilyn Campbell

  There were similarities between the two. They were both extremely handsome, self-centered men who went through women faster than toilet tissue, they both teased mercilessly and made her laugh, and they could both kiss like the devil. Only this one couldn't take her to hell, because she no longer had childish fantasies about falling in love.

  There were also great differences. Where Jerry cared about no one but himself, David obviously loved his family and his friend, Harry. Jerry never had to work to get what he wanted. David had known hard times and had struggled to overcome the odds without feeling sorry for himself. Where Jerry had carried out an elaborate farce for his own pleasure, David had been blunt about his intentions and brutally honest about his subsequent disinterest.

  And thank heaven for that fact. The way she had responded to his kiss was not only mindless but dangerous. She would never be able to keep him at arm's length as she did Philip. With David, her own passion could be her undoing... again. Yes, it was definitely a good thing he wasn't interested in that sort of relationship with her.

  As a friend, she would be free to notice the way his smile showed off straight, white teeth, or that his hair hadn't been trimmed in some time. If he caught her staring he wouldn't be driven by a primitive need to pull her against his hard body and—

  "Hey! Here I thought you were enthralled by my stories and all the time you were off in another world."

  She tried to look indignant. "I heard every word you said. You're very funny."

  "So? Answer my last question."

  Once again heat flushed her cheeks, but this time it was too dark for him to see it. "All right. Maybe I drifted a little." Suddenly she noticed the line of traffic had come to a complete stop. "Where are we?"

  "Florida City. According to the map, from here, we can take U.S. One all the way down to Key West."

  The tollbooth worker took the money from David and asked, "Where're you headed?"

  "As far as we can go," David replied.

  "I'm afraid that won't be but about twenty-nine miles. Then you'll reach the roadblock. Curfew went into effect at eight o'clock and all traffic into the Keys is being turned back until sunrise tomorrow."

  "But I'm a reporter sent to cover the story."

  "The police aren't making any exceptions."

  "The roads are that dangerous?"

  The man laughed. "It's hard to say what's the most dangerous, trees across the roads, downed power lines, the looters, or the displaced snakes and gators. Regardless, you'll have to wait till tomorrow. But I can tell you one thing right now—there's nothing left to see."

  Holly tapped David's arm. "Ask him if there's a motel near here."

  David motioned for her to be patient. "Is there a campground anywhere near here?"

  The man gave him simple directions to one close by, but added, "The power hasn't been restored in this area yet, and the water's not safe to drink, so be careful. Oh, and you may as well be prepared for a pretty steep price—if they have any spaces available. Everything around here filled up hours ago."

  As they pulled away from the tollbooth, Holly said, "You didn't ask him about a motel." David didn't bother to answer her with words. His eyes showed that he had no more patience for that discussion.

  The campsites on the grounds the man had directed them to were all rented, but for a mere $100 they were given permission to park on the property without any hookups. They could use the facilities, however. Just don't drink the water, and be sure to use lots of insect repellent. The mosquitoes were worse than usual after a storm.

  David paid the owner and drove to a vacant space of grass barely large enough to fit the motorhome. He got the generator going a few minutes later, then went to "visit the facilities".

  While he was gone, Holly inventoried the contents of the refrigerator and cabinets. It had been quite a while since she'd eaten, but she didn't want to be fussing with things if he wanted to go right to sleep. By the time David returned, Holly had set out cold cuts, bread, and condiments on the counter and was making a sandwich.

  "That guy wasn't kidding about the mosquitoes. I just met a couple in the men's room that were big enough to shake hands with. I hope that's for me," he said, grinning at the sandwich.

  She handed it to him on a paper plate. "Only because you asked so politely," she returned, and proceeded to make another for herself. "I owe you a proper thank you," she said when she joined him at the little table.

  "I'd prefer an improper one."

  "I'm serious."

  "You're always serious."

  She grimaced. "Now I forgot what I was going to say."

