Shameful Reckonings

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Shameful Reckonings Page 19

by S. J. Lewis

  “You are very tight, Sigrid,” Paul grunted from behind her. “This is delicious!”

  All Sigrid could do was shudder and sob as he used her. When she heard his groans and felt him shuddering against her, all she could do was hang her head and sob. They left her hanging there for some time after he had finished.

  Chapter Ten

  Sigrid stretched out on the inflatable mattress and let the wonderful hot sun beat down on her. It was the only pleasure that they begrudged her. She treasured it, even though she knew it was for their benefit, not hers. The tan lines she had cultivated for so long seemed to be a big turn-on for the men who wanted to use her, so her captors had decided to let her keep them. This meant that for one precious hour each day she could lie in the sun, clad in a bikini. It fit her perfectly. It ought to: It was one of her very own bikinis. They must have stolen all of her luggage and Amanda’s from the hotel.

  It was a very small thing, and yet it was more than the other women here were permitted. Sigrid turned her head slightly and viewed them through half-closed eyes. She could see eight of them. There were a few more that she couldn’t see, and probably many more in the warren of corridors and cells that lay beneath this chamber. This chamber was round, as were so many of the others. It had a domed ceiling, as they did, but the top of this dome had either been removed or never built. High overhead, well out of reach, was a wide, round opening that let in fresh air, bird songs, the sounds of surf, the salt tang of the sea, and above all the glorious tropical sunshine.

  The other women were all young, attractive and naked. Most of them had been shaved as well. Sigrid didn’t know any of them, and she didn’t want to. Some of them would huddle together and talk in hushed tones about the horrible things that were done to them. It all seemed pointless to Sigrid. Horrible things had been done to her. As long as she was trapped here, imprisoned, more horrible things would be done. Paul had been the first man to fuck her up her ass, but he had not been the last. She hated being forced to submit like that, but she had come to be able to endure it. While it did not hurt her as much as it had at first, it still hurt, and she loathed it. She loathed everything they did to her here. She did not want to talk about any of it with anybody. She did not want to even think about it. The sunshine felt delicious on her skin. For now, that was the only thing she wanted to think about. She tried to do that, but it didn’t work.

  There was a round pool up against the curved wall of the chamber. It was large enough for a dozen women to fit into it at one time, provided they didn’t mind the close company of other naked women. The water was warm, and constantly recirculated. It was fed into the pool in a splashing cascade over an ornamental rock pile, and taken away through a drain set in the bottom of the pool. Instead of thin pads or threadbare blankets to lie on, there were inflatable mattresses. There were even bowls of fruit available on small, ornamental wrought iron tables that were bolted to the floor. At first glance, the chamber might be mistaken for some upscale nudist resort, or an unusual harem room. But every so often, one of the ski-masked guards would enter through the lone door, carrying a long pole with a loop of rope dangling from the end. He would select one of the naked women, drop the loop around her neck and tighten it. The woman would have to follow him out of the chamber, crawling on her hands and knees. For the most part, they did so quietly. Some times, they cried as they were led away. Sigrid had seen one young woman, trim and muscular, probably some sort of athlete in her former life, completely freak out when she was chosen. She’d given the guard a stiff fight, landing one solid, debilitating heel-kick to his groin before three more guards had swarmed in, overpowered her, and then used a taser on her repeatedly. Sigrid had been forced to watch, along with all of the other women there. In the end, Ms. Trim-and-muscular had been reduced to tearful begging for mercy. Once she had been thoroughly subdued, she had been dragged away. Sigrid had not seen her again. She did not know the woman’s name, and did not care to learn it. She had her own worries to deal with.

  It was the capricious brutality that unsettled her the most. She had tried very hard to at least put on a convincing act of submission whenever men wanted to use her. She didn’t do it to please them. She did it to avoid punishment. But some times they punished her anyway. ‘Discipline’ was what Mistress Anna called it. It felt like plain old corporal punishment to Sigrid. They never gave her a reason for it.

