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Jake Page 15

by Suzy Shearer

  After next week he’d go into his office and see what projects they had. He’d take over the one furthest away from Emily. It would mean he couldn’t see her. At least that would be less painful, but he knew it wouldn’t stop the ache in his heart.

  Chapter Twenty

  Emily had missed Jake last Saturday, but at least now she was in her own place, she’d be able to come to the club more often. She hadn’t unpacked much, only the bare essentials because she’d been given an urgent commission and had spent the week getting it completed for her agent. She’d actually gotten a bonus because of the rush. Next week she’d start opening the boxes that seemed to be stacked in every room.

  After dropping her coat, boots, and warm gear in her locker along with her handbag, Emily went into the lounge area to wait for Jake. He was nowhere in sight as she dropped to her knees to wait. The last few weeks she’d convinced herself that he had developed feelings for her. He had ignored the six weeks he promised her. Now weeks later she felt they were falling into a lovely routine. Although last Friday night he’d been a bit strange. But Emily had put it down to the fact she’d told him about her move and that she wasn’t attending the club on that Saturday.

  She saw him walk toward her and as usual her heart began to beat rapidly.

  Oh hell, I love him so much!

  He made her stand. He seemed in a very serious mood as he sat and pulled her down onto his knees.

  “Well, Little Bird, the time has come to let you fly.”

  Emily was utterly confused by his words. She asked, “What do you mean, Sir?”

  “My job is done. You’re no longer bound to me.”

  “But, Sir, I don’t understand.”

  “You need to find a dominant that suits you. I’m releasing you.”

  Shocked, Emily could only stare at him but then almost screamed, “Please, no!”

  “Yes, Little Bird, you need to stand on your own now. I’ve done what I was assigned to do.”

  “But I don’t want to, Sir. I want to stay with you. I’m stronger. I know what I want.”

  “No, Emily.”

  “Sir, please! If I promise not to depend on you. I’ll do anything you want, anything you say. Please don’t set me free.”

  “Emily, you no longer need me.”

  “No! That’s not true! I do need you.” She shouted then whispered, “I need you.”

  “The deal was I would care for you until you were strong enough to stand on your own feet. Now it’s time to let go, Emily. You are once again the woman you have always been. You have your life back, and it’s time for you to soar high. I release you. Find a Dom or a Master who can care for you.”

  Emily stared at Jake in shock. Inside her chest, her heart was ripping apart. It crumbled, shattering into a million pieces. How could she breathe? How could she live when she loved him this much?

  Her voice was barely a whisper as she cried once again, “No.”

  “Yes, Emily, yes. You can now choose someone to take care of you if you want or remain an unattached sub. It’s all up to you now.”

  “But, Sir!”

  “Sorry, Emily, but it simply can’t be me. I’ve done what I was needed to do.”

  He stood her on her feet, kissed her, then walked away, leaving Emily frozen. She couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. Her tears poured freely down her face. How could he just walk away? Couldn’t he see what he meant to her?

  These past few weeks had been the best of her life. Even before then, as soon as she’d met him she’d had feelings for him that she’d tried hard to ignore. Without him she would never have faced her agony.

  Now that pain was nothing compared to the grief she now faced at him leaving her alone. If she thought she’d been dead before now she truly knew she was. He’d been the force that kept her alive these four months. Nothing in her life hurt her more than watching him walk away. She’d never expected this. She had honestly thought now she’d faced her fears, Jake would remain her Master.

  Emily didn’t hear anyone approach her. She was too numb to know anything until she heard Ash’s voice behind her.

  “Is Master Jake here yet, Em?”

  She still didn’t move. She couldn’t. He asked her again, and when she didn’t answer turned her to face him. Tears drenched her face, and he stared at her in surprise.

  “Em? Emily, what’s happened?”


  She burst into louder sobs, her crumbling heart now merely dust inside her chest. Ash took her into his arms and sat, pulling her onto his lap.

