Toro (The Hell Yeah Series)

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Toro (The Hell Yeah Series) Page 7

by Sable Hunter

  “Come back here, Lola. We’re in the middle of your bath!”

  Bull stopped in his tracks, his attention completely captured by the vision before him. A beautiful young woman was chasing the dripping wet dog. Dressed in knee-length shorts and a white tee, damp enough to qualify her for the world’s finals wet T-shirt contest, she was femininity personified. His jaw almost dropped to the floor and his mouth began to water. Temptation, thy name is woman. Bull tried to contain his reaction, especially in front of his host, but it was hard - literally, he was damn hard.

  For the second time in a matter of days, Bull had met a woman who proved his worst fears wrong. There wasn’t a damn thing wrong with his cock. He removed his hat and held it in front of his erection. How could he be so attracted to this woman after what he and Carmen had shared? Hell – maybe he could blame his overactive libido on the months and months of abstinence he’d endured.

  “Isabella! Return to your quarters this instant! You are not dressed to entertain!”

  Oh, Bull begged to differ, he felt very entertained. And at the same time, he felt…guilty. Even though he wasn’t committed to Carmen, he’d like to be. Still, he couldn’t have kept his eyes off this delicate confection to save his life.

  Isabella was so engrossed in her chase to recapture Lola, that it took her a few heartbeats to realize she was standing in front of Benedict Redford.

  Her Benedict Redford.

  Despite the unexpected circumstances, Isabella’s face broke out in a radiant, welcoming smile. “Hello,” she offered, her voice trembling with excitement, “I’m so glad to see you! I didn’t expect…”

  “Isabella!” Don Luis came toward her. “Did I not request that you return to your room? When you are more respectable, I’ll introduce you to our guest.”

  Crossing her arms over her breasts, she had to hold herself back from running into Benedict’s arms. Isabella could hear her uncle speaking, but she wasn’t comprehending his directive. She was too surprised and elated to be standing in front of her cowboy to think straight. “How did you find…the ranch?” she stumbled, not really knowing how to proceed without giving herself away to Don Luis.

  “How do you do?” He returned the lady’s greeting, albeit a young lady. “Senor Cortez gave me good directions.” After getting a better look at her, the girl was probably no more than eighteen, if she was that old. Despite her killer curves, she had the fresh-faced look of an innocent. Couple the girl’s apparent youth with her relationship to the man he was trying to impress, made this young lady strictly off-limits.

  In other words, taboo.

  “Since you’re refusing to comply with the simplest of requests, let me do the honors.” Don Luis stepped between them. “Mr. Redford, meet my niece, Isabella Cortez. Isabella, this is Mr. Bull Redford, a man who’s come to view the best Terra Dura has to offer.”

  Bowing his head a slight bit, Bull acknowledged the young woman’s rapt stare. He couldn’t help but note Cortez’s comment, Bull knew he was viewing the very best Terra Dura had to offer – right in front of him. “Nice to meet you, Miss Isabella.”

  She gazed right into his eyes, searching for some hint of recognition. At first, Isabella thought he might be joking. Surely, he recognized her. She knew there were differences, no makeup to speak of and her hair was a mess, not to mention her casual clothes. Oh, and lack of a mask, that could be a big factor. “Ben…?” she began to venture a query, but was abruptly interrupted by her uncle shouting her name.


  “I guess you ought to do as your uncle asks and leave us grown-ups to take care of some business,” Bull whispered to his young admirer.

  There was no way Isabella could miss the faintly condescending tone on his part. A dart of pain sliced through her. What was going on? He might not recognize her, but he seemed like a different man. “Fine. Excuse me. I did not intend to interrupt such an important discussion.” Ducking her head, she murmured to Lola who was hiding behind a big potted plant. “Come on, girl, let’s go upstairs.”

  The truth hit Isabella like a bolt from the blue. Benedict not only didn’t recognize her, he’d just dismissed her as if she were a pesky fly.

  Well, she’d just see about that!

  “Ah, pardon my young niece, she is a little hard to handle at times,” Don Luis gestured broadly for Bull to follow him to the patio.

