The Forbidden Script

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The Forbidden Script Page 12

by Richard Brockwell

  Travis said, “don’t worry. The dog is locked up. It won’t hurt you.”

  As they entered, Carlos came to greet them, who had agreed to stay on longer for a hefty paycheck. Sally and Jackie cautiously walked around Carlos intimidated by the size of the man. He led them into the kitchen area where they were then greeted by Tony.

  Travis did the introductions.

  “This is Dr. Tony Barrette, who will be performing the calling.”

  Tony extended his hand.

  “Pleased to meet you both,” he said.

  Jackie was the first to speak, “I’m Jackie, and this is my friend Sally.”

  Tony shook Jackie’s hand and then Sally’s, which he held onto longer than he did Jackie’s. He felt something that he hadn’t felt for a long time. Her blood seemed to be racing around her body at an unusual rate, yet her heart was beating at a steady pace. He felt the life beating within her body. Within seconds, her energy passed from her hand to his. Unaware of what was happening within her body, she quickly withdrew her hand away from Tony’s.

  Travis stepped between them.

  “Sally wishes to make contact with her mother who passed away a few years ago.”

  Tony looked at her and said, “so we shall my dear. Please follow me to the basement where we shall begin.”

  Jackie whispered to Sally, “my god! The doc is gorgeous! If he weren’t so much older than me, I would….”

  Sally cut her words short, “Jackie! Shut up, will you! He might hear you.”

  They were led down the flight of stairs and entered the medium room. Every piece of furniture looked so ancient, made of dark mahogany dating back to the last century. Hanging on the walls were pictures and photographs almost going back two hundred years.

  Jackie noticed that some of the pictures were just like she had seen in the university hallways.

  She said, “these pictures and photos are a replica of what we saw at school.”

  “Well, Travis and I have known each other for some time now, and we share the same interests. It was I that made the replicas and donated them to the university. What you are seeing are all originals,” said Tony.

  Jackie didn’t stop there.

  “How did you acquire these originals?” She asked.

  Sally then spoke, “they must be worth quite a lot of money I guess.”

  Travis stepped in and quickly changed the subject.

  “Hey! We didn’t come all this way for a lecture or class. What do you say we get started?”

  The girls took their seats around a solid oak table, not too large, but just right so all four persons could reach out and join hands. Sally and Jackie sat opposite each other while Tony sat to the right of Sally, and Travis to the right of Jackie. The lights dimmed, and candles that were previously lit gave a warm, comfortable feeling in the room.

  Tony asked everyone to join hands and not to break the bond under any circumstances. He then asked Sally a few questions before he began.

  “Your mother’s name, please?”

  Sally replied nervously, “Anne Mallock.”

  “Do you have anything in your possession that belonged to your mother?” Asked Tony.

  “Yes, I have this locket and chain around my neck.”

  “Excellent. That should be more than enough. Now please do not speak unless I tell you to,” said Tony.

  He then closed his eyes and dropped his head slightly forward. Next he began speaking out in a tongue that both girls could not recognize. It seemed ancient Indian and sometimes sounded like Latin. At first he started out slowly, just able to hear his voice, and then out of nowhere he would shout out loud. At times, the name Anne could be heard in a tone of voice that sounded commanding. Jackie and Sally looked around the room for anything out of the ordinary. After a while, they noticed the candle flames were giving off a bright light, but nothing else seemed different. Sally was about to break the bond when suddenly she saw a dim light hovering behind Tony. Jackie saw it too, and she squeezed Sally’s hand tighter.

  Tony spoke out, “Anne! Show your presence, reveal yourself to us, reveal yourself to your daughter Sally. Appear before us.”

  Sally continued to stare at the dim light, remembering things about her mother, the talks they had and the fun they had together. All of a sudden the dim light she saw was now turning into the shape of her mother’s face. Jackie began to tremble; she had never seen anything like it before. Sally kept calm; she couldn’t believe she was seeing her mother after all these years.

  Tony spoke out to Sally, “you can now ask what you wish Sally, but your mother will reply only through me.”

  Sally wanted to ask so many questions, but the only thing that came to mind was.

  “Why did you leave me mother? Why did you leave when we were so happy together?”

  Tears began to stream down her face, tears of joy and sadness.

  Tony waited a few seconds before revealing the answer to Sally’s question, when he was unexpectedly interrupted by her sudden outbreak of cries and pleas.

  “Why didn’t you let us know it was the reason you left? We could have helped you! It wasn’t too late for you. Maybe you would have lived longer if you didn’t leave!”

  Suddenly Tony stood up breaking the link, knocking over his chair. He could not believe what he had just witnessed.

  “It’s impossible! You spoke directly to your mother; you could hear her voice without my help. I knew it when I first held your hand. You are not the same as other. You are unique Sally.”

  Jackie went over to comfort her friend.

  “Sally, I think we should leave now before things get out of hand.”

  Travis took hold of Sally’s arm.

  “I think you should listen to Jackie. I will call you later.”

  Both girls left the house in such a hurry that they did not hear the cries of a woman shouting and banging against the glass window overlooking the garden.