  She flipped over onto her stomach and reached behind her to untie the string of her bikini top. The sun was making her pleasantly drowsy, but she did not dare give in to the urge to sleep. Ayesha was one of the women in the chamber right now. Sigrid did not trust her. The woman always looked at her with blazing hatred in her eyes. She had gloated when Sigrid had first been brought to this chamber, reminding Sigrid that she had told her that they would fuck her up her ass. How she had found out Sigrid did not know. Maybe the captives were allowed to enjoy the little bit of light and air here after they had been anally raped. Sigrid shuddered at the thought. It was one more reason she didn’t want to strike up a conversation with her fellow inmates.

  The brief tanning sessions she was allowed at least gave Sigrid some idea of the passage of time here. The sun could only shine directly down through the circular opening overhead for a limited time each day. She didn’t know how long she had been here before she had been granted this privilege. She had no way of guessing. But she had been able to bask in the sunlight for eight days now.

  It was the only pleasure she had. When it grew dark, the women were all herded into their cells below, or taken away for more ‘training’ or ‘discipline’. She had come to hate the nights. Usually she was locked into her cell, collared and handcuffed, available to any guard or visitor who might want her. As long as none of them did, she was free to try to sleep. Three days ago, though… she shuddered again. Her stomach felt queasy.

  She had been taken to a larger cell. She had not been collared or handcuffed. Instead, the guards had bound her with black rope. Her legs had each been bound calf to thigh. Her hands had been tied behind her, and a noose had been put around her neck. Her hands had then been tied to the noose in such a way that she couldn’t use her hands to protect her pussy or her ass. The final touch had been a thick blindfold. Trussed up as she was, she couldn’t struggle without choking herself. She didn’t know how many men visited her cell that night. When she was on her back, it had been easy for them to part her legs and fuck her straight. When she was on her belly, her ass was just as available. She could also kneel in front of a man and suck his cock. She had been completely unable to fight them, even if the fear of what Mistress might do to her hadn’t kept her from trying. Even so, she had been slapped, spanked and pinched mercilessly. She still felt twinges in her nipples whenever she thought of that night. By the time she had been freed of the ropes, she had been exhausted, stiff, sore and sticky with cum. The long, hot shower she had been permitted had not washed away all of that feeling.

  Sigrid shoved the memories back into one of the dark recesses of her mind. She tried to concentrate on the soothing feel of the sun on her skin. In spite of the threat of Ayesha, she soon fell asleep.


  “Up, Sigrid.” It was Mistress’ voice, and it brought Sigrid awake immediately. The sun had passed beyond the opening above, and she felt suddenly cold. Without looking up at Mistress, Sigrid shucked off her bikini and got on her hands and knees, head bowed, awaiting her collar and leash. They did not come. Instead, she felt something tapping lightly on her ass. She dared to look up.

  “My, how much you’ve learned,” Mistress smiled down at her. For some reason, she was dressed in a stylish business suit. She stroked Sigrid’s cheek gently with the riding crop she carried. Sigrid did not flinch. If she flinched, Mistress would use the crop on her. Sometimes, she did anyway.

  “Walk, Sigrid,” Mistress kept smiling. She tapped Sigrid’s shoulder, as if herding her towards the doorway. Wondering, Sigrid obeyed. This was something new, and she had learned to f
ear new things. Normally she would have crawled along behind Mistress at the end of her leash. Now, Mistress kept pace with her, tapping her lightly with the riding crop, urging her along through the door, past the guards and then along the corridor. Sigrid heard the door shut behind them. She had heard that sound seven times before. This time, it sounded ominous enough to make her shiver. The cement of the floor seemed colder than usual against her hands and knees. The corridor was a long one, with no cells along it. Mistress stayed alongside, tapping Sigrid’s ass almost playfully with the crop.

  “Tell me, Sigrid,” Mistress said at last. “You promised a lot of money if we would let you go. Did you intend your offer to include your friend Amanda as well?”

  “What, Mistress?” Sigrid couldn’t believe her ears. The crop came down on her ass hard enough to sting. She barely stifled a yelp.

  “I don’t believe you when you play submissive, Sigrid,” Mistress said sternly. “I’m not going to believe it when you play dumb. Did you hope to ransom both yourself and your friend Amanda?”

  “Yes, yes, of course, Mistress.”

  “I thought as much,” Mistress said. She kept shepherding Sigrid along the corridor with taps of the crop. “Unfortunately, one of our clients has taken an interest in Amanda. I suppose you have enough money to bid against him?”

