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Jake Page 3

by Suzy Shearer

  “I’m a submissive. Are you as well?”

  “No, my Master is a sadist, but he isn’t a true dominant. I mean he likes things his way but not the way I see other Doms and subs.”

  “Okay. I understand, not every Master is a Dom in that way.”

  “I hope you like it here. I do, I love the people here, and they are all very warm and friendly.”

  “I’m sure I will, Avril. The people I’ve met this far have all been nice.”

  Emily closed her locker and smiled at the friendly woman before heading out into the club and before the temptation to talk overrode her good sense. She made her way upstairs, quickly rushing past a stage with a St. Andrew’s cross. Her head averted, she came to what was fast becoming her favorite spot—the stage with the fuck bench. She sat down to watch.

  She thought back to the woman she’d met. How nice it would be to have a girlfriend, someone she could hang out with. A friend she could talk to. But therein lay certain danger. Getting close to someone meant sharing things, and Emily wasn’t willing to do that. She’d already refused the offer to go to one of the monthly munches when asked, using her mother’s illness as an excuse. She sighed and tried to focus on the scene in front of her.

  A Dom had his sub kneeling in front of him, her wrists cuffed behind her back, his cock in her mouth. He was grunting and fucking her mouth hard. Emily could hear the sub gagging continually and thought her Dom was being a little unfair not allowing her to take a few good breaths. Still maybe it was the way they played. She knew a lot of people who enjoyed breath play, and maybe this was a sneaky way of doing it in the club. Emily knew Silk Rope didn’t permit it because of the safety aspect. When she was at Threshold a sub had almost died when she and her partner were indulging in breath play. Emily had never gotten any sort of pleasure from having someone choke her or stopping her breathing. Still each to his own.

  She glanced down the hallway and gave a start. A very large stripy cat was strolling along as if he owned the place. She shook her head and looked back, but the cat was gone. Maybe she imagined it. Why on earth would there be an animal wandering around? She kept checking back down the hall but never saw anything out of the ordinary. She turned her attention back to the stage.

  Kaden walked passed and saw her. He flopped down on the couch alongside hers. They began their usual banter back and forth.

  “Hello, beautiful.”

  “Good evening, Master Kaden.”

  “So. Because you have nothing better to do, why not let me cover you in rope?”

  “Thank you for the generous offer, Sir, but I’ll have to refuse.”

  “Ah. Damn. I’d really love to have you twisted in hemp. I keep telling you all those delicious curves of yours simply cry out to be bound. I could make a beautiful pattern all over that lovely body.”

  She grinned at him. It was impossible not to like the man. Not only was he gorgeous, he seemed to take everything in the world with a grain of salt. She’d never seen him angry or upset. He always seemed to be laughing. She had never actually watched him play but had heard the talk that it was a sensual experience.

  “Thank you again, Sir. If I change my mind, I know where to find you.”

  “You do, beautiful.”

  He actually kissed her hand as he stood, then wandered off whistling softly. Emily stayed watching the stage as players came and went until one in the morning. She got to her feet, collected her belongings, and drove home. Saturday was a repeat performance without the offer from Kaden. Instead she talked to a young Dom named Aiden. He’d often sat and talked with her, and she thought he was rather sweet but far too gentle to be a Dom. Emily toyed with the idea of accepting an offer from one of the unattached Doms but then decided it wasn’t worth the risk.

  She went back to her usual seat and spent the evening like a voyeur, living vicariously through the actors on the stage.

  Chapter Five

  Thursday night Jake opened the front door, dropped his bag as he closed the door and went upstairs. He felt drained. He’d had over eleven months living away from home, only coming back every few weeks for the occasional week or weekend, working from dawn to dusk, and finally the six-hour flight home. At least the flight was on one of Steven Bray’s planes, which meant he could really stretch out and relax. He’d said hello to Warren Prudeau when the plane landed and was grateful when he discovered Warren had arranged for Barry, the company's driver, to give him a lift home. He got back to his house around seven-thirty, but it felt like midnight. He had a quick shower, then literally fell into bed and slept until ten-forty the next morning.

