More than Sometimes (Summer Lake Silver Book 6)

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More than Sometimes (Summer Lake Silver Book 6) Page 13

by SJ McCoy

  Teresa nodded. “I like Austin. He’s done well for himself.”

  “It sounded that way. He said he set up the brokerage himself, and it seems he does well on the property management side, too.”

  “He does. He manages my properties for me. I’ve known him since he was a little kid. He’s a year older than Elle, but his brother, Dallas was in her class in school.”

  “What do you think of him?”

  She smiled. “He’s a good kid. He’s a different story from Austin. Austin’s the steady, reliable one. Dallas was always a bit wilder. Well, maybe wild is too strong a word, he was always getting into scrapes, but he’s a charmer and could always talk his way back out of them. Why do you ask?”

  “He’s going to show me a place over at Four Mile tomorrow. Austin said he’s just got his realtor’s license and I might be his first sale.”

  She sipped her drink and looked out across the yard. He’d hoped that she might ask about the house, but she didn’t. He watched her without turning his head, wondering what she was thinking. If he had to guess, he’d say that she was curious but didn’t want to ask.

  “Do you want to come with me?”

  She turned to him and cocked her head to the side.

  “To see the house tomorrow. I like it. I’ve already been inside. Manny and I were over there on the weekend. I’d like to know what you think.”

  Her eyes danced as she smiled. “I’d love to see it. Where is it? Oh, wait, what time are you going?”

  “I said I’d meet Dallas there at five-thirty, but I can ask him to make it later. What time do you finish work?”

  She took her phone out of her purse and checked it. “That’s perfect! I should be done by four-thirty tomorrow.”

  “Great. Should I pick you up from the salon?”

  She smiled. “I can drive you know.”

  He chuckled. “I know. I’m sorry. I just … I like to …” He shrugged. “Am I too old school?”

  She winked at him. “Maybe a little, sometimes.”

  He pursed his lips. “Does that mean a lot and more than sometimes, but you’re too nice to say so?”

  She laughed. “Let’s just stick with sometimes. And I don’t mind too much, not when it’s about coming to pick me up. But there will be times when I want to drive.” Her smile faded. “And times when I want to pay, too. I let it go the other night because you said it was important to you, but … I’m not a helpless little lady, okay? I can pay my way and hold my own.”

  “I know. I don’t mean it that way. I don’t think you can’t.” He smiled. “I see you as totally competent, not helpless in any way. I’m not trying to be the big man. I … I guess, you just bring so much to the table, I need to do whatever I can to let you know that I have something to offer, too.”

  She put her hand on his arm with a mischievous smile. “Oh, you have plenty to offer.”

  His throat went dry when she ran her hand up his forearm and back down again. He linked his fingers through hers and tugged her toward him.

  “You think so?”

  She only hesitated for a moment before getting up from her seat. When she stood before him, he pulled her down into his lap and closed his arms around her. His heart was hammering hard, and he shifted trying not to let her feel how badly he wanted her. He should have known better. She wasn’t going to let him gloss over the way his hard-on was pressing into her ass.

  She dropped a peck on his lips and wriggled against him. “You’re pleased I’m here, then?”

  He had to laugh. She wasn’t shy about it, so why should he be? He tightened his arms around her and held her closer. “Very.”

  “Me, too.” She traced her fingers down the side of his cheek, sending shivers chasing each other down his spine and making him press more eagerly against her. She’d have to be careful about how much encouragement she gave him. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to resist too much—but he wasn’t sure if it was too soon to go there.

  He reached up and sank his fingers into her hair, pulling her down into a kiss that left him breathing hard. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the way her chest rose and fell when he let her lift her head.

  “Wow!” She laughed. “I think that might have been the best kiss I’ve ever had.”

  He smiled. “You didn’t like the other times I’ve kissed you?”

  She nodded rapidly. “Every single one is better than the last.”

  He chuckled. “Are you by any chance trying to sweet-talk me?”

  She nodded again, and a slight flush spread across her cheeks and neck. “Yep. All the way into bed.”

  His breath caught in his chest. Here he’d been trying to figure out if it was too soon, if he should wait, how he might even bring it up and she just …?

  She wriggled in his lap again, making him close his eyes and suck in a deep breath as her ass tormented his aching cock. “We’re going to be honest with each other you and me, aren’t we?”

  He nodded, wondering what she was going to say next.

  She chuckled and the sound reverberated in his chest. “Okay, so if you’re being honest, can you tell me that you don’t like the way that feels, that you don’t want to …?”

  He stared at her for a moment, not quite able to believe that she was making this so easy for him. It seemed he hesitated a moment too long. Her smile faded and she started to pull away. “Of course, if I’ve just embarrassed us both—”

  “No!” He pulled her back to him before she could get up. “You haven’t. I wasn’t hesitating over my answer. I do want you. I want to … I told you in the beginning, I’m rusty at this, but that’s no excuse. I shouldn’t have made you go out on a limb. You shouldn’t have to …” He tightened his arms around her and held her close to his chest. “But I’m glad you did. Thank you. And just so we’re clear. I love the feel of you against me.” He shifted his hips so she could feel how much he was enjoying it. “And I want nothing more than to feel your body naked underneath mine.”

