A Mate for Oigr

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A Mate for Oigr Page 4

by S. J. Sanders

  Oigr felt a surge of guilt that he’d worried his companions and left Nazzek out of his sight for so long. Especially when he was bound to get into trouble once the fun that had occupied him concluded. All because, for once, he’d followed his own interests. He had not taken time for himself in a great many revolutions, not since he became Nazzek’s guardian, before the youngling had even cut his first fangs.

  Yet he couldn’t regret it. He’d initiated the first step in the courtship ritual.

  Although he was uncertain if the small human female would resonate with his heart song, he looked forward to testing the probability through the many steps of courtship. She was an engaging female yet possessed a temperance that he found refreshing without being completely deferential. Although Vrooduk females were powerful in their own right, culturally, they preferred to let the male lead as her shield and guide.

  He recalled it being tiresome, as many females rarely stressed a preference when it came to interactions or even the first meetings to initiate courtship. Any time he’d tried to get to know a female in his youth, she would only incline her head and say that she trusted his lead. That was the way of their species. A male provided protection and food, and females, fewer in number compared to the lot of their ancestors, saw to the spiritual welfare of their family with their magic and various gifts that they were taught by their mothers. The simple arts of the household were infused with the spirits of their females.

  In Deena, he saw a female who could be a true companion as well as a mate in every sense. A female who would stand by his side rather than stand behind him for the protection and strength he afforded. Someone who he could admire and enjoy the company of, as well as enjoy the comforts and joys of mate bonding. He felt a surge of optimism and merely smiled at Nazzek’s rant.

  The younger male drew up in surprise and Medif laughed knowingly.

  “My sincerest apologies for worrying you,” Oigr offered. “However, you have said yourself never to waste an opportunity lest you wish to allow it to slip by into another’s hands. While you were indulging your desire to be terrorized in that false house, I spent an engaging time with a seeress who not only performed a reading for me, but also shared a meal and agreed to accompany me later this eve.”

  Nikki shoved Nazzek’s accusing hand aside and smiled.

  “You have a date? That’s wonderful!”

  Oigr resisted the urge to preen with triumph. The first courtship rituals were often the most difficult to obtain. He couldn’t help the flush of pride that it was coming together so well. He tried not to dwell on the future that accompanied The Lovers. A literal interpretation was often a disservice. He recalled a number of his own mother’s premonitions manifesting in unpredictable ways due to the decisions their family made.

  Nazzek beamed. “I will be most happy to give you advice from my considerable experience. There are things that you may not know, and I...”

  Nikki slapped a hand over his mouth and smiled sweetly.

  “As much as I’m sure that Oigr would appreciate the gesture, you absolutely will not give him your advice if it in any fashion resembles that hellish philosophy you had of romance when we met.”

  Nazzek’s shoulders dropped in dejection but Oigr could see the twinkle in the male’s eyes. The Indivi loved to rile up his mate. Oigr always found his sense of humor questionable, but Nikki seemed to appreciate it for some strange reason. Her laughter that immediately followed showed that she wasn’t in the least fooled as she placed a wet kiss on Nazzek’s cheek.

  Just to his side, he saw Medif rub his hands together and grin in anticipation. Oigr suspected that his friend was imagining his gains for their bet already coming nearer to his grasp. Oigr didn’t begrudge him that. If Deena proved to be his mate, he would give every bit of wealth he had and do so gladly.

  “If you want to enjoy time with your female, take her to one of these fright things of Halloween! It is delightful. Oof! Nikki, it was only a suggestion. There was no need to get violent.”

  Oigr chuckled but gave the thought some serious consideration. Perhaps some sort of festivity could be an entertaining way to end their evening. Not that false haunted house foolishness... but something.

