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Jake Page 13

by Suzy Shearer

  “How many did I tell you you had to have?”

  “Ten, Sir.”

  He removed a paddle from his bag and proceeded to hit her as she thanked and counted each stroke. When he reached his promised number, he pulled out a vibrator and inserted it into her pussy, switching it on. He then pinched her ass cheeks until she screamed. He unzipped and slid on a condom then pulled out the plug. Roughly pushing his cock into her ass, he slammed back and forth. Between his cock and the vibrator, it wasn’t long before she shouted through a climax.

  Emily’s breathing had increased as she watched the scene play out. She glanced away, went to push down her growing excitement, then realized she no longer had a reason to hide her emotions any more. She could finally allow herself to feel. She could get aroused at last. Turning her gaze back to the stage, she listened to the screams from the sub. Jake’s hand caressing her arm only added to Emily’s pleasure.

  The Dom was grunting, his face rather ugly and screwed up as he pummeled into his sub’s ass. He gave a shout as he came, pulling out after hitting her ass cheeks again. Emily thought the sub had climaxed three or four times as her Dom removed the vibrator and undid the restraints. She seemed incapable of standing, but he tenderly helped her sit on the bench. He put his tools back in the bag and carried it to one of the nearby couches. He went back to his sub and gently picked her up, carrying her to the couch and speaking softly to her.

  Emily’s panting had increased, and now Jake whispered in her ear, his lips so close they made the hair on her neck stand on end. “Shall we?”

  She nodded and held her breath. This was it. Would she be able to stay excited once she was placed in position? Jake told her to wait, and she dropped to her knees. Jake left the area and returned with the ubiquitous bag. Her stomach dropped. This was for real. Would she be okay?

  Jake went to the stage and wiped off the bench with a disinfectant cloth then beckoned to her.

  “If at any time you think you can’t cope, you will call red. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I mean it, Little Bird. If I find you haven’t called when I think you should, I will be extremely angry.”

  “I promise, Sir.”

  “Would you prefer to remain uncuffed?”

  Emily thought she could be restrained but realized she would be more confident in the knowledge at any time she could get up.

  “Uncuffed please, Sir.”

  “Good idea. We’ll start with the flogger.”

  Emily wore a corset with tiny panties that really didn’t cover much.

  “Remove the panties.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Emily stepped from them and dropped them into the open bag when Jake indicated. Hesitantly, she lay facedown on the bench, her legs spread wide apart and her ass high in the air. Her heart beat out a rapid tattoo as adrenaline surged through her body, and she breathed in shallow gasps. Jake moved to her head and leaned down.

  “Emily, I don’t want you to panic. I will tell you everything I am doing. You must call out at the first sign of worry. I will be watching you like a hawk and I’ll call a stop to our play if I think you aren’t handling things well.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Flogger first. Ready?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  She held her breath as she waited for the first strike.

  I can do this!

  The flogger caressed her flesh. That first touch made her flinch. It had been almost a year since one had kissed her skin. A second hit. It stung sharply as three more swiftly followed. She accepted each one with increasing arousal.


  She felt his hand rubbing each cheek, both thighs. She clenched her own hands as he began touching her upper leg, then brushing across her pussy. Her thumping heart increased its attempt to burst through her ribcage—but it wasn’t in fear. It was in excitement!

  “Little Bird?”

  Emily nodded, but Jake didn’t take her word. He came to the top of the bench and crouched down, peering into her face. Obviously, he was satisfied with what he saw because he actually kissed her forehead then moved away.

  “Hands and fingers.”

  His hands were everywhere. One ran from her neck down her spine all the way to her ass. She wished she were naked as his hands massaged her cheeks. Emily had to keep still as one hand slipped between her ass crack. It dipped lower until it touched her slit then reached her clit. It was obvious she was damp as his fingers slipped easily back and forth. Emily closed her eyes and accepted the sensations the invasion into her body produced. He slid a finger into her channel. It was wonderful, and she sighed loudly. Jake’s fingers were weaving a magic spell as they touched, pinched, pushed, and tapped.

