Ménage in Manhattan: The Complete 5-Book Ménage Romance Collection

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Ménage in Manhattan: The Complete 5-Book Ménage Romance Collection Page 66

by Tara Crescent

  The three people that know how to cook — Sebastian, Owen, and me - have spent all morning in the kitchen cooking a feast for the people we love. The tables are loaded with food. The roasted turkey jostles for room with the vegetarian pumpkin lasagna. There’s stuffing and gravy, my macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, green beans, steamed broccoli, and cranberry sauce. In addition, Gabby’s brought sandwiches, because it wouldn’t be a party without them.

  The place is packed. Bailey’s flown up from Argentina for the holiday weekend. Apart from Sebastian and Daniel, she’s brought Daniel’s mother and sister. “Thank you for inviting us,” Daniel says to me as he walks in. He winks at his mother and lowers his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “You saved me from my mother’s cooking.”

  Bailey chuckles as Daniel’s mother digs an elbow into her son’s side.

  Gabby’s men, Carter and Dominic show up. “Where’s Noah?” I ask them. I like that little kid.

  “With his father,” Carter replies. I know from listening to Gabby that Carter and Noah’s dad have a rocky relationship, but Carter seems pretty calm at the moment.

  “We’ve got a room in the city,” Gabby confesses with a grin. “We’re going to make the kid-free night count.”

  Six months ago, I would have blushed. Now, I just chuckle and look around to make sure Katie’s twins aren’t listening to this conversation. They aren’t. They’re at the table holding the pies, and they’re eyeing them like they haven’t been fed in weeks.

  Katie and Adam are talking to Miki, who I haven’t seen in months. She’s here without her husband, which is an ominous sign. I pull Wendy aside to ask her about it. “Where’s Aaron? How come he’s not here?”

  She grimaces. “I think Miki’s leaving him,” she says. “She walked in on his secretary blowing him in the office.”

  “What?” I gape at Wendy. “I’m going to kill him.”

  “Get in line,” she replies. “Miki almost sounded relieved. I think things have been rocky for a while.”

  “Why didn’t she say anything?”

  Wendy shrugs. “You know Miki,” she says. “She doesn’t really say much at the best of times.”

  “She’s not the only one.” I give Wendy a questioning look. I haven’t seen much of you either. What’s going on?”

  She doesn’t meet my eyes. “Work,” she says vaguely. “You know how it is.”

  Wyatt walks up to the two of us carrying a couple of flutes of champagne. “Ladies,” he says gallantly. “You need drinks.”

  I smile and take the offered glass. Wendy hesitates for an instant before reaching for the champagne. “Aren’t the two of you friends yet?” I ask them. Wyatt and Owen have told me about Wendy threatening to hurt them if they broke my heart, but given that I’m deliriously happy, everyone should be getting along just fine.

  Wendy grins. “Of course we are.” She punches Wyatt lightly on his arm. “Unless you hurt Piper…”

  “At which point you’ll chop my balls off and use them in a stir-fry,” Wyatt quips. “Don’t worry,” he winks at me. “I take very good care of Piper.”

  My face heats. “Stop that,” I mutter, embarrassed, but he just chuckles.

  Just then, Owen taps his fork against his glass. “It’s time for thanks,” he says quietly. “And I have many things to be thankful for.” He lifts his glass in my direction. “Let’s drink. To laughter, to love, and happily ever after.”

  I take a sip of my champagne, and turn to Wendy to continue our conversation, when I notice she’s not drinking. Her glass is untouched. I open my mouth to ask her why, then I realize that Wendy might not talk with Wyatt nearby. “Excuse us,” I tell him, clamping my fingers around my friend’s wrist. “Wendy and I need to go to the bathroom.”

  I drag her through the kitchen doors. “This isn’t the washroom,” Wendy jokes.

  I’m not distracted. “You’re not drinking,” I tell her. “What’s going on?”

