Fudgeballs And Other Sweets

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Fudgeballs And Other Sweets Page 13

by Lori Copeland

  “You’re going to buy Rockfield Corporation so you can stay here and throw me out?”

  “Be serious.” Her fingers clutched at her throat. “I lost the necklace in a batch of fudge.”

  He wiped a tear from her cheek. “I’ll buy you another one.”

  “I want that one.”

  “Why do you insist on being difficult?”

  “I’m sorry, Dave. I—”

  “Dearie,” Mrs. Wilcox yelled through the open doorway. “Making fudge balls really paid off today. Look!” She held up a brown blob. “There’re diamonds in the candy!” She handed Jenny the necklace.

  Jenny’s heart skipped a beat when she saw the heart embedded in the fudge. “Thank you.”

  “Oh, Mr. Kasada, Mrs. Kasada is on the phone.”

  Dave swore under his breath, releasing Jenny’s arm. “Hold off making any decisions for a few days. Let me see what I can do. I’ll talk to you later tonight.”

  He left, and all she could do was stare at the door. Exactly what did he think he could do? she thought resentfully.

  She was the one out in the cold.

  DAVE PICKED UP the phone.

  “I’m back, and we need to talk,” Nancy said curtly.

  No Hello, how are you, sorry I haven’t written to let you know how Megan is doing. Just, We need to talk. Well, she was right about that. They did need to talk. “Where’s Megan?”

  “She’s here, and she’s fine. Sorry I haven’t gotten back with you,” Nancy apologized. “What’s your schedule like?”

  “I’m not too busy to have my daughter, if that’s what you mean.”

  “Can you get away for a few days, come to Chicago? We honestly need to talk, Dave, and not over the phone.”

  “What’s this about, Nancy?” He knew her tricks, and he wasn’t falling for them.


  The solemnity of her voice scared him. What did she have up her sleeve this time? Full custody of Megan? Of course. She and her rich husband wanted it all, money, power and his daughter.

  “Forget it, Nancy.”

  “Dave, control your temper. This is serious. We need to talk. Can you be in Chicago by the end of the week?”

  Dave snapped a pencil in half.


  “I can be there by Friday.”

  “Good. I’ll have Father draw up papers—”

  “The hell you will! You won’t do anything until I get there!” He held the receiver away from his ear as she hung up on him.

  Have Father draw up papers? The salt air must have corroded her brain. She’d be in for the fight of her life if she thought he would relinquish custody of Megan. Jonathan Pharis might be loaded, but he didn’t have a crutch to stand on when it came down to it. Dave was a good father, and no one and no amount of money could change that.

  JENNY WAS ROUSED from a deep sleep by the doorbell. Rolling over to look at the clock, she groaned. Two o’clock. What nut was ringing her doorbell at this hour?

  Scratching her head, she padded to the door, trying to focus. The two aspirin she’d taken earlier had her head spinning like a top.

  She leaned against the doorway, closing her eyes. “Who is it?”

  “Dave. Can I come in?”

  “You selling cookies or something?”

  “Let me in, Jenny.”

  She yawned, unlatched the door and let it swing open. She stepped back as a rush of cool air trickled through her thin nightie.

  Dave brushed past her. “Did I wake you?”

  She closed the door, wondering why she hadn’t grabbed a robe. “Of course, you woke me.” Pushing away from the door frame, she went into the kitchen. He followed.

  “What are you doing up this time of the night?”

  “I couldn’t sleep.”

  She filled the coffeepot with water. “Trouble?”

  “Nancy wants me in Chicago by Friday.”

  “Oh?” She measured coffee into a filter. She’d wondered all day about the significance of the call. “Did she say why?”

  “Something to do with Megan. I think she’s going to ask me to let Pharis adopt her.” He took a seat at the kitchen table. “I’ll never allow that, Jenny. I can’t.”

  Jenny sat across from him. “I know.”

  “I won’t sign away my daughter. Nancy can be cruel, but even as coldhearted as she is, taking Megan is…”

  “Dave, calm down,” Jenny said, laying her hand over his on the table. “You don’t know that’s what she wants. Just wait and see. You could be wrong.”

