The Valkyrie's Princes

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The Valkyrie's Princes Page 5

by Quinn Arthurs

  “We agree with Blaine,” said Flynn as he tried to balance his on top. “Eat them all!”

  I shook my head at them. Were all males this silly? I was used to Valkyries, not males. Master Jaison was watching our exchange curiously but had yet to speak. Thankful, I offered him my overflowing bowl.

  He chuckled and held up a hand as he shook his head. “No, my dear. I won’t take your treat. Enjoy them, as the boys have said. It will do us all good to see you eat.”

  When they were convinced that I would continue eating while Master Jaison talked, the boys began on their own food and waited for him to continue.

  “As I said, I cannot yet give a diagnosis,” Master Jaison began. His eyes were still warm, but his voice was serious, and he appeared lost in thought. “This situation is highly unusual. From studying all of the wounds she obtained today and monitoring the extent of the scarring from, I would assume, repetition of an injury to prevent healing –“ He cut off his sentence and looked to me for confirmation. I simply nodded, too enthralled by the taste and texture of the grapes to stop eating and offer him the words. “Her healing abilities are extraordinary. What would have taken days or weeks for one of us to heal, she is healing in hours.”

  He’d noticed my speed. Surprising. Most healers didn’t. He must indeed be very good. Though, that was understandable. It’s not like Master Healers in Scottsdale are on the same level with a Master Healer to the throne. The boys were looking at me with surprise and appreciation. Apparently, they thought this was a good skill. Whatever, I’d still trade it for wings. “I’m unsure why her wings haven’t appeared,” he continued, “that will take me more time to research. I seem to recall old stories of that happening, but I thought it was a myth. I only vaguely recall a mention of it from my own days training.”

  I smiled at him, thankful for that, though I didn’t think it was right to lie to the princes. “Thank you for saying that. I appreciate you taking the time to look at me, my lord.”

  His eyes twinkled as he laid a soft hand on my shoulder. “It was not a problem. Now, for my course of treatment.” That surprised me. Why was I getting treatments? “You are not to return to the Valkyries training hall until I give my order. I want you to heal completely. I am interested in seeing how long that takes you. Without additional daily training,” the word sounded bitter as he spoke it, “I’m interested to see if your body will then work on reducing any of your current scarrings.”

  That would definitely be interesting. Since I trained every day, I don’t think there had ever been a day without a beating since I took my post as maid in the Valkyrie hall. “I don’t mean to contradict you my lord, but I am by bound to the Valkyrie training grounds. They bought me from my parents and own my contract.” While I appreciated the thought of being able to heal, I also didn’t want this gentle man getting in trouble because of me.

  Master Jaison shot a look at the princes. “I see. Well, the princes are meeting with the town elders shortly, if I’m not mistaken. We’ll see what we can do regarding this contract. For now, you are under my care. I outrank anyone but the royal family and a few members of the council. You will stay as my patient until I release you.” The look on his face was harsh, and I was unsure of why. I assume he didn’t like having his orders questioned. It did put me in a tight spot, however, as to whom I was to obey. Master Jaison and the princes were of higher rank than the town elders, the training mistress, or the Valkyries, however, the town elders did hold my contract. It was a very tight piece of etiquette where I had to try my best to please everyone.

  Master Jaison bowed swiftly to the princes where they sat with their meals. “I will begin my research at once. Please inform me when you go to meet with the town elders. I would very much like to be involved in that conversation.” His eyes flashed, and his purple wings flicked back and forth rapidly as he headed towards the door.

  I quickly jumped from my place on the bed to bow low to him. “Many thanks, Master Jaison, for your time and your healing skills. You have done much to put me at ease.” His gruff laugh followed him into the hall as he shut the door behind him.

  Popping the last grape I held into my mouth, I studied the wooden bowl. The inside was covered in juices that had leaked from the grapes. I risked a glance at the boys who all seemed occupied with their meal as they tossed pieces of meat and cheese between each other, plowing through the food quickly and efficiently. Noting their distraction, I took the chance to run my tongue quickly around the inside of the bowl to get every sweet drop of juice.