  She takes a deep breath. “I was going to tell everyone on Monday,” she confesses. “Almost two months ago, the day before my birthday, I decided to have a one night stand with two men.” Her mouth twists. “It was just one night, no strings attached. What could possibly go wrong?”

  I know what’s coming, but I wait for her to speak the words.

  “Except the condom failed. I was in a ménage, and there were two of them, and now I’m pregnant.” She gives me a bleak look. “And I don’t know which one of them is the father.”

  Oh dear. I stare back at her, totally lost for words. “I’m going to be a mother,” she continues, her voice a mere whisper. “And Piper, I’m terrified.”

  The Wager

  The Wager

  A steamy ménage. A secret baby.

  My life is falling apart.

  I’ve been fired from my job. My new stepbrother has promised to ruin me. The only people on my side are Hudson and Asher.

  I shouldn’t have given in to temptation. I shouldn’t have slept with them.

  One night, they said. No promises. Just pleasure.

  But the condom failed.

  What am I supposed to do now?

  Note: The Wager is a full-length MFM ménage romance that is all about the woman. This story is about two damaged men who fall in love with the same woman. No cliffhangers.

  The Wager was previously titled Wagering on Wendy.



  For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.

  John F. Kennedy

  I’ve been a divorce lawyer for six years, and in that time, I’ve learned one thing. All men are lying, cheating bastards.

  Okay, okay. Maybe not all men. Maybe I’m wrong, and maybe my profession has skewed my perception of the gender. Divorce lawyers don’t exactly see couples at their best, after all.

  Take Howard and Sandi Lippman. They’ve been married twenty-five years, and in that time, Sandi raised three kids and was the perfect wife and mother. Then Howard Lippman decided to cheat on her with his twenty-two-year-old assistant. To add insult to injury, he hid the bulk of his assets so he wouldn’t have to pay his ex-wife her fair share in the divorce.

  My goal today? Find the hidden money with the help of my uber-awesome hacker friend Miki. Demonstrate to the judge that Howard Lippman is a cheating son of a bitch, and my client Sandi deserves half of his assets. Win, and win big.

  The streets of New York are almost quiet as I make my way to work. It’s a little after seven in the morning, and when I push open the frosted-glass door to the reception area of Johnson Nash Adams, I’m expecting to find the place to myself. To my surprise, Beverly, the assistant I share with two other lawyers, is already at work, as is Lara Greaves, who sits next door to me.

  I raise my hand in greeting, and head to my office. Five minutes later, there’s a knock on my door and Lara sticks her head in. “Hey Wendy,” she says. “A few of us are going to Nerve tonight to celebrate Pam’s birthday. Do you want to join us? All of New York’s rich and famous will be there.”

  “That’s not exactly a selling feature,” I reply dryly, thinking of Howard Lippman.

  She rolls her eyes. “The drinks are excellent. Dante is the best mixologist in the city.”

  I’m tempted. I’ve been working crazy hours in the last couple of months, and I’m overdue for a night out. Nerve is Manhattan’s newest lounge. It’s very exclusive, and I’m dying to find out what the buzz is about.

  Unfortunately, there’s a large mound of paperwork in front of me that needs to be dealt with. “I can’t,” I tell Lara regretfully. “Jonathan Stern’s lawyer just dumped several boxes of evidence on me before Amber’s first hearing next week.”

  She shakes her head but doesn’t try to argue. Lara’s trying to make partner too. We both know that work comes first; it always does, and it always will. “I’ll put you on the list,” she says. “Just in case you change your mind

  Before I can reply, my cell phone rings. It’s Miki. “I have to take this,” I tell Lara, who nods in understanding and shuts the door. Once I’m alone, I pick up the call. “Tell me you have good news for me, Miki.”

  We’re down to the wire here. Miki is a financial hacker, and she’s excellent at what she does, but Lippman’s systems have stymied her so far. She’s been working around the clock to find me proof of Lippman’s missing four hundred million dollars.

  “I hit paydirt, Wendy,” she announces, her voice layered with triumph. “Shell corporations, offshore bank accounts, you name it, I found it. I’m emailing you the details right now.”