  “I have a one hell of a headache.” He rubbed his temples to ease the dull throb. “Do you have any aspirin?”

  “I’ll get it, and the coffee.”

  HE WATCHED HER leave the room, the sight of her oddly comforting. He needed her tonight like he’d never needed anyone before. She was his sanity. She was the only person who understood what he was going through, and he thanked God he had her.

  It wouldn’t surprise him if Nancy had found out he’d been seeing Jenny and wanted to punish him by taking Megan. Possible, but not probable. None of Nancy’s friends hung around the island—it wasn’t posh enough, and it certainly wasn’t the south of France.

  “Here you go,” Jenny said, setting the aspirin in front of him.

  He stared at the bottle, the words on the label blurring in front of his eyes. Jenny pulled him from his morbid thoughts when she set a glass of water and a cup of coffee in front of him. “Thanks,” he muttered, tossing two tablets into his mouth.

  She listened quietly as he complained about life in general, his gaze slipping to the gap in the front of her thin robe and the outline of her nipples that showed through the filmy fabric.

  “Dave?” Jenny shook her head. “You haven’t heard a word I’ve said.”

  “You said you wanted to tuck me in your bed and make me feel better, didn’t you?” He smiled when she blushed and averted her gaze.

  “You’re pretty frisky for a man with a headache.”

  She met his gaze across the table, and her eyes told him she wasn’t adverse to the idea. Reaching for his hand, she stood and walked toward the living room. “I never should have given you that coffee. You’re much too awake for this time of the morning.”

  He followed her down the hall of her quaint little cottage into the bedroom on the right. “Pink?” he asked, eyeing the very feminine decor.

  “I’m a woman. We like pink.” She sat on the bed and patted the mattress beside her. “Come on, pink won’t kill you.”

  “You sure?” He sat, stretching tired muscles.

  “Your aunt Mosie’s lavender didn’t, did it?” Her hands slipped to his shoulders. “Let me work the kinks out of your neck.” Eventually, she helped him pull off the green knit Polo and made him lie on his stomach.

  “You’re getting a little bossy.” He didn’t have the strength to argue with her. Her soft hands felt like heaven, and the tenseness in his shoulders began to melt as she worked her magic.

  Her hands kneaded sore muscles and worked on knots of stress that had formed since the phone call. He felt the softness of her lips touch the center of his back. Her tongue teased a trail to his belt line then up again. Did she know what she was doing to him? He groaned and tried to roll over.

  “I’m not done with you yet,” she said.

  “I certainly hope not.”

  She kissed him lightly on the lips. “Talk about bossy…”

  He rolled to his back and loosened the sash around her waist, then pushed the robe from her shoulders. The short opaque gown left little to the imagination, stirring the heat that already throbbed in his groin.

  “Miss McNeill, what will people say?”

  “Are you complaining, Mr. Kasada?”

  “Hardly.” He opened his mouth as she lowered her lips to his. The sweet scent of her perfume was like an erotic elixir that seeped into his every pore. Her fingers threaded through the mat of hair on his chest, her kiss sheer pleasure.

She filled the void in his heart with feelings he never thought he’d have. It was love she gave, and he selfishly took all she offered. He wanted her, not just for the night, but to be his partner. A woman like her came along only once, and he was determined not to lose her.

  His hands found the bottom of her gown and slipped inside, closing over her breasts. As she ended the kiss and sat up, he pulled the thin garment off her and feasted on her natural beauty. “What would I do without you?”

  Her eyes softened in the light of the full moon that streamed through the open window, casting shadows over her nakedness. She was a sight to behold, and he memorized her every curve with his hands.

  She pushed away without a word and knelt to pull off his shoes and socks, then his belt. He watched the spark of desire grow in her hazel eyes. He took a deep breath and held it while she licked her lips and smiled. She made quick work of his clothes then lay beside him.