  Her cheeks flushed again, but this time it was with desire, not embarrassment. Her eyes danced as she looked into his. “Wow!”

  That made him laugh. He ran his hand up and down her back and the way she quivered under his touch left him with no choice but to slide her off his lap as he got up, took her hand, and took her upstairs.

  ~ ~ ~

  Teresa tried hard to catch her breath as he led her into his bedroom and closed the door behind them. She’d never been backward about coming forward, but she was a little surprised at herself.

  When Cal turned back to face her, she was glad that she’d forced his hand. He was such a gentleman; she didn’t know how long it would’ve taken him. Now she didn’t have to wait—and the way he was looking at her she didn’t think she could wait, not another minute.

  He came to her and put his hands on her shoulders. She couldn’t allow herself to think about how big his hands were. She’d get her answers about the rest of him soon enough. One hand slid up to cup the side of her neck and his mouth came down on hers.

  She sagged against him as he kissed her deeply. Her hands roved over his broad chest. He was solid muscle under his shirt. She slipped her fingers under the hem and moaned into his mouth when those muscles trembled under her touch.

  He broke away and pulled his shirt up and off, letting it fall to the floor. She stepped closer and pressed a kiss to his warm skin. He smelled wonderful. She pressed herself against him and looked up into his eyes; they were a brighter blue than she’d seen them before, and they burned with an intensity that took her breath away.

  His arms closed around her and his hands slid down to hold her ass. A moan escaped from her lips when he pulled her against him and rocked his hips. Heat pooled between her legs and she rocked in time with him.

  His mouth came down on her neck, and she clung to his shoulders as he nipped and sucked, driving her crazy with the need to be naked with him. As if he sensed that need, he got rid
of her clothes. To say he was so rusty with women, he made short work of it and in moments, she stood before him in just her panties.

  He ran his hands up her sides and cupped her breasts. “You’re beautiful.”

  She tugged at his belt. “Thank you.”

  He chuckled as she fumbled to free him from his jeans, then helped her out and got rid of them and his underwear.

  She heard herself gasp when he stood naked before her but could do nothing to stop it. His hands hadn’t lied about the rest of him!

  He led her to the bed and sat down, tugging her hand so that she sat beside him, and then in one smooth move, he was somehow on his back and she was on top of him.

  She lifted her head with a laugh. “How did you …?”

  He smiled and closed his hands around her ass and moved her against his cock. “I couldn’t wait anymore.”

  He mouthed her nipple and moaned as she braced her hands above his head. “I don’t think I can either,” she breathed.

  He felt so good pushing into the heat between her legs, but her panties weren’t going to allow what she really wanted.

  The next thing she knew, he’d flipped them, and she was on her back. His legs were between hers, but he rested his weight off her. She reached for him; he felt like silk over steel as she stroked him.

  He lowered his head and nipped her lips as his hand slid inside her panties. His fingers teased her until she moaned and writhed, desperate for more. Just when she thought she’d need to get rid of her panties herself, he slid them down over her hips and she kicked out of them. She reached her arms up around his shoulders and pulled him down into another kiss, wriggling her way underneath him as she did. This was no time for him to be a gentleman, she wanted him, and she wanted him now.

  Her next moan was one of frustration when he lifted his head and broke away. He couldn’t stop now!

  He smiled and trailed his fingers over her breasts, circling first one nipple then the next.

  “Cal,” she breathed. “Please …?”

  He met her gaze and nodded. “Remember I told you I don’t do things in half measures?”

  She nodded.

  “I want you so badly.”

  “I want you.”

  He nodded again. “I don’t do this lightly.”

  “Neither do I.”

  “It means something to me. It means a lot to me.”

  “It does to me, too, Cal. I’m not … this isn’t just …” She didn’t want him to think that she was one to sleep around. But she didn’t want to say that in so many words.

  “I like you, Teresa. I like you a lot.”

  “I like you, too, Cal. More than a lot.”

  He smiled. “Do you want, will you … if we do this …”

  “If?” The word squeaked out before she could stop it.

  He chuckled and his fingers found their way back between her legs, making it hard to focus on whatever he was about to say.

  “Will you be my lady?” His gaze locked with hers. “That’s probably too old school to say. But it’s what I want. I don’t just want to sleep with you, I don’t just want to date you. I want you to be my lady.”

  She nodded. “I would love to be your lady.” She reached up and kissed him and then asked, “Will you be my man?”

  He pressed her down into the bed as his body covered hers. “I’ll be your man.”

  One of his hands slid underneath her ass and he wrapped her leg around his waist. She clung to his shoulders, holding her breath as his hot, hard head pushed at her wetness.

  He thrust his hips and she gasped and clung tighter as he entered her. “Oh God, Cal!”

  He looked down into her eyes. “Are you good?”

  She nodded.

  “Ready for more?”

  She nodded again, and he pressed deeper, filling her until she felt like he was becoming a part of her.

  “Do you want all of me?”

  She looked up into his eyes and understood all the ways he meant it. “I do, Cal.”

  She closed her eyes, ready for the next thrust.

