Alicia's Misfortune

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Alicia's Misfortune Page 39

by S. Silver

  She was stupid to think that she could just enter his world. He wasn’t right for her. He was a street kid, a punk and she was a nice girl. She shouldn’t have trusted him. Nobody wanted to be with her, not with the way her mother forced her to live. She was damaged.

  Marie plopped on the bed and closed herself off from the world with her thin blanket covering her eyes. She blocked everything out in the one place where she could feel comfortable. She sobbed into her pillow. She never loved him. She couldn’t think about his sweet face or how he was with her. She had to get that kiss out of her head.

  She fell asleep, but she knew that she wasn’t getting any piece. Instead, she was leaving things behind for a while. Everything would still be there when she got back, and that was the worst part about it. He’d shown her how terrible her world was and then he pretended that he was going to get her out of it. He was a cruel beast.

  She was dreaming because he was watching her sleep when her eyes fluttered open. His sweet smile was right there. “Shh,” he said. “Let’s go.”

  She sat up and looked around to clear her head, but he was still there. She reached out to touch his face and she felt it, but it was a lie. She laid back down on her pillow and said, “I wanna wake up.”

  “What do you mean? You are awake.” He laughed. “I’m right here with you, Marie. It’s all over for both of us.”

  “You mean you’re leaving?”

  “No. How could you say that? I mean we’re leaving, and we’re going to California. Do you have your things ready?”

  “Mama took my suitcase and put it somewhere. She tried to slit my throat when she found the note I left for her.”

  “What? How bad is she? You think I can shoot the door down?”

  “Do it.” That was probably the most amazing thing she’d ever been asked in her entire life. He bent down and pressed his lips to hers then he got up slowly. She looked over at him and saw that there bandages on his leg. “What happened?”

  “It’s OK. I got hurt.”

  “How?” She waited, thinking he would respond, but he didn’t. Instead, he walked over to the door and pulled out a rifle. “Wait.” It was so comfortable in his hands. He looked over at her then he sat down. “Now, I do gotta know what I’m getting into and you gotta tell me before we leave.”

  “It’s hard.”

  “Talking is easy.” She didn’t beat around the bush. This was too big. “Whatever it is, though, I just wanna know. I will always be with you and I don’t take that lightly. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Yeah. I do.”

  “Well then what is it?”

  “I worked for some guys for a while, selling stuff, you know?” She did know, and that wasn’t the end of the world, but more was a little much.

  “They had me try and kill a guy to get out of the game, but another guy shot me and I couldn’t make it. They let me out because I took the bullet.” She sighed. She wasn’t completely ignorant. You’d have to be in order to not understand what he was saying, and she loved him, but she had to be sure that she was safe.

  “Do you have to talk to them still? Will they ask you to do things for them?”

  “I have to call them every few months and let them know if my number changes, but I want no part in it and they understand why I’m leaving. People do leave.”

  She was pacing around the room again. This was hard. She could be putting herself in danger. “Why did you leave?”

  He sat back on the bed. “Well, it’s scary and it’s weird. People get hurt, and it’s dangerous. I don’t want to deal with it anymore. I mean the things these people do, Marie, it’s not something a man can do his whole life.”

  It wasn’t enough, but it would have to do. She loved this man, and he loved her. He’d be good to her. That wasn’t perfect, but it was something. “Alright. Shoot the door down and don’t shoot her.”

  “Put your fingers in your ears.”

  The ensuing crack was so powerful that she jumped anyways and when he rushed out she followed closely behind him. Her mother was on top of them as soon as they reached the end of the hall. “Marie, no,” she whispered frantically as they pushed past her into her room. “He’ll kill you baby. He’ll kill you.” Her eyes were wide and her voice was soft from lunacy. “He-he gotta gun, baby. Look,” she pointed over to the pistol he had pointed at her. “He’ll kill ya.” Her gestures were exaggerated.

  “Where the bag?” His voice was calm but poisonous. He’d done this before judging by the way his hands knew how to move.

  “No!” Phyllis tried to push at him, but he kept the gun firm and she jumped back. She had the look of a woman who believed she was being persecuted, but in fact was really throwing a fit for nothing.

  “Where is it, Mama? He’ll shoot.” Marie wanted to scare her good.

  “C-c-closet.” She fell over onto the bed and lay prone with her arms out.

  She didn’t even move when they finally left. Instead, she lay their silently. None of them were sure whether or not she knew where she was, and neither of them really cared.

  Chapter 7

  In the Mojave Desert, the air is dry and you don’t get any relieve from the heat. This is where you will find the hottest temperatures on the planet, along with the Sahara and Gobi deserts. They made their way through there, starting in the afternoon in Arizona, and into California by the time the sun set over the horizon.

  Marie held onto his back for dear life, and she got tired sometimes. It was hard but the adrenaline rush was well worth it, especially when they passed over the mountains and into San Diego.

