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Atlantis Page 20

by Lisa Graves

  I turned up the private road that led to the waterfall Nicholas had brought me to. Stepping from the car, I realized I was shaking. I was an overflowing combination of emotions. Excitement and fear, overwhelmingly happy and nervous all at the same time.

  “This is going to work” I told myself as I got closer to the sound of the falling water. “Water is the key.”

  I looked up at the pink and orange sky as I approached my destination. It was a little past eight and the sun was starting to set. The soft sounds of nature were all I could hear, and that sound filled me with a feeling of calm. I was on the right path. I was close. And I could feel it.

  I couldn’t see trying to project from within the little pool of water at the base of the falls. It was too deep. I rolled up my pant legs and slid off my flip-flops as I thought of my options.

  There was a low flat rock on the ground by the pool with soft wild grasses growing all around it. I sat on the rock and let my legs dangle in the cool water. It was perfect. Earth and water at the same time. This was definitely going to work. Scrunching up my hoodie into a pillow and laying it in the grass behind me, I noticed I was still shaking. Every cell in my body was overflowing with potential energy. I smiled as I lay back, closed my eyes, and thought of Elliott.

  I didn’t have time to go through the process of relaxing. My body was ready. And before I knew it I could feel the rush of air all around me. I was free falling from nowhere and on my way to my love.

  I opened my eyes to Elliott’s beaming smile as he took me in his arms. “You did it Lil! You really did it!”

  The tingles of energy I felt as our bodies touched was nothing compared to the overflowing happiness radiating from him. He kissed me. It wasn’t as sensual as the other kisses but the tingles were more intense. He gave my lip a playful little nibble before looking down at me asking, “Do you want to try something fun?”

  The sparkle in his eyes would make anyone have a difficult time resisting. But there was also something mischievous in his smile.

  “What did you have in mind?” I asked cautiously.

  He took both my hands in his. His thumb seemed to automatically rub my opal. I looked up into his eyes. “What is it Elliott?”

  He smiled down at me and gave me a sweet, tender peck on the lips. “Close your eyes, Miele.”

  I looked up at him confused.


  I sighed deep and complied.

  Elliott, so soft, brushed his lips across mine. I shivered. “Now feel with your senses mia amore.”

  I did as instructed. I could feel the tingles radiating from our clasped hands. I could feel the soft swirling air carrying all the scents of my meadow around as if in a dance. Then I noticed that even with my eyes closed I could see. It wasn’t like seeing with my eyes open, but it was definitely seeing. I saw tiny dots of brown, green, purple and yellow swirling around me on the misty white breeze. Occasionally the colored dots would burst and a fresh wave of scent would percolate the air. Wood, grass, flowers, and moonlight. I could see scent!

  I opened my eyes and looked deep into Elliott’s green eyes. “Wow,” was all I could say.

  He smiled down at me. “Wow is right. Now please close your eyes again.”

  I did as he asked and closed my eyes on one world, only to open them with my new sight to another.

  “Now Lilly.”


  He paused. “Can you see, me?”

  I concentrated on Elliott with my new sense of sight. And I could see him too. Only he was more glorious than ever. He looked like he normally did. He was still tall with hair the color of chocolate. His smile was still radiating. His body lean and muscular. But something about him seemed to glow. It was like nature was showcasing a work of art in the magic of moonlight. That’s when I realized I was looking at his soul. And it was beautiful.

  I looked into his sparkling emerald eyes and could see the rainbow’s array of color within them. He looked back into mine and winked. “Bene Miele. Now see if you can follow me.” He kissed my hand in a dramatic gesture and disappeared before my eyes!

  I opened my eyes and circled around. I couldn’t see him anywhere. I was in my astral meadow all alone. Something inside told me to close my eyes and look around through those eyes. I did, and after circling around twice I noticed I kept being drawn in the same direction. I couldn’t see Elliott, but every fiber of my being told me it was him I was being drawn to.

  I turned my ring around so the opal was facing my palm. I clasped my hands tight into fists and concentrated on Elliott. I thought of him. His hair, his eyes, the texture of his hands, the smell of his skin and before I knew what even happened I was falling. But this time was different. This time I could see the texture and smell of the air that swirled around me as I fell. And I could feel Elliott’s energy getting closer.

  When the falling sensation ceased I couldn’t see. My heart started to race when I felt the warm touch of Elliott hands on my shoulder.

  “Open your eyes Lilly.”

  My eyelids cracked open to a positively radiant smile. “What just happened?”

  “You projected.”

  “But why can’t I see with my eyes closed here?”

  “Because we aren’t on an astral plane anymore.”

  My eyes peered out the corners as I tried to look around without leaving my already fabulous view of his face. It was dark here, but light too. The moon shone big and bright overhead lighting the scene. All I could make out were a lot of greyed greens, blues, and some browns. That is when something dark moved in my peripheral vision on my left and reflexively I turned and followed it. I fell back at what I saw.

  Not a hundred feet from me, a wolf stood at the edge of a forest. It seemed to be assessing me. I was too afraid to take my eyes off of the regal and very intimidating creature. I felt back until my hand found what it was looking for, Elliott’s. His laugh broke my gaze.