  “Yes.” I punch the air in delight. The idea of Lippman getting away with his ruse has been gnawing at me. Now, he won’t. “You,” I tell my friend, “are a fucking goddess. A rock star. This is fantastic.”

  She laughs. “Sorry it took so long,” she says. “The company Lippman hired to hide his assets are pretty good at covering their tracks. In fact, I’m fairly sure that my snooping has been detected.”

  That could be a problem. “How long do I have before Lippman moves the money?”

  “A day or two,” she replies. “The trial’s this afternoon, isn’t it? You should be fine.” She hesitates for a brief moment, then continues. “This is the third guy in the last two months I’ve investigated for you. You’re making enemies, Wendy. Please be careful.”

  Miki is rarely paranoid, and this behavior is unlike her. “Miki, this is my job. If I do it right, the ex-husbands want to punch me. It goes with the territory. I’m used to the hatred.”

  This is my job, and I am used to the hatred, but this time, it’s a little more personal. Sandi reminds me of my mom. They’re the same age. Same honey brown hair, fading to gray, same caramel brown eyes. Same lousy taste in men.

  Thirty years ago, my father swept my mother off her feet in a whirlwind affair, conveniently forgetting to mention to her that he was married. Then Janet Williams found out she was pregnant. When she told Paul Hancock, he’d given her ten thousand dollars and told her never to contact him again. Too poor to hire a lawyer and fight for child support, my mother raised me on her own, sacrificing everything to give me a stable, loving home.

  I have no power to change the past. I can’t help my mother, but I can help Sandi. “Don’t worry,” I repeat. “I’ve got this.”

  Judge Hadid takes one look at the evidence Miki has secured for me, says several stern things to Howard Lippman and his lawyer Katrina Schroeder about lying to the court, and rules in Sandi’s favor.

  Outside the courtroom, Sandi hugs me tight. “Thank you, Wendy,” she says, her voice thick with gratitude. “I didn’t think you’d be able to pull this off, but I should have had more faith.”

  I shrug, uncomfortable with her praise. “I’m just doing my job,” I tell her with a smile. I watch her leave, then turn on my phone to check my messages. There is no voicemail for me to deal with, but there’s a news alert that stops me dead in my tracks.

  Paul Hancock has died.

  I scan the article for details. My biological father has succumbed to cancer caused by the tumor growing in his brain. His wife Lillian died six years ago, but he’s survived by a son, Thorne Hancock.

  My good mood evaporates. Paul Hancock never once acknowledged the daughter he conceived. I never met him, and now, I never will.

  I don’t know how to process the complicated cocktail of emotions I’m feeling, but if I go home, I’ll just end up brooding all night. I dial Lara’s number. “You guys still going to Nerve?” I ask her when she answers. “I’m joining you.”

  Dante had better mix up a mean drink. I’m going to need alcohol tonight.



  Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living?

  Bob Marley

  I’m staring at my schedule, wondering why on earth I’m supposed to be at Miguel’s new lounge on a Monday night, when my assistant Vivian knocks at my door. “You have a visitor,” she says, sounding harassed. “A Mr. Engels. I tried telling him you don’t see people without an appointment, but he wouldn’t leave.”

  I go very still. The last I heard, Levi Engels was in jail, locked up for a year for his role in a scheme involving bad checks and forgery. He’s lucky it wasn’t longer. My childhood friend has become something of a career criminal, and we haven’t spoken to each other in almost fifteen years. Why is he here now?

  I force a smile on my face. “Is he waiting in Reception?”

  She nods. “Do you want to see him?”

  Not really. Levi Engels is trouble with a capital T. I don’t have a good feeling about this at all. “Yes, please. Could you send him up?”

  “Ash Doyle,” Levi’s voice booms out as he walks in. He looks around my office, taking in the expansive space, the large windows that overlook Manhattan and the modern art on my walls. “You’re a big shot now, aren’t you, buddy?”

  There’s a trace of hostility in his voice. I ignore it. “Long time, Levi. How’ve you been?”