  Shocked, Emily gave a gasp as an orgasm began. She rode it with absolute joy to its conclusion, reveling in the knowledge she was no longer dead inside. Her tears started again, and her body started shuddering as she began to sob. Jake immediately lifted her into his arms.

  “Little Bird? Em?”

  Through her tears she managed to stammer, “I’m okay.”

  He strode back to the couch, and she clung to him, sobbing softly. That Dom senseless murmuring was comforting as she slowly got her crying under control. An unattached sub walked past, and Jake called to her.

  “Can you wipe down the bench, please, and drop my bag into that empty room next door?”

  “Of course, Master Jake.”

  Once it appeared Jake was satisfied that Emily was truly okay again, he stood then carried her into the room. Settling on the bed, he held her in his arms, and Emily relaxed against him. Her throat and eyes were sore from her sobbing, but she actually felt good. In fact, she was elated. She kept repeating to herself that she was no longer dead. Jake had proved she’d able to get aroused, able to climax, finally able to live!

  She felt her eyes fill again. This urge to cry at the drop of a hat was becoming annoying, but it the same time it was cleansing, invigorating.

  “How are you honestly, Em?”

  “I’m not sure I can explain. Maybe it’s easier to say I don’t think I’m dead anymore.”

  “I’m glad. We’ll take this very slowly and talk everything through.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Can we talk?”

  She shrugged.

  “Did you see your therapist? Did you speak with her?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “It’s Jake now.”

  “Yes, Jake.”

  “Are you sleeping, eating properly?”

  “Yes. My mother makes sure I eat properly. I haven’t binged lately, and I’ve actually been sleeping much better the last few days.”

  “Then I’m very happy.”

  His hand was stroking her cheek, and Emily leaned into it. She wondered what it would be like to kiss Jake, to kiss him properly, and have it returned in full. His hand caressing her was arousing, and she wondered what he would think if she were to ask him if they could have sex? Maybe she shouldn’t? She couldn’t expect him to accept her demands.

  She was a sub, and he was only a Master who merely been assigned to her to care for her until he and Master Ash thought she could stand on her own feet. Their time was over on Saturday, and she didn’t want to do or say anything that might remind him.

  When he felt she’d recovered, he took her downstairs where they shared a plate of finger food and some light conversation, before he gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek and said goodnight.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The next week flew past. Emily was overjoyed. She’d met Avril, and the two of them had spent a delightful hour trying on kimonos. Both girls had bought one each, and when Avril hesitantly suggested they have lunch, Emily had agreed.

  They went to a small bistro nearby, and although she felt nervous at first, Emily thoroughly enjoyed herself. Avril made her laugh, telling her all about her first time at the club and then about Steven’s plane crash. She also told her about Jake’
s past.

  “Did you know Jake once had a collared sub?”

  “He did mention it but seemed sad. Did she die?”

  “No, Em. They were together four years. He collared her after three, and she moved in with him. Everything appeared okay, but then Jake found out she’d been cheating on him for months and months, not just with one guy but with several.”

  “What? And this while they were living together?”

  “Yes. She thought he would marry her, but when he hadn’t asked her, she decided to find someone who would.”

  “But why didn’t she just leave him?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t know him then, but Steven told him he was devastated when he found out. He wasn’t in love with her, but he really cared deeply for her. It took him ages to get over it. He lost trust in women, and Steven thinks that’s why he’s refused to get involved with anyone since.”

  “That’s terrible.”

  “I know. He really is such a lovely man and didn’t deserve to be treated in such a horrible way.”

  “I really like him. I guess it must be hard to trust someone after that.”

  “Yes, I imagine it would. I know the boys all wish he’d let down his guard, but he won’t. Ash says he’s frightened to put his faith in someone again. He’s frightened of being hurt and betrayed again.”

