Homage and Honour

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Homage and Honour Page 32

by Candy Rae

  So, despite reassurances, he wondered if he would be clapped into jail (if they had jails here – he wasn’t sure) or merely placed under house arrest.

  With a still ecstatic Ruth on his back, Andrei trotted at their heels.

  “Any regrets?” asked Tana.

  Worries notwithstanding, Philip could and did reply in the negative.

  “You’ve just thrown away a most promising career,” continued Tana.

  “No regrets worth mentioning,” was Philip’s categorical response.

  When did I decide not to return to the palace and continue north? When did I begin to question my life in Murdoch? When did I decide that I was unhappy? Probably, he reasoned, it had been when Princess Annette had been forced to marry the young Duke Richard Baker.

  Until then Philip had thought he was happy. As the son of an up-and-coming General he had been cushioned from much of the unpleasantness that was the lot of those unlucky enough to have been born lower down the social scale. Philip was of noble blood and with it came privilege. Like his father and grandfathers before him, the army had been his destiny and he had embraced the life planned for him with eagerness.

  At fifteen he had begun a spell as one of the Lord Consort David’s Gentlemen of the Bedchamber, a year later he had joined his regiment as Ensign. In AL162 he was appointed Lieutenant of the Royal Guard and it was then that he had become better acquainted with the royal family. Lieutenant of the Guard and Princess had had a few poignant yet happy months flirting with each other but both had known a marriage was impossible.

  Philip had been present at Annette’s wedding and had returned to his regiment. It was during this time that his disillusionment began. In AL164 he had been promoted to Captain and appointed Captain of the Royal Guard. His royal acquaintances had been rekindled as he took on the role of arms-teacher to the Crown-Prince and his Companions. It was a prestigious appointment and one designed to prepare him for high military office, like his father. Politics were an important aspect of senior command and these skills were not to be learned riding border patrols, but he had not been happy.

  His choice had been made soon after Tana arrived at his quarters. He wanted to leave for the North with her, to escape the life that was becoming a prison. Tana’s quest and removal of Ruth from the palace had been the excuse he was waiting for.

  : This man has given up much to come with us : telepathed Tavei to Tana, approval colouring his mind-tone : you must be kind to him for he has no-one now :

  Tana understood.

  The pack or rtath was a most important part of a Lind’s life. Their mindset was to stay with their pack, protect their pack-mates or rtathen, the pack lands or rtathlians and their nation. That Philip should give this up for Tana and the North was, for Tavei, a very special and great thing, on a par with or even beyond what he had done when he had life-partnered Tana. Vadeln-pairing was a commitment that not every Lind could manage. However contact with their families was, for the Lind, maintained. Most vadeln-paired visited their home rtathlian at least once each year. A vadeln-pairing was more of a shift in commitments, a Lind so paired was still a member of the pack, being in the Vada was a furthering of the commitment to protect, extending to all humans who lived in the Northern Continent. There was no conflict of loyalties, merely an extension of them.

  : Philip sees the greater good : added Tavei.

  : He sees the injustices in Murdoch and wants no part of them? :

  : That is part of it I am sure, but he is one who can see the whole picture, who understands triumph and tragedy. He believes as we do that the greatest danger to us all, Murdoch included, is the Larg. The Larg want domination. They are evil I think :

  : The Larg are evil?:

  : They have been conditioned to be so : was Tavei’s careful answer.

  * * * * *

  “Now that Ruth is here, what do we do with her, she being who she is?”

  “Train her,” Weaponsmaster Rhian answered her Susa. “What else is there to do?”

  “They will suspect she is here. They will search for her,” fretted Lynsey. “When Beth Graham arrived, apart from a few enquiries and those in Argyll, they did nothing. Beth is a Duke’s daughter, not a Queen’s. We will have to hide Ruth.”

  “Hide her in plain sight,” advised Rhian, “with short hair and in cadet uniform she will be indistinguishable from the other cadets even if they do look here.”