  Coughing and the flutter of wings grabbed my attention. Hunter was pounding Jett on the back, hitting him hard between the wings. Flynn, Neil, and Blaine were looking on from their spots in confusion. Jett waved a hand at his brother as he cleared his throat, acknowledging the helping hand and that he was fine for the moment. “Did you swallow that whole chunk of cheese without chewing it?” Neel asked incredulously as he stared at the red-faced Jett. His purple-black hair was mussed from his brother smacking him.

  Jett cleared his throat and met my eyes. His eyes were hot and dark, an expression in them that I couldn’t recognize. He opened his mouth as if to speak, stopped, and shook his head. “It was a mistake. I simply choked.” He stated, turning back to his food.

  Hunter snorted beside him. “Yeah, right. You caught Emberly licking the bowl too, didn’t you?”

  Neel whipped his head around so quickly he nearly came off the bed. Only a quick flick of his sapphire wings kept him upright in his seat. Jett blushed, the red working its way up to the tips of his ears. Flynn and Blaine just stared at me. I couldn’t help it, I followed Jett’s example, my own blush brightening my cheeks and ears. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think any of you would see me, you were so focused on your own food. It was just so good, I didn’t want to let any of the juice go.”

  Neel cleared his throat and dropped the slice of bread he held back onto his plate. “You licked the juice from the bowl?” His voice was husky and deep, tingling over my skin.

  I shook my head, embarrassed beyond words. I tried to gather the correct words to explain as I stammered, “It’s just, they were so good. It’s been so many years since I’ve had fruit. I should have known to behave my manners more around you all, but it was just too tempting.”

  “Tempting.” The word echoed from Blaine’s mouth, his voice deep, rich, and nearly as luscious as the grapes had been. “There’s a word for it.”

  I set the bowl down and, anxious for something to do with my hands and to distract me from the boy’s stares, I began to tidy up the room. I pushed books onto stacks more firmly, glancing at titles as I went. Unable to bear the silence any longer I asked, “Do all of you like to read? Or is that more Blaine’s area?”

  Jett answered, his ears still red. “We all like books, but none of us as much as Blaine. I’d probably be the closest in interest level to him.”

  I arched an eyebrow. “So you like to read, but you’re not totally obsessed like the two of us?”

  The guys’ faces brightened. “You like to read?” Neel asked, leaning back on the bed to stretch his bronzed arms.

  I grinned. “I love to read. I would happily move into this room and never leave it. This is amazing.” For some reason, all of the guys glared at Blaine who just wiggled his fingers at them in a wave. I spun back to the books, running my fingers over their spines and feeling the slits in the tunic for Flynn’s wings slip gently across my back.

  “You’re meeting with the town elders shortly?” I asked, keeping my eyes averted due to my nerves. I had no idea why the princes were showing interest in me, or what would happen with the town elders. I had never imagined I would even see one of the princes up close, let alone be in their bedchambers talking about books.

  Hunter hopped off of the bed and came to stand behind me. “Yes, and I think you have a right to be there for the conversation. If you don’t want to be, we understand. However, as it concerns you, if you would like to be in the room we would
like you there as well. All I ask is, please don’t speak unless one of us asks you to.” I leaned my head back against his chest, my short, oak brown hair ruffling where it met his tunic. His eyes were bright and soft as they looked at me, contrasting with the sharp planes of his face and the way his emerald green hair curled softly over his forehead. His fingers seemed hesitant as they reached up to stroke down my cheek.

  “Your skin is like ivory silk,” his voice was husky as he murmured. I could feel a flush rise in my skin, and he grinned. “Well, rose-colored silk at the moment.” I huffed and slipped away from his hands. I never knew that just the glide of fingers over my skin could make me tremble.

