Escape to Earth-The Legacy of a Conqueror

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Escape to Earth-The Legacy of a Conqueror Page 26

by Saxon Andrew

  “Leader, they’ll run out of power if we do that.”

  The Leader’s outer aura pointed out the window, “We’ll run out of towers if we don’t.”

  • • •

  Every Assault Warrior went into the barrier as every disruptor began firing around its base and sweeping outward. The beams would then move back to the base to sweep outward again. Eve watched the horrific beams and kept her thumb gripped. The firing continued for an hour and she glanced at her tactical status in her visor.

  Her eyes narrowed and she pressed her communicator, “My scanner indicates the beams are no longer powerful enough to penetrate our force fields. We will wait ten more minutes and then we are going to go after them at full speed.” She waited and then counted it down. She came out of the barrier and sprinted toward the closest tower and used her heavy blaster to cut it down. Her armor was being hit repetitively but she ignored it until her force field failure warning buzzer went off. She went into the barrier and waited until the force field had recharged and then she rushed out again. She glanced at her status square and saw 4,458 casualties. Sixty percent of her force was still operational. The destruction of the towers took on a new frenzy. The remaining warriors had learned how to survive in the deadly climate they inhabited. They learned the most important lesson: barrier first, think second.

  • • •

  Allison was watching the warriors fighting their way through the disruptor towers as Chris kept his attention focused on the space battle. She shook her head, “Why don’t the Legends have any kind of air support for their disruptors? That would make a critical difference in their defense.”

  “They’re too paranoid to do it!”

  Allison looked at Chris, “I’m not sure I follow your reasoning?”

  “The disruptors are controlled directly by their computer system. There’s no possibility of their being a danger. An aircraft would have to be piloted and it could be used to attack the Legends. They won’t allow that possibility.”

  “They have ground forces with heavy armor.”

  “That could be vaporized by the disruptors if they even hinted at moving close to them.”

  Allison nodded, “You’re right.” She turned back to her panel and watched the Assault Warriors slug it out with the Legends’ defenses.

  • • •

  The Silver Ships flew into the formations of the older Black Ships, and the entire outer layer of them was demolished. The second layer died almost as fast as the first but they had time to start firing against their attackers and thousands of Silver Ships saw their force fields blown away. Chris saw a sudden change in the Silver Ship’s tactics. Instead of moving in and firing at any Legend ship in their paths, they started twisting, turning, and dodging at an unbelievable speed. It was like a dragon fly on speed moving through a swarm of mosquitoes. The Legend Battleships looked like they were standing still as the Silver Ships twisted among them killing huge numbers as they passed. It took more than four hours for the last of the older model black ships to die. The battle at that point took on a frenzy that was impossible to follow.

  The new battleships were far more powerful and faster than the older ships and their beams were devastating. Those ships were capable of killing the Silver Ships if they could fire on it and keep it locked in the beam longer than a second. Chris saw thousands of blasted silver hulls floating in space. But he never saw a Silver Ship destroyed, they moved too fast to be followed by their tracking systems.

  Allison came over and pressed some buttons on Chris’s panel. The display moved back ten minutes. It slowed to super slow motion and they watched the battle at a speed they could follow. They saw a Silver Ship twist at an impossible angle and bore in on a huge Black Warship. It fired its DE Beam and the black ship exploded into two pieces. The Silver Ship was then hit by a Legend disruptor beam and its force field collapsed. The beam hit the hull but the Silver Ship changed course in a radical turn that prevented the disruptor from tracking it. They followed the Silver Ship and once it was out of the disruptor beam, its force field reappeared and it twisted away from another beam fired at it. “Chris, those newer Legend Battleships are a match for the Silver Ships.”

  “Not really.”

  “Yes they are.”

  “Allison, if you put one of their ships up against a Silver Ship, they would lose every time.” Allison stared at him shaking her head and Chris said, “Did you see the new mini-atomic subs designed to deliver a single missile.”

  “You mean before Lukas showed up?”


  “They are incredibly fast and nimble. Nothing in the Russian or Chinese Navy could catch them.”

  “I remember.”

  “But it would be impossible for that sub to catch a bottle nosed dolphin, even though it had a higher speed.” Allison stared at him. Chris nodded at the display, “That’s what’s happening out there. The sub’s pilot would have to operate its controls and move it via flaps and propellers. The Dolphin would just swim away from it. The sub operator could not match the mammal’s reaction time or its turning ability.” Chris shook his head, “Oh, they’ll get lucky and manage to hit some of them with more than one beam and some Silver Ships will die. But they stand no chance of matching their maneuverability. The Silver Ships are simply flying in space without thought about it. They focus on the enemy ships and react to what they see. The Legend’s crews have to turn steering wheels, turn nobs, press buttons, and all the other things that a crew have to do to fight a ship. They’ll never match the speed and quickness of an intelligent starship.”

  Chris pressed the ‘Live Button’ and Allison saw the flashes of the Silver Ships on the screen. She couldn’t see them. Chris smiled, “Neither can the Legends’ Crews.” She looked at him and he smiled, “I don’t have to look at your thoughts to know what you were thinking.”