  Emily thought it explained a little about him. He’s always avoided talking about his past, and now Emily realized why. She was thankful Avril had confided in her and told her so. By the time they left the restaurant, Emily knew she’d had made a friend for life, with Emily agreeing to meet Avril for lunch regularly once Christmas was over.

  The Saturday before Christmas Jake gave her a gift—a hand-painted snow globe. It had a yellow Labrador dog and a cardinal sitting peacefully under a few naked trees in the snow. It brought her to tears as she thanked him.

  “Whenever you think you’re all alone and things are too much, shake it and you’ll remember I’m here.”

  “It’s beautiful! I… Thank you so much.”

  Impulsively, she kissed his cheek, and he grinned, then swooped her into an embrace and kissed her on the lips. It was all she could have dreamed of as her pulse went spiraling sky-high. He’d released her, and she thought he was a little strained, as if he remembered he was only there to help her. She almost blurted out that she loved him but somehow managed to only smile. She couldn’t imagine how he have would reacted if she’d spoken, probably leave her there and then.

  They’d gone upstairs and sat watching Kaden and his brother, Lucas, wrap one of the unattached subs in ropes. Emily wondered how she’d sat through Kaden’s other performance before without reacting. It was extremely sensual. A hush had fallen over those watching. She noticed the two men seemed to have a reverence for the ropes they twisted, tied, and draped across the naked body. When they were finished, there was silence for a few minutes, and then everyone burst into applause. Jake didn’t wait until the applause died down before he took her into a private room.

  He seemed savage almost as he made her stand before him. Roughly he tore her corset apart and fastened his mouth on one breast. She moaned as he began suckling and nibbling on it. She swayed slightly, and he pulled her down to fall onto the bed. His mouth, his hands were everywhere on her body, and Emily closed her eyes in delight. This may never happen again, and she was determined to enjoy every precious second.

  One hand tore her panties down her legs, and then his head was lapping at her pussy. A hand reached up and grasped a nipple, teasing, pulling it. A finger slid through her damp slit and entered her easily. Between the finger inside her and Jake’s mouth, Emily mewled loudly as a climax began. It shook her body as she rode its spasms. Jake lifted his head, his pupils dilating and his breath coming in loud gasps. He practically tore his leathers off, then slid a condom onto his hard cock, standing stiff. Emily had no thoughts but Jake as he entered her body.

  She locked her ankles behind his back as he began thrusting into her. It was wonderful. All these months, all the pain, all the heartache dissolved as he took her. She screamed out as another orgasm began. Jake forced his cock deep into her, grunting as his own climax started. Mouth agape, he shouted her name and pushed his cock in further, holding it and inside her his jerking contractions shook as he spilled his load into the condom. When he finally pulled out, he disposed of the condom, cleaned her and then pulled her into his arms, but his face was suddenly a mask of worry.

  “I shouldn’t have done that, Em. I should have asked permission.”

  “No, no, I enjoyed it.”

  “But, Em, that was the first time since… Oh shit, Em, I should have been gentle. I was like an animal.”

  “Maybe that was best. I didn’t have time to think, and instead I loved it.” And I loved you, she added in her mind.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Very sure, Jake.”


  Jake couldn’t believe what he’d done. He had no idea what had come over him. Since she kissed his cheek and then he’d kissed her properly, all he could think of was fucking her. They’d watched Kaden, and he could see she was aroused by the scene. Instead of being a Master in control he’d been a fucking savage, tearing her clothes off her and fucking her. He felt like a complete fucking asshole.

  She’d been raped, for goodness’ sake! And here he was treating her no better!

  Emily told him she’d enjoyed it and he believed her, but that didn’t make it any better. What a fucking idiot I am.

  They’d lain together, Emily wrapped tight in his arms, and for the millionth time he wished he could tell her how he felt, but he knew she only saw him as some type of savior who’d made her face her past. They parted that evening, and Jake kissed her cheek lightly.

  “I’m really sorry.”