  Moonlight kissed her tan body as he rolled over and kissed her throat, working his way over her breasts to her stomach. The salty taste of her skin mixed with the scent of bath soap as he worked his way up to her lips.

  There were no words to describe his need for her. His love went far beyond simple physical pleasure. She’d become a part of him, consuming his every thought, day and night. He wanted her with him always.

  She moaned sweetly when he entered her warmth, and she wrapped her legs possessively around him. He wanted to tell her how precious she’d become to him, but he felt she knew. As he moved within her it was as if he could read her thoughts, feeling the sacred bond only lovers possessed.

  This night was different than the first. She trusted him, and he returned that trust. Her shyness was gone, and she met his every thrust with one of her own. He was lost in emotions he could no longer control. She was his, of that he was sure.

  Tonight belonged to them, to share and to love. And when he returned, he’d find a way to make every night belong to them. No more empty feelings and sleeping alone. He wanted her by his side, in his bed, for the rest of their lives.


  “PREGNANT?” Jake stared wide-eyed.

  “Yes, you’re going to be a papa.” Princess laid her head on Jake’s shoulder and sighed. “That must be why I’ve had all these strange cravings lately.”

  “Pregnant?” He sounded like a record stuck in the same groove.

  She nudged his chin with her nose. “Isn’t it wonderful, Monsieur?”


  “Quit babbling like an idiot. Oui, oui, you silly goose. Tiny babies. More than one.”

  Jake strutted around her and scratched at the grass. “Are you sure?”

  “Look at me!” She jumped to her hind feet and exposed her poochy belly.

  Jake sat on his haunches. “Hey, hey! Don’t be doin’ that. You might strain something. Aren’t mothers-to-be supposed to take it easy?”

  She rubbed her face against his. “You old softy.”

  “Just lie down here and rest. When’s these kids supposed to pop out?”

  “Any day now.”

  “Holy Moly.” Jake swallowed hard. “A dad—I’m gonna be a dad any day now,” he repeated. “Hey, wait right there. I’ve got something for you.” He strutted to his side of the tree and trotted back with the bone he had hidden from her all these weeks. He dropped it at her feet.

  She stared, then sniffed it. “Yuck! Where did you get that nasty old thing?”

  “It’s yours.”

  “Monsieur! I have never owned anything so disgusting in my life!”

  He rolled the bone over with his paw. “I got it from your side of the tree.”

  She tossed her head haughtily. “It is not mine!”

  “You mean I’ve been hiding that bone all this time and it ain’t even yours?” He laid his head on his paws, sighing. “Women!”

  “JENNY MCNEILL,” Dave said, a smile as broad as Texas stretched across his face, “I’d like you to meet Megan Kasada.”

  Jenny stood in the open door of her cottage and stared at the little blond-headed, blue-eyed beauty standing next to Dave. His exuberance was contagious, and she found herself grinning. The smell of pepperoni seeped from the large pizza box he had in his hands.

  “Come in, for heaven’s sake.” She gestured for them to enter, took the box from Dave and sat it on a nearby table. “So nice to meet you, Megan. Your dad has told me lots of wonderful things about you.” She turned to Dave. “I’m glad you’re back. I take it your trip was successful?” Her eyes searched his. Had the meeting gone as he expected? Was Nancy demanding full custody of Megan?

  She didn’t think his smile could get any broader, but it did.

  “You’re not going to believe this—”

  Jake darted into the kitchen, fell to his belly and slid to a stop in front of the table holding the pizza. He leaped up, sniffing.

  “No, no, Jake.” Megan patted the side of her leg for him to come. Jake wiggle-walked to her so hard he nearly fell over. “Look, Daddy, he remembers me!”

  Dave squatted to pet the dog. “How’s my buddy?” Jake answered with an affectionate lick on his cheek. He turned to smile at Jenny. “Thanks for watching him for me. Hope he wasn’t any trouble.”

  “Not much,” she conceded. She hated to admit it, but the dam dog was lovable.

  Princess joined them and danced a circle on her hind feet, delighting Megan.

  “Ooh, another puppy!” She held out her arms and Princess and Jake engaged in a licking contest.