  "Thank you, David, for—"

  "Oh. Yes. For not leaving me stranded. I'm not much good at winging it. I... tend to work better in an organized, well-planned situation. Anyway, I appreciate your letting me stay here with you."

  His eyes twinkled mischievously. "We still haven't talked about your payment, have we?"

  "Don't you ever think of anything else?"

  "Don't you? I didn't say a single lascivious word. Admit it, Holly. You're earthy, too."

  "And you're incorrigible."

  "I know, but I've thought of a payment that won't cost you much at all."

  She refused to be baited again.

  "You have to get on that bed with me."

  She stopped in midchew for a split second then continued eating. She was not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her blush again.

  "And watch a movie."

  Her eyebrows lifted a notch. The smug expression on his face warned her she hadn't heard all of it.

  "If I lay down now, without unwinding, I wouldn't be able to fall asleep, no matter how tired I am. The television and VCR are built into the wall at the foot of the bed, and there's a whole library of movies in the headboard. Oh, and one more thing, I get to pick the movie."

  Totally exasperated with his game, she threw her hands in the air. "All right. Spit it out. What triple X-rated film are you going to make me suffer through?"

  His smile was so big, it crinkled the corners of his eyes. "Because the movies are all VHS, they're pretty old but there are a couple classics. How about Star Trek IV? Earthy enough for you?"

  He'd done it to her again. "The one with the whales? I remember that one. Yes. I accept your terms."

  "Somehow I knew you'd say that."

  * * *

  "You have the most beautiful breasts, baby. I could spend all night loving them."

  Rachel whimpered as her nipples reacted to the flattery and expert suckling. A sharp spear of pleasure cut through her. She opened her eyes so that she could see the talented hands molding her flesh into two mounds and watch the tongue circling and teasing each peak. If she didn't climax soon, she would surely die. "Please," she begged. "Finish it."

  Erica knew precisely what words to say and what actions to perform to bring Rachel to a point of desperate, near-mindless need. She liked to be kept hanging on the edge, wet and wanting, and so aroused that nothing mattered but the intense pulsing between her legs. When Erica was in a particularly spiteful mood, like now, she could drag it out for hours, until she was administering more torture than pleasure.

  It infuriated her that Rachel could tug on her strings and make her jump as if she was no more than a marionette. Yet what else could she do? She'd made one mistake years ago and it looked like she would go on paying for it for the rest of her life.

  Or Rachel's.

  That thought caused her to deliver a much harder bite than she meant to, but Rachel was beyond noticing any pain. While Erica's hands and mouth automatically eased downward over Rachel's large, muscular body, she mentally replayed the events that had put her in the position of having to dance to Rachel's tune.

  She had known from the moment they were introduced that Rachel was sexually attracted to her, though the other woman hadn't seemed to understand it herself. The sheer perverseness of it titillated Erica's ego enough that she allowed Rachel to think they were friends
, when in reality she simply found humor in the way Rachel adored her and found excuses to make physical contact.

  Because of the Little Sister Society, they maintained their peculiar friendship and continued to see each other several times a year even after Erica transferred out to Berkeley to finish college.

  Shortly after graduation, Erica met and married her first husband, a young man with a weakness for drugs, whose only redeeming quality was his sexual prowess, and even that vanished almost overnight. She got a job in marketing while Rachel spent her time in law school, then went on to become an FBI agent.

  It wasn't long before Erica tired of supporting her husband and his heroin habit with her hard-earned money. She wanted to be free of him, but was determined to make him repay her. Unfortunately for him, the only thing he had of value was a life insurance policy.

  Rachel supplied her with the means to implement her payback plan during one of their get-togethers. She was a rookie agent by that time and had bragged about being involved in a major drug bust where a quantity of poisoned heroin had been confiscated. The lethal drug had been turning up all over the country, leaving a trail of bodies behind. That night, Erica talked Rachel into going skinny-dipping with her—for fun. She teased her and tempted her and promised that they could have a lot more fun... if Rachel could get hold of some of that special heroin for her.

