Ménage in Manhattan: The Complete 5-Book Ménage Romance Collection

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Ménage in Manhattan: The Complete 5-Book Ménage Romance Collection Page 15

by Tara Crescent

  “Let me guess, it’s really a sex club.”

  “Would you like it to be, Bailey?” he asks, his voice rich with amusement. “Do you want to go to one?” His eyes gleam.

  “Do you fantasize about being on display in front of everyone, Bailey?” Sebastian prompts. “Is that it? You have a secret exhibitionist streak in you?”

  “Is there a real sex club here?” There’s a tremor in my voice and my footsteps slow down. I’m not sure I’m ready for that. Not just yet. Even though each word they utter causes the coils of lust in my core to tighten painfully, and even though my nipples are hard pebbles, poking out through my t-shirt.

  “No,” Sebastian admits. “Though it was interesting to watch your reaction.”

  I punch his arm. “Stop laughing at me,” I tell him. “Else I’m going back out there and focusing on my pool game.”

  “Oh, you’ll be focusing on your pool game tonight,” Daniel says blandly. “In fact, it’s to give you a little bit of extra incentive that we’ve brought you here.” He stops in front of a door and waves his wallet at it. The lock turns green and he turns the handle. “Come on, Bailey,” he invites. “Or are you afraid?”

  “Of you?” I give him my most challenging look, and move into the room, with an exaggerated sway of my hips. “Definitely not.”

  The sparsely decorated room we enter looks like a disused conference room. There’s nothing the slightest bit erotic about it, yet my eyes fixate on the table in the middle of the room, and I wonder if we are going to have sex on it.

  “No, we aren’t,” Sebastian interprets my expression correctly. “But I like the way you think. Drop your pants, honey. We have a present for you.”

  The present is a glass butt plug. It looks intimidating and heavy, and I gulp. In theory, I’m game for anal sex. In practice? I can’t see how this object is going to fit in my ass.

  “Relax, we have lube,” Daniel says. He notices that I’m still clothed. “Pants down, Bailey,” he scolds. “We’re running out of time. You need to practice your pool game.”

  “With the butt plug in me?” I squeak, my voice shrill. “Are you serious?”

  “Absolutely,” Sebastian says. “Daniel and I have been chatting about your game. There’s nothing wrong with your mechanics. You just don’t think you can win. So, today, we are giving you something else to focus on.”

  “A butt plug?” Though I remain skeptical, my hands are undoing the waistband on my jeans, and pushing them down to my knees, along with my panties. “The great secret to helping me at pool is to stuff a butt plug up my ass? How on earth did I fail to think of that?”

  Smack. Daniel’s palm connects with my ass in a stinging blow. Undoubtedly, this is punishment for the sarcasm. I turn to look at him, and find his eyes twinkling at me. “Want another?”

  The stinging has faded into a dull prickle, but the gush of wetness from my core remains. I liked that. I liked the unexpected harshness of that slap. The slight sense of danger I feel turns me on. “Whatever,” I say flippantly, knowing that I’ll make him mad.

  His lips curl into a smile. His palm connects harshly once again with my bottom. “Bend over the table,” he orders.

  I obey, my breasts mashing into the cool glass of the tabletop, and Sebastian gently kicks my legs open wide. “You spread for us, do you understand?”

  “If I feel like it.” My words are airy, my body begs for another hard slap. I get one, but this time, Daniel’s palm doesn’t hit my ass. He connects with my pussy and I hiss in pain as a sharp ache radiates from the spot where I’ve been spanked.

  Sebastian’s hands steady me instantly, his fingers soothing me. “Let’s get the plug in.” He brushes away a strand of hair from my face, and his lips find mine. “You okay, Bailey?” he whispers. “It’s just a game. It stops whenever you say so.”

  “I know.” My voice is hushed. “I’m fine. It feels good to let go.”

  “There’s always a safety net, sweetheart,” Daniel’s voice is quiet. “You won’t fall. We won’t let you.”

  Did Daniel just call me sweetheart? What the heck is that about? I want to stop and process that, but I feel the trickle of lube at my anus, and one of them inserts two fingers into me to prepare me for the plug.

