Lassoing the Virgin Mail-Order Bride

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Lassoing the Virgin Mail-Order Bride Page 5

by Alexa Riley

  “Busy with my wife at the moment,” is all he says, clearly dismissing her.

  “Cash, she’s crying,” I whisper quietly so only he can hear me.

  He just lets out an irritated huff like he couldn’t care less.

  “Don’t be a jerk.” This time it’s not a whisper. He pulls me off his shoulder, sliding me down his body. His eyes train on mine. He reaches up and brushes a few curls out of my face. The act is so gentle, so incongruous coming from a hulk like him. I get lost in him for a minute, almost forgetting there’s a woman behind me watching us.

  “I’m Clare,” I say, turning to face her. I go to step towards the porch to shake her hand, but Cash’s hands go to my waist to keep me in place. I roll my eyes.

  “Don’t mind him. I’m still teaching him manners.” I try to joke to lighten the situation. Then June’s eyes turn a little colder, making me wonder if I had been wrong in thinking she’d been crying. Am I standing in the middle of a lovers’ spat?

  That makes my blood run cold. She’s stunning, and it’s hard not to compare myself to her. I wonder if she’s his type. If they’ve dated before. Both of us are blonde, but that’s where the physical similarities end.

  Even with her curves, she still looks like she’s built for farm life. I might blow over with a good wind.

  “I’m June Johnson, but everyone calls me JJ, don’t they, Cash?” she finally says, a sweet smile melting away the cold I’d seen moments ago. She steps off the porch, reaching out and shaking my hand.

  I can feel Cash just shrug. His indifference couldn’t be clearer.

  “What do you need, June?” His tone is flat.

  “Your mama would roll over in her grave if she heard you talk to a lady like that.” That’s when it clicks. Johnson. The farm next to Cash’s. The one he’d just told me about. These two probably grew up together. A montage of young, sweet, first love flickers through my mind—first kisses, dances, and other things I don’t want to think about. Cash will be my first everything, and I hate to think this woman in front of me is his first everything. I instantly dislike her for something that isn’t even her fault, but I just can’t help myself. I’m getting a taste of the same jealously Cash was feeling minutes ago. Wow, karma sure works fast.

  “Yeah, she probably would roll over in her grave if I didn’t get my woman into the house, out of this heat, and fed. I bet you didn’t even have lunch, did you?” He says the last part softly and next to my ear, his concern for me clear.

  “I…” I can’t even think what to say here. I’m too busy trying to figure out what’s going on with Cash and June. “Why don’t I go in and make us a few sandwiches while you talk to June?” I offer.

  “I’m not sure there’s much to talk about. June, if your father needs something he can call me. I’d planned to call him tonight anyways about Sammy getting out.”

  “Why are you being like this?” she huffs, a little pout forming on her glossy lips. I really don’t want to be here for this. I would love to tell her to step back and keep away from my husband, but the truth is, I don’t want Cash to have feelings for another woman. It would be best to figure this out now before I sink deeper into him.

  I don’t want something like that sitting in the back of my head, even less so if she’s going to be living right next door. It’d always be on my mind. It would already linger some if what I’m thinking about them is true.

  “I’m not being like anything. I just don’t have time for your little games today. I’m not playing it. I’ve never played it.”

  Her hands go to her hips, that pout dropping from her lips. “I can’t believe you’re going to marry her. If you wanted a wife, you knew I would do it. End this little war that has been going between our families. Bring the land together. We’d be good together. Why can’t you just accept that?”

  I try to jerk out of Cash’s hold, desperate not to be standing in between them, but Cash just grips me tighter.

  “This fucking town. I bet the ink on the marriage license wasn’t even dry before everyone knew,” Cash says.

  “Yeah, because no one can believe you’re doing this. We’ve just been waiting for you to jerk your head out of your ass and ask me.”

  “I’m marring Clare come Friday, so I reckon you and this town should get used to it.” His tone is still bored, like he doesn’t actually care if the town gets used to it or not. I doubt Cash cares what anyone thinks of him. He doesn’t seem the type to care about those things.