  She’d reached up and touched his cheek. “Don’t be. I honestly loved it.”

  After seeing her safely into her car and watching her drive away, Jake drove home. He sat with Linus in front of the fire and wondered how Emily would react if he told her he loved her.

  “I’m such a fool, Linus. Falling in love with a person who was in my safekeeping. Someone I’m supposed to protect only. Fuck!”


  Christmas came and went. He spent it with his friends. Ash’s family had insisted he, Kaden, Steven, and Avril join the family, and he was only too happy to. He loved them as if they were his own. He had breakfast with his younger brother, Justin, and his family.

  His elder brother had broken the promises he’d made to his wife, and to the family. He’d been caught out having dinner with another woman, and now his wife had flown out of state to stay with her sister while the divorce proceedings began. Neither Jake nor Justin had any interest in seeing him. Their parents had died two years ago, his mother first from cancer, then his father six months later. They all thought his father had died of a broken heart at losing the love of his life.

  The day spent with Justin and then later his friends turned out to be great. He laughed, flirted outrageously with Ash’s mother and grandmother, ate far too much, and went home feeling pleasantly full and content—except he hadn’t seen Emily. He did have her phone number and texted her.

  Merry Xmas, Em. Hope u have a wonderful day.

  Thanks, Jake. U 2. Hope it’s perfect.

  The club was closed over the New Year break, which meant he wasn’t able to see Emily again until the fifth of January. His heart burst into a rapid tattoo as soon as he saw her walking into the lounge area. It hurt, but at the same time it was wonderful as she walked toward him wearing an open red and black kimono so that he could easily see the black and red corset with the rings both sides, and a huge smile on her face.

  Fuck! I love her so much.


  Emily had spent Christmas day with her family. They’d all gone to her eldest brother’s and it was a day of love and laughter. That was until her younger brother, Mark, had innocently said he’d have to tie her
down to stop her eating all the Pavlova. She’d stared at him in horror and burst into tears.

  “Oh my God, Emmy, Emmy! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it! Emmy!”

  Chaos ensued. David berated his brother. Mark’s wife, Mary, had appeared as if she would cry, too, and was wrapped in the arms of Rich—her and Mark’s ménage third. Her mother, Eliza, had enveloped Emily in her arms, and Emily sobbed and sobbed. Her mother’s crooning and rocking slowly calmed her, and she finally stopped. Eliza insisted she wash her face and actually took her to the bathroom.

  “Oh, my baby, oh Emmy. I…” She seemed as if she would begin crying as she looked at her daughter. “You cried! I’m that happy—this is wonderful.”

  Emily hugged her mother. “I know you’ve all been worried. I’m really sorry, but I couldn’t … I couldn’t face it.”

  “Hush, baby, I understand. But now?”

  “I’m okay. I think I’ll be crying a lot. I know I have been doing exactly that a lot lately.”

  “I noticed, but you still wouldn’t talk to me. Now I’m glad, Em, very glad.”

  She let her mother fuss for a few minutes, and then they walked back to the group. Mark seemed as if he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him. She thought he was devastated. Emily went to him and put her arms around him.

  “I’m okay, Mark. I truly am.”

  “Sis, I’m truly sorry. I didn’t think.”

  “It’s all right. I’m kind of teary lately.”

  David came over and wrapped them both in a bear hug. “I never thought I’d see you cry again, Emmy. I’m truly happy.”

  It seemed everyone wanted a hug, and soon Emily was in the midst of a mass of arms and people kissing her cheek. Her brother David’s husband, Trent, gave her the biggest hug, lifting her off the ground and kissing her.

  “Em, I’m very happy for you.” He gave a rueful laugh then said, “Anyone would think we’re all crazy for getting excited at making you cry, but if they knew what we did. Well, you know what I mean.”

  “I do. And I promise I’ll talk about things. Maybe not yet but I’m not pretending to be brave anymore. I’m ready to admit I need help.”


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