Verdria's Heart [Lush Valley, Tennessee] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Verdria's Heart [Lush Valley, Tennessee] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 13

by Robyn Reigns

  “Your men will have Monty taken care of before you know it. You need to start thinking about what you want to do with your future now that you’re practically free of the man.”

  “I like it, Robin. Really I do. Just give me time. It’s not like the property will go anywhere, right?”

  “Fine, Verd. Be a spoilsport. Come on. Let’s go grab lunch before we meet your men back at the house. How do you feel about eating at Stowe’s? It’s just up the street, and we can sit out front.”

  The walk to the restaurant would be quick. She felt safe as they walked with Sully and Mack right on their heels. They constantly scanned their surroundings, searching for any possible danger to her and Robin. Verdria knew people from the town probably wouldn’t hurt a hair on her or her friend’s head. After visiting the town the other day with Robin and hearing about how well loved the twins were by everyone, Verdria felt confident to that fact. She wondered how well connected her men were, given their ability to have all these mercenary men out here at the drop of a hat. She slowed her pace to get the two large men to walk a bit closer. Robin seemed lost in thought and meandered ahead. Feeling her curiosity set in, Verdria couldn’t resist digging for information on her men.

  Looking out of the corner of her eye to the right she caught the dark rugged man’s attention. “You’re Sully, am I right?” He gave a simple nod in answer. “I take it from the history you and Mack have with the twins you know them really well. Would that be true?” She heard a grunt and caught another nod. Wow, was he talkative. When she caught Mack’s eye all he did was lift an eyebrow and shrug, his expression stoic. She hoped getting information wouldn’t be like pulling teeth. “Will you answer a few questions for me about Ryker and Owen?” Her gaze lingered on Sully waiting for a response.

  “If I can answer them I will.” The reply was short clipped and the voice gruff as if out of use for a while.

  “Over the past few days, I’ve learned the brothers are willing to do practically anything to keep me safe and protected. But I worry. I need to keep both of them from harm.” She waved Sully quiet before he could interrupt. “I know they mean well, but what if Monty tries to hurt them in some way to get to me? No offense to you and your men intended, but I’m afraid he’ll trump us with his network of hired guns. Monty has incredible connections, mostly because he’s backed by his family’s exorbitant funds. Nothing can happen to Ryker and Owen. My heart wouldn’t be able to take it.” Guilt and worry tore through her. She felt horrible because these people had to help take on her problem. Suddenly embarrassed because of what she said she lowered her head trying to avoid eye contact.

  As she kept walking a large, firm hand grabbed her arm, stopped her and then turned her around. “Hold up, Verdria.” Sully used his other hand to raise her chin forcing her eyes to lift and meet his. Shocked, she stayed frozen in place. There was no malice or disdain like she feared. Instead, his normally hard, cold, honeyed eyes seemed to have softened. “Your men can take care of themselves.” She wanted to interrupt. Before she could get a word in he placed a finger over her lips to quiet her. “But, I have eyes watching their backs just in case. Those men are too stubborn for their own good and would rather see to your safety before their own. As for Monty, the twins probably have him beat on both counts as far as connections and money. I know their connections reach higher than mine in the governmental food chain. For all I know they may be on a first name basis with the president. As far as wealth, those men probably have enough cash to last more than ten lifetimes.” Again, she wanted to try and get a word in edgewise, but his finger was still firmly pressed on her lips. “No, don’t say anything yet. You seem to have a good heart, otherwise those men wouldn’t risk their lives for you. I completely trust their judgment. I saw that look in your eyes. There is no need for embarrassment. And you should not feel guilty for another person’s actions. Monty has a mind of his own. When it comes down to it, the decision to hurt you and those around you was his and his alone.”

  After his last word the man turned and walked away to follow behind Robin. It was as if he said too much and needed to walk away from his own words. Mack still stood off to the side babysitting her. At least they were only a few feet from the restaurant. The men wouldn’t join her and her friend at the outdoor table. Instead they stood off to the side keeping watch for any suspicious people.