  “Is that your mama’s ring?” she gasps in shock, taking a step towards me like she’s going to grab my hand, but before she can I’m once again over Cash’s shoulder.

  “Go home, June, and don’t come back without an invitation,” Cash says, making his way towards the front door.

  “Don’t do this, Cash. She’s not built for this life,” I hear her yell as the front door slams.

  “Please put me down.” I hate how small my voice sounds. I don’t know what to make of what just happened. It hurt me a little, but in a way, I’d liked it. It hurt to think he’d been with her, that they’d shared something special at one time. She even knew his family. But I liked how Cash made it clear I was his and that was final.

  He was so cold with her it made me think maybe she hurt him. It was clear he didn’t want to be with her. She offered herself up on a silver platter, but he turned her down like it was nothing. The emotions from the past twenty-four hours feel like they’re pressing down on me. The weight of them just makes me want to collapse into bed.

  She might be right. I don’t know if I’m built for this life. I know Cash doesn’t think I am, considering how he treats me like I’m made of spun glass.

  “Sweetheart, don’t do that.” I hear the lock click on the front door, then he lays me down on the couch and comes over me. “Get mad, but don’t do that with your voice.”

  “My voice?”

  His head nestles in my neck like he’s trying to nuzzle me, his short facial hair brushing my skin. “With no emotion. Go back to mad.”

  “Should I be mad?”

  “Yes,” he says, then places a kiss on my neck.

  A feel a lump form in my throat. “Why should I be mad?”

  “No one should question our getting married. It’s none of their business, but that's small-town life for you. Worse, she shouldn’t have said that shit in front of you. If the situation had been reversed, I’d be in jail right now.” He growls the last part like he’s actually mad at the imaginary scenario of someone offering to marry me.

  “Cash, I wanna see your face.”

  In one quick move, Cash pulls us into a sitting position, him under me as I straddle him.

  “Why didn’t you take this June up on her offer of marriage instead of getting a mail-order bride? She must have really hurt you for you to do that.”

  His big hands come to my face, his thumb brushing over my lips, making me lick them.

  “No, sweetheart, she never hurt me. Irritated the shit out of me? Yes.” He lets out a breath like he doesn’t really want to talk about it. “We grew up together. Kind of, but not really. I didn’t pay her much mind. I wasn’t girl crazy growing up. More horse crazy than anything. If I wasn’t in school or helping my pa, I was on my horse. I didn’t give anything much mind. A girl like June doesn’t like that much.”

  “What about when you got older?” I push, wanting to know more.

  “She’d still try to get my attention. I always just thought it was because I was indifferent towards her. More of her ego wanting me then her. When I did start thinking about maybe finding a girl of my own, I wanted something like my ma and pa had. Then they passed.”

  I see the pain flash across his eyes. I lean forward, placing a kiss on his lips, wanting to be closer to him.

  “It was fast. A car crash when they’d taken a road trip. It was a lot to deal with then. Throw in that, and now I had a farm to run. People depending on me. All other shit went out the window.”

  “Why now?”
I ask.

  He brings a hand to the back of my head, pulling me to him and making me lay my head on his shoulder. He starts playing with my hair. The sensation makes me close my eyes.

  “All I do is work. I have these men by my side, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get lonely at night. I still wish I had what my parents had. I didn’t think I could get that with a mail-order bride, but I wanted to try. I definitely knew I wouldn’t have that with June. Not to mention I can barely tolerate her voice. She’s always yapping.”

  I smile at that, relief flooding my body.

  “Never even kissed her?”

  I feel him chuckle.

  “No, sweetheart. Never even kissed her. Have to say, I hear men complain about jealous women driving them crazy, but I happen to like you getting jealous over me.”

  “I’m not jealous,” I protest as a yawn leaves my mouth.

  “I’ll make sure to stay away from her since you don’t like it. Seems like the right thing to do.”

