Knot Intended

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Knot Intended Page 6

by Karenna Colcroft

  The way he’d tweaked her nipples had made her wet, but she couldn’t say so. She wanted more, but if she begged, she would give him reason to follow through with his threat of exposing her against the window. The thought of strangers seeing her naked and vulnerable hit the same buttons as her kidnap fantasy, but it would be far too much risk.

  She needed something, though. If she didn’t soon have some relief from her cravings for him, she might scream.

  Then again, as turned on as she was, she might scream if he did put his hands on her. And that wouldn’t be good. Her “kidnapper” didn’t want her to make a sound.

  He folded his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes. “Are you wet, you slutty bitch? Are you scared of me like you should be, or are you excited as fuck to have someone take control of you? Be honest now. If you lie I’ll punish you, and you won’t like that a bit.” He paused and ran his tongue over his lips again. “Or maybe you would. Are you into pain? You like being a bad little slut so you can be punished?”

  Too many questions. Through her whirling thoughts and the haze of desire surrounding her, Nolie wasn’t sure how to reply or even which question to answer first. She gave Joseph a look she hoped would telegraph her confusion without pissing him off.

  He rolled his eyes. “Now you stop talking? I told you to answer me, bitch. Are you scared, or are you turned on?”

  Relieved, Nolie took a deep breath and replied, “Both.”

  “Both what?” He came closer and loomed over her. Involuntarily, Nolie shrank back again, and Joseph chuckled. “Scared?”

  “And excited.” Nolie shivered again, more from the cool air in the room this time than from any emotions. “May I ask something?”

  “You just did.” He tapped his palm against her cheek. “I should slap you for it, but I’ll be nice this once. What the hell do you want?”

  “I’m freezing.” Her teeth clicked together on the last word, proving her point. Somehow she suspected he would think she’d done it on purpose, and she hoped he wouldn’t “punish” her for it. “Would you turn on the heat? Please?”

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” He lowered his voice to a growl. “Why do I care if you’re cold or not? You’re just a toy. I don’t give a fuck if my toys get cold, as long as they play the way I want.” He tweaked one of her nipples painfully hard, and she bit back a cry.

  He licked his lips and gave her cheek an oddly gentle caress. “Being cold makes your nipples nice and hard and easy to suck,” he said. “Should I do that?” He squeezed her breast, and she gasped again. “Should I play with you? Oh, wait. You can’t answer me, or I’ll have to stop playing to punish you.” A chill ran through Nolie, and she tried to huddle in on herself, something nearly impossible with the way she was secured. At first the cool air in the room hadn’t bothered her, but the longer she sat there naked, the colder she became. Apparently her being warm wasn’t part of the game.

  Joseph had a point. A kidnapper wouldn’t care much about the comfort of his captive. But despite the role, Joseph was still her husband, and he shouldn’t have wanted her to freeze.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Joseph snapped. “Fine.” He stalked to the heater beneath the window and turned it on.

  Almost immediately, warm air blew through the room, though it barely made a dent in Nolie’s chill.

  Joseph turned back to Nolie with a frown. “You’re lucky you’re such a sexy, slutty little bitch. Otherwise I wouldn’t give a shit if you froze to death. Don’t fucking push your luck, though. If you ask for another favor, you won’t like the result.”

  Nolie nodded, afraid to speak.

  Chapter Six

  It took a few minutes for the room to warm up. Meanwhile, Joseph sat on the bed and stared at Nolie. Simply stared. Nolie struggled to remain still and not speak. Absolute silence was uncomfortable for her, but she had to accept it as part of Joseph’s game. Even if it made her crazy.

  In spite of her discomfort, she liked the intense lust in Joseph’s gaze. Too long had passed since he’d looked at her that way. She had his total attention now, something she hadn’t managed in months. Even when they’d made love recently, part of her mind had been elsewhere, and she was sure the same was true for him.

  Now she had nothing on her mind other than what she desperately wanted Joseph to do to her. From the way he stared at her, she doubted he was thinking of anything other than her naked body and all the things he could do to it.