  “Why are you laughing?”

  “Why not?”

  I looked back to where the wolf stood moments before, but there was now nothing. “...the wolf?”

  “It’s only a wolf Lilly.”

  I finally looked around again, giving my surroundings more attention, before my eyes went back to his. “Where are we?”

  “I am not certain as to the exact location, but roughly we are in Canada. See,” Elliott pointed across the forest, “there’s Jasper Falls.”


  “What’s wrong Miele?” His eyes quickly swept our surroundings.

  “I’m in Canada. That’s what’s wrong!”

  Elliott took my hand and pulled me towards some large boulders that were closer to the water. “Pull up a rock, calm down, and let me explain.”

  I was starting to hyperventilate.

  His hands gently caressed my face, forcing me to focus on his. “Please?”

  I sat down next to him on a big grey stone and looked out in the direction of the falls while he spoke. The waterfalls were breathtaking. The white water fell like the soft summer sigh of the wind, effortless. These falls weren’t like the waterfall in Dimpledell back home. This one was much more sophisticated. Jasper Falls was a combination of dozens of little waterfalls that had all gotten together for a party, mingling. I focused on the conversation of the water, the sound was very soothing. I leaned back, scraping my hand on the rough stone. It was then I realized, I wasn’t dreaming.

  Calmer now by the serene scene, I looked back to Elliott, ready to listen. When I looked at him, I was surprised to find that he wasn’t looking at me. He usually watched me so closely. I followed his gaze up the river preceding the falls and noticed the wolf from before getting a drink with her two cubs.


  His arm wrapped around my shoulders as I watched the wolves, mesmerized.

  His honey voice spoke, “Do you still want an explanation?”

  “Yes please.” I couldn’t pull my eyes from the National Geographic episode taking place righ
t in front of me.

  “Well Miele, we projected, but instead of staying on the astral plane, I thought you’d like to try your new skill out. Do you like it?”

  His question caught me off guard and confused me a little. “Like Canada, or projecting?”

  “Both.” His voice sounded unsure of what my answer would be.

  “Yes. I like them. Projecting is still a little weird, but this is amazing.”

  His smile beamed. “I’m glad you like it mia amore. You’re amazing.” Elliott held me in a close embrace. The tingles rocked my body, and a shiver ran down my spine and gave me away. His eyes looked pleased at my reaction. “Would you like to see something else?”

  I was a little apprehensive now. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Follow me and see.” He then winked at me and vanished.

  So much for serenity now. I automatically went into frightened mode. But this time I calmed down quicker. It was difficult, but I knew I couldn’t project all worked up. I found that focusing on my opal really helped clear my mind. Calm now, I closed my eyes, held my ring tight in my fist, and let my soul find his.

  The falling sensation came quicker than before. I called out to Elliott with my heart. I was going to him. I would be with him. When the vertigo stopped, I opened my eyes, excited to see where I ended up.

  If Elliott thought I was worked up before, he had another thing coming. We were on top of the Statue of Liberty!

  “Holy shit!” I crouched down and tried to find something to hold onto.

  Elliott seemed completely at ease standing on top of the flames of her torch. “Lilly, quit being a chicken and check out this view.”

  I didn’t budge. Instead of answering him, I glared as I backed into a corner.

  “Do you really think I would do anything to harm you?”

  My answer was weak. “No.”

  He held his hand out for me. “Lilly?”

  I only looked at the offer. I had no intention of moving from the safety of the nook I had crammed myself into.

  “Miele.” He sounded a little frustrated by me, like I wasn’t getting something. “We won’t fall. Please come look at this view.”

  “I fall for you all the time! Of course we can fall!”

  He looked up into his thoughts, obviously trying to pick out the right words. “Is there any possible way for us to physically get up here?”

  I thought about his question for a minute before answering. “No.”

  “Is there any possible way for us to physically fly from Draper to Canada to New York City all in under thirty minutes without an airplane, or even with one for that matter?”

  I shook my head, confused at where he was going with this. “No.”

  “Then how are we here?”

  I had no clue! My eyes conveyed the mystified jumble of thoughts in my head. It didn’t make sense, but here I was.

  Elliott jumped down into my nook without a care in the world. He bent down and kissed the top of my head. “We are here in thought.”

  He noticed the lightbulb lighting up in my brain and continued. “Remember that first day we met? You took me to your meadow and muttered something about unlocking your mind, and the possibilities that would open up?”

  I nodded, becoming less perplexed and more astounded by the second.

  “Well, my love... meet the possibilities.” He offered me his hand. This time I took it without fear. We stood together on the topmost part of the Statue of Liberty’s torch overlooking the city lights. Instead of scared, a serene sense of awe overcame me. My mind raced as the depth of what Elliott said sunk in. Looking out over the city, the white, blue, red, orange, purple and green lights of the overgrown buildings before me, Lady Liberty below, I started to get excited.

  “Can we go to a beach?” I asked.

  “Of course. Do you want to lead or follow?”