  The other guys were sitting on the edge of the bed, their eyes hot as they watched me with Hunter. Were they angry? I bit my lip and reached up to toy with the short strands of my hair as I thought on Hunter’s original question. Did I want to be in the room? I wasn’t sure. I didn’t want this time with the princes to end, and I was very scared as to what would be said. Would it be better to wait until after they were done and let them or the Elders fill me in? Possibly, as I’m sure seeing me in the meeting would just make things worse. At the same time, however, I didn’t like the idea of more decisions regarding my fate being made behind my back and having to just deal with the fallout afterward. If the Elders petitioned to have me executed, at least I’d have prior warning. With enough warning, I may even be able to escape.

  That thought sealed my decision. I wouldn’t go to my death quietly. “If you could find me some suitable clothes, I would prefer to be in attendance if it’s possible. I want to know what’s going on. I want answers, and I want a say in my future if possible.”

  I think it was Jett who purred, “Good girl,” his voice warm and thick. Neel nodded his confirmation, his eyes hot and the smile wide on his face.

  Chapter Five

  “I guess we need to find you some more suitable attire, then. Though you look very pretty in my tunic, I must say,” Flynn’s eyes sparkled with laughter. Hunter’s fingers toyed with my hair behind me.

  Blaine spoke up from where he leaned against the wall near the bathing chamber. “I think we can obtain some clothing for you from the guest’s quarters.”

  I shook my head quickly, hoping to stall them before one could flit from the room. “No, please.” They all looked at me in confusion as I hurried to explain. “The clothing from the guest quarters is much to fine for me. This meeting will be hard enough with them objecting to me speaking to all of you and acting above my station. I needed more simple clothing. Something the servants wear.” I hesitated before adding, “It would probably be best if one of you let me go through the stores as my clothing won’t be readily available to you.”

  My explanation didn’t seem to help. Their eyes all flashed, and their mouths were set in hard lines. “We have servant quarters here if that’s what you’re asking,” Hunter said behind me, his voice rough and quiet.

  I sighed and reached up to smooth my hair back from where he had messed with it. “It’s not just that. I can’t wear the same kind of clothing your regular servants wear.” I could see that they weren’t going to understand on their own, so I connected the dots for them. “All of your clothing is made for people with wings. I’m too tall anymore to get clothing from the children’s quarters. I’ll need some time to sew the back of the tunic correctly.”

  Blaine didn’t remove his eyes from mine. “Why can’t you just wear the normal servant’s attire?” Most of the servants dressed in pants and backless tops that tied at the back of the neck and the back of the waist to allow their wings to be free. In colder weather the tops had sleeves, and many would wear cloaks that had slits in them to allow freedom of movement.

  I sighed and tore my gaze from his. This was too embarrassing to do while looking at him. Blaine growled, and Hunter echoed him from behind me. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me back against his chest, tipping my chin up so that I could look into Blaine’s eyes. Blaine stalked toward me, his wings fully spread behind him, their citrine glow reflecting off the books around him as hotly as his eyes as they burned into mine.

  “Don’t shy away from us. We aren’t judging you. We just need an answer. If you refuse to wear the guest clothing we provide, why must you change the servant’s attire?” He moved closer to me so that I could smell his sweet honey scent wrapping around me to mix with Hunter’s pine.

  “I’m not allowed,” I stated simply.

  Blaine blinked and then blinked again. He moved his eyes from mine to search Hunter’s before looking back at me. “Why aren’t you allowed?”

  I couldn’t resist rolling my eyes at him, which earned me a hiss of exasperation. Why was he exasperated? They were the ones being dense! “I’m an abomination. I don’t show my back. It’s disrespectful to all Ardenian’s to have my deformity exposed. I keep my back covered at all times. It’s still noticeable that I don’t have wings, but it’s less offending to the eyes.” My tone was even as I relayed what I had been told for so many years.

  Blaine’s eyes blazed and growls echoed from all around me. Jett appeared next to his brothers as Hunter tightened the arm around my waist. “You’re forbidden from showing your back? Because they think it’s an abomination?” His voice was barely above a whisper, but the anger in it rolled across my skin as he spoke.