  “And what of Philip Ross?”

  “He stays,” said Rhian in a firm voice, “apart from the relationship developing between him and Tana, I don’t want to lose him. Tadei seems to think Radnya might be interested as well.”


  “I believe Radnya and Tana’s Tavei have an understanding.”

  “You think he should remain here as a trainer?”

  “Yes I do, he has been well taught.”

  Philip stood beside Tana and watched as Tavei and Radnya communed with each other, tails entwined and touching noses.

  After a long while both Lind raised their shaggy heads to look at Philip and Tana, the latter looking on indulgently at their antics, pleased that she and Tavei had returned safely so that he could complete his suit on Radnya’s affections.

  Tavei caught Tana’s gaze and she gasped and turned to look at Philip.

  That emotives were passing between Philip and Radnya she was in no doubt.

  Bemused wonderment was plainly visible on the southerner’s face and he staggered back and would have fallen if Tana hadn’t put out an arm to steady him.

  “You’re not going to believe this,” he said to her.

  “Oh I believe it all right,” she said, her face breaking into a smile of undiluted joy. “Isn’t life wonderful?”

  * * * * *

  “My father would approve I think,” mused Philip Ross.

  “Indeed?” Rhian’s voice was filled with irony as she glared at the young southerner standing beside her errant trainer.

  “Weaponsmaster, he discussed the current situation long and hard with me. He believes that if the Larg should defeat the North, Murdoch will fall. You might well say that by helping you to defeat the Larg I will be serving the country of my birth.”

  “Does all of Murdoch think as you and your father do?”

  “As you know Weaponsmaster, that is not so. The Queen and Prince Consort do, my father, and some few others.”

  “So what really made you decide to come north with Tana?”

  “Primarily for the love of her. I fell for Tana.” This admission emerged with a blush of embarrassment. “I admired her courage, her drive. She is so different from any other female I have met, self-assured, confident … brave. To dress up as a boy and to infiltrate the palace!”

  “Anything else persuade you?”

  “When the Queen arrived, my father got me an appointment as one of the Prince Consort’s Gentlemen of the Bedchamber, I was young, but things were rather fluid and uncertain. Some of the nobility were not happy with Queen Anne’s succession, Duke Baker in particular. I got to know the children.”

  “Go on.”

  “I was not of high enough birth to be considered for the hand of Princess Annette, though we both hoped and she is married now. I was unhappy with the situation. I asked to be transferred to one of the border regiments but the Prince Consort wanted me to stay. Then he asked me … asked me to escort Princess Ruth to the coast. We fled the palace. I admit that I was still dithering about what I was going to do. I liked Tana, I knew I could love her, but it was such a big step. I told her I was coming with her but I might still have backed away, then, in the woods, I met my first Lind. He was … astonishing. The ride north, well, it was tremendous riding beside Tana and her Tavei.”

  “You wanted a Lind of your own?”

  “Yes, I admit it. Tana explained how the Lind chose their life-partners, how that none might find me suitable, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was to be close to them, to be permitted to talk to, live with, these wonderful c
reatures, so like yet so unalike the Larg. Then here in Vadath, one has seen in me something that makes me worthy of her.”

  “Radnya of rtath Lvei?”

  “She can talk to me in my mind. She is beautiful and she wants me.”

  “Tana, do you feel the same about him?”

  “Yes I do, more so than ever.”

  “It’s not infatuation?”

  “No Weaponsmaster.”

  “Do you know what acceptance of Radnya would mean?” Rhian asked Philip. “Tana and Tavei are linked together for life. You and Radnya, a life commitment also, not just to Radnya but to Tana and Tavei as well. Tavei and Radnya are mated or soon will be. A commitment to Vadath, to the North, perhaps to fight against your father, your own people.”

  “That is not at all likely Weaponsmaster,” argued Philip, “they are too concerned with their own internal squabbles and the Larg to think that.”