  Verdria listened to Robin’s chatter about her students at the elementary school while she observed her surroundings. It was a beautiful day. The streets were even quite busy with people out window shopping, or just socializing. The sun was warm against her face as she continued her observations. When her eyes landed on their two bodyguards she noticed how they continuously scanned the area. Their eyes always in motion and their bodies ready to launch.

  She and Robin quietly enjoyed their lunch. The food was so good they focused on the meal and the chatter took a backseat. Suddenly a loud gunshot rang out from the middle of nowhere. The bullet glanced off of her shoulder. As if out of the blue, Sully threw himself in front of her. He pushed her down to the ground as another bullet was fired. She heard Sully grunt while he covered her. Everything happened so fast. Before she knew it, pandemonium broke out. The crowd in front of the restaurant started scrambling, looking for coverage from more possible gun shots. Town residents came out of stores to see what was going on and assist in any way possible. Although encased by the much larger male body she was able to turn her head enough to spot Robin safely ensconced just by the doorway. Mack didn’t seem to be anywhere in sight. She wasn’t sure how much time passed before Sully deemed it safe enough to stop playing human shield and allowed her to stand. It was as if the incident was happening through someone else’s eyes. She felt numb. It was difficult to process the happenings around her. Sully was still right by her side. Anger overtook his expression when he glanced at her shoulder. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw the blood pooling. “You’re not hurt anywhere else, Verdria, are you?” His words and her own blood seemed to have pulled her back to reality. She could hear her guard mutter and curse under his breath as he pulled up a chair and pushed her trembling body into it.

  Verdria was so frightened she couldn’t stop shaking. Never had anyone shot at her before. There was no pain. Either she was still too shocked to feel it or the injury must have been superficial. She could feel her body sway as dizziness overtook her. She had never fainted before, but this was close to being her first time. She was thankful Sully pushed her to sit down. As the dizziness started fading, she felt like she wouldn’t be able to catch her breath. “Look, Verdria, I know you’re scared, but right now isn’t the time to fall to pieces. Put your head between your legs and take deep even breaths. Let each breath out slowly, so you don’t hyperventilate.”

  “I’m sorry. I’ll be fine in a minute, Sully. It’s just the shoulder. I’m not hurt anywhere else.” As she slowly came back to herself, she assessed the situation and got control of her emotions. She couldn’t let nervous fear dominate her. “Where’s Robin? Is she okay?”

  “Yeah, she’s fine. I sent her inside to wait for her husband. Matt should be here any minute. The ambulance should be here soon as well.”

  “I don’t need to go to a hospital. Oh my God, Sully! Look at your arm!” Shock and empathetic pain ran through her body as she noticed Sully’s bullet wound. She remembered him grunting when he protected her. He was shot with the second bullet. His shirt was covered in blood and small rivulets were slowly running down his arm. Suddenly she entered doctor mode and completely forgot about her own issues. “Did the bullet go straight through? Let me take a look at that. You’re the one that needs the ambulance.” She examined the wound. It looked like the bullet went straight through, so she used part of his torn shirt sleeve to create a tourniquet.

  “I’m fine, Verdria. You don’t need to do that.” He tried to wave her away. But, Verdria ignored him and was quick and proficient at her task. She had the bleeding staunched in a matter of a few minutes. “
We’re both going to the hospital. If you don’t show up there, your men will have me drawn and quartered. It’s bad enough I let you get shot. I’m never going to hear the end of it from them.”

  “Don’t worry, Sully. It wasn’t your fault.” A small mischievous smile graced her face. “I’ll take care of Owen and Ryker for you. I’m sure I can figure something out to keep them off your back.”

  Chapter 9

  It turned out Verdria’s wound was worse than she thought. Granted, there was no muscle damage, but it tore through the skin in such a way that she needed at least ten stitches. She was in the exam room. Her wound was in the process of getting scrubbed since the local just took effect when all hell broke loose. All she could hear was a very loud and angry deep voice. As it got closer, she recognized it as Ryker. “What do you mean you can’t allow me back there? I demand to know where Verdria McKenna is, and demand it now.” She saw him stride by her room through the privacy blinds.