  If she weren’t jail-bait and there was no Carmen, of course, he’d damn sure like to give handling her a try. “Kids, they’re something else.” Bull felt extremely uncomfortable.

  “Do you have any children, Mr. Redford?” Don Luis asked the question while he punched a few numbers into his phone.

  “A little boy, Luke, he’s three.” He hadn’t reached the point where he stopped thinking of Luke as his baby, he probably never would.

  Don Luis held up his hand to indicate he needed to speak on the phone. “Ready two horses. We’ll be down to the barn momentarily.”

  “I can’t wait to see your ranch. This is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been.” Bull wasn’t buttering the rancher up, the little he’d seen of Terra Dura was breathtaking.

  “All in good time.” Don Luis smiled at his guest. “For now, let’s ride around the grounds surrounding the hacienda and I’ll show you my pride and joy.”

  Over the next hour, Bull was shown an operation unlike anything he’d ever seen. No expense was spared, yet there was a historical feel to the place. He almost felt like he’d stepped back in time.

  “I have many fine animals I want you to see.” Don Luis urged his horse up on a high ridge, overlooking a lazy river winding its way across a verdant valley.

  “I’m ready to see them, I’ve been renting the use of one of your bulls from a neighbor, I’d like to own one just like him.”

  “Who possesses this bull you covet so much?”

  “A man named Esteban, he owns a ranch about seventy miles east of mine. Remember him?”

  An odd expression crossed Cortez’s face. “I’m not sure, I’ve sold many animals.” He waved his hand dismissively. “Tomorrow, you shall see some of them.”

  “Tomorrow?” Bull had been hoping he could see them today.

  “Yes, manana.” He pulled his horse up abruptly and the stallion reared. “For now, let’s go back, have a meal and get to know one another.”

  From her bedroom balcony, Isabella watched her uncle and Benedict come riding toward the hacienda. Her cowboy looked amazing on a horse. She kept her eyes on their progress, her heart and mind in turmoil over the unexpected encounter with the man who’d so captured her imagination…and her body. At first, she thought he might be protecting her by pretending he didn’t recognize her and not mentioning La Diosa, then she realized he truly didn’t know. Apparently, her disguise was much more effective than she’d hoped.

  The serendipity of her two-time savior being a possible buyer for their stock was not lost on Isabella. Releasing a pent-up sigh, she admitted to herself how much she wanted to believe in the romantic notion that their paths crossing like this was a sign of fate.

  When they returned to the stables, Isabella waited and watched until they emerged. She kept her eye on them until the men came toward the hacienda, then she slipped off her shoes and padded to the second-floor landing so she could see what they were up to. Their voices carried, so she could trace their progress through the house.

  “Make yourself comfortable in the den, Mr. Redford. My attention is required for a couple of business matters. I’ll have Magdalena prepare us some lunch and we shall discuss our common interests before the afternoon siesta.”

  “Whatever you say.” He wasn’t about to argue. From what he’d heard, the Mexican was persnickety about who he did business with and Bull didn’t want to do anything that might discourage Cortez from selling him some of his fine breeding stock. Finding himself alone, Bull eased down into an oversize leather chair facing an ornate fireplace. The temperature wasn’t cool enough to warrant a fire
, but he could see from the worn places on the hearth that it had been well used.

  A few dozen steps away, Isabella plotted her next move. “Stay here, Lola, desperate times call for desperate measures. I’m heading for my lookout position.” The dachshund kept her adoring gaze on her mistress as Isabella tripped down the stairs and out into the courtyard. There was one particular tree she’d been climbing since she could walk. Up in the comfortable branches, there was a generous fork where she could rest and observe most of what went on through the interior glass windows facing the den and living room. This used to be her hideout when she was small and wanted to evade nap-time, now she used the spot as her sanctuary when the absence of her beloved parents became too great to bear. Today, however, this would be her vantage point to keep an eye on Benedict and to ensure he was alone while he received a very important phone call from La Diosa.

  Bull didn’t know how long he was supposed to wait, he just hated to sit and twiddle his thumbs. Glancing around, he saw a magazine with some cattle on the cover. He reached for the periodical, then realized it was written in Spanish. “Forget it,” he muttered. Fixing his gaze on a lizard scooting across the outside window ledge, he let his mind wander. Naturally, the first thought in his head was of Carmen.

