Monroe, Melody Snow - Bella's Bad Bikers [Pleasure, Montana 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Melody Snow - Bella's Bad Bikers [Pleasure, Montana 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Melody Snow Monroe

  He might have been right, but she wasn’t going to admit that to him. How was this guy polite one minute then chewing out her butt the next? Pissing him off wouldn’t get her anywhere. At least he hadn’t ratted on her and turned her over to the authorities. “Got it.” Okay, maybe she should have known how a helmet worked, but he didn’t have to be rude.

  Relieved they’d skirted that issue, he climbed back on the bike. “You really need to pee?”

  “No. I want to get some better riding clothes. My heels slip off those spikey things.” Their name eluded her for a second.

  “They’re footrests.” He checked his watch. “I gotta meet someone in Hardin. I don’t want to get there too late. Can you keep it short?”

  Excitement flooded her. She grabbed his arm. “I promise I won’t try anything on. I’ll be quick, and I’ll change in there.” She pointed to the gas station next to Walmart.

  He blew out a breath, clearly losing his patience, and pulled his arm out of her grasp. She hopped back on the cycle, and he headed to the store, not breaking any laws this time. True to her word, she was in and out in under fifteen minutes. They didn’t carry any leather outfits, like what Mr. Knight wore, nor were the clothes anything she’d ever buy at home, but she couldn’t be picky. In Miami, she was a size four. To be on the safe side, she bought a size six. When she put them on in the gas station bathroom, she regretted not taking the time to make sure they fit. The jeans were only slightly tight, but the top was way too small. The blue jean jacket barely buttoned. My God, if any of her girlfriends ever saw her in this outfit, she’d be denied access to the country club. And the boots looked ridiculous, but they would be warm. The only good thing was that if Aldo saw her, he’d never recognize her.

  She put her good clothes in the plastic Walmart bag. Her heels alone cost four hundred dollars, so she wasn’t going to toss them. Unfortunately, the bag didn’t fit into her backpack purse. Maybe she should go back and buy a real backpack.

  “You ready, lady?”

  Since he was doing her a favor, she decided to attempt civility. “My name’s Bella.”

  “We won’t be seeing each other in another few hours, so there’s no need to get cozy.”

  What had she done other than beg for a ride? “Where can I put this?” She held up the bag.

  He glared at her for a moment before flipping open a pouch on the side of the bike and cramming it in.

  “Be careful. There are some expensive shoes in there.”

  He leveled her with another look, jammed on his helmet, and turned away.

  Her stomach grumbled, but she wasn’t going to ask him to stop. She put on her helmet and slid onto the back of the bike with more ease. At least the next hour was comfortable and even, dare she say, enjoyable. After that, her pussy started to ache from the road vibrations. Her too-tight jeans had been a mistake. The only positive note was that she wasn’t as cold as before. Mr. Knight’s large back blocked the wind and the added layers of clothing helped a lot.

  The late afternoon slowly turned to night, and she wondered how far Hardin was. While there were periodic clouds, it didn’t look like it would rain. How would a motorcyclist handle that? Did he have windshield wipers on his visor? She would have asked him about it, but he wasn’t the talkative type. She’d tried to chat a few times, but his one-word responses implied she was beginning to piss him off. Given his surly attitude, she wouldn’t be surprised if he stopped the bike in the middle of this godforsaken area and left her there.

  She tapped his helmet lightly. His sigh came out long and hard. “What?”

  “I’m really sorry, but now I really need to take a pee.”

  He slowed a bit. “We’ll be at our destination in fifteen or twenty minutes. Can you hold on?”

  His sympathy surprised her. “Sure.” Plus, she hadn’t seen a light in forever. This state didn’t seem to believe in rest stops, or many towns for that matter.

  She was a bit surprised he hadn’t stopped and told her to drop trou and go. Maybe deep down, he’d been a gentleman at one time.

  True to his word, he exited ten minutes later. After traveling down a long, dark road, a small town appeared. There were a few stoplights, giving her hope there’d be a hotel. She expected them to stop, but instead, he drove on by. About five miles later he pulled to a stop in front of a repair shop. I wasn’t the chain restaurant she was hoping for. No lights were visible anywhere other than from the stars above.