  Chapter 5

  DEENA CHEERFULLY LINED up her little collection of holiday witches on her fireplace mantle. A large plastic cauldron sat on the corner of the hearth, filled with bite-sized chocolates for trick-or-treaters tomorrow. Not that it stopped her from plucking a Milky Way out of the pile and popping it into her mouth. Her hips didn’t need the chocolate, but it was oh so good. Her Boston terrier, Brutus, lay on the couch, watching her with his head cocked to one side.

  She stood back to admire her work. She had a fair hand at seasonal décor, if she said so herself.

  “What do you think, Brutus?”

  He turned his head and yawned at her babble.

  “Traitor. It’s not too late to replace you with a cat, you know. Witches the world over only have good things to say about cats.”

  Brutus’s mouth dropped open in a happy dog smile, his little nub of a tail wagging in response. Empty threats, all of them, and he knew it. Deena huffed and rubbed him affectionately between the ears. While no longer a pup, at three years old, he was a solid companion and spoiled mercilessly. Clients hadn’t known what to make of him at first, but a witch with cat allergies is better off without the stereotypical feline friend. She could have gone with a toad or a rat, or even a snake for the aesthetic, but all it took was one look into his eyes and she’d been a goner.

  Deena adjusted her cream-colored shirt cinched in by a brown belt. With a nervous hand, she smoothed her rust-colored maxi skirt. Gold bangles hung from her right wrist, jangling as she moved. She tightened the back on one of her gold hoop earrings and resisted the urge to look in the mirror to check her makeup again. The cab would be there any minute. Though most of her friends owned their own cars, Deena couldn’t justify the expense of it when she so rarely went out.

  Pulling on her brown wool overcoat, she brushed her fingers over her knot of hair secured ruthlessly in a bun, checking for stray curls that may have slipped to float haphazardly around her head. She was relieved to find that there was not a stray curl wandering out of place. Although Oigr had seen her in her devil-may-care loose robes and with curls lying around her shoulders in wild abandon earlier, she wanted him to see her at her best when they dined together this time.

  She double-checked Brutus’s food and water bowl as her little monster danced around her feet. A honk outside let her know that the taxi had arrived. She tossed Brutus a Milk-Bone and blew him a kiss as she sailed out the door. She reminded herself this wasn’t a real date, but her nerves weren’t paying the least bit of attention. Her entire body felt like it was on high alert, waiting with a sort of anticipation that came with a quickening heartbeat, warmth that settled somewhere in the region of her belly, and the rush of air as she drew sharp breaths into her lungs.

  It had been some time since she looked forward to a date so much. She couldn’t help smiling to herself.

  The driver raised an inquiring eyebrow.

  “Where to?”

  “Roti Restaurant.”

  The driver didn’t reply. He reached forward to plug the coordinates into his GPS and then sat back and put his vehicle into gear before it pulled away from her front door. Deena looked out the window as the neighborhood passed by her. Although she often ordered takeout from the restaurant more than she frequented it, she was looking forward to the muted glow of the soft saffron interior and the authentic art. It was very cozy.

  They arrived after a few minutes and, upon paying the fare, she stepped out of the cab and went inside. Immediately the delicious aroma of cumin, curry, and other spices she couldn’t identify assailed her. She wondered what Oigr would think of the place. She glanced around and noticed he had not yet arrived. Her heart sank but she mustered a smile for the hostess who’d politely arrived to seat her.

  “Just one?

  “Ah, no. I’m expecting to be joined by someone visiting our planet.”

  The hostess’s eyebrows climbed but she smiled and nodded politely as if it were nothing outside of their usual guests and took her to a comfortable booth. Two menus were set on the table and then she departed. Minutes later a server came with water.

  Then she waited. And waited.

  Every now and again, the server came by to refresh her water and still she waited.

  Forty-five minutes she waited, and finally came to the conclusion that she’d been foolish. She pushed her chair back and prepared to stand when the bell over the door clanged and a large familiar figure stepped in. The hostess seemed to freeze but Oigr barely glanced at her. His eyes sought and found Deena’s and he lifted a hand with an apologetic grimace. The hostess glanced at her with relief and led Oigr back through the restaurant to Deena’s side.