  They were a few miles from Tony’s house when Jackie asked, “Sally! What was it your mother told you? What did she say to you that made you so upset?”


  Back at the house, Tony couldn’t believe his luck. He went up to Travis.

  “You have got to get that girl back! She’s the one we need. She’s the one that will fulfill the Mayan text. She’s what we need to get us into the underworld realm,” said Tony.

  Travis thought otherwise. “You mean, she’s the one YOU need. I don’t think I can do it Tony. You saw what happened last time you used that Mayan text. It could also happen to her. We should find someone else.”

  Tony was not pleased with what Travis said.

  “You get her back, or you’re the one who’s going to end up like that girl we both killed!”

  He knew Tony meant every word he said, and didn’t want to end up behind bars. Travis stormed out of the house without a word. He got into his vehicle and drove to the university where he decided to spend the night in his room. On his way, he thought about what Tony had said about Sally. He knew deep down he was falling for her, which was not his intention. Tony was right saying she was different. She had something within her that deeply touched him. Travis felt drawn to her as if she had a spell over him.

  On their way back to Jackie’s house not a word was said between the two girls. Sally’s mind kept going back to what her mother had told her. She thought about her father and wondered if he knew the truth, or was he kept in the dark just like she was. There was nothing she could do; she can not change the past. Sally knew she couldn’t tell her father about what had happened. She would never be trusted again if he ever found out.

  Jackie was concerned for her friend but understood if she didn’t want to talk right now. She decided to wait until the appropriate moment.

  It was past midnight. Travis was lying in bed, still very wide awake when his cell phone rang. It was Jackie.

  “Hello! Travis, are you there?”

  He recognized Jackie’s voice.

nbsp; “Yes! Are you both okay? Where is Sally? How is she? I’m so sorry about what happened. May I speak to her?”

  “She’s asleep right now. She hasn’t said a word since we left. Travis I need to ask you something.”

  “What is it Jackie?”

  She looked back at Sally before she spoke.

  “What did he mean when he said Sally is unique? What did he feel while holding her hand?”

  Travis lied.

  “I don’t know what he meant Jackie. Sally is a special person, but in a way we both know. Just keep an eye on her. Make sure she’s okay. I will call her in the morning,” he said goodnight.

  Travis needed to think fast about what to do next.

  Morning soon arrived. Jackie got out of bed and went over to Sally’s side of the room to check on her, but to her surprise she was not in her bed. She glanced over at her bedside clock which read a few minutes past seven. She went to see if maybe she was in the bathroom.

  Jackie called out, “Sally! Where are you?”

  Nothing, no reply. She began to panic; frightened something is wrong. Jackie went to her room and quickly got dressed. She ran down the stairs, hoping to find her friend in the kitchen. No one was there. Jackie took out her cell phone and tried to call her, but again nothing, no answer. Jackie was now on the verge of a panic attack. Her mind was racing back and forth thinking where her friend could have gone?

  After stopping to think for a while, Jackie decided to leave for school, thinking she must have caught the bus early and was waiting for her there.

  While driving just a few miles, her cell began to ring. She looked at the screen. It was Travis. Jackie didn’t know how she was going to explain to him that Sally was missing and had no idea where she was. She nervously answered the phone.

  “Travis! She’s gone; I can’t find her anywhere.”

  “Jackie it’s okay! She’s alright. Sally’s here with me.”

  She slammed her foot down hard on the brake pedal.

  “With you! How did she get all the way over to you? It’s a couple of hours drive and much longer by bus!”

  Travis said, “calm down Jackie! She asked me to come pick her up a few hours ago. She didn’t want to wake you. Here, she wants to talk to you.”

  Jackie waited to hear her friend’s voice.

  “Hi Jackie, I’m okay, you don’t need to worry.”

  “Worry! I was going insane. I looked everywhere for you. I tried to call you on your cell phone, but no answer. What happened?”

  Sally started to giggle.

  “I couldn’t sleep, and I didn’t want to wake you, so I called Travis. He offered to come and pick me up, and we went for a drive losing track of time.”

  Jackie asked, “and where are you now?”

  “We’re on our way to school.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re okay. I will see you in class, then,” said Jackie as she started her car.

  Jason was about to leave for work, when Kate phoned him.

  “Jason! Where are you?” She asked.

  “I’m leaving for work. Why, what’s up?” Said Jason about to enter his mustang.

  Kate said, “I made a few phone calls concerning the spiritual phenomena classes, and guess what?”

  Jason sat down in the driver’s seat.

  “What did you find out?” He asked.

  “There is no class like that. I mean you won’t find it at any school or evening class. It’s more of a get together. Word on the street is you have to ask around, and then if you’re chosen they will contact you and let you know when the next get together is going to be.” said Kate.

  Jason then asked her, “when is their next meeting? Did your contact tell you when?”

  “I’m not sure. The thing is, there is more than one group. There are three different groups in fact, and the funny thing is the teacher or group leaders are all women.”

  Jason understood what Kate was getting at.

  “In Sarah’s diary, she mentioned he, not she.”

  “Yes, that’s right!” Kate replied.