  Loree broke into his display, “Chris, the Legends are calling for help.”

  “Let Jinks know and tell him to get his units fired up.” Loree nodded and disappeared from his display.

  “What do you think is going to happen?”

  “Whatever it is, I think all of us are going to be shocked by it.”

  “I really hope you’re wrong,” but Allison knew he was probably right.

  • • •

  The Legend Leader watched his fleets being decimated above the planet and he said, “I’m calling for help.”

  “If you do we will be punished for losing control.”

  “Would you rather be dead?”

  “We can fight our way out.”

  “And go where? Either way, the Lords will know we’ve failed. LORD, WE ARE UNDER ATTACK AND OUR DEFENSES WILL SOON BE OVERRUN!”

  “WHAT!! SHOW ME!!” The Legend Leader sent the mental images of what had happened and the LORD was enraged, “YOU INCOMPETENTS! WE ARE COMING!!”

  • • •

  Loree and her Goran Scout watched the galaxies that were bunched up in a distant star cluster and saw a massive wave of warships start moving out of them. The wave didn’t pause to form up but just began moving at high speed toward M-87. Loree looked at the Goran, “Evidently their tools are better trained than the ones here.”

  The Goran nodded, “It appears you are right. Twenty galaxies are sending warships.”

  “Send what we’re seeing to Chris and Admiral Jekins.” The Grogan nodded and continue to stare at the monitor.

  The Grogan said, “The giant Black Ships leading each of those formations are not moving ahead of the tools they’re bringing with them. Their black warships are also holding formation around them.”

  Loree stared at the wave that continued to grow as millions of ships came out of the galaxies and formed into one giant flood of ships. She sighed and said, “Let them know the wave will arrive in about two hours.” The Goran nodded.

  • • •

  The last Legend battleship died an hour and a half later. Piper looked at the white mist glowing in his ship and said, “Th
e warriors have destroyed all the disruptors on the surface that could fire at you. It’s time for you to go and introduce yourself.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “All of my family are going out to meet the attacking force coming to save them.”

  “How large is it?”

  “You really don’t want to know. I’ll wait for you here.”

  Pat left Piper and moved toward the surface of the planet and he had to admit the warriors had really done a number on the planet. The land around the Legends’ Residence looked like the surface of a moon with too many craters to count. He could see the Legends gathered in their central chamber and he smiled.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Lukas sat in fleet operations and watched Averel’s thoughts as the Goran Scouts reported in. He saw the massive wave of ships moving toward M-87 and knew there was going to be a massive loss of life. He shook his head and looked at the floor. There were just too many. He looked at Averel, “Show me a closer view of the fleets moving in.” The image appeared in his mind and he was stunned at the sized of the giant Legend Ships. They were as large as some moons. He looked at Averel, “How many of those giant ships are coming?”

  “There’s one for every galaxy sending ships.”

  “Show me one again.” The image appeared in his mind and he saw the giant ship was in the center of the giant fleets accompanying them. All of their Black Warships surrounded them and his eyes narrowed. He looked up, “Are you seeing this?”

  The Sentinel Leader said, “I am. The numbers are staggering.”

  “You must go to where Pat is now!”

  “Why. Those ships have disruptor beams that can kill us, as well.”

  “The difference between you and the Legends is you aren’t afraid of acting. Now do as I ask. You owe us this!”


  “If you are placed in danger, flee. But go there now!” Lukas listened but the Sentinel’s thought pattern had disappeared.

  • • •

  Pat arrived at the residence of the Legends and he swept into the room. He immediately hit thirty of them with an extended piece of his aura and they screamed as they fell to the floor and began withering into a fading blue glow. The Legend Leader screamed!

  • • •

  All of the assembled fleets waited in the void outside the edge of M-87 and saw the approaching tsunami of ships moving toward them. They were still far out of scanner range but the wave was so large it could be seen covering the void as far as the scanners could see. He heard Medley say, “Admiral, all of my family members are here and we are going to wait outside the coming ships. When they arrive, we will go after the Legends in those fleets.”

  “That would be good. All ships, go to combat operations. You will hold your positions until I order the attack.”

  Julie contacted Chad, “This looks like the end.”

  “It certainly doesn’t look good.”

  “Are you always this much of an optimist?”

  “You should know by now that the fight isn’t over until it’s fought.”

  Everyone heard the Goran Scout yell, “In coming ships!”

  Jinks jerked his head around to his rear view tactical monitor and saw millions of Green Battleships moving in behind him and falling into formation at the ends of his formation. “Admiral, I hope you don’t mind if we crash this party.”

  Jinks shook his head, “The more the merrier. We can use your help.”

  “I don’t know how much of a difference we’ll make but we’ll do all we can. You are in command, Sir.”

  “Form up on our wings and wait until I order the attack. At that point it will be every ship for itself. The word of the day is fight and survive.”

  “That’s more than one word.”

  Jinks started and then smiled, “It is, isn’t it. You get the idea.”

  “Indeed I do.”

  Jinks looked out at his massive fleets and saw millions of force fields activate. “Jester, we’re not going to sit this one out. Every ship will be needed.”

