Supernova: Sci-Fi Romance (Far Hope Series Book 3)

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Supernova: Sci-Fi Romance (Far Hope Series Book 3) Page 22

by E. A. James

  With that, Grimm’s message ended, leaving a heavy silence in the room. No one moved; no one breathed. Even Kardok didn’t have his usual grin on his face. Instead, a look of terror replaced his usually pleasant countenance.

  “Well,” Aldo said, breaking the silence. “Working with you just keeps getting more and more interesting.”

  Kira looked back at him. There was no amusement in her expression. Her eyes flitted around the room, landing on each of her crew members individually. When they landed on Thor, she stopped. Their gazes met, and a shiver of fear raced down her spine.

  “You all heard what he said,” she said, stepping back and looking at all of them again. “He knows that I am working to stop him. By working with me, you are aligning yourself against him; you are assuming this burden—this massive burden—he’s placed on all of us.”

  Everyone remained silent.

  "We have no choice but to continue to fight him. No matter what he said, we have to do what we can to stop him," Kira continued. "But, I understand if you don't want to be associated with me right now. I understand that clearly, my name carries with it a sort of hype when it comes to Grimm. If you prefer to stay off his radar…"

  Dario stepped forward, a kind, almost fatherly smile on his face. “Kira,” he said, taking her hands in his. “You leading this is the only reason I’m in it. I chose to team up with you because I know you can put that power-crazed extremist in his place. Besides, I’m already on his radar.”

  Kira smiled and nodded.

  “I started this whole thing as a bystander,” Bron spoke up. “Someone who got drug along into it. But, now, I’m invested. I’m ready and willing to fight. But, I’ll only fight if you’re the one leading the way.”

  “To be honest, it doesn’t matter to me who’s leading this whole thing, I just want to fight!” Vinnie exclaimed.

  Alaria smiled and stepped up next to her father. "We're not going anywhere, Kira. We're here because of you. We're going to see this thing through."

  “And you already know you’re stuck with me,” Thor said.

  Kira smiled at the people around her, her heart filling with both joy and purpose.

  “Good,” she replied, after taking a moment to absorb their words. “Because I was completely bluffing. I couldn’t do this without each and every one of you.”

  Smiles spread around the room, despite the ominous weight that sat on everyone’s shoulders. Going forward, none of them knew what to expect. The only thing they knew for sure was that they would all figure it out together. And that was all they could ask for.



  Far Hope Series Book One - THOR

  Far Hope Series Book Two - REDEMPTION

  Star Fall Series Book One - TANAK

  Zhekan Mates Series Book One - AERDAN

  Zhekan Mates Series Book Two - HUEN


  This Wiki serves as a reference guide to the universe as described in the Far Hope Series. Here you will find a collection of my rough work that I use to structure a series and provide a jumping off point for building story driven characters.

  Beyond the race wiki included here, I often build detailed lists of technological inclusions and exclusions that reflect the series commitment to scientific reality.

  As a Sci-Fi writer, I’m often forced to make decisions between scientific realism and science fiction. Every series is different, and depending on what I’m writing I’ll adjust how closely I follow our modern understanding of physics. Again, I try to keep in mind that I’m writing something that will be entertainment so I generally choose to bend the rules more than I do not.

  Regardless, this is a little glimpse into my process of world building and I hope that you find it an enjoyable look beyond the story. As always, thanks for reading.


  Homeworld: Arkadia


  The Arkadians are the oldest known race in the Galaxy, and their territory is primarily within the Omega Sector of the Milky Way with a small portion extending into the Alpha Sector. Their race is considered the second most populous in the galaxy behind the Vorion Empire and at last count numbered some 121 billion lives.

  The Arkadians achieved FTL (faster-than-light) travel earlier than any other known race and are generally considered responsible for the proliferation of space travel within the Galaxy.

  Known history has the Arkadians responsible for gifting FTL engine systems to both the Telani and the Bandurians. Further speculation exists that the Telani, after receiving the technology from the Arkadians, brokered deals with the remaining major races (except the Terrans and Zel’Dar - see Terran and Zel’Dar history) to sell them the technology at exorbitant prices.

  The Arkadians, being the first truly galactic civilization once dreamed of a galaxy that existed as a peaceful coalition between races that strove for technological brilliance and a greater understanding of our shared existence. In time, the Arkadians came to realize that not all races shared their vision and some, most notably the Vorion Empire and the Zel’Dar, seemed compelled to rule the galaxy with aggression.