  I snort, not missing him taking another chance to remind me that I’m supposed to be staying away from Brandon.

  I know one thing for sure. I’m going to make sure Cash isn’t so lonely anymore. I know what that feels like. I may not be cut out for farm life, but this is something I can do.

  Chapter 8


  Reluctantly, I leave Clare in the house to, as she said, “organize the kitchen,” while I go back outside and get to work. I made some calls before I left the house, watching Clare wiggle around the kitchen as she worked to put away everything she got at the store. God, I could sit and watch her all day, her little body moving like that. I had to go. I couldn’t keep watching her and not take her, so I left, locking the door behind me.

  I climb onto my horse and head out to the west side of the farm to check on some of the guys and help out. They’re branding some of the cattle, and I just want to make sure it’s all going okay. When I get there, I see Earl on his horse and ride over.

  “Any sign of Sammy?”

  “Not yet. Did you talk to the Johnson farm?” Earl asks.

  “Yeah. I talked to their new foreman, and he said he’d keep a look out.” I take a deep breath, shaking my head and looking out beyond the rolling green land. “Not sure I trust him. Old man Johnson hired a shady guy to run the place, and I’m not so sure this new guy has his best interests at heart. I’m starting to suspect Sammy going missing and the fences coming down at the same time is a little suspicious.”

  “I’m afraid you might be right. I’ll put some of the guys on late-night watch. See if we can catch whoever it is that’s doing this.”

  I look over at Earl and nod my head. It’s a shame it’s had to come to this. After all these years of running this farm, we’ve never had anything like this happen. Instead of dwelling on it, I get down and help the guys out, knowing that the faster we get this done, the faster we can go in for chow tonight. And the faster I can get my hands back on my woman.

  * * *

  We walk up to the big house, and I wash up with the guys like normal. But this time, I’ve got a smile on my face and an anticipation growing in my heart. I’ve never had something like this before. Something to look forward to. I get satisfaction from a hard day’s work and taking care of the land, but having someone to come home to at the end of it makes it all worthwhile.

  “Something sure does smell good. I’m glad you’ve brought Mrs. McCallister out here, boss. I was getting real tired of Earl’s cooking.”

  We all laugh as one of the big guys nicknamed Tiny rinses off and heads inside. I take extra care to clean my hands and nails, wanting to look good for Clare. I’ve never felt that need before: wanting to look good for someone. But I find myself needing to impress her. I want her to look at me and see everything she wants. I want to walk into a room and have everyone disappear for her. Because that’s what she does to me. She’s rapidly becoming the center of my world, and I want to be the same.

  “Brandon’s out in the barn with Fluffy. I think she might be going into labor anytime now,” Earl says, walking up beside me to clean up for dinner. “I’ll have one of the boys bring him a plate.”

  I just grunt in response, thinking it’s for the best. I really don’t want him around Clare right now. I don’t know where this jealous streak inside me is coming from, but it’s in there and it’s loud. I try to shake it off knowing that he’s a part of this farm, but so is she, so I’ve got to trust her and let it go. But for the life of me, I can’t do what my head is telling me to. My caveman is a lot louder than my sense when it comes to Clare, and for some reason I don’t give a shit.

  I nearly run into the house when I’m finished, wanting to get to her as soon as possible. When I get inside, I see the table all set up with plates and food ready to be served family style. I take in a deep breath and my mouth waters at the smell of pot roast. She’s made enough for an army, and all the fixings with it. Even homemade biscuits. Looking into the kitchen, I see her setting out a chocolate cake on the counter. I head straight for her.

  Once I reach her, I don’t stop as I pick her up and carry her into the pantry. Once there, I press her gently against the shelves, and I feel her legs wrap around me for support.

  “Cash,” she whispers, but it’s a half laugh. “What are you doing?”

  “Just wanted to thank my woman for a mighty fine dinner.”