  Buzz! Buzz!

  “Diosa?” Bull murmured, seeing the ‘blocked call’ designation again. He tapped the ‘accept’ button so hard he almost put a dent in the phone. “Carmen? God, it’s good to hear from you. Where are you?”

  Up a tree. “I’m at my home. Where are you?” She was careful to use her La Diosa voice.

  “I’m at some rich man’s house, trying to buy a bull. When can I see you?”

  “Do you want to see me, cowboy?” Even though she was filled with uncertainty, Isabella tried to sound flirtatious.

  “Hell, yes. I haven’t been able to think of anything else. Only you.”

  Feeling torn, Isabella pulled on one of the broad leaves. “I miss you.”

  “You don’t have to miss me. As soon as I get away from here, I’ll call you. Can I have your number?”

  From Isabella’s perch, she peered at him through the leaves. “Maybe. Are the people you’re visiting being nice to you?”

  Bull shrugged. “Sure, yea, I guess so.” He chuckled. “Cortez has this young niece who seems like a little hellion.”

  Isabella gasped, a little affronted. “What do you mean?”

  Bull realized he was treading on thin ice. No woman wanted to hear about another one, even if there was nothing to be jealous about. “Oh, nothing. She just seemed a bit spirited, trying to come across as older than she is.”

  “What did she do?” Isabella couldn’t remember anything she’d done to warrant his reaction. As far as she could remember, all she’d done was speak and smile at him. “Did she flirt with you?”

  Bull thought back, reviewing his interaction with the little Lolita. No, she hadn’t done anything especially forward. She’d appeared to be glad to meet him, that was her only crime. If anything had been improper about their interaction, it had been in his thoughts, not her actions. “No, she didn’t flirt. She’s a cute kid. Why you should’ve seen her racing through the house after a dog that escaped from its bath.” He chuckled. “I’m not sure who was wetter.” The memory of Isabella’s delectable shape in the wet T-shirt caused Bull to shift in his seat.

  “I see.” Isabella didn’t know what to think. One thing was crystal clear, Benedict might be attracted to the mysterious La Diosa, but he viewed the real Isabella as nothing more than an irritating child. Suddenly, her self-confidence plummeted. Without the makeup, the fancy clothes…not to mention the mask that hid her features, she didn’t appeal to Benedict Redford.

  “Enough about that girl, she’s not important. Can I call you when this is over and meet you somewhere?” Bull held his breath, he needed more time with this woman. Returning to Texas without seeing her again didn’t bear thinking about. As he waited for her to give him some hope, his attention was snared by a movement in the courtyard. The branches of a tree seemed to be moving.

  Doubt rose in Isabella’s heart. What should she do? There was more at stake here than just a romantic liaison. She couldn’t afford her actions in the bullring to be exposed to her uncle. Yet, ending things with Benedict at this point was not something her heart would allow. Could he be attracted to plain Isabella Cortez or was he only drawn to the power and mystery of La Diosa?

  Carmen Isabella Mercedes Cortez intended to find out. She needed to know.

  “I’m sorry, Benedict. I can’t get away to meet you right now. Uh…my family has a guest.”

  Damn. “Just let me call you. We’ll work something else out later.”

  “Yes, Benedict, call me when you are free.” She gave him her number.

  “Perfect.” Bull felt a weight lift from his chest as he entered her name into his contacts. “I can’t wait to see you again, Beauty.”

  “Nor I you.” Although, Benedict would be seeing her far sooner than he suspected. “Be good, my cowboy. I’ll be waiting to hear from you.”

  “Give me the chance, Diosa, I’ll be good to you. I want to give you another one of those earth-shattering orgasms we shared,” Bull whispered into the phone. At the same time as he heard a gasp in the phone, Don Luis’s voice sounded in the hall.

  “Bring a bottle of my best tequila, Magdalena!”

  “I have to go, Benedict. Goodbye.”