  My ass is still warm from my earlier spanks, my pussy already wet. When the two of them push the butt plug slowly and steadily into my anus, there’s a burning stretch, but I’m still turned on.

  “Are you trying to push a watermelon up there?” I bite out. “How big does this plug need to be, anyway?”

  Sebastian enters my line of sight. “Bailey,” he shakes his head, smirking. “You have seen my dick, haven’t you? Trust me, you’ll appreciate our consideration when it’s time for both of us to take you.”

  A vision of them stretching my pussy and my ass with their dicks flashes in my mind, and this time, I can’t keep back the moan. “Fuck, that’s hot,” I groan. “You guys are killing me here.”

  The plug keeps pushing against me, and finally, with a pop, it’s seated in place, and my anus has closed around the neck. “There you go,” Daniel pats my ass, as if pushing butt plugs into my butt is a commonplace occurrence for him. His hard, bulging erection proves that he’s not quite as detached as he appears. “Get your pants back on. It’s time to play pool.”

  “What?” My cry is plaintive. “You can’t key me up this way and not get me off… that’s not fair.”

  Daniel laughs. “Life isn’t fair, princess,” he points out.

  “Says the billionaire,” I retort sullenly.

  Sebastian pulls me into his body. “Stop pouting,” he mutters in my ear, his voice vibrating against me in a way that makes me want to grind my ass against his erection. “We’ll get you off tonight. After you win.”

  I want to tell them that I have fingers and am perfectly capable of taking care of my own pleasure. But who am I fooling? I need Daniel and Sebastian to make me come. I want to be bracketed between their hard bodies.

  The weight of the butt plug in my ass acts as a physical anchor, holding back my sassy retort. “Fine,” I say instead. “Let’s go play.”



  It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.

  Mark Twain

  We have about an hour of practice time before Clark and Juliette show up, and I take full advantage. First, I order a couple of different appetizer platters, after making Daniel and Sebastian promise they’ll share the food with me. “Didn’t get a chance to eat all day?” Daniel asks me, looking bemused at the amount of food I’ve ordered.

  “I like variety,” I wink at him. It’s fun knowing that I have a butt plug in my ass. It makes me feel quite naughty. “Are we going to play?” I ask them once I’m done ordering enough food to feed a small village. “Because I need to beat Trevor. He’s a dickwad.”

  Though I’ve had other things on my mind since Sunday, I haven’t forgotten Trevor’s mockery of my pool league aspirations. When I tell Sebastian and Daniel about the way he sneered, their gazes grow dark. “I’m going to look forward to the moment when you kick this guy’s ass, Bailey,” Sebastian says.

  Daniel doesn’t say anything, but I can tell he’s pissed, and his irritation warms my heart. Yes, they have fifty grand riding on me beating my opponent at the end of season tournament, but it’s more than that. I think they care.

  As I play a friendly match with Sebastian, emotions take a backseat to lust. I’m very aware of the plug lodged in my ass. I’m terrified that it’s going to fall out, so I keep my lower muscles firmly clenched and hope that it doesn’t move.

  Sebastian misses his shot and I move forward, chalking my cue. I’m about to bend forward when a low hum pulses through my body. I almost scream with shock, then I see the grins of amusement that both Daniel and Sebastian are trying to conceal. I walk over on shaking legs to them. “Is this thing on a remote?” I hiss out, careful to keep my voice low so the players at th
e adjoining tables won’t hear me. “How am I expected to focus when I’m struggling not to come?”

  “Poor Bailey,” Daniel says to me. He wraps his arm around my lower back, and pulls me into his body. “What we are asking of you,” he murmurs into my throat, “is so difficult. But you are going to win tonight, aren’t you? You are going to rise to the challenge.”

  “We’re in public,” I mutter weakly. “Someone might be watching.”

  He releases me with a bemused expression on his face. “Would you believe I forgot?” he asks no one in particular. “I never forget.” He shakes his head. “The effect you have on me, Bailey…”

  “Make your shot,” Sebastian says to me. “Forget the vibrations of the butt plug. Eye on the ball, and only the ball.”

  How? I want to scream. I can’t tear my gaze away from the expression of naked heat on Daniel’s face.

  “Bailey,” Sebastian says again, this time with a note of warning in his voice. “Play.”