  I lock my lips with hers, licking her lips and feeling her open up for me. I taste a hint of chocolate on her, and I moan at the flavor. So sweet and so good. All I want to do is fall into this kiss for all eternity.

  I feel her fingers go to the nape of my neck as she pulls me closer to her. It’s as if she can’t get enough either. Her legs tighten and the ridge of my cock starts to grind against her as the kiss turns into more than I ever intended. Well, who am I kidding? I always want more than just a kiss when it comes to Clare.

  This quick moment turns into so much more as we cling to one another, trying to get as close as possible. My lips need more, so I move them down her neck and lick her there, wanting even more of her sweetness.

  “You haven’t even tasted dinner and you’re doing this. What will you do after you’ve tasted it?”

  Clare’s words are coming out in little gasps as my tongue moves lower.

  “I think we both know what’s going to happen after I get one bite.”

  She moans and grinds against me, teasing us both into a frenzy.

  “Cash,” she whispers, and it’s then I have to pull back.

  Hearing my name on her lips is so intimate and filled with sex that I don’t want to risk anyone overhearing it.

  Taking my lips away from her neck, I look into her eyes and see just how much she needs me.

  “You want more, baby?”

  Clare licks her lips and nods her head rapidly without hesitation.

  “Tonight. You’re in my bed. I won’t take you until you’re mine on paper. But I want you in my bed tonight.”

  She nods her head again, taking in air fast and hard as if out of breath.

  “I want you to show me what’s mine. And I want a taste. You won’t deny me, will you?”

  It’s not a question, but she closes her eyes and nods, as if the thought is too much to handle.

  I let her down slowly as my hard cock rubs as much of her as it can. I want to rub it all over her naked body, but now is not the time. After a second, we both smile at one another. The hurried tension is gone and a comfortable need settles between us. After she’s got her clothes back into place and I’ve adjusted the beast in my jeans, I take her hand and pull her out of the pantry and over to the where everyone is eating dinner.

  I help her settle down in my lap at the head of the table, serving us two plates of her delicious food.

  “Eat, baby,” I whisper in her ear. She’s so tiny. She could afford to have a little more weight on her, and I’m going to make sure that happens.

  All the guys are talking and laughing, enjoying
the home-cooked meal. It warms my heart and makes this place feel complete. Squeezing Clare closer to me, I smile as we eat. All the men rave about her cooking. I’m filled with pride, and jealousy but I try to let the pride win out. She’s the best thing that’s happened to this place since I can remember, so I focus on the positive instead of being an asshole about it.

  Suddenly, Brandon comes into the dining room, and my arm around Clare tightens.

  “Sorry to interrupt, boss, but looks like Fluffy is breech. I think I might need you on this.”

  Brandon doesn't so much as look at Clare. This goes a long way to ease some of my unwarranted irritation with him. He’s a good worker, and I like having him around. It’s just going to take some time to get used to having Clare and my jealousy in the same room.

  “I’ll take care of it.” I look over at Clare, thinking this might be something she wants to see. “You want to come watch, baby?”

  “Sure. I’ve helped a few times with the animals. I’ll see what I can do.”

  We stand up, and I take Clare’s hand, pulling her behind me.

  “Go ahead, clean up, and get yourself some chow. We’ll take care of Fluffy tonight.” Looking over to Earl, I see him nod his head. I know he’ll take care of things in the house and make sure whoever is on clean up does their job.

  Pulling Clare behind me, we walk towards the barn closest to the house. I hold her hand as we walk, and the simple action makes me smile. It’s weirdly comfortable and feels like something we do every day instead of something that’s completely new to us.

  “So who’s Fluffy?” Clare asks as we enter the barn.

  “She’s one of the ewes we keep around here as kind of a pet. We don’t have enough to really make money off their wool, so we donate it to the knitting group in town and they make use of it.” I walk Clare to the back stable and see the ewe lying down.

  When we go over to her, she’s a bit skittish, but I put my hand on her and feel her belly. The lamb has indeed turned from what I feel, and I look to see how close she is to labor.


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