  “You lead. I’m still getting the hang of following, so you first.”

  “Alright, my little chicken.” Elliott gave me a funny smile. “I still can’t get over it. The very first time we met, you were fearless.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. I didn’t really have a reply.

  This time he cupped his hand under my chin and gave me a kiss before leaving. I was just starting to get into it when he disappeared. That tease!

  Standing alone on top of the tallest statue in the United States, I calmly closed my eyes and felt for Elliott with my soul. With my feet standing solid on the metal flames, I projected. I could feel a difference. This time I fell quickly and with purpose.

  I landed on a warm sandy beach. Elliott had waded out into the shallows. I rolled up my pants and followed. The water was warm, even in the dark of night. “Where are we?”

  “A beach, as requested.” He smiled, proud of his choice.

  “No kidding.” Sarcasm leaked into my voice. Nicholas had rubbed off on me. “Where is this beach?”

  “We are on the Island of Moorea.”


  “Moorea, it’s part of Tahiti.”

  I nodded. I’d heard of that one. My mind started to race with other questions now. My fingertips danced on the sparkling black water as fish swam around our legs. The sensation tickled as their fins touched my skin.

  “How can I feel all this,” I motioned to everything around me, “if I am only here in thought?”

  “The body is nothing without the mind Lilly.”

  I gave him a dirty look. That answer explained nothing!

  Elliott sighed and wadded closer to me. Taking my hand in his, he elaborated. “Have you ever hurt yourself, but not realized it until you actually saw the blood?”

  “Yeah... but?”

  “So you don’t know you’re hurt, or even feel the pain, until you see it with your mind. It’s your thoughts that process the information and tell you what to feel.”

  I still didn’t fully understand, but something inside said it didn’t really matter. I started to feel weird, but I couldn’t pinpoint the cause or what it was. I looked at Elliott and he seemed to instantly understand. “Follow me Miele.”

  There was no kiss this time. Elliott was gone. I followed quick behind. I was getting pretty good at projecting now that I finally understood how to do it.

  It was still night and I had projected myself into a type of courtyard of an ancient building. The columns that surrounded me were very old, with a sort of leaf decoration on the top. And the courtyard was overgrown with gardenias. It took me a moment to realize it wasn’t Elliott, but the scent was so enveloping. So strong. A flash of intuition crossed in my thoughts. I had been here before.


  “Si mia amore?” His honey voice seemed to sing his words.

  “I’ve been here before.” It wasn’t a question. But my thoughts were so jumbled trying to catch up with what lifetime I was remembering.

  I walked around and Elliott followed me quietly. I made my way into the main part of the church. The walls were a mix of old stone, brick and plaster. The multi-vaulted ceiling was covered with murals depicting various religious scenes. A giant and ornate marble alter and the semi-circle wall of windows fought for my attention. It was all so beautiful, even in the poor light.

  “This is where we met... the first time.”

  Elliott gave me one of his soul searching looks before kissing me with all the energy of his soul. I kissed back with all the energy I could muster, trying to have the same effect on him that he had on me. Our kiss was eternal and magical. The soft sure way he moved his lips with mine. The way his tongue danced in my mouth. It was out of this world. When it ended I was so drained of energy I had to sit down.

  Elliott sat beside me. “Sorry Lilly.”

  “Just give me a sec.”

  He laughed. “It wasn’t the kiss that was exhausting.”


  “Projecting takes a lot of energy. Especially projecting to physical planes. That’s why I haven’t been to see you, remember?”
br />   I started to feel concerned. “What can we do?”

  “I’ll just ask you to follow me once more. This next place will help.” Elliott took my hand and pulled me up. “Try to project with me this time. Where we are going is a little tricky.”

  I hugged him close and he held me tight, and this time we fell together.

  The feeling of projecting was the essence of life itself. The falling sensation when broken down was like all the energy in the entire world cradling you in its arms for a moment, loving you. As my soul followed Elliott’s energy through time and space, I noticed something that hadn’t been present during my other astral travels. Light.

  I opened my eyes as our hands clasped and I looked around this strange and beautiful place. “Where are we?”

  Elliott smiled.

  Chapter 19. Stonehenge

  The sun was just starting to break over the horizon. Everything here shimmered with the early morning dew. I looked around. We were standing in the center of a circle of large rocks arranged in arches. This place felt ancient. The massive stone structures seemed to stand guard as the light began to filter in.

  “Where are we?” I repeated, really confused.


  “Tell me something I don’t know.” I looked around again. The shimmering dew gave this place a magical quality. Energy seemed to pulse from everything like when I was on the astral plane.

  Elliott’s brow furrowed in confusion at my response. “You asked?”

  “Yeah, but I’m confused.”

  “Why are you confused Miele?” Elliott ran his free hand down the length of my arm, this time the tingles were climactic. My body shivered.

  I looked Elliott deep in the eyes as I tried to understand. His green eyes were more vibrant and alive than ever. He seemed to be thoroughly thrilled to be here with me. “What?” I asked.

  He smiled. “This is my answer. We can be together, here.”


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