  The Arkadians reluctantly militarized after aggressive conflicts with the Vorion Empire over territorial disputes in the Omega Sector forced them to rethink their pacifist ways. To this day, the Arkadians are generally against war. However, in the face of provocation or aggression, the Arkadians are quick to defend themselves and any of their allies.

  Since the abandonment of pacifism as a preferred way of life, there has been increasing unrest amongst the Arkadian populations due to an extreme religious movement by a group known as “The Empyrean’s”. The Empyrean’s have been spreading an extreme doctrine through the universe under a central tenet that the highest place in the afterlife can only be achieved by dying in the purifying light of a Supernova explosion.

  There are some rumors that the most extreme practitioners of Empyreanism are in the process of creating a weapon that would have the ability to make stars go Supernova before the end of their life cycle, but most scientists believe that an artificial gravity weapon of this nature is impossible.


  The Arkadians are humanoid. They are generally large, standing at around 7’ tall with the females being the larger sex. They have pale to dark green skin. They have no discernable hair and would not be considered attractive by Terran standards.


  Homeworld: Bandur


  The Bandurians territory primarily straddles the Bravo and Delta Sectors and is highly concentrated in the Galactic Bar (near the center of the galaxy). The Bandurians became a spacefaring race after their chance encounter with Arkadian research teams on the Bandurian homeworld. The Arkadians gifted the Bandurians with first generation FTL engine systems which allowed the Bandurians to claim their current territories and position as one of the galaxy’s most prominent races.

  The Bandurians are the galaxy’s quintessential “Junkers”, being highly resourceful and willing to use materials and parts from derelict spacecraft or space stations to create their own vessels and stations. Their spacecraft are often unique in shape and size with varying military capabilities as the Bandurians prefer to subsume technologies from other races as opposed to developing their own. Their spacecraft look very “industrial”.

  The Bandurians history is punctuated by several long drawn out conflicts between the Vorion Empire and the Zel’Dar, though they are currently not at war with any race. Their civilization being centrally located within the galaxy means that they are accustomed to other races and cultures permeating their own and have grown quite tolerant of others in their territory.

  One of the most notable areas of the galaxy is the Galactic Bazaar, located in the heart of Bandurian territory. The Galactic Bazaar is the modern equivalent of a galactic black market and is located within a large asteroid belt. In the Galactic Bazaar, one would find innumerable spacecraft, space stations and aste
roid bases where trade of all sorts is conducted. Consequently, it is also a hotbed for criminal activity.

  The Bandurians show no particular preferences to any of the races in the galaxy, though they are eternally wary of the Vorion and the Zel’Dar. They react strongly when provoked, but don’t go out of their way to instigate conflict.


  Bandurians are humanoids. They are large and muscular, with males being the larger sex and generally standing 6’+ tall. They have medium brown skin and eyes, no discernable hair and their most physically identifiable trait are the ridge lines that run across their face.


  Homeworld: Marne


  The Rengar are a clever, scheming race of anthropomorphic rodents. Their primary territory straddles the Alpha and Bravo sectors. They were sold Telani FTL systems that enabled them to become a galactic race and quickly found themselves involved in many black market dealings throughout the galaxy.

  Physically, the Rengar are highly athletic, and capable acrobats - consequently, it is not uncommon to find them employed as thieves or assassins throughout the galaxy. They stand about 5’ tall and males and females average the same height.

  They are not overly nationalistic, however, they do come together as a race when threatened by outside forces. They are employed in a wide variety of capacities throughout the galaxy and are generally considered opportunistic - moving where there is the greatest benefit to them.


  Homeworld: Maelor


  The Telani are a humanoid race whose territory lies entirely within the Bravo sector. The Telani and the Terrans share a close kinship and consider each other primary allies.

  The Telani are economically prosperous and skilled traders. In addition, they are considered at the forefront of technological advancement in the galaxy as their vast economy produces many discoveries on the free market. Consequently, the Telani possess a strong military.

  The Telani are considered diplomatic and generally attempt to diffuse large scale conflict through diplomatic means, however, they are ardent defenders of their economic interests (trade vessels, resource-rich star systems, space stations etc.).

  Though the Terrans and Telani are considered strong allies, there have been examples of conflicts arising between groups of Telani and Terrans over economic interests. Generally, these conflicts are relegated to small-scale disputes, however, in some instances, Terran and Telani corporations have had significant conflicts over territorial economic interests.

  Several of these corporate conflicts have required the governments of each race to involve themselves to resolve the conflict and prevent further loss of life. These conflicts have been dubbed the “Corporate Wars” and many Terran and Telani corporations are direct competitors on the free market.


  The Telani are considered to be highly attractive by Terrans. Physically, Telani are of similar height and weight compared to Terrans. Their most striking physical features are bright blue eyes, lips and platinum blonde hair.