  Jake felt much better after a good night’s sleep. He’d go to the supermarket first then drop over to Kaden’s workshop and pick up Linus. Another shower. Jake shaved, staring at the dark blue eyes that still looked tired.

  “I’m getting too old for this. I think it’s definitely time to hand this side of the business over to someone younger.”

  He yawned and scrubbed his face, then opened the door of his walk-in. After pulling on well-worn jeans and dragging a white t-shirt over his head, Jake headed back downstairs where he grabbed his luggage bag from near the front door then went into the laundry room.

  With the clothes set off to wash, Jake picked up his wallet, phone, and keys and drove to the local supermarket. After stocking up, he went back home, filled the fridge, freezer, and pantry, then picked up the bottle of Glenmorangie Signet Scotch Whisky he’d bought for Kaden for taking care of Linus. On the drive over Jake wondered if anything exciting had happened at Silk Rope while he was away. He knew from phone calls he had with Steven, Ash, and Kaden that Steven was fully recovered from his ordeal. He and Avril were getting married on Saturday. He was truly happy for his friend and loved Avril. She was perfect for Steven. As well she had become like a sister to Kaden, Ash, and him.

  He pulled into Kaden’s parking lot, got out, then wandered to the huge building that housed the enormous workshop, vast showroom, offices, and large garage that held all manner of vintage and custom cars as well as several hotrods. He nodded hello to the staff he passed and continued deep into the workshop alongside the small grass yard area. As he suspected, Kaden had his head deep inside the engine bay of his ‘49 Caddy.

  “You keep tickling that girl like that she’s gonna come all over you.”

  Kaden lifted his head quickly, banging it on the hood on the way up. “Fuck! Jake! Hi, man.”

  He shook hands with Kaden, and then the two men did this man-hug that consisted of hugging and thumping each other on the back. From somewhere in the backyard area came the sound of barking, and two huge dogs came tearing toward the men. Jake handed the scotch to Kaden then braced himself against the wall of the building as one dog launched himself toward his chest. He still had to plant his feet hard as the wolfhound put his front paws on Jake’s shoulder then tried to lick his face. He gave the dog a squeeze, his head above Jake’s, and made him sit. Dropping to his knee, Jake began to rough up the dog’s wiry fur.

  “Hey, Linus. How’s my boy?”

  Linus gave a happy bark, and his sister, Lucy, demanded a pet as well. Both dogs satisfied that Jake had given them attention and rubs, they sat quietly beside the two men. Jake got to his feet, a hand still on his tall dog’s head.

  “So how was the trip?”

  “I’m getting too old. I’ve decided it’s time to get one of the young guns to take over the out of state stuff. In fact, I think I’ll even hand over most of the running to Andrea.”

  Kaden laughed, then grinned at his friend. “I’ve been telling you for ages to do that, but you’re such a fucking control freak.”

  “Yeah, I know, but I have to finally admit you’re right. These past few months finally hit home. I can’t do it any longer. When Steve had his crash, I got to thinking. I’m spending all my fucking life worrying about the job when instead I should be enjoying the fruits of owning such a successful company.”

  “You’re right. I think it hit home to
us all that one minute you could be dead. Thankfully I work and live in the same area, and I love tinkering. I don’t do much for clients anymore. I have enough staff to give me time to simply play around with these beauties. So, you are definitely going to give it up?”

  “Yeah, I am. Colin Smith is itching to do more, so he can do the next one and I’ll see how he handles it.”

  “’Bout time!”

  “Andrea runs the place perfectly without me. I’ll step back and go play with my house.”

  “Best decision you could ever make. Plus, you’ll be able to spend more time with me.”

  “Ah, fuck! In that case maybe I shouldn’t stop.”

  The two men laughed, and then Kaden asked, “So ready for the wedding?”

  “You bet. That why you’re tinkering with the old girl?”

  “Have to make sure she’s in top condition for Saturday. I’ve checked the Chrysler, and she’s purring like a kitten.”

  “Have you told Avril what we’re driving?”