  I see. Now tell me your appraisal of the Larg situation.”

  “I don’t know for sure, but there is something about their behaviour at the moment. My father gets frequent reports. The border patrols have noticed differences. One, there are less of them than there should be. Two, they are younger, some not at full growth.”

  Something approaching déjà vu was hitting Rhian, something she had read about, about the time of the Battle of Trumpet Keep. Had not the then Susa of the Vada, written of a similar occurrence?

  “Come with me,” Rhian commanded Philip and Tana, “we need to talk to Lynsey. Tadei tells me that she and Bernei have returned from their inspection of the coastal defences.”

  “I should punish you severely,” said Susa Lynsey to Tana some two bells later, “but some good has come of your little escapade. We now know that the Larg are planning something major.”

  “Yes Susa.”

  “Tell me again what the Prince Consort told you.”

  “He confirmed the non-aggression pact and that he was sure the Larg were planning a major attack on the North but where he did not know.”

  “Anything else? Think … this is important. We all know that they only tolerate the existence of Murdoch. Are you sure that he didn’t think they were going to attack them?”

  “Definitely not Susa. He said to warn you. Said that the Larg seemed pleased that the winter has been so very hard and cold. Said they appeared smug about it. He thought that strange. It’s been the coldest winter for a long time; even the sea has frozen over in places. He believes the Larg are planning something big.”

  “I think that’s the key to the whole thing, if only we could decipher what it means. Let me think, what difference would a cold winter make?”

  “Bad weather would affect the herds, that wouldn’t please them,” offered Rhian.

  Lynsey was looking at Tana as if she had seen a ghost.

  “What did you say about the seas?”

  “That they are freezing,” answered a mystified Tana.

  “What happens when there is a lot of ice about?”

  “We get cold,” answered Bernei. He sounded amused.

  “No, that’s not what I meant. Think.”

  It was Tadei who put two and two together and made four of it.

  “In a cold season,” he began, “there is much more ice and snow. It is most sore on the paws.” He grimaced at the memories of past discomforts. The warm season should be almost here but it is not. It is still most cold. The Ryzcks in the mountain sectors complain of the extent of the ice even now.”

  “But how would that aid the Larg?” asked a puzzled Lynsey.

  “The ice and snow does affect elsewhere as well,” offered Rhian, speaking slowly as she marshalled her thoughts. “The sea levels are lower that usual and will remain so until the ice melts.”

  “The ice melts,” breathed Lynsey. “The ice is still in place though is it not? I believe we might have found a clue to what the Larg are planning!”

  She turned to Tana. “You are dismissed for the moment,” she said. “I will decide your punishment later. Meanwhile you will relieve Ryzcka Melody from her orderly officer duties.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Tana saluted and marched out of the office, wondering for how long she would be ‘Orderly Dog’ as the orderly officer was nicknamed – some considerable time she thought.

  * * * * *

  Tana headed towards the building that was called the ‘Inner Sanctum’, the peaceful room in the centre of the Stronghold where sat two large leather-bound volumes.

  One was the ‘Book of the Fallen’ in which all the names of those who had died on duty were written together with a short résumé of their lives and how they had died.

  The other was the ‘Honour Roll’, in which the names of those awarded the Honour Star were beautifully written down in a skilled calligrapher’s hand.

  On her return to Vadath, Tana had learned that the Black Star would be sent, as was the custom, to Jess’s parents. It was to be sent on in the diplomatic pouch of the Argyllian Ambassador to the Court of Murdoch. Susa Lynsey also intended to write a quick note reporting on the safe arrival of a ‘certain person’.

  The Silver Honour Star, such as Hannah and Beth wore on their uniforms, were given to those who, in the face of danger, showed moral or physical courage. The Black Honour Star was a posthumous award given to the families of those who had died courageously on active service.

  Tana knew that however much Anne and David might treasure the Star they would treasure more Jess’s Ryzck badge that she had given them, glad that their eldest daughter’s promise to her sister had been kept. Ruth would not be required to make the lifelong sacrifice they, Annette and Xavier continued to live.