  They got a tiny place at Motel 5 near the beach. She couldn’t see it, but somehow she could sense it was there. The air smelled different, like water and salt. It wasn’t as dry as the desert’s, and she felt anticipation every time she looked left. He got her a tiny string bikini with a black thong and he wore a pair of short black shorts. She wanted to grab his cock right there in the room, but he told her she had to wait till they were out on the sand.

  “Have you ever seen the ocean before, Marie?” He looked over to her as they walked down the street.

  “No. Have you?”

  “No. It’ll be my first time too.” They were getting closer. There was one square squat building in the way and then, when they finally made their way past it, and onto the sand, her heart skipped and his hand curled around hers.

  The moon had risen just above the water, making the tiny ripples in the waves glow with a magnificent luster that lit up the seascape with tiny sparkles.

  The sound could put her to sleep, but what got her on her back was the love of her life turning to her, just above the tide level, with his cock sticking out of the bottom of his shorts. He had his thumb caressing his foreskin as he pulled her in and their lips swam around one another’s. His tongue made its way slowly past her lips as he unhooked her bikini and threw it aside. “I love you,” he whispered.

  His thumb was circling her throbbing lips and she gasped as the other thumb was running along the outline of her nipples. A wave of nectar was flowing slowly down her thigh and into the water that was rushing past both of their feet. That was when fell on top of one another and he untied her bottom with his cock in hand. She wanted to feel it again, just like when they’d been together that first time. That was the night when they fell in love and he changed her life forever.

  He ran his cock along her lips and she shuddered in desire. His mouth moved from one nipple to the next, and his teeth grazed the tips like little squares of ecstasy. He finger was moving along the slit and her rippling sanctum was screaming and squirting as she moaned hungrily, “Take me, Drake.” He did, instantly.

  His think cock drove through her like drill, pulsing back and forth, reaching further for that spot that made her scream so wildly. The sound of the waves couldn’t muffle her frantic cries as he slammed into her over and over again. He reached down and growled loudly as he bit her lip and drove in as far as he could. Their worlds shatter
ed and their bodies melded as the tsunami of pleasure overtook them with waves of bliss.

  When it was done, they went up back to the hotel to sleep where they belonged—in each other arms.

  The next morning when the sun crept out slowly out of the cheap blackout curtains, she felt the world spinning. She was too nauseous. She hadn’t eaten anything weird had she? She ran to the toilet and dry wretched.

  It hit her like a brick wall, but it didn’t hurt. It was simple. Things would be alright. Drake came in to see her and asked, “What is it?”

  “Either a girl or a boy,” she responded with a smile. They both laughed. Things were easy and fun. They were filled with possibilities. They’d both escaped terrible lives, and now they were ready to live.

  The Rancher’s Touch

  By: Evelyn Stone

  The Rancher’s Touch

  © Evelyn Stone, December 2015 – All rights reserved

  Published by Steamy Reads Publishing

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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  This book contains graphic content intended for readers 18+ years old.

  If you are under 18 years old, or are not comfortable with adult content, please close this book now.

  Chapter 1

  Wyatt sat in the office, his laptop precariously balanced on his thighs and his cowboy boots propped up on the desk. He’d had every intention of getting started on the invoices that he had been putting off for three weeks now, but something else caught his eye. As he’d been scouring his email for the cattle feed invoice another email had begged for his attention instead.

  Find Yourself a Beautiful Girl Today!

  The title had all but forced him to open the email. Finding a beautiful girl when you worked all hours that God sends on a cattle ranch wasn’t easy. Not many girls ever swung by the ranch, and the ones that did usually had an attitude as big as their largest bull.

  The link inside the email had redirected Wyatt to a website named “Country Hearts” that touted “Mail Order Brides for the Discerning Man.” Wyatt Bolton was certainly a discerning man. In fact, Wyatt Bolton was such a discerning man that he hadn’t had a date in going on two years. It was time, he decided, that that changed.

  Wyatt, standing at 6’2 and having the physique of a professional athlete more than that of a professional cattle rancher, wasn’t a bad looking man. He had been blessed with his father’s good looks and there had yet to be a single woman who didn’t do a double take when he walked in to the room. Unlike his equally handsome brother however, Wyatt didn’t nod his head to every woman that asked for a date. Despite missing the company, he knew that he wasn’t going to find what he was looking for in any of the women who had come in to his life so far.

  Disregarding his skepticism, Wyatt set up a profile on “Country Hearts,” and began clicking around. There were plenty of profiles to look through, but as he suspected, many of them looked like fakes. There were plenty of model pictures and even more women claiming to be the ultimate woman. If they were the ultimate woman, Wyatt thought, they surely wouldn’t be spending their time searching for love on a mail order bride website.

  “What a waste of time!” He said. Just as he closed the browser, the door to his office flung open and Colby stood in the doorway.

  “Well, good mornin’ big brother.” He tipped his cowboy hat and nodded his head.

  “Mornin’ Colby.” Wyatt didn’t look up from the laptop, he already knew why his brother was there.