  “No, want it to be a surprise. She thinks we’re using our own cars, and I didn’t lie when I agreed.”

  “Well that’s true, you do own the Caddy and Chrysler. When did you take them out of the showroom last?”

  “The Caddy about four years ago and the Chrysler, maybe two.”

  “They are beautiful. Avril’s going to be so excited when she sees them.”

  “Hope so. Want to have dinner tonight?”

  “Can’t. My eldest brother wants me to go over some plans. He’s coming over about seven.”

  “Why didn’t you say no? He’s a fucking asshole.”

  “You know me, don’t like rocking the family boat. John’s a prick. He knows it, and so does the rest of the family. Maybe he’s picking up the pieces and going to quit cheating now he’s been caught out.”

  “Stupid fucking fool, your sister-in-law is an amazing woman and beautiful. Why the hell he cheated on her is beyond me.”

  “Yeah well. Apparently, it’s been going on for years with different women. Jeannette said she was leaving. He keeps saying he won’t do it again. He knows he’s on thin ice. She’s told him he has one chance or else she’s gone.”

  “So that’s why he’s finally building the new house?”

  “Yep, think he’s trying to get back into her good books. Me, I would have left the prick. I don’t believe in second chances.”

  “Me neither. Hey, guess what! Lucas is coming back to stay.”

  “He is? That’s great. Bet your mom and dad will be pleased to have both sons nearby.”

  “Yeah, they’re over the moon.”

  “So, he’s definitely going to stay?”

  “Like you, he’s sick of traveling, wants to stay in one place now.”

  “Well, it will be great having him around. He still into ropes like you?”

  “Yes, although his style is different from all those places he’s visited. He’s always found clubs whatever country he’s in and then studied the way they bind.”

  “Oh, then it will be interesting to watch the two of you.” Kaden and his older brother, Lucas, would often work together at the club when Lucas was in town, and Jake always enjoyed watching the two men work. Lucas was five years older than Kaden at fifty-seven. He’d been widowed over twelve years ago and since then spent his time working all around the world as an architect.

  “So, how’s Steven now?”

  “Told you he’s been such a pain lately, but thank goodness once the cast came off, he relaxed. He led a class last Saturday and said he feels back to normal.”

  “Yeah, he said he felt good when I spoke to him through the week. Anything else new?”

  “Yeah, we got a new unattached sub.”

  “Any good?”

  “Don’t know. She hasn’t actually scened with anyone yet.”

  “Oh okay. What’s she look like?”

  “Oh, you’re gonna love her. Looks to be in her mid to late forties, I’d guess. Awesome light brown eyes. Actually, they’re like this amber honey shade, amazing. Plus, long brown hair that she wears in a braid. I’d love to grab it and force a kiss or two.”

  “Mm, do I detect interest?”

  “Think every unattached male is, and a few females, too.”

  Jake thumped his friend on the arm, then said, “So I guess she hasn’t been there long if she hasn’t played.”

  “That’s the strange thing. She’s been coming every Friday and Saturday night, and an occasional Sunday for the last six or seven weeks.”

  “What? That’s weird.”

  “I know. She’s lovely to talk to, got this sexy, rich voice, but there’s a real stiffness about her.”

  “Seems strange to come to a BDSM club and not play.”

  “Guess she’s got her reasons.”


  “Anyway, she seems nice.”

  “Have to keep an eye out for her when I go into the club next week. So, I’m guessing everything’s ready for Saturday?”

  “Yep. We have to pick up our suits from the tailor in the morning. He’s going to do a last-minute fit. I know mine will be fine, but you?” He gave Jake and up and down look. “Too many fast-food dinners?”

  “Ha, ha, very funny. Mine won’t need any altering.”

  “Ash is picking us all up from Steve’s place around nine-thirty in the morning.”


  Jake and Kaden spent an hour chatting until Kaden’s workshop manager, Paul Griffin, told him he was wanted on the phone. So after saying goodbye, Jake took his dog and went home. Once home, he hung the washing, unpacked his luggage, and put everything away.