  “Em. Talk to me, what’s happened?”

  But her grief was too great. She couldn’t even raise her head. He let her cry for a while.

  “Sub, look at me.”

  Unable to resist his forceful command, Emily peered into the face of the Master of Silk Rope.

  “Tell me now.”

  Haltingly she tried to get her words out, but it was as if they were stuck in her throat. She managed to stammer, “He’s gone.”

  “Gone? You mean he’s left to get something? He’s made you wait here? Why are you crying?”

  “No. He left. He’s released me. Gone.”

  “What? What did he say?”

  Emily realized Ash didn’t understand what she was trying to tell him. She didn’t really understand it herself.

  “He said he was setting me free. Told me he released me from the arrangement. That I couldn’t be with him. I can’t…”

  Overwhelmed by her sorrow, she buried her head into his chest again, more sobs wracking her body painfully. This hurt more than when the men had raped her. More than those months of pushing down the grief. Ash let her cry, and when she finally gave a few ragged sobs, he gently lifted her face.

  “You’re in love with him.”

  She nodded, and she felt him take a huge breath in.

  “Stupid fucking man.”

  She stared at him in wonder, shocked that a Master would say that about another in front of a sub.

  “Don’t worry, little one. It will all work out. We simply have to show him what he needs is right in front of him.”

  “I don’t understand.” She sniffed.

  “You will go home now, but tomorrow you will return here at seven o’clock.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Of course you can, Emily.”

  Shaking her head, Emily could only say, “I can’t, Master Ash. I won’t.”

  “I beg your pardon?” he asked angrily. His eyes seemed to flare at her.

  “I’m sorry, Master Ash, but I can’t come here. I can’t see him.” A fresh round of tears threatened to fall. “Not when I know he doesn’t want me, how could I face him?”

  “Emily, do you trust me?” She nodded. “In that case you will be here tomorrow night dressed to kill. You will be here at seven.”


  “For me, do it for me. You will come here because I ordered you to. Understand?”

  “I’m sorry, Sir. Yes, Master Ash.”

  “That’s better.”

  “Now go, wash your face. It will be okay. Just be back here tomorrow night and wait for me.”

  “Yes, Master Ash.”

  He let her slide off his knees, and she almost raced into the ladies’ lounge. Ripping her locker open, she quickly grabbed her things, dressed, and then stumbled blindly from Silk Rope. How she made it home without having an accident she couldn’t say, especially with the frosty winter roads. She barely reached her bedroom when she dissolved into tears again.

  How on earth had she been so stupid as to fall in love with Master Jake?

  She’d known from the very beginning he’d only taken her on to get her past the terror that had robbed her of living. She had no one else to blame but herself. Right from the start Ash had explained that he was placing her under Jake’s care until she could cope.

  Well, she’d have to suck it up and move on somehow. Ash had ordered her to go to Silk Rope tomorrow night, and she couldn’t disobey hi
m. He was Silk Rope’s master, if she disobeyed him, he could ban her from ever going there again. Although maybe that would be a good thing. How on earth could she face seeing Jake again? Seeing him every time she went to the club?

  Somehow, she fell asleep, more than likely from crying so much. When she woke the next morning, her eyes were so sore she couldn’t see properly and her head pounded. Emily had intended to spend the day starting to unpack the boxes now decorating her rooms, but instead she sat and stared out the window. Now that her mother was well maybe she should move away again, go back north and rejoin Threshold.

  Yes, that would be the best. She knew she couldn’t face seeing Jake every time she went to Silk Rope. At least she wouldn’t have to pack much. Nearly everything she owned was still in boxes from her move here last week. She’d lose her bond, but anything was better than staying here.

  Tomorrow, Sunday, was her eldest brother’s sixtieth birthday. There was a big celebration being held at his house from lunchtime onward. Shaking off her lethargy, Emily made a large pan of tiramisu and another of potato bake as requested by her mother. It kept her mind off facing the fact she was expected at the club that night. Somehow, she made it through the day.