  “Look at me.” It sounded almost like a command, but his expression was gentle when she opened her eyes.

  “I want to do this together.” He held her gaze as he gave one last push until he was seated deep inside her. One little bead of sweat rolled down his brow. She could feel him pulsating, hot and hard. His eyes were filled with a look that made her heart beat even faster. It was full of honesty, and something that looked like—it couldn’t be—but it looked a lot like love.

  She dug her fingers into his ass, urging him to move, to give her what she needed. She was sure that the connection between their bodies would lead them somewhere good, it would bring them both pleasure; she knew that. She needed to break the connection between their eyes, she was less sure that wouldn’t lead to heartbreak.

  He drove all conscious thoughts from her mind as he drove deep and hard inside her. He set up a punishing rhythm and all she could do was let him carry her away. His big body proved to be capable of giving her more pleasure than she’d known she was still capable of. He pushed her to the point of no return and didn’t relent as she soared away, carried on the tide of the best orgasm she’d had in years—maybe ever. Her hands grasped desperately at his back and when she dug in her nails, it sent him over the edge. His release carried her higher and she clung to his straining muscles as he gave himself to her.

  When they finally stilled, he rolled to the side and pulled her with him, wrapping his big arm around her and holding her close to his chest.

  She looked up at him and he planted a kiss on her lips and asked, “Good?”

  She shook her head slowly, but his pained expression made her stop. “I’m only teasing! But honestly, it wasn’t good, it was great, amazing, fantastic.” She ran her hand down his arm. “You’re wonderful, Cal.”

  He didn’t look thrilled, but she knew what was bothering him.

  “I don’t just mean in bed. I mean everything about you. You’re a wonderful human being. A wonderful man.”

  He was smiling again now. “I’m glad you think so.”

  She raised an eyebrow, glad to get back to something more playful. “Oh, yeah? And why’s that? Are you thinking you’d like to keep doing this sometimes?”

  He chuckled. “More than sometimes. I’m glad you think I’m a wonderful man, because that’s how every man wants his lady to think of him.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Your lady?”

  He nodded his smile cockier than she’d ever seen it. It suited him. “Yes, ma’am. I asked you, and you agreed.” He ran his hand down her back, making her shiver before he closed it around her ass. “And then we sealed the deal. I take it you’re a woman of your word.”

  She looked back into his eyes.

  “You don’t want to back out on me, do you?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t. We said we’re going to be honest, right?”

  “We did. I give you my word I will be, and I hope you will, too.”

  “I will. I’m trying to be. It scares me.”

  “What does?”

  “You saying that I’m your lady—that you’re my man. I love the idea, of course I do. But reality has a way of not living up to great ideas.”

  “I can see that. But … and this may scare you more. I wouldn’t have asked you if I didn’t believe that we could make the reality even better than the idea. I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t know that you’re worth it. I don’t want to screw up here, it’s probably not great pillow talk, but I’ve weighed this up very carefully. I already know who you are. I know that I want you in my life and I want to be in yours. On paper we may not be the ideal match. But in reality, I’ve never met anyone more perfect for me.” His smile made her heart melt. “And you know I’m not one to brag, but you have to admit that I’m kind of perfect for you, too.”

  She had to laugh. Everything he’d said made her h
eart happy, but that last part? That was the best thing a man had ever said to her.


  She laughed again. “Perfect! I’m laughing because if any other man told me that he was perfect for me, I’d tell him he was full of shit! With you, it works; not just because I believe it, but because I know you’d never say it unless you did, too.”

  He claimed her mouth in a slow, sweet kiss and when he finally lifted his head, he nodded. “I don’t just believe it. I know it. You just have to let me prove it to you.”

  ~ ~ ~

  They lay there in his bed for hours talking, touching, kissing. Sometime after midnight, he made love to her again. She felt right, she felt like coming home, and Cal’s mind was already moving ahead, wanting to get to the place where she might share his home.

  Her eyes had drifted shut a few minutes ago. He liked the thought that he’d worn her out. He brushed a strand of hair off her forehead. He’d love to wrap her up in his arms and go to sleep, but he didn’t know how she’d feel about that. She hadn’t even known that he was going to bring her back to his place. How would she feel about spending the night? She’d at least want to let Elle know, he was sure. Tempting as it was to let her sleep on, much as he’d love to wake up with her in the morning. He couldn’t do it. He had to let it be her decision.

  He planted a kiss on her forehead. She smiled but didn’t wake.




  Her eyes flew open. “Yes? Sorry. Did I fall asleep?” She smiled. “Did you just call me Terry?”

  He smiled back at her. “You did, and I did. Is that okay?”

  She reached up and pressed a kiss to his lips. “It’s more than okay. I love it. Only my people call me Terry. And I guess if you’re my man then you must be my people, too.”

  He chuckled. “I guess so.”

  “Crap! What time is it?”

  “It’s a quarter till two. I wanted to let you sleep, but I didn’t know … do you need to go home?”

  She pursed her lips. “I should. I have to go to work in the morning. You do, too. And I didn’t say anything to Elle, and …” She gave him a rueful smile. “I didn’t bring my toothbrush.”


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