  That night his brother, John, arrived on time, and they went through the plans together. Jake found it hard to even glance at him. He was still angry. The affair had only come to light a month ago. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Jake was told by his younger brother, Justin, that John had been having affairs for years but no one knew. When Jake finished reading the plans he rolled them up and gave them back to John. Pointedly, he hadn’t given him coffee and had only answered when spoken to. John took the plans.

  “I know what you think of me, Jake. I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry doesn’t cut it as far as I’m concerned.”

  “I’ve promised Jeannette I won’t do it again. I don’t want to lose her.”

  “Easy thing to say. From what I gather this isn’t the first time.”

  “I was weak.”

  “Fucking hell! You cheated on your wife! Not fucking once but dozens of times! She should have shut the fucking door in your face as soon as she found out!”

  Jake strode angrily to the front door and almost ripped it off its hinges opening it. It rammed against the wall with a loud bang. John stood, staring at his brother in clear shock at Jake’s outburst. Jake had always been considered the calmest of the Nichols’ men, always easy to talk to, never angry. But they all knew when Jake did get upset, he turned into an enraged bear and didn’t hold back. Jake glared at John as he finally walked through the door.

  He turned and said once more, “I truly am sorry, Jake. I promise you, as well as Jeannette, I’ll never do it again.”

  Jake shook his head and slammed the door shut. He went back into the kitchen and sat, head in hands. Why on earth had he lost his temper? It was none of his business. But the fact was he liked Jeanette. She’d always treated him like a brother rather than merely an in-law. To know this had been going on behind her back for years infuriated him. He couldn’t handle people who cheated on their partners.

  It raked up all the old drama with Anna.

  Once more he relived the night he’d finally discovered what she’d been doing. How she’d thrown it in his face, telling him she’d cheated because he hadn’t asked her to marry him. When he told her the reason he hadn’t asked was because although he cared deeply for her but it wasn’t love, she’d hit the roof. He had taken her abuse, then quietly asked her to leave.

  She’d unlocked the p
lain gold collar she wore and thrown it at his feet, blaming him for her cheating despite saying he’d treated her like a princess.

  Chapter Six

  Jake wasn’t too sure who was the most nervous when he and Kaden arrived at Steven’s home to drive him and Ash to the club. Ash actually appeared pale under his dark skin, and Steven was pacing back and forth like a caged tiger. He didn’t think he and Kaden were much better, actually. Both had expressed feeling as if their stomachs were in their mouths. Jake had driven Steven and Ash to the club with Kaden following in the Caddy then the two of them had driven to Peter’s house to pick up the girls.

  Avril was beautiful, and once again Jake thought his friend was the luckiest man on earth. Somehow, they all made it to the club in one piece then on to the reception.

  It was almost three when he finally dropped into bed after driving the Chrysler back to Kaden’s showroom and collecting his own Land Rover. Sunday, he relaxed and took stock. Ten years ago, he’d bought this rambling old house with the intention of virtually gutting it and making it his own. Instead all he’d done was the master bedroom and bathroom. The rest of the house was a mess. He made a coffee and sat outside on the steps with Linus.

  The plane crash of Steven’s had had a flow-on effect. Steven was now scaling back his work, and Avril had retired. Kaden was … well, Kaden was Kaden, and as long as he could stick his head in a car he would be happy. Ash had kind of semi-retired years ago. Now he did the books for the club, supervised it, and added to his large fortune. He still did investments for his friends but certainly wasn’t overworking himself like Jake had been.

  And so—himself? He’d worked hard all his life to get where he was today, and instead of enjoying the fruits of all those years of labor, he was still working himself to the bone. Time to step back.

  Monday morning, he went into the office. He had a large twelve storey complex mid-town. The first three floors were devoted to his company—Olympus Constructions, while the remaining floors were all leased out. He had another office on the east coast, but this was the head one. He went upstairs and walked into his CEO, Andrea Rivera’s, empty office and studied the large white board that showed all their current projects and the names of the managers assigned to them. Ten minutes later Andrea walked in.


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