  Bull didn’t get a chance to respond before she was gone. As he stood at the approach of his host, he noticed a commotion outside the courtyard window. To his amazement, right before his eyes, Don Luis’s niece came tumbling down from the branches of a large flowering tree. “Oh, my Lord.” He started for the double French doors, intent on going to her aid. Before he could take two steps, she was on her feet, looking flustered, her cheeks ablaze. Their eyes met and Bull felt an electric attraction arc between them.

  “Are you hungry, my friend?”

  Bull tore his gaze from Isabella to greet Don Luis. “Famished.” When he glanced back, the little spy was gone.

  “Ow, ow, ow.” Isabella dusted herself off as she made herself scarce. She couldn’t believe he’d seen her fall out of the tree. That sure wasn’t a La Diosa move. Hurrying up the stairs, she managed to get back in her room before Don Luis spotted her. One thing was for sure, she wasn’t ready to give up on her cowboy. Competing with herself seemed foolish, but she needed to know if he could be attracted to the real Isabella.

  “Thank you, Magdalena.” Don Luis took a crystal glass from the copper tray and handed it to his visitor. “Siesta is my favorite time of the day.”

  Bull accepted the tall drink. “I’ve gotta say, Don Luis. I haven’t been in Mexico long, but I do like the way you do things down here. I’d love to give my ranch hands a break in the middle of the day. Hell, I’d even join them and down a few drinks myself, but I know we’d never get back to business. We’d work five hour days and all be drunk by noon.” He took another sip and licked his lips. “Damn, I don’t know what the hell this is I’m drinking, but it tastes incredible.”

  Despite her uncle’s objections, Isabella was sitting with the men on the wide galleria, one of her favorite parts of the house. With its travertine floor and broad arches, it provided a cool place to rest in the heat of the day. She pretended to read a book, but really, she was just watching Benedict. “The drink is a Paloma, Mr. Redford, the true cocktail of Mexico.”

  “I always thought that designation was reserved for the margarita,” Bull muttered, trying not to stare at the sexy, nubile, young woman. God help, they sure knew how to grow them beautiful south of the border. She looked absolutely ripe for the picking. He bit the inside of his jaw, forced himself to look away, and said a silent apology to La Diosa. In spite of what he’d told Joseph, Bull had always loved women. He loved looking at them, he loved thinking about them, and he’d loved having sex with them too - until Carol. But in all his adult years, Bull could truthfully s
ay he’d never met two women who attracted him more than Carmen and Isabella.

  Isabella held the glass up. “Grapefruit juice, lime juice, sugar and a splash of club soda. And of course, never forget the tequila.”

  “Tequila?” No wonder the bitter tinge had been familiar on his taste buds. “Young lady, you are talking my language.”

  “And don’t forget, you must always lick the salt from the rim.” The tip of her tongue came out of Isabella’s mouth and swirled around the rim of her glass. Not even for a millisecond did she break eye contact with the man she’d set her sights on. He looked so sexy in his form-fitting western clothes. Remembering how he’d nailed her to the wall made her cheeks pinken with excitement.

  Good God Almighty, Bull felt another stirring in his jeans. For the longest time he’d been unable to get an erection and now he couldn’t seem to get rid of one. On the rodeo circuit, he’d run with a money-laden crowd and he knew these rich girls could get bored and sometimes they did stuff like this for kicks. He’d been lucky Don Luis was speaking on his phone, or he might have castrated Bull for watching such a brazen act being performed for him by his teenage niece.

  “Aren’t you a little young to be drinking liquor, Senorita?” he asked, licking the salt from his own lips and wishing he could lick it from hers.

  “I’m old enough for anything you have in mind.” She gave him a wink.

  Bull almost swallowed his tongue, biting back a groan.

  Hanging up his phone, Don Luis took a long haul off the cigar in his mouth. “Really, my friend, it should be a nap we are enjoying, but the idea just never seemed to suit men like us. We work hard, Mr. Redford. Vaqueros enjoy getting their hands dirty. We sleep better after a hard day’s work.” He rose and strolled to the edge of the patio and gazed out onto the property.

  Bull joined him at the railing with his Paloma in hand. “I have no problems sleeping, that’s for sure. A tall glass of cold milk, three Oreo cookies, a hot bath, and I’m out like a light.”


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