Wild Lust [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 6]

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Wild Lust [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 6] Page 5

by Jane Jamison

  He played with her hair, spreading it over his chest and under his chin. What would it be like to wake up with her silky strands across his face?

  “A man named Mr. Richmand.”

  He frowned but kept the growl from his lips. Dick Richmand was an asshole of a vampire who liked renting his house to unsuspecting females he planned to glamour and seduce. “Seen him much?”

  She shook her head, the slight gesture rubbing her cheek against his chest. “Not since he gave me the key. Why?”

  Someone must’ve clued in the skuzzy vampire and told him about the Rawlins brothers and their connection to the woman renting his house. Otherwise, Dick would’ve already made a move on her. The tension that had set up shop in his neck eased. At least the vampires that lived in Shatland were smart enough to stay away from a werewolf’s future mate. But he still felt the need to warn her.

  “Stay away from him.”

  “Why? He seemed pleasant enough to me. Kind of weird, but friendly.”

  “Just do as I say.”

  She sat up fast. “I’m sorry, but did you just give me an order?”

  Yes. “I’m telling you he’s no good.”

  “And what if I decide I want to hang out with him? Maybe even cook him a meal to say thank you for stocking the refrigerator and cupboards?” Her dark eyes flickered with irritation as she arched an imperious eyebrow, daring him to repeat his mistake.

  Reese, however, wasn’t one to admit he made mistakes. He folded an arm under his head and kept his expression serene but firm. “I’m telling you to stay away from him.”

  Her other eyebrow joined the first one. “Are you for real? You’re seriously lying there with a smirk on your face and ordering me around?

  A smirk? He wasn’t smirking. He frowned, confused by her belligerence. “Charlie, calm down. Be smart. Be safe. Listen to me.”

  Her eyes had grown bigger and her mouth had dropped open as he’d spoken, but he hadn’t told her anything different than before. So what was with the big reaction? She glared at him as though he’d told her to get on her hands and knees and mop the floor. Was it him? Or was she just overly dramatic?

  “You know.”

  Her whispered statement baffled him. Of course he knew that Dick was a dick.

  “You know my real name.”

  Shit. “What are you talking about?” Playing dumb wasn’t the right way to handle her, but he’d fallen back on it like he’d done every time his mother had caught him whacking Blane in the head.

  She was up and out of the bed faster than he’d have thought possible for a human. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you knew. You lied to me just to get into my pants, didn’t you?”

  “Come on. You really didn’t believe anyone would buy the name Candy Cane, did you? Only porn stars and strippers have names like that.”

  She started to pull on her T-shirt then held it out and gaped at the torn shirt. Uttering a sound that was somewhere between a grunt and a groan, she threw her shirt to the floor and snatched his. She tugged it on and crossed her arms. “You lied to me.”

  He sat up, and the cover slipped off to expose his cock, already primed and ready for another go. He noticed her gaze drop to his cock then flinch upward to his eyes. A flash of desire crossed her face then was gone. He doubted she’d let him fuck her again.

  “You lied first.”

  Her eyebrows did a dive toward her nose. “What?”

  One thing was for certain. His mate was even hotter when she was angry. “I said, you lied first. Calling yourself Candy Cane was a lie.”

  He tried not to smirk now, but he wasn’t too disappointed when he did. She was amazing standing there in his shirt that hung between her pussy and her knees. “You lied first.”

  She gaped at him, opening and closing her mouth then doing it all again like the singing fish his uncle had hanging on his living room wall.

  “That’s not the same. You should’ve told me you knew who I was.”

  He flung the cover off him and rounded the bed toward her. He stopped when she took a step back. “You’re right. I lied by omission, but yours was a flat-out lie.”

  He could see the wheels spinning in her head as she hunted for a comeback, but she came up empty. “Take me home.”

  He knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t resist playing with her a little more. Why not? He was already in the doghouse. “Back to Boston?”

  “How much do you know about me?” She waved her hands in the air. “No. Don’t answer that. I wouldn’t know whether to trust what you say or not. I’ll just assume you’re lying whenever your mouth is moving.”

  “That would be a big mistake.”

  She shrieked at him, gathered up the torn remains of her clothes, and hurried toward the front door. He took his time tugging on his jeans, a shirt from the dresser, and his boots. Where could she go without a car and clad only in his shirt? Walking as though he had all the time in the world, he sauntered through the house and out the opened front door.

  What he found wasn’t what he’d expected to find. Rupert stood in the middle of the yard between the house and the barn, gazing toward the road and scratching the stubble on his chin. Charlie’s clothes lay at his feet.

  “Where the hell did she go?”

  Rupert flinched at the tone in his voice. “I was taking Ripcord out for a ride when she came barreling out of the house, grabbed the reins, and told me to help her into the saddle. She told me to tell you she’d return your horse once you fixed her pickup and brought it to her.”

  “You let her take Ripcord?”

  Rupert started to smile but wiped the smile away at Reese’s glare. “Mr. Rawlins, I’m sorry. I didn’t think. When she came running out the door with nothing on but your shirt, my mind went kind of blank.”

  He couldn’t blame the guy. Charlie doing what almost amounted to a Lady Godiva impression would’ve sent any red-blooded male’s head into a tailspin. “Which way did she go?”