  Homeworld: Earth


  The general consensus has Terran history beginning in the year 2133 after more than 30 earth countries had achieved FTL travel capabilities. In the year 2133, an Old Earth organization known as the United Nations dissolved and gave way to the newly unified nations of earth known as the Terran Federation. The Terran naming convention was adopted to be more representative of humanity’s growing galactic aspirations.

  Catalyzing Terran unification was the First Contact event with Zel’Darian forces in the Alpha Sector in the year 2124. This event represented the first time humanity had made contact with sentient alien life beyond microbial finds on many near earth planets. In mid-2124, several Chinese mining vessels stumbled on Zel’Darian forces on a remote asteroid belt. After nearly being destroyed during the encounter, the remaining mining vessels returned to Earth to deliver the news that humanity was indeed, not alone in our own galaxy.

  Following the Zel’Darian event, Earth entered into a period of economic and manufacturing prosperity as nations raced to strengthen Earth’s interstellar capabilities and protect against further Zel’Darian aggression. In addition, the event punctuated a period of near non-conflict and unprecedented cooperation on earth as nations around the world were finally uniting for what seemed a greater purpose.

  Further, this period is known as a time of great religious upheaval as Earth’s major religions experienced mass declines in membership. As a byproduct many new and smaller religions sprouted as humanity was once again forced to confront its existence in a seemingly boundless universe.

  Over the next 150 years, humanity prospered as a galactic race. The first contact with the other remaining 5 major galactic races took place and close bonds were forged with the Telani, and to a lesser extent, the Arkadians. During this time, technology was advancing at an unprecedented rate and was further fueled by trade with other races throughout the galaxy.

  Today, the Terran Federation boasts a modern military and some of the most advanced research facilities in the galaxy. They have a well-balanced economy and are responsible for a great deal of intergalactic tourism.


  Due to the continued homogenization of humanity through the years, most humans have light to medium brown skin, with dark eyes and dark hair. Recessive traits such as blonde hair and blue eyes are far less common but do still occur.


  Homeworld: Voria Prime


  The Vorion Empire are a humanoid race of anthropomorphic reptiles. Their territory is expansive and lies primarily within the Delta sector, but also straddling the Bravo and Omega sectors. They are the most populous race in the galaxy, with some scientists estimating the Vorion populations to be nearly 500 billion.

  Vorion society is highly patriarchal with females generally relegated to planetary pursuits and it is very uncommon for Vorion females to be seen traveling throughout the galaxy.

  The Vorion Empire is aggressive and instigates many conflicts throughout the galaxy. They have had open and all out wars with both the Arkadians and the Bandurians. Currently, the Vorion Empire has been targeting Telani and Terran economic interests in the Bravo Sector. The Vorion appear intent on wresting control of several resource-rich star systems from the Terrans and the Telani and that has led to large-scale conflicts between these races in the Bravo Sector.

  The Vorion are poor diplomats and are largely considered to have the largest military in the galaxy. They use the threat of their military might as their primary diplomatic tool and there is increasing concern amongst the other galactic races that the Vorion Empire may attempt to conquer the galaxy through military means.

  Their military technologies are not as sophisticated as many races, but what they lack in military power, they make up for with the number of soldiers and vessels they field.


  The Vorion are physically imposing with the males standing nearly 7’ tall with a strong musculature. They are extremely powerful but not considered agile. Their skin resembles that of a lizard - pale to medium green with scale-like features and a rough texture.


  Homeworld: Unknown


  The Zel’Dar are a sentient insectoid race that permeates the Galaxy. Little is known about their origins, but they are often referred to as an infestation by other races. They can be found in every sector of the galaxy with large primary territories in each sector often referred to as “Hives”.

  The Zel’Dar are immediately hostile to any other race they encounter in the galaxy. Incredibly, their unique biology allows them to travel through space unprotected. When Zel’Dar are in migration from star system to star system they move in great hosts and are often referred to as “The Swarm”. Several scientists have posited that the Zel’Dar are in fact organized and controlled by a central �
��Hive Mind” somewhere in the galaxy, however, most scientists think that is impossible.

  The Zel’Dar are not capable of FTL travel, however, they can travel at light speed. They move into new star systems and consume the flora and fauna of biologically rich planets as a means of sustaining themselves and as a means of breeding. Their “swarms” tend to grow as they move from system to system.

  There is incredible concern among all galactic races as the Zel’Dar continues to increase in numbers. It is unknown what their population would be, however, if left unchecked it is inevitable that the Zel’Dar will outpace all other races in terms of pure numbers.


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