  Oigr bowed and removed his cloak to reveal the entire length of his muscular form. The tunic he wore cut off at the shoulder, exposing his thick arms, complete with bristle similar to his mohawk trailing from shoulder-to-elbow of each arm. The material of his golden-yellow tunic and pants was lightweight enough that despite their loose fit they seemed to drift around him and mold to his body with his every movement.

  Her mouth went dry and he sank to the floor in front of her.

  “My most sincere apologies for my delay. Among the Vrooduk, it is customary to offer a gift to the female upon the second meal-sharing. I got a little caught up making this for you.”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a long chain, hanging from which was a pale-blue stone that seemed to pulsate under the glow of the lights of the restaurant. Her breath caught as she admired the exquisite detail in the setting that seemed to curl and twine like endless vines. Here and there among the mass, she’d catch a glimpse of a flower in the rose-gold-like metal.

  “This is beautiful. Are you sure you want to give me such a fine gift? It looks like it would be worth a fortune on Earth.”

  The male sighed. “Alas, it is not my best stone. A friend of mine has a claim on that. I regret that I cannot give you the finest stone in my collection, but this one is a close second and seemed to call to me when I looked among them. It is a gift.”

  Cupping her hand in his, he drew her open palm forward and dropped the necklace into it. The stone appeared to flash under the light upon contact with her skin, but the moment was gone. Oigr stood and settled into his seat, a thoughtful smile on his lips as she studied the perfect stone.

  “This stone is agvamni, the light of the heavens. It occurs whenever lightning from our electrical storms strikes a certain mineral to produce it. My people believe it is blessed and contains a born spirit within. Our females prize these stones, and most males upon reaching maturity spend many revolutions hunting for one that he might gift to a female.”

  Deena balked, a sudden surge of guilt filling her.

  “I can’t take this, then. You might need it...”

  Oigr laughed and shook his head.

  “It is yours. I’ve kept it all these revolutions more as a curiosity. I am not a young male anymore,” he said with a wistful look. “It is my greatest pleasure to bestow it upon the one female I’ve ever known who seemed truly worthy of it.”

  As if bidden by some external force, Deena’s fingers curled around the stone, the strange warmth radiating into her skin. Many gems become warm, amplified by the body heat of the person holding them, so she didn’t think it strange. Instead, she was wholly captivated by the male sitting across from her. There was something almost momentous about the act.

  “But you don’t even know me,” she protested.

  Oigr chuckled, the deep sound skipping up her spine with delicious shivers. He placed a hand on his chest.

  “I may not yet know your mind, but I see you as clearly as I would see any of my brethren. I see your kindness and gentleness even with one such brief encounter as we had. Your being spoke to me. That is the most important. Getting to know each other by word and deed will build upon that.”

  “Ah, thank you,” she said, all of her skill with words suddenly deserting her and leaving her floundering. She knew without a doubt that he believed every one of those things he said, and she couldn’t even come up with a gracious response. How embarrassing. Her nona, always with the silver tongue, would have laughed herself sick to see Deena tripping over herself like a teenager with her first crush.

  She wanted to groan for her response to such a generous gift, but Oigr didn’t seem to mind. Instead, he sat back in the booth, which barely fit his massive frame, and smiled with unabashed pleasure.

  Deena plucked at the chain with nervous fingers and opened the clasp to put on the necklace. The chain was just long enough for the stone to nestle at the top of her breasts. It was perfect. She eyed it, wondering just how he’d managed to get such a perfect fit. Any lower and she would have ended up continuously fishing it out of her cleavage. It was almost as if he were intimate with her body without ever laying a single finger on her. The idea of his hands on her had its own appeal, which sent a shot of lightning through her blood, making her take notice.

  “It looks beautiful, as if it were meant for you.” The soft growl in his voice didn’t help the tingles cascading through her. Despite her sudden bought of shyness—and her closing in on forty!—she was all too aware of him on a primal level as they sat in their intimate booth.