  I draw in a deep breath. I’m shivering with pent-up lust and it takes real effort to pull away from Daniel and walk up to the table. As I move, I feel the weight of someone’s stare on me. A prickling sensation of dread claws at my spine, and I look up, trying to find the source of my unease.

  She’s staring at me from the bar, her expression unreadable. Juliette.

  Fuck. Are we in trouble?

  The first chance I get, I nudge Daniel’s side, pretending like I’m reaching for some hummus and pita bread. Sebastian’s lining up for a shot at the eight ball. Normally, I’d be watching him play, but I have other things on my mind right now.

  “Please don’t freak out,” I start nervously. Daniel’s paranoid about his privacy, and I’m dreading his displeasure. “I think Juliette saw you kiss my throat earlier.”

  “Where is she?” His voice doesn’t give anything away. Only a tightening of his grip on his glass betrays his tension.

  “She was at the bar,” I tell him. “She’s not there now.”

  “Okay.” His fingers lace in mine. “Thank you for telling me.”

  “That’s it?” I ask in astonishment. “No scene? You aren’t angry with me?”

  He looks puzzled. “Why would I be angry with you?” he asks me, his brow furrowed. “It was my mistake, not yours.” He shrugs. “Juliette is unlikely to go to the tabloids,” he adds. “Sebastian will fire her in a heartbeat if she talks to the press. She’s smart enough to realize that.”

  “You are pretty ruthless, you realize that?” I ask him, choosing a tortilla chip that is absolutely covered with cheese and munching on it. “You are talking about ruining someone’s career.”

  “No,” he corrects. “I’m not. I’m merely pointing out that every action has consequences. Wouldn’t you defend yourself if you were attacked?”

  I think about my quest to learn to play pool well enough so I can kick Trevor’s ass at the end of season tournament, all because he’d lawyered up and demanded rent from me. My entire plan is about revenge, and my stakes aren’t even as high as Daniel’s. “I would,” I say, grimacing. “I think I’ve just discovered I’m kind of petty.”

  He smiles at me. “I don’t think you are petty, red,” he teases. “But you know what they say about a redhead losing her temper.”

  “What do they say?” I try to glare at him, but I can’t keep from grinning.

  He winks. “I’ll tell you tonight if you come home with us.”

  I laugh, forgetting about Juliette’s stare as I flirt with Daniel. “I’m definitely coming home with you,” I tell him. “You owe me an orgasm. Both you and Sebastian.”

  Sebastian walks up. From the look on his face, he’s heard that last sentence. “Don’t worry, Bailey,” he whispers in my ear. “I always pay my debts.”



  It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.

  Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

  I barely pay attention to Clark, to the opposing team or to the games that unfold in front of us. As the evening goes by, Daniel and Sebastian have turned on the remote and made my butt plug vibrate too many times to count. Everything becomes a haze to me, and the only thing I can think of is that if I don’t come, I will explode.

  Finally, the final match of the night is played, and it is time to leave. As I’m putting on my coat, Juliette comes up to Sebastian. “I’ll have proofs of your book for review tomorrow,” she says. “Should I drop them off at the restaurant in the morning?”

  “I’m not going to be there,” Sebastian responds. “I’m going to be meeting with suppliers tomorrow. Can you drop it off over the weekend?”

  She shakes her head. “I’m not in town.”

  Daniel cuts in impatiently. “Why don’t you drop them off at my place? I won’t be at home, but Mrs. Nowak can let you in.”

  “Sounds good.” She nods tersely at the three of us. “Have a good evening.”

  “You too,” I say politely. I don’t want to make an enemy of Juliette.

  The moment we step into Daniel’s mirrored foyer and the front door closes behind us, I’m sandwiched between their rock hard bodies. “All evening,” Daniel’s voice vibrates against my throat, “I’ve been thinking of you. Of the butt plug lodged in your ass. Of your wet, slick pussy.”

  My back is pressed against Sebastian’s chest. His arms lock around my waist, keeping me close. My breathing comes faster and my heart pounds in my ribcage. We’ve had sex before, the three of us, but anal is new to me. Anticipation turns my nipples hard, and a tiny wisp of fear sets me shivering.