  From her position in the exam room, Verdria could see the poor harried nurse was chasing Ryker down the hallway. She was so short compared to him she could barely keep up. “Please, sir, no one is allowed back there without authorization.” Verdria couldn’t help giggling when she saw the petite woman chasing at Ryker’s heels. The woman needed to realize she should just give in and let Ryker do what he wanted. The man was like a bulldozer and would run right through a solid brick wall to get to where or who he wanted. What was even more amusing was watching Owen calmly stride in behind both individuals. His more dominating and controlling brother easily cleared the way for him.

  “Verdria!” She heard him shout as he walked down the hallway, butting his head into each room looking for her. “Verdria! Baby girl, where are you?” He looked and sounded like he was on a mission.

  She decided to make things easier on the poor harried man and called out to him. “I’m in here, Ry.”

  He followed the sound of her voice until he found her room. When he entered, she took in his disheveled appearance and lines of worry dominating his expression. As he eyed her over, the worry seemed to coalesce with compassion. Heaven help her, she must look a sight sitting on the large exam table that seemed to swallow her. She knew she was probably pale and when the pain finally hit she nearly saw stars. She wanted to hug the doc when he injected the local.

  The poor nurse scrubbing her wound looked frightened by her tough guy’s entrance. The girl was smart though. As soon as she finished her scrub detail, she quickly left the room. Ryker walked over to her. He positioned himself right at her side and looked as though he wanted to hold and comfort her. Fear of hurting her must have been what prevented him from pulling her close into his warm protective embrace. Instead, his hand cupped her face as he kissed her forehead. Then he took and he held on to her good hand like a lifeline. The sound of Owen’s worried voice had Ryker stepping back, offering an opening for him to have his turn with her. “Ry, is she okay? Where is she hurt?”

  “It looks like it’s just her shoulder, Owen.”

  Owen’s expressions mirrored Ryker’s. Lines of worry were etched around his eyes. His lips were drawn tight and straight. That small hint of smile he always carried just below the surface was gone. This was the first time Verdria had seen him so tense, as though fear gripped his body. When he stepped up to assess her, she could feel worry and anger radiating off him as he slowly and thoroughly inspected her with his eyes. He took her hand from Ryker’s, seeking the same comfort. “Sweetheart, we were so worried. I don’t think my heart could take it if anything happened to you. Ryker and I need to lock you up in a padded room and cover you in bubble wrap. If I could, I’d never let you out.”

  “I’m fine, guys. Really I’m okay. I just freaked a little because that was the first time anyone has ever shot at me. You need to check on Sully. I think he was hurt worse than me.”

  Ryker’s voice rose with his anger. “Sully will be just fine. He’s had worse injuries. If it’s the last thing we do, Owen and I are going to catch the man that did this to you and make him pay.” He started pacing the small confines of the room. Verdria couldn’t help but stare at his distracting body. Before thoughts of what she wanted to do to his tempting body played in her mind, the door suddenly opened. The young doctor in charge of her case walked in. A smile on Dr. Colbert’s face quickly turned to worry when he took in the two large, overbearing men. Since the hospital was located in the larger neighboring city he didn’t know her men. He probably didn’t yet realize that although they were large and overbearing they meant no harm.

  Clearing his throat brought the attention of both men directly on him. “Hello again, Miss McKenna. Are these two men welcome in here, or should I be calling security?”

  Verdria liked the mild-mannered doctor. He was very calm and had a soothing presence even when faced with her two overwhelming men. He appeared plain and simple. He was short and stocky, but well-defined muscles framed his body. Those long, elegant fingers were gentle. She knew that firsthand. He had short blond hair cut to spike on top. However, it was his kind hazel eyes that drew her to him and afforded her trust.

  As she responded, she could hear both men start growling and muttering in the background. “I guess they’re here to stay, doc. I don’t think we would be able to get rid of them no matter how hard we try.”