  “Of course. I’m made wrong. Anybody looking at me can see that. It’s a disgrace, and disgusting. It’s part of my duty to keep others from having to see it.” Why were they making a big deal out of this? Their wings were so beautiful. Carved gemstones pulling into toned bronze skin. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

  Blaine held out his arms and glanced over my shoulder at Hunter. He turned his head back towards Flynn and Neel who sat on the bed, jerking his chin forward. Hunter pushed me gently forward into Blaine’s arms. My face pressed against the tunic that covered his chest, rubbing against the soft, cool linen. Blaine’s strong arms wrapped around my waist and I felt the air change as his brothers circled at my back.

  Jett leaned into me, speaking quietly into my ear. “Will you trust us?” His voice was soft and compelling but hard as steel behind me.

  Did I trust them? I had no real reason to. However, in the short day that I’d been with them, they had shown me more compassion, humor, and care than I had had in so many years. They had never done anything to hurt me, and, despite their rank, had never once struck me or even harmed me mentally. It wasn’t truly logical, but, yes, I did trust them.

  “Yes,” I breathed the answer quietly, unsure if they would hear me with my face pressed against Blaine’s tunic.

  “Good girl,” Jett purred in response, reaching up to stroke a finger down my cheek. I felt him pull back, and then felt a pull at the neck of the tunic I wore. The center strip of fabric that would fall between their wings was ripped off in two sharp moves.

  I stiffened, letting out a deep breath. I could feel the blush heating my body. Why would they want to look at my shame? They had already seen it once when I had originally made my point about my rank. Why would they willingly look at such an abomination again? Sure, Master Jaison had seen it, but he was a healer! There was little they had never seen.

  Harsh breathing echoed in my ear as I felt fingers reach out to touch my shoulder blades. Other fingers joined the stroking, running across my ribs and down my sides. Jett purred in my ear as he rubbed at my shoulders. “Your skin is soft as silk. It’s pure, warm ivory under our fingers. You are not an abomination. You’re beautiful.”

  The boys continued to stroke my exposed skin as Blaine held me tightly against him. Blaine spread his hold so that the fingers of his left hand could spread up and stroke the exposed skin of my back while still holding me against him.

  “You’ve got gorgeous, dark hair that shines like polished wood when it’s clean in the light,” Flynn’s voice was warm as he continued to run his hand up my spine.

  “Your eyes are nearly as blue as my w
ings, so bright, so clear it’s like looking into the ocean.” Neel’s voice was on my other side, his hard, warm hand stroking up to the back of my neck as he spoke.

  Hunter’s fingers tickled as he pressed them up and down my sides, long, slow strokes alternating with hard, gripping presses of his fingertips. -“You’re strong. You’re magic. You’re beautiful, Emberly.” His voice was a growl behind me.

  I couldn’t help myself at the feel of the warm, strong hands on my skin. My breathing was harsh, and I arched my back into their hands. Nothing had ever felt this good. Their hands sent tingles running out over the rest of my body as I tried to both stretch away and stretch more fully into them at the same time. I couldn’t stop the quiet moan that ran up my throat, my muscles turning to water under their ministrations.

  Blaine hissed out a breath and took a small step away from me so that he could look into my eyes. “You’re beautiful, Emberly. We knew that was one of the reasons the other Valkyries didn’t like you once we saw you fully clean. They’re jealous. Even without wings, you radiate beauty like a gem.”

  Jett’s hand gripped the back of my neck and angled me so that I could look at all of them. “You’re not an abomination. Say it, Emberly.” The steel was in his voice, the black in his eyes hot and intense enough I could drown in them. I could feel the feathers of his wings brush against my bare back, and I nearly screamed at the intensity of the situation. He smirked at me, and I could hear the dark chuckles of his brothers around me. “Say it, Emberly, or I’ll keep it up.” He stroked his wings against my back again, causing me to jolt and shiver.


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