  Yes, she would fulfil her obligation to Ash, but after that? She had decided this would be her last night at the club. Then Emily would make arrangements to leave the area immediately and head back north. She knew her mother would be devastated, especially now she’d been open about her ordeal, but what else could she do?

  Maybe she should try a vanilla lifestyle? Then she could stay here. But what would happen if she saw Jake when she was out? They lived in the same area.

  Fuck this! I’m a stupid, stupid fool to fall in love with him.

  After showering, Emily dressed with care—this would be the last time she saw Master Jake, if he was at the club. She put on her black and red leather corset, the one with the tiny leather skirt and the metal rings either side that she knew he liked. But now he’d never cuff her wrists to it. Now would be the last time she wore it. She plaited her hair into one long braid, tying the end with the usual wide black leather thong. Steeling herself, she wrapped her coat around after pulling on jeans, a thick top, and her boots, then picked up her bag. Emily was sure she drove on automatic. She really couldn’t remember how she got to the car park of Silk Rope. Steeling herself, she plastered a stupid smile on her face and went inside. Stan greeted her.

  “Oh, Emily, Master Ash asked if you would wait for him in the bar, and he sends his sincere apologies in advance for anything that may happen.”

  Completely confused by his remarks, Emily somehow managed to speak without her voice faltering. “Thank you, Stan.”

  She went into the locker room and stashed her things. I don’t want to do this.

  It was only Ash’s command that allowed her to enter the main rooms of Silk Rope, head held high. She wouldn’t make a scene. Jake had made it plain she was only a task to him. Shaking inside, somehow, she managed to walk to the bar without stumbling as Ash had requested but almost fell when she saw Jake in the lounge area. He hadn’t noticed her as he spoke with Iain Nelson. Jake didn’t appear to be happy to be there at all, and Emily wondered if Ash had forced him to come the same way as he’d forced her. More than likely he felt nothing at all so he came as he normally would. Somehow, she reached the bar, and without turning her head, she could see Jake reflected in the mirror along the back of the bar. He’d spied her, and she could feel his eyes on her.

  “Evening, Emily, apricot juice?”

  “No. I need something stronger please, Scott.”

  Scott's laughter echoed across the room, and she swore Jake’s eyes narrowed. Scott gave her a wink.

  “Things will work out, little sub.”

  She cocked her head, wondering what he meant as she felt hands on her hips.

  For one wonderful second, she thought it was Jake, but a voice whispered in her ear, “Bella signora, I hear you’re a free agent. Now isn’t that nice.”

  Master Nico. He kissed her neck and turned her around. He raked his gaze up and down her body, then kissed her mouth.

  His loud voice carried across to where Jake sat. “Such a beautiful sub. I think you’d suit me just fine. I shall talk to you later and give you all the reasons why you should choose me to be your Master.”


  He rubbed his hand down her cheek and got a drink from Scott.

  He took a sip, then said after kissing her on the cheek, “I’ll be back to see you later, Bella.”

  Damn, this was going to be awkward. The fact that Jake had released her would have gone through the club like wildfire. She realized all the unattached Doms and Masters would approach her now she was free. Well, all she had to do was get through the next hour or two to fulfil her promise then she’d leave—forever. Master Simon came next.

  He put his arms around her and whispered in her ear, his breath tickling her. “Such a shame I already have a sub. Still I’m sure the unattached Doms and Masters will be lining up in droves tonight now we’ve all been told. It’s certainly going to be interesting.” He raised his voice. “Perhaps you should have a nice ornament for your bar, Scott. Towel.”

  Scott spread a towel on the end of the bar, and Master Simon picked her up and sat her on the edge of the bar. Before she had a chance to protest, he cuffed her wrists and chained them to the bar. One above her head and the other, her broken one, held out to the side.