  Everything was so overwhelming that Deena was thankful when the server came to take their orders. Sizing up Oigr, she took the privilege of ordering several things from the menu for him to try. She didn’t miss the appreciative look he shot her, and she felt her confidence return with leaps and bounds.

  She wasn’t an awkward teen. She was a mature, powerful woman.

  Sharing the plates of food between them, they spoke around mouthfuls of naan, delicious samosa, kabobs, bowls of dal soup, various meats, and crisp salads. Oigr ate everything with gusto, easily consuming things that she ate a little slower to compensate for the heat level. She had to wonder what the spices were like on his planet and the possibility that the Vrooduk were born with cast-iron stomachs. He laughed when she took too large a bite and had to resort to blowing around her mouthful of food, her hands waving in front of her mouth and her eyes tearing up.

  She had her own moment of laughter when he glared at the salad as it if were an insult for him to even consider partaking. He flicked a bit of greenery with the edge of his fork and curled his lip.

  “It is ragorwal food. You wish for me to eat this?”

  “It’s salad. They’re good, and good for you.” Curiosity got the better of her. “What is a ragorwal?”

  “A creature of moderate size used for hauling labor. It provides good meat for eating.”

  “Do Vrooduk not eat greens?”

  “We consume appropriate vegetation that is grown specifically to be added to our dishes, although our diet is comprised largely of the meats available on our planet.”

  He’d sounded so offended that she suggested he eat roughage meant for beasts that she withheld a giggle and adopted an expression of sympathy.

  “You won’t try even one little bite?”

  “If you insist.”

  He cast a baleful glare on the salad before finally bringing a forkful of the greenery to his mouth and nibbling on it before setting the fork down.

  “Passable, but I believe I will have some more of this lamb.”

  He pushed the salad away and pulled the plate of lamb kabobs toward him with a look of satisfaction. Deena pursed her lips with amusement but didn’t comment. She doubted she would do well eating unfamiliar foods on his planet. That he was willing to try in order to humor her was rather sweet.

  Their meal ended all too soon and Oigr, with a sweeping gesture of authority, acquired the check and paid for it from his credits. When they stepped outside, the sky had already grown dark, and a brisk breeze was on the air. Deena hugged her coa
t closer to her and glanced at him hopefully.

  “You mentioned some sort of entertainment.”

  A burnished flush stole up his cheekbones to the double-point tips of his ears.

  “I’m afraid that I was unable to figure out some activity for us,” he said. “I wished to do something with you in celebration of the merriment of the season, but everything I tried to learn just had me more confused as to what the most appropriate activity would be. Much of it seemed like foolishness that I cannot understand how it is enjoyable.”

  Deena grinned up at him, completely charmed that he expended such effort despite his gruff demeanor.

  “To be honest, around this time of the year, my favorite activity is to watch scary movies. I usually have a marathon of movies for my birthday on Halloween night while I hand candy out to trick-or-treaters, but I hear there’s a good movie playing at the cinema if you enjoy that sort of thing?”

  He hesitated. “I am not sure. I have never seen a horror movie. Nazzek and his mate went to a false haunted house and he claimed it was exhilarating, but I don’t see how it would be. I am not sure how a vid would inspire fear, and if it did, how it would be entertaining.”

  Risking a bit of boldness, she ran her hand down his forearm.

  “Sometimes what’s fun is huddling close to another person against the scary thing and feeling close to each other in that moment.”

  Oigr considered this, his brow dropping low before a smile curled his lips as he looked down at her with hooded eyes.

  “Perhaps I understand Nazzek after all. This scary vid might be a good way to pass the evening together.”

  Deena pulled out her comm and hailed a cab. The spark that had started within her belly earlier had not once abated but was building into an inferno with some hidden resonance between them. It was almost as if there was a harmonic interplay between their spiritual bodies.

  She couldn’t wait to see what he made of her favorite pastime of watching horror movies.


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