  “I’d have been better had my lawyer been any good,” he says. “All lawyers are fucking thieves, am I right?”

  Bullshit. His defense lawyer was a genius. It was Levi’s third arrest, and he should have been locked away for five years. I disregard Levi’s dig at my profession; he’s trying to get a rise out of me, and I refuse to let it work. “What can I do for you, Levi?”

  His expression turns serious. “I need a place to stay for a month or two, Ash. Just until I’m back on my feet.” He swallows, sounding vulnerable. “I want to clean up my act, but it's hard when I'm surrounded by temptation.”

  For years, I’ve been waiting for him to ask for help. “Of course,” I reply instantly. “I can arrange…”

  “No.” His voice is vehement. “I don’t want your charity. Can I crash at your place? You have a spare bedroom, don’t you?”

  Several. Bedrooms are not the problem. As much as I want to believe Levi’s change of heart, there’s always a chance that he’s going to get seduced by crime, by the promise of easy rewards. And I can’t be involved with that. I won’t risk everything I’ve worked for.

  But Levi’s expression is hopeful, and I can’t turn him away. “Sure,” I reply. “My place isn’t far away. If you have some time now, I’ll get you a key, introduce you to the doorman and show you around.”

  “Thanks, buddy,” he says fervently. “You want to grab a beer later?”

  I look up at that, surprised. “Can you go to a bar when you’re on parole?”

  He shrugs indifferently. “My parole officer’s an idiot. He’ll never find out.”

  Trouble already. Thankfully, I have an excuse to avoid Levi tonight. “I can’t,” I reply. “A client just opened a lounge in SoHo. I promised him I’d drop by.”

  Levi doesn’t look too put out by my refusal. “No worries,” he says. “Some other night, yeah?”


  I’m pretty sure I’m going to regret this decision.



  “Want to bet that we’re getting fired today?”

  Nadja Breton, my second-in-command, and the only woman I truly trust, frowns at me. “That’s defeatist,” she chides. “We could be reading this situation wrong.”

  The two of us are in the small conference room in our SoHo office. The floor-to-ceiling windows give us a great view of the city while shielding us from the noise and the chaos. We moved into these offices four years ago, and when I signed the lease, I knew I’d made it. I’d grown Fleming Architecture from a one-man operation to a prestigious design firm that had twenty-five employees and was projected to make fifty million dollars by the end of the year.

  On the glass table in the center of the room, there’s a scale model of the skyscraper I’ve designed for Jack Price and Ian Schultz. It’s gorgeous, among the best work I’ve done. I eye it dispassionately. “Jack Price received box seats to the Knic
ks yesterday, courtesy of Kent and Associates. I’m not an idiot, Nadja. I can read the writing on the wall.”

  “Doesn’t it bother you?”

  “I’m not going to bribe Price for this job,” I say flatly. Fleming Architecture is extremely successful, with an abundance of happy clients. While I'd prefer not to lose this account, my intuition tells me the Clark Towers project is bad news.

  There’s a lot more I could add. I could remind Nadja that after Megan, my gold-digging ex-wife, I’m leery of people that are only interested in me for my money.

  Nadja, who’s been staring out of the window, takes a seat at the table. “Some of the newer architects are restless.”

  I raise my eyebrow. “Why?”

  “They think you should be bidding more aggressively for work. Branch out in new directions.”

  This argument again. I’m willing to bet money that Colin Cartwright is behind the discontent. Colin believes I should have picked him over Nadja to be my second in command, and he’s doing everything in his power to undermine me. I’m getting tired of it. “We’re a boutique firm, Nadja. We only bid on projects that are a good fit for us.”

  She sips at her coffee. “I’m not the one you need to convince,” she replies.

  I make a mental note to have a conversation with Colin. If he doesn’t stop his bullshit, his days at Fleming Architecture are numbered.

  Jack Price and Ian Schultz frown when they see the model of the skyscraper in the middle of the room. Nadja, noticing their discontented expressions, exchanges a look with me. Fired, she mouths.


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