  Leaning forward, he whispered, “Tell me if that hurts your arm?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Excellent. I’m really going to enjoy tonight.” With that he undid the top few clips on her corset allowing her ample breasts to spill out. “Much nicer.”

  From where he’d sat her she could still see Jake reflected in one of the side mirrors that decorated the bar area, and she could tell he wasn’t happy at all, especially when Simon tweaked one of her nipples before he left.

  What on earth is going on?

  Emily knew Doms would approach her but most certainly not like this. This was really weird. Normally each Dom would approach an unattached sub and express interest in becoming her partner. They certainly wouldn’t touch her or cuff her without her permission. Instead they would be most respectful, giving her their list of the reasons why she should choose them, kind of like a resume. Just then Mack Tarrant came to the bar and burst into laughter.

  “Nice ornament.”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty happy with it. Not sure how long I’ll get to keep her though.”

  Mack ordered two juices and walked up to Emily.

  “Very nice but can be better.”

  Before she could protest, he made Scott lift her and pulled her panties off, tossing them across the room toward Jake. Emily wasn’t game enough to even glance in his direction or even check in the mirror. Emily was shocked when Mack grabbed both her ankles, spread her legs wide, then restrained them on the many anchor points around the counter. Now everything was on display.

  “Yeah, that’s much nicer, Mack. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Mack leaned forward and twisted one of her nipples until she yelped. She saw Mistress Anne come up behind him with her sub, Brian, on his leash.

  “Playing with your food again, Mack?”

  “Good idea.” And he bent his head down and kissed her inner thigh. “Very tasty.”

  To anyone watching it would have seemed as if he’d kissed her pussy. Emily was nervous. This was way beyond anything she’d ever heard of.

  “I hear there’s a bear in Silk Rope tonight.”

  “Is it growling yet?”

  “Not yet but very close.”

  “Excellent.” Mack picked up his drinks and left the bar.

  Anne ordered Brian to pick up their drinks, but before she left she whispered in Emily’s ear. “I know this isn’t the way an unattached sub gets treated. I know it’s totally wrong, but you can do this. It’s very important, Emily. Please
don’t get offended by anything the Masters do. They are all working together to help you. Please trust us.”

  Her nervousness took a new height. In fact, Emily was really worried and felt a little upset. Something was happening, something concerning her that was out of the ordinary, even for a BDSM club. She started shaking, and Scott came to the end of the bar where she was on display, obviously sensing her distress.

  “Chin up, beautiful. I don’t think it will be much longer. I know this all seems wrong, but like Anne says, trust us.”

  “I’m scared. What’s happening, Scott?”

  “Sweetie, it will all work out. You trust Master Ash, don’t you?”

  She nodded.

  “Then just hang in for a little while longer. Believe me, you will be happy when this is over.”

  She turned her head quickly to glance at him, but he only winked and went back to the other end of the bar to serve one of the subs. She risked a glance in the side mirror. Jake was talking with Kaden, but Jake’s eyes were on her and she could see he was very angry. Why did he keep staring at her? He’d released her. How could she make it through whatever the plan was tonight if he kept his eyes on her?

  She wanted to cry but somehow managed to take a deep breath and resist the temptation. Emily kept reminding herself that tomorrow, after the party, she’d pack her belongings and leave first thing on Monday. She almost groaned when she saw Iain Nelson walk her way. He was dressed in his usual three-piece suit and tie, and he had a huge grin on his face.

  “What have we here?”

  He pulled her a little closer to the edge of the bar and kissed her on the soft swell of both breasts.

  Scott came over to take his order, but Scott whispered, “I heard the bear’s getting very close to growling, Iain.”

  “It is. Things are proceeding well. I’ll rub it in a little, give the pot a stir. That should get him fired up.”

  With that he pulled up one of the barstools and now his face with level with her pussy. He put his hands on her thighs.


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