  Rachel complied the next day and Erica made her first payment on her debt that night.

  Always having been a quick study, Erica did what came naturally and discovered that what Rachel wanted most of all was to be treated like a delicate, desirable woman, despite her big body, masculine appearance and employment in an aggressive career. Erica's pleasure came when Rachel begged and whimpered for the release she could only get from her best friend.

  Rachel never said a word about Erica's first husband's sudden demise, until after number two succumbed to severe depression and committed suicide in their bathroom. According to the police report, he'd taken an overdose of a narcotic that had been prescribed by his psychiatrist, climbed into the bathtub, then neatly sliced his wrists and ankles with a razor blade. Only Rachel surmised that the man may have had a little assistance getting into the tub.

  Erica had been trying to break it off gently with Rachel, but when Rachel's plea that they get together one more time had a hint of a threat in it, Erica paid her a visit.

  It hadn't taken much urging on Rachel's part for Erica to get very drunk that night. The next day, she didn't recall everything they talked about, but Rachel reminded her. With a little prodding, Erica had described how she had sent both husbands to meet their maker, and Rachel never let her forget that she had made that confession to an officer of the law. Though Erica was of a mind to extend Rachel's torture, time did not permit such diversion. She brought Rachel to a grand finale, then performed the requisite cuddling and caressing until the spasms of pleasure subsided.

  "Do you really have to go back so soon?" Rachel asked a bit petulantly.

  Erica laughed and nipped her ear. "So soon? I really didn't have time to come to D.C. at all. But you begged so prettily, I couldn't resist. I've got a morning appointment in my West Coast office. A captain of industry can't just abandon her ship—no matter how enjoyable the distraction."

  She had instructed her pilot to stand by at the airport for a quick departure. She knew just how much time was required to calm Rachel for a few weeks. And under the circumstances, it was more necessary than usual that Rachel be kept levelheaded. Fortunately, she could sleep on the way home. Her private jet was equipped with a comfortable bed because of the number of cross-country trips she was required to make.

  Rachel smiled and stretched her sated body as the slender, dark-haired beauty rose from the bed. Not having to go anywhere herself, she gave in to the luxury of simply lying there, watching Erica get back into her public persona.

  It began with her slipping on the sheer beige bra and panties that made her look like she was still nude. When Rachel was with Erica, she felt pretty, feminine, petite. Like she should be the one wearing the sexy lingerie. But somehow, she never got the nerve to buy herself anything like that.

  "Anything new on the Ziegler murder?" Erica asked as she brushed her hair back into its normally severe style.

  Rachel had been thinking of how that hair felt unbound, draped across her thighs. The question abruptly reminded her of how easily her hot lover could turn cold. A moment ago, she had been feeling beautiful and sexy, sprawled out on the satin sheets. Now she felt exposed. As usual, however, she said nothing as she got up and put on her robe.

  She told her the same facts she had related to April. "The media has been put off with the explanation that it could be a serial-style killing, and we don't want to encourage any copycats by releasing details. Other than that there's nothing the investigative team can really sink our teeth into." Rachel snickered. "And you know how badly I want to catch the murderer of such a good man."

  Erica's eyes sparkled back at her as she clucked her tongue. "Such a terrible tragedy." She set her suitcases on the foot of the bed and opened them to pack. "Have we got anything new on our other friends?"

  Rachel propped herself up on a pile of pillows. "It looks like Holly Kaufman will try to handle the Frampton file, so we'll see how she does before going any further. I told April my concerns about Kaufman, but she's convinced we won't have any problems from her. I'm going to keep an eye on her anyway, though."

  "Bobbi's all set to move in on Frankowicz the minute he steps foot back on U.S. soil. That should be next month."

  "And O'Day?" Erica's voice could have cut glass. He was the one she and Rachel wanted the most, the one that had gotten as much pleasure from using his fists as his penis.