  As Tana stared at Jess and Mlei’s names she realised that she had come to terms with their deaths. Whatever lay ahead of her she could face with a sense of acceptance. Jess’s dearest wish had come to pass. Tana’s Quest was complete.

  * * * * *

  War (2)

  Tana was called back to Lynsey’s office early the next day.

  “I would say that the island chain between Argyll and Graham is more exposed than usual,” offered Tana, in answer to her Susa’s first question, “even the Avuzdel have mentioned it. The Ilyei Estuary fishermen can’t get their fishing boats up to their wharf. Not enough sea-room I think they said when we arrived.”

  Susa Lynsey nodded, comprehending that the worst fear of any Susa of the Vada was about to be realised. Rhian smacked her fist into the palm of her hand.

  “Keep going Tana, I think you’re on to something here,” ordered Lynsey.

  “I’ve got it!” interrupted Rhian. “There must be another way across the Middle Sea. Another chain of islands. In the far west there are places where the edge of the Southern Continent can be seen on a clear day. The rocks go out a ways and there are many small islands dotted around.”

  “Another route north and the Larg have found it? It doesn’t bear thinking about,” groaned Lynsey.

  “If there is one, why not another, a route which is accessible only after a series of extremely cold winters like we’ve been having? The ice has formed further south than usual. The sea levels are low; there is ice along the coasts, out a fair way from the land too.”

  Lynsey shook her head. “If there had been, the Larg would have found it before now.”

  “Not necessarily true,” Rhian disagreed. “Why should they? The Argyll-Graham chain was handy, closer to their pack lands and passable during the winter storms. That way is closed to them now. I think we must assume that they have been spending the last years, decades even, searching for another viable route and now, thanks to the inordinately cold weather, they have found one. That is why they had no need to ‘persuade’ the King and the Dukes of the Kingdom of Murdoch to help them. That is why the Conclave of the Dukes of Murdoch has heard nothing. The Larg don’t need ships to transport them north. Remember too, that the Avuzdel has reported that some kohorts are moving away from their pack ranges.”

  “And how do you suggest we fin
d out if such a route does exist?” queried Lynsey.

  “Send word to all the Sea Captains,” was Rhian’s instant response, “they know the Middle Sea with a far greater intimacy than you or I and, at the very least, they will have charts of the waters.”

  “Are there any trading ships in the bay?” asked Lynsey.

  “I think the Emily Stanton came in last night,” offered Rhian. The merchantman was a regular visitor carrying tools, equipment and food to the permanent Vada outposts along the coasts.

  “Ask the Captain to come see me as a matter of urgency would you Tana?” asked Lynsey, “and tell him to bring his charts with him, especially those to the west. I know he probably will have had little cause to use them but he’ll have them nonetheless, all the Captains do. Go yourself, don’t try to telepath. After you have done that, warn all resident Ryzckas that I wish to see them in my office at Fifth Bell.”

  Tana ran out of the office as fast as her legs would carry her, calling out for Tavei as she ran.

  The Captain of the Emily Stanton arrived at the run. Accompanying him, panting and puffing, was perhaps the most grizzled, most craggy-faced, white-haired old man Lynsey had ever seen.

  “Brought old Trent along Lynsey,” the Captain said, “Tana here filled me in with some of the details and old Trent has sailed just about everywhere and for a very long time. Third Generation he is, not many of them left now.”

  Old Trent nodded, “I may have been tae young to have known Francis and Asya, your predecessors, but my grandfather kent them.”

  Captain Wylie was spreading out his charts on the worktable with scant regard for anything else. He stabbed the edge of one of them with a finger, commanding old Trent to show the Susa and the Weaponsmaster and to explain.

  Trent bent over the chart. It looked highly incomprehensible to Lynsey and Rhian when they joined him. It was full of little squiggles and strange symbols.


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