  Sigrid did not know how to answer that question. Her silence earned her a much harder blow, this time across the small of her back. She gritted her teeth.

  “Do you, bitch?” Mistress snarled.

  “I-I don’t know, Mistress,” Sigrid answered. She really didn’t, but she was growing more and more uneasy about the way this strange conversation was going. She refused to hope that Mistress was serious, and not just toying with her. It had to be another form of punishment, emotional and mental instead of physical this time. And yet…

  “Keep moving, Sigrid.” Mistress went back to tapping with the riding crop. Sigrid obeyed. They moved slowly down the corridor until they came to an intersection where another corridor crossed it at right angles. Straight ahead led to the cells, including the one Sigrid had come to regard as her own. The corridor to the left led to another one of those circular chambers. Sigrid didn’t know where the one to the right led. She was surprised and immediately suspicious when Mistress steered her down that one. She hesitated for a moment, and Mistress lashed her ass mercilessly with the crop.

  “Move, bitch!” Mistress snapped.

  Sigrid was easily a head taller than Mistress, and stronger. They were alone in the corridor, and Sigrid was neither collared nor chained. She could have raised up and given the smaller woman the beating she wanted so badly to give her. She could have gripped Mistress’ head in both hands and smashed her skull to bits against the cement floor. Except that she could not. Something about Mistress frightened her right down to the marrow of her bones. Just thinking about attacking the woman struck her with terror. Sigrid went down the corridor as quickly as she was able. Mistress urged her along with harder taps of the crop on her ass, her back, and on the sides of her breasts. By the time they came to the door at the end of the corridor, Sigrid was in tears, shaking and sobbing weakly. Mistress squatted next to her.

  “Your offer got me to thinking, you silly bitch,” Mistress hissed. “How could a couple of secretaries possibly have enough money to ransom themselves out of this place? So, I did some checking up on you.” She stood up again. “Open!” she barked at the door. It swung inwards and Mistress nudged Sigrid forward with the sharp toe of her shoe. Head down, Sigrid crawled forward until Mistress stopped nudging. She was surprised to find that the floor in here was carpeted. She heard the door slam shut.

  “Position!” Mistress snapped. Sigrid immediately knelt upright and put her hands behind her. She kept her head down as Mistress cuffed her, ratcheting the hard metal tight enough to hurt.

  “Damn,” a male voice exclaimed. “You look even better naked than I’d imagined.”

  Sigrid raised her head slowly. She knew that voice, and she knew that her horror had only just begun. Giulio Santini, “Fat Giuli”, stood in front of her, his feet planted far apart, his hands on his hips and one of his stinking cigars in his mouth. He was smiling around the cigar. He blew out a puff of thick smoke. “Hello, Cassandra,” he said. “Or should I say, Sigrid? What the Hell’s your real name, anyway?”

  “Sigrid, master.” She could feel his eyes crawling hungrily over her nakedness.

  “’Master’…I like that!” he laughed. He came closer and reached down to maul Sigrid’s breasts with his big hands. Sigrid shuddered. She dared not pull away, but she did look away. She wished she hadn’t. Over in the corner, she saw two of Fat Giuli’s goons with Amanda. Amanda was naked and cuffed and her mouth was stuffed full with the bigger goon’s cock. Her eyes were closed. She was sucking slowly.

  “You cost me a lot of money, you bitch,” he growled. “You’re gonna help me get it all back, too. But first,” he straightened up. Sigrid heard him unzipping his pants. She squeezed her eyes shut, and two tears trickled down her cheeks.

  “I’ll leave you two to get reacquainted,” Mistress chuckled.

  “Thanks for all your help,” Fat Giuli replied. “I think we can do business.” He stepped closer to Sigrid. She opened her mouth and took the head of his cock in her mouth. He smelled of sweat and cigar smoke and garlic. She leaned forward, taking him in as she had been trained, whimpering as she felt him filling her mouth. She wished she was back in Minnesota.

  Other S J Lewis Novels From Pink Flamingo Publications

  Augustin's Island

  The Dark Woods & Other Bondage Stories


  Female Prey

  The Elusive Prey

  Claudia's Surrender: The Case of the Reluctant Submissive

  Urban Prey

  Hunting Party

  Marie's Descent

  Tanya, BDSM Erotica

  The Novice Prey




  The Daring Prey

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