  Rachel shook her head. "His wife is going to take him for everything he's got. But according to the sports pages, his new contract will fill his bank account back up in no time. I swear, the guardian angel of the big and stupid must be working overtime."

  "Well, then," Erica said, smiling slyly. "Perhaps we need to arrange something special to see that Mr. O'Day receives his just rewards."

  As Erica finished packing, they exchanged a few ideas.

  "Oh, shit," Erica muttered and hurried to the side of the bed, where she pulled an automatic pistol out from under the mattress.

  Rachel nodded her approval as Erica efficiently unloaded and dismantled the weapon and placed the sections in separate suitcases. Having a private jet had all sorts of advantages, relaxed security just being one of them. It had taken Rachel a while to convince Erica to carry a gun when she traveled, but once she got used to handling it, the weapon became one of her regular accessory items.

  "All set," Erica declared as she locked the cases. "Now promise me you'll try to stay straight while I'm gone." Drunk, Rachel was unpredictable, dangerous... talked too much.

  "Don't worry. I haven't had a drop since Ziegler was sent to hell. But if I get to feeling edgy, I'll call you."

  With a wink and a thumbs-up sign, Erica picked up the phone and dialed the bell captain. "Would y'all please send a bellhop up to the penthouse?"

  Hearing Erica put on her sweet Southern accent so easily had Rachel laughing.

  Erica grasped the back of Rachel's neck, and gave her a slow, wet kiss. "Y'all keep mah secrets, darlin' and yours will always be safe with li'l ole me." As she stabbed her tongue into Rachel's mouth again, she pinched one of her nipples hard enough to make her gasp. Then she smiled.

  There were times when Rachel despised that knowing little smile of hers.

  * * *

  David willed himself to follow the dialogue between Spock and Captain Kirk, and ignore the nervous woman next to him. He analyzed that his inability to concentrate stemmed from the fact that the last woman with whom he had shared a bed and remained fully clothed was his kid sister. This was unnatural.

  For the first half hour of the film, Holly had sat stiffly on the edge of the bed, her arms crossed protectively over her st
omach. She was clearly prepared to scurry away at the first suspicious movement he might make.

  He purposely took on the most casual pose he could—reclined, legs stretched out with ankles crossed, hands behind his head supported by several pillows—and she finally relaxed enough to scoot back to the pile of pillows he had arranged for her use.

  From vast experience, he knew when a woman was filled with nervous anticipation. Holly's case of nerves seemed to originate in fear. He reminded himself of his conclusion that it would be to his advantage if she remained on edge around him. His instincts told him she was dangerous for him, that she might have the power to get under his skin. And yet he didn't care for being cast in the role of villain either.

  Besides, he had yet to find a smooth way to introduce the name Erica Donner into their conversations. He was fully aware of the fact that she had turned his interviewing techniques back on him. She now knew his life story and he had had a wonderful time spilling his guts to her. He, on the other hand, hadn't gained one new tidbit about her.

  By the time the credits were rolling, he decided a slight alteration in their relationship was absolutely necessary to get through the next few days. He intended to insist that she stay there with him, if only to get some questions answered.

  As she started to inch off the bed, he made up his mind about what had to be done. "Wait a minute." She stopped, but the wariness in her eyes told him it was hard for her not to run. "This isn't going to work, you know."

  "I'm sorry. I'll find a place in the morning."

  "That's not what I mean. You know you won't find anything better than this, nor should you waste a day looking when you should be working. No, I'm talking about this tension between us. I'll admit I had no intention of mentioning it, let alone apologizing, but it's obvious we can't share this space with you scared to death I'm going to jump on you every minute."

  "I'm not—"

  "Yes, you are. I figured you deserved the big, bad wolf treatment the other night. You got me pissed and my reaction was—"

  "Childish? Beastly?"

  "Not one of my better moments. I think we could be friends, if you could forget our rough start."


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