  “I heard the nurse finished prepping your wound for me.” He walked over to Verdria and pulled over his instrument tray. After placing his surgical gloves on, he re-examined her injury. “You’re really lucky this is just a flesh wound. If it had gone any deeper, it would have torn through muscle. Let’s get it sutured so your men can get you home and take care of you.”

  “How do you know they’re both mine? Is it that obvious?”

  “You’re coming here from Lush Valley, aren’t you? Besides, when you look at them they both have that possessive and protective caveman look.” Doctor Colbert couldn’t help but smile. It sparkled through his eyes and turned him from plain to attractive in a heartbeat. He leaned over and whispered for her ears only, “I bet if I say or do anything inappropriate, they will become all growly. My leaning close to you like this, even though innocent, is probably getting their hackles up.”

  Verdria couldn’t help but giggle at the doctor’s antics. As she leaned in to respond to him, she broke into full-blown laughter when she heard Ryker’s growl followed by a huff from Owen. “Hey, doc, what’s going on over there?” Ryker’s no-nonsense voice rang out through the room. “You better not be trying something on our woman.”

  It took the doctor a couple minutes to stop laughing long enough to answer the twins. “No need to worry, men. I have no designs on your woman.” Both men walked over, crowding in behind the doctor. As he prepared to make his first stitch, Verdria watched as his elbow nearly knocked against a firm muscular chest. Verdria was glad he was still amused and seemed to have the patience of a saint, while he worked. “Now why don’t the two of you go sit on the other side of the room? Quit hovering and give me some space to work on your woman. If you keep breathing down my neck, it’s just going to take longer.”

  After her men absorbed the doctor’s words it was as if a lightbulb went off in their heads. “Fine, doc, but Ryker and I are watching you. Don’t do anything funny.” They moved to the other side of the room. Neither one of them took their eyes off of her or the doctor for a second. Still absurdly amused, Verdria met the doctor’s eyes in silent communication. He gave her an “I told you so” look as he finished stitching her arm.

  * * * *

  Owen was glad they were finally out of the hospital. It felt like they were there forever even though it was only a few hours. He knew they were going to drive her insane, but he and Ryker couldn’t help but treat her like the fragile piece of glass she was. Like Ry, he couldn’t stop hovering over her and watching her. She was lying on the oversized couch in the living room, watching television and relaxing. He hated that the sheriff would be disturbing her soon. The man wanted to talk to her and
Sully. With any small movement she made, Owen nearly jumped from his seat. He couldn’t help but think she was uncomfortable or in pain. When she started to stand his heart leaped into his throat. “Sweetheart, are you okay?” Racing over to be by her side it took all his hard won self-control not to pin her back on the couch to keep her there for rest and safekeeping. “Can I get you something? Do you need another pain pill?” He knew he was over reacting, but no one ever made him feel like she did.

  “I’m fine. I was just going to make some coffee. Anyone else want a cup?”

  “You just stay here and relax, baby. Owen and I will go make you coffee and bring you something to eat.”

  “We’ll be right back, sweetheart.” Owen kissed her forehead and made sure she reclined back on the couch before following behind his brother.

  He feared leaving her out of their sight even for a minute. Forcing his brother to hurry they had sandwiches and coffee made in record time. He hoped turkey would be okay. It wasn’t mammalian meat. Maybe he should have played it safe and made peanut butter and jelly. Ryker gave him a bemused look and shrugged when he asked the man for his opinion. His twin turned back to quickly fixing the coffee and sandwich sides, obviously wanting to get back to their woman just as fast as he did. Finally done, Ryker and Owen quietly walked back into the room carrying a tray of food and coffee. As one they both turned to check over their woman. Owen was glad she finally fell asleep. Her day must have been beyond awful. It was nice to see her relaxed for a change today, even if it was only because she was out cold. Knowing his woman, she was probably blaming herself for Sully’s injury as well as hating herself for placing everyone in danger. As he stared down at the love of his life, he knew that a day wouldn’t go by where he wouldn’t find her amazing.


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