  Over giggles, yips and woofs, Dave herded Megan and the dogs toward the door. “Sweetie, why don’t you go out and play with Princess and Jake while I talk to Jenny.”

  “Okay, Daddy. Then can we eat our pizza?”

  He glanced at Jenny. “I should have called to see if you were busy.”

  Jenny smiled. “Never too busy to eat.” Or to see you, her heart added.

  He hurried Megan along. “We’ll eat in a few minutes, honey. Don’t let the dogs tear up anything,” he warned.

  When he turned, his gaze locked with Jenny’s. “I missed you.” He reached for her hand.

  His voice was soft, mesmerizing, his touch electrifying. Had he only been gone a few days? It had seemed like an eternity. She couldn’t speak, couldn’t tell him how much she missed him. Even if she could, what good would it do?

  Finding her voice, she gently pulled away. “I’ve never seen you look happier. You weren’t just spouting fatherly pride. Megan is beautiful.”

  “I am happy, Jenny—and I wanted to share it with you. You’ve been on my mind every moment since I left—”

  “The pizza’s getting cold,” she interrupted, uncomfortable with the conversation. “Maybe we should call Megan inside. It looks like rain. I’ll make some iced tea…” She faltered when she felt his hand touch her shoulder. When he pulled her to him, her body turned to mush and molded against his firm torso.

  “Jenny,” he whispered against her hair, “I couldn’t wait to get back and tell you the good news. You’re the one I wanted to share it with.”

  She buried her face in his shoulder, drawing close to his warmth. “I could use some good news.”

  Lifting her face, he brushed her cheek with the back of his finger, then slid his hand around her neck and lowered his head to kiss her. Her first instinct was to pull away, but her body betrayed her good judgment. Her lips invited his all too eagerly.

  “God, I missed you.”

  His voice was low and breathy. She leaned into him and rested her cheek against his chest. She felt his steady heartbeat and even breathing. She had missed him, too.

  “What’s the good news?” she asked as she pulled away and moved toward the kitchen.

  Dave picked up the pizza and followed her. “Nancy didn’t want full custody of Megan. She wanted to reverse custody.”

  Jenny glanced up. “Reverse? What’s that mean?”

  “She wants Megan certain holidays and summer vacations only. Otherwise, Megan gets to stay
with me.”

  “That’s wonderful!”

  “Isn’t it? I can’t believe it. I went to Chicago ready for battle. I had to read those damn papers her father drew up twice before it soaked in. I thought they were trying to pull another one over on me.”

  Throwing caution to the wind, Jenny flung her arms around him and hugged him tight. “Oh. Dave, that’s wonderful! I really am happy for you.”

  “For once Nancy did something for the good of our child. She admitted her life-style would not be good for Megan, especially after school starts.”

  “And she agreed to just visitation?”

  He nodded. “I’d never deprive Megan of seeing her mother, so I had the papers amended to give her more than she asked for. With notice, she can see Megan whenever she wants.”

  “How’s Megan adjusting to the news?”

  “That’s what’s so remarkable. This is what Megan has wanted all along. Oh, don’t get me wrong. She loves her mother. She just doesn’t like traveling. She misses our time together. I play—Nancy shops.”

  Jenny laughed. “What is it they say? When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping.”

  Dave slipped the pizza in the oven to warm. “I’d like you to help me get Megan settled in school. You’ve lived here and know the ropes. I don’t even know who to see about getting her started.”

  Ice cubes crackled when she poured tea in the glasses. “You go to the school and ask. They’ll tell you what you have to do and the supplies you’ll have to purchase.”


  “Scissors, crayons, tablets. Dave, you’re going to have to do this on your own.”

  His brows raised.

  “I have news, too.” She placed plates, napkins and forks on the table. “I’m leaving the island.”

  Accepting a glass of tea, he gazed at her, his demeanor sobering. “No luck finding suitable space?”

  She shook her head. “There’s nothing.”

  “There’s got to be something. Let me see what I can do. I know how much you love it here.”


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