  No matter what happened for the rest of the evening, having Joseph look at her as if she were the most important thing in the universe would be worth it.

  It would be even better when he finally did something to get her off. Waiting for his next move was sheer torture. She wanted to beg for him to touch her, kiss her, anything at all to give her some relief from the craving and need that left her skin tingling and her pussy tight and ready.

  Tormenting her was almost certainly what Joseph intended. He was trying to get her to tell him she wanted him. That was why he had barely touched her so far. He knew the signs of her arousal. He couldn’t have missed how turned on she was. And he didn’t want to give her what she desired unless she begged. But a captive wouldn’t ask for her kidnapper’s hands and cock, so Nolie held back.

  Finally he walked over to her and stood so close she could reach the bulge in his pants. “Looking a little anxious there, slut. Is there a problem?”

  Nolie shook her head. She refused to reply. He’d ordered her not to ask for anything else. In this game, she should have been pleading with him to get away from her, regardless of what she really wanted.

  “You aren’t waiting for me to do this, are you?” He cupped her breasts in his hands and massaged her nipples with his thumbs as he bent and brushed his lips against the spot below her earlobe that always drove her wild. Before Nolie could stop herself, she moaned. Joseph chuckled and squeezed her breast so hard it took her breath away.

  He gave her a smug grin. “Oh, so you do like that, don’t you, slut?”

  Nolie couldn’t answer. She was sure any words she tried to speak would come out as another moan. After waiting so long, she was so aroused she felt as if she might come from only his hands on her breasts.

  Joseph didn’t seem to expect a response. He cupped both hands around her breasts more gently and thumbed her hard nipples. Gasping, Nolie tensed. Joseph released her and stepped back. “You want your tits played with, huh? Even by a stranger? Even by someone who brought you here against your will?”

  Nolie pressed her lips together and focused her gaze on the floor. He was her captor. If she admitted she liked what he was doing, he might be pissed off enough to stop. Of course, Joseph probably knew exactly what she was feeling, but he would pretend not to, and Nolie had to keep up the fiction as well. Even if it was so difficult she wanted to scream.

  She shook her head then reconsidered and nodded. There was no correct answer to his questions, and not answering at all might be worse.

  Joseph sneered. “No, you don’t like it, or yes, you do? Or you don’t have a fucking clue? Sweet, innocent little slut, you can’t admit you want this, can you?”

  He squeezed her breasts again. This time Nolie managed to stifle her gasp. Joseph looked disappointed but said only, “Nice tits. I wonder what you'd do if I tried to suck on them. These nipples of yours are pretty much begging for it.”

  Nolie smiled at the thought of nipples begging and immediately set her expression back to as close to neutral as she could. Smiling wasn’t a good thing.

  Whether her nipples could beg or not, she wanted Joseph to touch them. Suck them. Anything he wished to do. But she wasn’t sure she dared find out what that might be. Joseph wouldn’t hurt her intentionally, but he might get carried away again. As a kidnapper, he wasn’t supposed to be gentle with her. She didn’t mind a little roughness, but pain was outside her comfort zone.

  Without having any way to guess what Joseph might do, she couldn’t guess whether he would stick to th
eir usual rules. She knew her husband well and was familiar with every move he made in the bedroom. He rarely varied things in any way other than occasionally changing positions while they fucked.

  Now he was doing something vastly different, and it disconcerted Nolie. The fear and anticipation from Joseph’s unpredictability gave her an odd mix of emotions.

  One of which was definitely lust. Her pussy was wet, and Nolie wished she could close her legs before Joseph noticed. If the sight of her hard nipples got him going, who knew what he might do if he saw moisture between her legs. Maybe he would finally give in and take her the way she wanted, but he might call her more dirty names. Or suggest some kind of punishment for her being so turned on. She shuddered and closed her eyes so she wouldn’t see the hunger in Joseph’s expression.

  He grasped her chin and tilted her head back. Startled, Nolie opened her eyes again. Joseph’s face was scant inches from her own. “Don’t you dare zone out on me when I’m talking to you,” he snarled. “You like this, don’t you? You like being tied up so I can use you however the fuck I want.”