  “So we’re back to where we started. A dead end,” Jason said.

  “Jason, I was thinking. What if I ask around, try and find these groups. You know, try to become a member, and attend one of these classes. I might be able to get more information from inside the group. I guess Sarah’s group is more secretive, more difficult to get into.”

  Jason didn’t like what Kate proposed.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea. It’s too risky, and if anything happened to you, the chief would have my head.”

  Kate continued trying to persuade Jason.

  “Do you have a better idea? It’s worth a try Jason. I ask members of the group, get what I can from them and get out fast.”

  Jason thought for a while.

  “Okay, but as soon as you see anything out of the ordinary you leave right away.”

  Kate replied, “don’t worry, I will be fine. I’ll let you know if I find out when the next class is. Bye for now Jason.”

  It was Tony’s day off, and he planned to make the most of it. The first thing he done was to have Helen come out of her room. Carlos knocked on the door before entering. Helen lay motionless on the bed. She was a mess after spending the night crying. The same dream haunted her night after night. A week has passed since being abducted from the jungle. The nightmares she were having have been becoming more and more real. They began soon after she deciphered the Mayan hieroglyphs from the ancient tablet. Helen realized she had unlocked something terrible, and knowing there was no turning back was driving her insane.

  Carlos was now at the foot of the bed. After calling her name without an answer, he shook her foot vigorously.

  “Miss Helen! Come downstairs. Mr. Tony wants a word with you.”

  She said, “go away! Leave me alone!”

  Carlos with a sudden jerk grabbed her leg pulling her closer to him.

  “You come with me! Or I drag you from your hair!” He said.

  Helen kicked herself away from his grasp.

  “Get out you big baboon! I need to use the bathroom first. Wait outside will you.”

  Helen looked at herself in the mirror. She looked tired, and dark circles were forming under her eyes from lack of sleep. She knew she had to get out of this house before the worst happens to her.

  Tony was waiting in the kitchen. He held a mug of coffee in one hand and with the other he was petting his dog Bruce, a huge Rottweiler. Its muscular body was impressive; anyone would think the beast was on steroids. Tony ran his hands through its blue-black shiny coat of hair. The dog didn’t move an inch; it was as steady as a rock despite the hard strokes by Tony’s hand.

  Suddenly Bruce began to bark, after sensing someone approaching from the stairway. Helen took her time descending the stairs with Carlos three steps behind her.

  “Quiet Bruce! Miss Shireberg is our guest,” said Tony laying his hand upon the dog’s large head.

  He motioned to Helen.

  “Please take a seat. May I offer you some coffee?”

  Helen sat opposite Tony, keeping well away from his dog.

  “Why are you keeping me locked up in this house? I have done what you asked. You can’t keep me here.”

  Tony stood up sending the dog out of the kitchen with one gesture of his hand. He sat down next to Helen.

  “I have a proposal for you,” he said.

  Helen looked him directly into his blue cold eyes.

  “Really! And what may that be?”

  He ordered Carlos to leave them.

  “I would like you to attend tomorrow evenings gathering.”

  “Why would I do that?” Said Helen.

  He took her hand in his.

  “I want to show you things you never imagined were possible. Things you never thought existed. I know you are truly fascinated by the Mayan civilization, and by the way they lived and survived all these centuries. Most of all how they disappeared from the face of the earth.” />
  Helen quickly pulled her hand away from his.

  “How do you intend to do that? Do you have a time machine hidden in the basement?” She sarcastically asked.

  Tony smiled at her.

  “No time machine. Your body will remain here, but your mind will be transported to another place. You will be amazed at what you will see.”

  Laughter emerged from Helen’s mouth not believing a word he said.

  “Whatever! And if I agree to attend this gathering?”

  Tony gave her his word.

  “I will let you go. You will be free to leave when you want. Who knows, maybe after what you see, you will want to stay here with me!”

  “That’s what you said last time,” she replied.

  “It’s up to you Miss Shireberg. Agree with what I am offering, and after you may leave.”

  Helen replied, “and if I say no?”

  This time it was Tony’s turn to laugh.

  “I don’t advise you to say no! You know I have the advantage.”

  Helen like before had no choice but to agree to whatever he proposed. She knew her niece would be in danger if she didn’t do as he says.

  Travis leaned forward kissing Sally on her lips. She wasn’t expecting it, but she did not back away.

  “What was that for, may I ask?” Said Sally smiling.

  “For putting you through what happened last night. I’m sorry Sally, but I had no idea it would turn out like it did.”

  She saw the concerned look on his face, but what she said next took him completely by surprise.

  “I want to do it again! I couldn’t sleep all night. I want to hear her voice again, ask more questions. It was amazing Travis.”

  Looking confused at her, he asked, “why didn’t you say anything? You seemed so upset and hurt.”

  Sally continued explaining. “I was upset, very upset actually, but then I started to realize how fortunate I am. My mother will be with me my whole life after all. Maybe not in person I know. What more can I ask for? You and Tony have opened a new door for me.”

  Travis couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He just spent half the night thinking how he is going to convince her to take part in another ritual, and here she is asking him to do it all again.


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