  He tapped her knee, indicating he wanted her to dismount. When her feet hit the ground, her legs screamed, as did her now very sore pussy. Her body still thrummed as if she were still on the road. Off came her helmet and the cold air rushed down her throat. Why did she have to run away in October? Oh, yeah, that’s when she discovered Bill was a criminal.

  Mr. Knight took the helmet from her and stored it with his. “Come on.”

  She took two steps and stopped. “What’s here? It doesn’t look safe.”

  “Suit yourself, lady.” He pulled what looked like a blanket from the back of the bike and strode around the side of the shop.

  As soon as he disappeared, the air turned colder and the night became darker. She stood there debating whether to follow him in. Mr. Knight didn’t seem the type to take advantage of her, so maybe he was an upstanding citizen, albeit a biker with a sour attitude. Don’t let his good looks fool you.

  Her stomach grumbled and she really had to pee. She couldn’t sleep outside, and from his comments, he acted like this was the end of the road for the night. The image of the floozy sitting on Bill’s lap gave her the impetus to move her ass.

  Watching her step, she threaded her way around the side of the building. Behind the bike shop resided a trailer. Her gut soured. Could this get any worse? A dog barked somewhere behind her and she jumped. Wolves didn’t bark, did they?

  Decision made. She had to get inside. Moving as fast as she could, she knocked on the front door. As if he’d expected her, a man with a long ponytail, a big beer belly, and only wearing a leather vest and blue jeans answered the door.

  “Hey, guys, lookie who stopped by.”

  His grin told her she’d stepped in it now.

  Chapter Two

  Mr. Knight came barreling toward the trailer door. He wedged his way around the owner and placed a foot on the step next to her. He wrapped an arm around her waist and led her down the stairs. Was he going to tell her to walk away because of the danger? He was the one who wanted to come here. Her fingers landed on the phone in her hip pocket. She prayed 911 worked in the middle of no-man’s-land.

  He leaned close. “Listen. These are my friends. They’re great guys and even better mechanics, but when a woman like you waltzes in, you can expect trouble unless you stick by my side. Don’t flirt, and only talk when spoken to. Got it?”

  Her head spun after all those words. She’d been about to tell him she didn’t do commands, but reason intruded. “Why did you even bring me here?”

  “Because I needed to pick up a part for a motorcycle. Besides, they give me a free place to sleep when I come through.”

  They were staying the night? “Can’t you drop me off at a hotel or something?”

  He moved closer, if that was possible, and loomed over her. “Did you see a Holiday Inn Express anywhere close to here? There are one or two hotels in town, but it would appear rude if I left and didn’t come back with you.”

  She glanced behind her. “Maybe I could stay in the garage?” She quickly glanced behind her. If she were by herself, she might be safe.

  “You’d be fair game if you did that. And don’t think of sleeping outside either. The wolves will eat you.”

  She was sufficiently scared. “Okay, but can you call me Bella? The name Lady doesn’t imply you even know who I am.”

  Light reflected off his even smile. “It’s a pretty name for a pretty woman. Works for me.”

  Now he turned romantic? His mercurial personality scared her almost as much as being inside with a bunc
h of wild bikers.

  Taking her hand in his, he led her inside. “Sorry, fellas. This here is my woman. She can be a bit feisty. Her name’s Bella.”

  She was the feisty one? He was the aggressive one. The three men looked her up and down, and she could feel the heat race up her face. Mr. Knight might have been right. She edged closer.

  “You hungry?” the one who’d answered the door asked.

  She was starving, but she wasn’t sure what they’d serve or if she should accept. A quick glance at Mr. Knight told her they wouldn’t poison her. “Yes.”