  “I…” Nolie wet her lips. He shook her chin roughly. “Answer me. Do you like this? Are you so turned on you want to jump on my dick and ride me until you scream?”

  “Yes,” Nolie whispered.

  “I don’t think I heard you. Did you just say yes?” Joseph bent closer. His warm, coffee-scented breath filled Nolie’s nose and soothed her. Even when he was acting like a mean old bad guy, Joseph couldn’t go without his coffee.

  Nolie raised her voice slightly. “Yes.”

  “Hah.” Joseph straightened, releasing Nolie’s chin, and glared down at her. “I knew you were a nasty little slut the moment I saw you. No wonder you didn’t fight back when I snatched you. You probably wanted this the whole time, didn’t you?”

  Nolie simply looked at him, so angry and aroused she didn’t trust herself to speak.

  His face twisted in another sneer, Joseph swatted Nolie’s thigh. She yelped and immediately bit her lip.

  If her outburst annoyed Joseph, he didn’t give any sign. “Didn’t you want me to play with you?”

  “I don’t know.” Nolie swallowed. Her mouth was too dry, and she didn’t dare ask him for water. Hopefully soon he would realize she needed something to drink, or she would have to either disobey the rules or break character to make the request. “I don’t know what I thought would happen.”

  That was the truth, at least. Once Joseph had broken the window, all bets had been off. He was obsessive about keeping the house in good shape. The Joseph she knew wouldn’t deliberately damage anything, especially in a way that would cost money to repair. If she couldn’t count on that, she couldn’t count on any predictions she might make about his behavior.

  It was exciting as hell.

  “I didn’t ask what you thought would happen, bitch.” Joseph leaned over her again, his hands on the back of the chair. Even if she hadn’t been tied, she wouldn’t have been able to get free now, not with his arms imprisoning her.

  “I’m sorry,” she said without realizing she was going to speak.

  “Then answer my fucking question.” He put a hand on the side of her neck. “I asked what you wanted. Did you want me to strip you? Play with you?” He ran his finger down to her pussy and flicked her swollen clit.

  Nolie moaned, and triumph filled Joseph’s gaze. “Did you want me to fuck you?” he said hoarsely.

  “I don’t know!” Nolie squeezed her eyes closed, then took a deep breath. She wanted to admit how fired up she was by Joseph’s actions and words but didn’t dare. Aside from not wanting to tell her “kidnapper” she yearned for his touch and for his cock inside her, she was afraid to tell her husband. She could only imagine what kind of person he would think her if he realized her reaction to their game.

  She knew Joseph wouldn’t judge her. He hadn’t judged when she’d told him the fantasy, and obviously he expected her to be stimulated by the reality. He was the one causing her reactions. He couldn’t be disturbed by them. He wanted her heated and wet and desperate for him. But her anxiety about the possibility he might be disgusted or angered by her desire wasn’t rational enough for her to reason her way out of it.

  Joseph hesitated and rested his hand on Nolie’s thigh for a moment. She swallowed hard and nodded to let him know she was ready to go on with their play. Her husband was there, waiting to fuck her, and she refused to let being afraid interfere with that.

  “Don’t lie to me, slut,” he said slowly, looking at her face.

  Nolie pressed her lips together and merely met his gaze.

  Apparently encouraged, Joseph went on. “I can tell you want this by the way you’re looking at me. Sweet, innocent brown eyes, but there’s a whore behind them, isn’t there? You love the idea of fucking me. I probably could have bent you over the car in your driveway and taken you right then and there, and you wouldn’t have cared a bit.”

  To hide how much more his words and the accompanying mental image aroused her, Nolie resorted to humor. “Yeah, I would have. The neighbors probably would have called the police, and I can’t afford an arrest for indecent exposure.”

  “Oh, so you’re a wiseass now, huh?” He straightened again, unbuckled his belt and pulled it out of the loops on his jeans. “I should whip that smart-ass look right off your pretty face.”

  Nolie stared at the belt, a brown leather one she had bought Joseph for his birthday. If he hit her with it, the strike would hurt like hell.