  “You get any of those invoices paid? I’ve had the feed company on my ass again this mornin’” Wyatt shook his head.

  “I’m doin’ it now.” Colby sat down in the chair on the other side of Wyatt’s desk and propped his cowboy boots up on the desk.

  “You can’t push it off this long, Wyatt. I get more backtalk from those guys looking for their money than I’d get from a teenage girl. Lord knows you need a woman to keep you on top of things.” Colby smirked.

  “We need a damn accountant, that’s what we need.” Wyatt snapped back. He had never asked to be put in charge of the ranch’s financial accounts but as the older of the two brothers, the role had fallen in his lap after their father had passed away. The brothers had wound up running the ranch at the tender ages of 22 and 23 when their father died suddenly of a heart attack. Neither one had been prepared for the responsibility, but neither one had the heart to let the family business go down the drain.

  “Welp, I’m all for it if it’ll stop these guys from callin’ me all the damn time.” Colby took off his hat and set it on his lap as he scratched his head through his ruffled brown hair. “If I remember rightly, Hank’s wife is an accountant or somethin’ like that.” Colby reached down and picked up his hat. “I’ll give him a call and see if she can’t work out a deal for us.” Colby put his hat back on and stood up. “I reckon’ she’ll say yes just on account of it bein’ me doin’ the askin’.” Wyatt shrugged.

  “Whatever it takes. All I know is that I’m sick to death of tryin’ to make head or tail of these invoices.” Colby chuckled as he walked towards the door.

  “Math never was your strongpoint.” As he got to the door Wyatt’s laptop dinged and Colby turned around. “You remember when ma used to have to rope you to the danged chair to get you to sit down and do your homework?” Wyatt nodded, distracted by the new window that had popped up on his laptop.

  “What can I say, I’m more of an outdoors kinda guy. Give me cattle and a horse to ride and I’m happier than any accountant.” Colby laughed, a loud echoing laugh.

  “I know that’s right! Well, I’ll go see if I can’t get hold of Hank and I’ll fill you in later.” As Colby walked away leaving the office door open behind him, Wyatt clicked on the small window that had opened up on his laptop screen.

  How exciting! You’ve received your first wink!

  Wyatt clicked the link below the announcement and was taken back to his profile on “Country Hearts.” There he saw one smiling winking smiley face looking back at him. He attempted to click it, but nothing happened. Just then there was another ding and the small email notification on the website flashed at him.

  1 New Message

  Wyatt clicked the notification and the site took him to a message inbox.

  Hi MontanaRancher, I just ran across your profile and Thought you sounded like my kind of guy! I was beginning to think that no one but me used this website! My name is Ruth. You can find out more about me on my profile, but I’m actually coming to Montana tomorrow for a work thing and thought it might be fun to meet up? I know it sounds sorta crazy, but hey, you only live once, right? Hope to hear back from you soon!


  Wyatt clicked the picture beside Ruth’s name and was taken to her “Country Hearts” profile.

  Wyatt had never particularly had a ‘type,’ it was more that he knew what he liked when he saw it. There was something about Ruth that he liked. She was a big girl judging from her pictures. She had a more than ample bosom and long dark hair that curled around her face and fell past her shoulders. She wore a red checkered shirt in her profile picture and enough makeup to look pretty without looking like she was trying to hide something. Wyatt star
ed at her broad smile and her big hazel eyes. It didn’t take him more than a second to know that he was going to have to meet up with her.

  Ruth, I don’t normally agree to this type of thing but after looking at your profile I just can’t say no. I’m out in Bigfork, not sure where you are traveling to, but I’d be happy to meet you somewhere. Call me (406) 555 – 5765.


  After hitting ‘Send,’ Wyatt set his laptop on the desk and headed out to oversee the morning deliveries with his phone clutched tightly in his hand.

  Chapter 2

  Colby had managed to convince Hank’s wife to act as the Bolton Brothers Ranch accountant for much less than he had been prepared to pay. She had tried to negotiate but when Colby agreed to take her as a date to the next cattle auction, she had agreed to the discount salary.

  There was nothing that Colby Bolton couldn’t get by using a little charm and he knew it. He wasn’t entirely thrilled about the idea of taking Mary to the auction with him, but it wouldn’t do any harm. Despite her flirtation with Colby, Mary was very much married to Hank.

  “Hey bro!” Colby stuck his head in to the office looking for Wyatt. When he found the room empty he decided to check up on his big brother. He had no intention of snooping, per se, rather, he just wanted to see if he was going to be fielding more calls from the feed company. Sitting down in Wyatt’s chair, Colby rubbed his finger across the touchpad and brought the screen to life. As he did, the first thing to pop up on the screen was a picture of Ruth. “Well hello there…” Colby glanced towards the door and when he saw no one coming he took a snapshot of her profile with his phone. He didn’t want Wyatt to know that he’d unintentionally been snooping around but he did want to know a little more about RamblinRose69.


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