  The owner smiled a mostly toothless grin and hustled over to the kitchen to begin work. Mr. Knight led her over to the two-person sofa and motioned she sit. Once he settled next to her, he draped an arm around her shoulder. The heavy weight troubled her, but she’d endure anything if it meant no one would bother her. It was when Mr. Knight rubbed the collar on her shirt as if they’d been a couple forever that her pulse raced. Tingles traveled up along her neck and down her spine with every touch. Was it due to fright, or had pleasure entered the picture? Surely, she couldn’t be sexually attracted to him. He was a biker for goodness’ sake.

  “Hey, Hawk. You want mustard or mayo with your sandwich?”

  His name was Hawk? She studied his nose. It was straight and just about perfect. Nothing hawklike about it.

  “Mustard.” Hawk patted his stomach. “If I get any fatter, Bella here will kick me out of bed.”

  Bed? Fat chance since he’d never be allowed into her bed for her to kick him out.

  Another friend raided the fridge and brought out four beers, not asking if she wanted one. He just set one in front of her. She was a wine girl, but she didn’t dare make trouble or act like a prima donna. “Thanks.”

  Hawk leaned over and picked up both beers, one for him and one for her. “I’m sure you can use this after the long day we’ve had, babe.” His chocolate eyes twinkled.

  Was he being kind? “Absolutely.”

  The owner brought out a couple of nice-looking roast beef sandwiches topped with wonderful-looking tomatoes. This was not what she’d expected, but she was thrilled to get good food. Once she began eating, she inhaled her meal. Satisfied she might survive the night, she leaned back, and Hawk cupped her shoulder. She tensed. If his fingers traveled over her throat and down her chest, she wouldn’t know what to do. Slap his hand? Haul off and hit him? Or turn and kiss the man?

  Yikes. Don’t go there.

  “I see you didn’t like the meal.” Hawk’s tone had a decided chuckle in it.

  “I loved it.”

  Pretending to be his girlfriend, she leaned her head against his shoulder, which would make it difficult for his fingers to get anywhere near her chest. He stiffened at first but then relaxed. Since she’d been forbidden to talk, she kept quiet. Not that she would have had anything to say about carburetors, panheads, or bat wing handlebars. These men were seriously into their choppers.

  She must have dozed because when Hawk shook her, everyone but the owner had gone.

  “Time for bed, babe.”

  She’d babe him, but only after they got out of there. The men who were there appeared nice, but she bet if they drank enough, they might find her to be a good appetizer. Hawk stood, picked her up as if she weighed fifty pounds, and placed her on the chair. Then he pulled the sofa into a bed. She glanced right and left. Did he really expect her to sleep in a double bed with him?

  “Here are some pillows and a blanket.” The owner tossed Hawk the bedding.

  “Appreciate the hospitality.”

  “Anytime.” He stopped and turned. “Just keep the noise down, will ya?”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Of all the—”

  “Shh. He was kidding.”

  “Oh.” Now she felt dumb. When the man disappeared down the hallway, she moved closer, not wanting the host to hear. “I’ll sleep on the floor.”

  “Babe, if it ever got out that my woman didn’t like sleeping with me, I’d be the laughingstock of the motorcycle industry.”

  He probably had a point. “Okay, but I am not your babe.”

  “Until I say otherwise, you are. You don’t seem to understand what’s at stake here. There is a code of ethics between us bikers that no one would cross. If we come across some dude who isn’t into bikes, I can’t vouch for him. So when I say stick close, do it.”

  He was beginning to really scare her. She’d spent her life around politicians and policemen. Hell, she was about to marry a frigging judge, and he turned out to be dirtier than the rest. Maybe she should reevaluate who to trust and who not to.

  “Fine, but don’t touch me.”

  “You have my word on that.” The way he said it implied she couldn’t pay him to have sex with her.

  She wondered why he disliked her so much. This might have sounded conceited, but she never lacked a date in Miami.

  After she’d helped him make the bed, she took off her shoes. “I’m going to the bathroom.”

  “Knock first.”

  When she reached the end, the shower was running. Darn. She trotted back. “Do you think your friend would mind if I brush my teeth in the kitchen sink?”

  “Don’t imagine anything bothers him.”

  Once she washed her face and brushed her teeth, she came back to the bed. Hawk took off his leather jacket and then his T-shirt to expose a gloriously bare chest packed full of muscles.