  He wouldn’t do that, though. His earlier smacks on her ass had been extreme for the Joseph she knew. Surely he wouldn’t go beyond that.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “Dark humor. Trying to keep myself calm.”

  “Yeah, you sure are sorry.” He bent the belt in half and tapped the center of it against his palm. “Let’s try this again. Don’t be a wiseass, or you’ll get this belt across your thighs. Unless I decide to aim higher.”

  Nolie hitched in a breath. “I won’t wise off.”

  “Good little whore.” He tapped the belt again. “What did you think when I grabbed you in your house, huh? Were you scared, or did it make you horny as fuck?”

  “Both,” Nolie said, her voice barely audible. She braced herself for Joseph’s reaction.

  He grinned. “Good bitch. You were honest this time. So what would you do if I bent your ass over that chair and fucked you good and hard?”

  Probably fall over. The chair isn’t that sturdy. She managed not to say it aloud. “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t, huh?” He cupped his hand over her pussy, and she gasped. “Yeah, you love that thought. I knew you would. Maybe we’ll find out what you’ll do, but I’m going to have a little fun with you first. I like to play with my toys.”

  Nolie wet her lips again.

  Joseph stepped back. “Thirsty?”

  “Yes.” She looked at him, pleading. “I really need water. I’m feeling lightheaded.”

  “You’re just a scared little whore.” He set the belt on the bed, went to the minifridge beneath the TV, and took out two bottles of water. “You’re lucky I’m thirsty too. Otherwise I wouldn’t give a shit what you thought.”

  Nolie knew better. No matter how deeply into character Joseph was, he wouldn’t let her faint from dehydration. She decided she was better off not arguing with him, though.

  He opened one of the bottles and held it to her lips far more gently than she would have expected. As he tipped the bottle, she drank nearly half the contents before she leaned back to let Joseph know she was finished.

  He drained the rest of the bottle, then tossed it toward the trash, setting the remaining bottle on the bureau. “Back to fun now,” he said. He picked up the belt again and ran the buckle down each of Nolie’s arms.

  She shivered at the light, tickling touch.

  “Sexy bitch,” Joseph murmured. “Nice toned arms. I wonder what you’d do if I smacked them.” He tapped the belt on her left bicep.

’m not into pain,” Nolie said.

  “I didn’t give you the choice, did I?” He raised the belt and brought it down but stopped before it touched her skin. “You’d best remember who’s in charge here, got it?”

  “Got it.” Adrenaline coursed through Nolie’s veins, and she breathed deeply, trying to slow her racing heart. For a moment she’d believed Joseph really would hit her. She still wasn’t entirely convinced he wouldn’t.

  “Smart slut.” He dangled the belt so it slid down over her breasts to her mound. “Definitely prime meat. You like to fuck, bitch?”

  “I prefer to fuck my husband.” Nolie’s voice shook. She was taking a risk talking back to her “kidnapper.” She couldn’t have explained why she spoke at all. She just couldn’t let Joseph believe she would allow anyone other than him to do something like this to her.

  “Yeah?” He tickled her abdomen and pussy with the belt. Nolie shivered, and Joseph’s mouth twisted into something between a grin and a grimace. “You’re married, huh? Bet he has a hell of a time dealing with a whore like you. He probably doesn’t have a fucking clue what to do with you, does he? Bet he sits there watching the news and wishing he could fuck your brains out instead of actually fucking you.”

  Nolie blinked and tried to comprehend what he was saying. Either he’d forgotten who he was talking about or that was how he really felt.

  Either way, he was being far too hard on himself. He talked to Nolie. They communicated better than most of the couples she knew. As for whether he knew what to do with her, the only complaint she had about their sex life was that it didn’t happen often enough. When they fucked, Joseph knew exactly what to do.

  Though he usually did the same thing every time, as if he’d decided anything that worked was worth repeating and not altering.

  She refused to let Joseph know she had any issues with his performance. This wasn’t about hurting his feelings.

  “You must not know my husband,” she said, allowing a bit of anger into her tone in spite of the potential risk of “punishment” for talking back to him. “He’s a wonderful, caring man, and he’s an incredible fuck.”


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