  “I look forward to it, Jinks. It’s been a real pleasure working with you.”

  “I feel the same Jester.”

  • • •

  The Legend Lord heard the Leader scream and yelled, “WHAT?”

  “THE BEING WE THOUGHT WE KILLED IS HERE AND HAS KILLED THIRTY OF US. NOW THERE ARE MILLIONS OF THEM AROUND OUR PLANET!! The Legend Lord heard the death scream of the Legend Leader move out into the universe. Then he heard a single thought as Pat screamed, “COME ON!! COME ON!! I OWE YOU A DEATH.”

  His thought was followed by millions of other highly energetic thoughts screaming for them to move faster. They were waiting.

  • • •

  The massive wave of ships rushed up on the combined fleets and Jinks said, “Steady…on my command.” He watched the tidal wave of warships rolling toward him and he lifted his communicator. Suddenly, it stopped…turned…and fled. Jinks watched them flee and shook his head. He had pressed his communicator to order the attack and he said where everyone could hear, “Was it something I said?”

  Chad nearly fell out of his chair laughing. He looked at his tactical and managed to say, “Look at your monitor, Admiral. The Legend Ships have fled, leaving their tools behind.”

  Jinks looked at the monitor and saw Chad was right. He said over his communicator, “Well, we’re dressed for a party, we have a ticket to be present, and so, we might as well dance. All ships, attack their formations, NOW!”

  • • •

  Scholars tried for years to determine how many enemy warships were destroyed that day and failed. Even examining the million light years long debris field in normal space wouldn’t yield a number. When the Legends fled, every ship they left behind was less powerful than the millions that left with them. The Legends would never allow a tool to build a superior warship. The Alliance fleets ripped into them and the tools were too frightened to do anything but run. If their Masters were frightened, then they knew they stood no chance.

  When the billion Silver Ships slammed into the sides of the giant enemy formation, the devastation was total. The Legend Fleets arrived a tidal wave and the ships that managed to make it back to their galaxies were little more than a ripple. Jinks eventually called off the attack and ordered the fleets to go home. Going after the Legends on their planets was something that would have to be planned in advance. The fleets turned and began their journeys back to their respective galaxies.

  • • •

  Jinks returned to Eden to the cheers of millions as a conquering hero and some historians gave him the credit for the incredible victory. But those that later studied the recordings and records knew the truth and the final record was written by them. The Legacy of the Conqueror was written to make all understand that the greatest hero’s greatest trait was mercy. His son followed his example when he led the fleets out to resolve the problem of the Legends.


  “I understand the Alliance has added some new members.”

  Chris nodded and lifted his sunglasses, “The Goran and Audons have come to like the other members. They have also been well received by the others.”

  “What about the Progen?”

  “That’s not my problem. The Audons will have to bring them in line.”

  “One of the Goran Scouts reported last week that M-86 has kicked off their civil war.” Chris lowered his sunglasses and laid back on his beach chair. “Not your problem, either?”


  “Chris, the Legends are still out there!”

  Chris sighed and looked at Allison. Her large belly was bigger than it was the day before. “My job is over. I’ve accomplished the task I was given and I’m finished.”

  “Everyone is cheering Jinks and he doesn’t understand the admiration he’s receiving.”

  “Don’t clue him in. I’d rather he be the center of attention.”


  Chris put his finge
r on Allison’s lips, “I intend to devote the rest of my life spending every waking minute loving you and our children. That is where I find peace. Everything else is just a distraction.”

  “The Goran have forgiven you.”

  “But forgiving myself is not as easy. Loving you is where I find the most comfort.”

  “Our children will be faced with the Legends.”

  Chris smiled, “And they will be equipped to handle the problem. What good is retirement if you don’t use it?”

  Allison smiled and reclined on her chair. She reached over and took his hand. He wrapped his fingers around it and held it tenderly. He smiled as he heard Michael screaming as he jumped another wave. Alley was getting pretty good at pulling him. He raised his head and saw a pink and blue sail moving on the waves out from Michael. Audrey’s spirit was watching her son grow up. He lowered his head and was amazed at his good fortune at having two incredible women love him. Now it was his turn to return it. He had a lifetime to catch up.

  A Barrier Pod flashed overhead trailing a rope; it was Willow. He looked up in time to see Luke run by with a surfboard under his arm yelling at Michael. He sat up and saw Lukas and Salud following Luke. Right behind them, Stoney and Kathy came down the dune pulling a large wheeled cooler. Allison struggled to sit up and Chris pulled her up. “Hey! You can’t start this party without us!” They turned and saw Eve and Nudge walking down the dune with Chad and Julie. They all carried two large bags of food and the Mitchell children ran past them toward Michael and Luke. Allison looked into Chris’s eyes and saw his happiness. He was right. He was right where he belonged; surrounded by those that loved him. She resolved to never ask about the future again or worry about it, either.

  An hour later, the family that forced her to go to Eden arrived and Allison ran to greet them. She walked with them down to the beach and smiled. She realized she didn’t need anything more than her family who were now here with them on this special beach. She would never want more.

  The End

  Books by Saxon Andrew


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