  Daniel’s hands slide down, infinitely slowly, down my forearms. “Do you trust us?” His voice is hoarse with his own lust, gravelly with need. “Or are you afraid?”

  I look into his brown eyes. “Can I not be both?” I ask softly. “It’ll hurt, won’t it?”

  Sebastian’s teeth nip sharply at the soft skin at my shoulder, and intense desire shoots through me. “Did that hurt?” he asks.


  “Was it good?”

  Oh god yes. Who am I kidding? I want this. I want to know them in this most intimate of ways. All evening, the butt plug buried in my ass has been making me aware, needy. Now, adventure beckons and I’m ready.

  Daniel kneels in front of me, pulling my jeans down so they bunch at my ankles. His broad palms rip my panties. “Hey,” I protest half-heartedly, but he ignores my yelp.

  “Spread your legs for me, Bailey,” he orders. “I want to taste every inch of your pussy.”

  Sebastian’s grip holds me up, thank heavens, because my body becomes boneless as Daniel’s tongue plunges into my center. As his lips and teeth nibble, nip and suck, his fingers close around the plug that’s embedded in my ass, and he pulls it out slowly.

  I gasp as I feel my hole stretch to accommodate the widest part of the plug. He almost pulls it out of my body completely before pushing it back in. My entire body tingles, from my fingertips to my toes, and the only word I can use to describe the way I feel is naughty. I feel wicked and wanton, held against one man’s chest while another man touches me so intimately, so possessively.

  “You like that, Bailey?” Sebastian’s voice is smoky. “Don’t be coy. Look in the mirror.”

  Oh. The mirror. I’d forgotten about it.

  I am transfixed by my reflection. My pale thighs are a stark contrast to the black fabric of my t-shirt. Sebastian’s biceps bulge as he holds me still. Daniel’s head is nestled between my legs, and I watch the powerful muscles of his back ripple under his shirt.

  “Do you know what I see, Bailey?” His voice has taken on a ragged edge. “I see the way you bite down on your lip when Daniel’s tongue circles your clitoris. I see the way you clench your fists when he plays with the plug.” The cadence of his tone changes, and he issues a crisp order. “Pinch your nipples for me.”

  “Through my top?” I don’t recognize the way I sound. Throaty. Breathless.

Daniel shoves two fingers into my wet pussy and I moan aloud. My hands move up to caress my breasts, feather-light touches that have only one purpose - to drive Daniel and Sebastian as wild as they drive me. My nails scratch my nubs and I hold Sebastian’s gaze in the mirror as I squirm against his thickening erection. “Do you like that?” I whisper.

  There’s a blaze in his eyes. “Take off the shirt. Now.”

  Cool air wafts over my skin as I shed the garment. Daniel sits back on his haunches, his eyes locked on my body, and the instant the garment flies across the room, he continues his assault on my pussy.

  “Put your hands behind your back.” Sebastian isn’t done with his instructions. “Touch my dick.”

  Gladly. I run my palms up and down his denim-covered shaft, while Daniel’s tongue sucks and swirls and relentlessly and repeatedly brings me to the edge of orgasm. “Please,” I pant out. All evening long, I’ve been one hair-trigger away from release. He has to stop torturing me.

  I stroke Sebastian’s dick, faster and faster in my own desperate race to my climax. “Bailey,” he clenches out, “oh god baby, fuck.”

  ‘Oh god baby fuck’ pretty much describes the way I’m feeling. My eyes are over-bright in my face, and just as Sebastian described it, I’m biting the edge of my lip, over and over, as Daniel’s mouth, tongue, lips all feast on me.

  Then a dam bursts, and wave after wave of the sweet release flow through me. I close my eyes and throw my head back against Sebastian’s shoulder, and I surrender to pleasure.

  Daniel keeps going. His tongue sweeps a long, lazy path along every inch of my slit. “Stop,” I whisper, but he shakes his head

  “We are just getting started,” he chuckles. “But in the interests of keeping you warm, perhaps we should move this to the bedroom.”

  I hadn’t realized I was cold, not until now, but I notice the chillness in the foyer when he mentions it. “I was otherwise distracted,” I grin, reaching for my clothing. “Again, it seems as if I’m half naked and you guys are fully dressed.”


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