  “Whoa.” Part of the comment was because of the unexpected show. Man, did he have a magnificent body or what? He’d fit right in on any woman’s fantasy calendar. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. The part not ogling him needed him to stop the striptease.

  He faced her. “I sleep naked, but I’m going compromise for your sake. Don’t push it.”

  She saluted him, crawled into bed, and turned her back to the middle. From the sound of it, he was removing more of his clothes. What he planned to leave on was anyone’s guess, but she wouldn’t be watching. Nope. Eyes closed, she tried to relax, but when he sat on the bed, she partially rolled to the middle. Great. She wouldn’t be getting any rest tonight.

  As long as he was able to sleep, he’d be alert enough to drive tomorrow, and that’s all that mattered.

  He turned off the light. “Did you want this on?”

  Yes. “I’m good.”

  He chuckled, flicked on a small light over the kitchen sink, and returned to the bed. That was sweet of him. She so wanted to check out his definition of almost naked, but she didn’t dare. If he caught her ogling, no telling what might happen. Being in a bed with a man might be considered consent by others. She hoped his disinterest held.

  For the first hour, she waited for him take her in his arms and ravish her. When his soft snores filled the room, she finally relaxed. She refused to admit there was a bit of disappointment in his behavior. While she didn’t look good in her outfit, her trim body couldn’t be disguised.

  “Wake up, babe.”

  Her eyes flew open and she rolled over. He was fully dressed, smiling down at her. He had teeth! And nice white ones, too. “What time is it?” That was probably a dumb question given the light streaming in the window.

  “Time for me to get home. I’ve been on the road two weeks checking out different Harley vendors, and I’m tired.”

  Since they were in Montana, and he lived in Montana, she trusted today’s trip wouldn’t be long.

  She rolled out of bed and stretched. “I can be ready in ten if that suits you.”

  There went that cocky smile again. “Suits me just fine.”

  Was he mocking her speech? As if he could talk. He elongated some of his words, but the western drawl was a nice change from the Miami clipped tones.

  True to her word, she was ready to go in eight. By the time she walked out of the bathroom, he’d stripped the bed and returned the sofa to its rolled-up position. Someone had trained him well.

  “Where’s our host?”

  “In the shop. We’ll stop by on the way

  After a quick thank-you to the owner, they were on the road again. This time, she was so much more relaxed knowing they’d eluded Bill and his tenacious bodyguard.

  The drive across the state on I-90 was happily uneventful. They stopped for breakfast at some diner and she insisted she pay.

  He hesitated. “Don’t think so.”

  “You’ve been nice enough to save me by giving me a ride. You won’t let me pay for gas. This is the least I can do.”

  He pulled out his wallet and opened then closed it. “Suppose you’re right.”

  Was he hurting for money? Then why not let her pay? He must know that her shoes alone cost more than his gas bill. Did it make him uneasy that she might be rich? He couldn’t know her credit card was now useless and her cash not plentiful. Men.

  Back on the road, he was a little bit more talkative but not much. Maybe that was a good thing. He didn’t pry into her background, for which she was thankful. Though if the roles had been reversed, she would have grilled him for hours.

  Close to dark they drove through a real cute little town. “How quaint.”

  “This is Pleasure, Montana. The finest place on earth to live.”

  Where had that pride come from? Hawk had never expressed his opinion so forcefully before. While she did see a grocery store, a diner, a bank, the sheriff’s office and few other stores, there were no malls, and seemingly not much to do. In the winter, this place would be hell in her opinion, but there must be something here that excited him.

  Uh-oh. Did he have a wife? Is that why he kept his distance? Her ego wanted the answer to be yes.

  He pulled to a stop in front of a neat little B and B. The front was all lit up in white rope lights, and the porch was filled with rocking chairs.

  Hawk cut the engine. “Here ya go.”

  It was the end of the line. He’d been a gentleman and had gotten her here safely. She couldn’t ask for more. “I can’t thank you enough.”

  He took off his helmet but held it tight. “I gotta admit it was nice having some company.”

  Wow. Was that an actual compliment?


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