  Reese followed the direction Rupert pointed, down the road leading toward the rental home. She’d been mad as hell, but he’d never expected her to hop on a horse and hightail it home.

  “Well, I’ll be damned.” Pivoting on his heel, he started back to the house.

  “Mr. Rawlins, what are you going to do?”

  Reese didn’t bother turning around to answer. “Call Dutch and tell him I need a rush job on a broken-down rental truck out on Bascom Road. Tell him to work his magic. I need that damn truck fixed before she winds up either killing my horse or breaking her neck.”

  Chapter Four

  Charlie didn’t calm down until she reached the rental house. Her anger served a purpose, keeping her from thinking about how little she knew about riding a horse. If she’d given it more thought, she probably wouldn’t have had the nerve to hop on the back of the huge animal. Hell, if she’d given it more thought, she would’ve pulled on her jeans and her shoes before hightailing it away from Reese’s house.

  “Now what do I do?” It wasn’t as though the house had a garage or even a carport. Could she tie him to a tree overnight? But didn’t horses need hay and water? And what about wild animals? Or worse, werewolves?

  She shifted in the saddle, her pussy rubbing against the leather, and held on to the saddle horn. Riding with a saddle was easier than riding bareback but not as nice as riding behind Reese. And nowhere near as nice as riding Reese.

  She could still feel his hands on her, his fingers pinching her nipples to send pleasant bursts of pain into her breasts. His mouth on hers had stunned her at first, but then the rough texture of his lips had melted into hers and she’d welcomed his tongue into her mouth.

  She shuddered at the image of Reese sliding down her torso to lie between her legs. His blue eyes, mixed with amber highlights, had flamed with a heat that he sent scorching into her with the flick of his tongue across her clit. She moaned and squirmed against the saddle, her juices wetting the leather.

  Oh, God. His cock. Strong, l
ong, and thick, she’d never seen anyone with a cock like his. Granted her experience was limited, but she knew he was unusually blessed in that area.

  Should she have submitted to his masculinity so fast? What did he think of her for having sex with him in the first few hours of meeting? And then to find out he knew her real name! She’d gotten so flustered she hadn’t thought to ask him how he knew.

  Yet she found she didn’t care. She’d enjoyed every moment of their time in bed and would lie down again with him if he so much as wiggled his finger at her.

  “But he lied. He and his brother must’ve been watching me this whole time. Then they acted like they didn’t know my name.”

  But how had he known she was in town? She’d done her best to keep a low profile, but Forever was a small place and strangers stuck out like a black cat in a wedding-dress shop. Had Shannon or the two werewolves she lived with found out and told him? If he knew, then it was more than likely that Blane knew as well.

  A sudden image of both brothers lying beside her, their cocks primed and ready, swamped her with desire. What would it be like to have both of them at the same time? They looked so much alike, and yet they were so different. Reese was the dark side of Blane’s brighter, outgoing personality. But weren’t the two sides what made the idea of taking both brothers exciting?

  “But they know about me.” The element of surprise she’d counted on was gone.

  Why did Reese have to turn out to be such a sneaky jerk? She uttered a curse. He had a point that she’d lied to him first, but did that make up for his lie? She bit her lower lip, unwilling to forgive him yet unwilling to erase her culpability, either.

  The horse’s nicker broke her out of her reverie. She jerked up then let out a breath once she figured out that he wasn’t going to buck her off his back. Counting herself lucky to have made it back to the house in one piece, she set her mind to figuring out what to do with the animal. The rental land didn’t include a barn, but she did remember seeing a shed behind the house.

  She clucked to the animal as Reese had done to his horse and pulled on the right rein. She’d figured out that using a horse’s reins was similar to using a car’s steering wheel. Pull left to go left and right to go right. Going forward and backward were different, but so far she hadn’t had to go in reverse. Fortunately, the horse heeded her instructions and carried her to the back of the house.

  The structure she’d remembered was less of a shack and more of a lean-to. Although the sides looked flimsy enough to collapse under a good wind, the structure appeared to have lasted many years. Both ends of the lean-to were open with one board crossing the opening on the far side. The horse would be crowded inside, but at least he’d have shelter. Urging the horse forward, she got as close to the lean-to as possible then pulled back on the reins.

  She glanced down at the ground. “That sure is a lot farther down than I remember from the first time.” But the first time, she’d had Reese to concentrate on, and falling into his arms hadn’t taken any courage.

  The horse dropped his head to the ground then lifted it back up to crane its neck around to her. His dark eyes stared at her, and his message was clear.

  “Okay, okay. I’m working on it. Just give me a minute.” But the animal was right. She had to get off his back. Putting the ball of her foot into the stirrup, she lifted her bare ass off the saddle then swung her right leg over the rear end of the horse. She was on the ground and letting go of pent-up air easier than she’d dared hope.

  She met the stare of the horse dead on. “See? I bet you didn’t think I could do it, did you? But I made it all the way home and got off in one piece.”

  The horse shook his head as though disagreeing with her. “Okay, so you helped. So tell me, Mr. Smarty-pants, how do I get the saddle off you?” She yelped when the horse stomped his foot. “Hold your horses, if you’ll pardon the expression. I’m working on it.”

  She studied the saddle, bending over to peer at the straps running along his belly. After a few tries of pulling one strap then unbuckling another, she let out a whoop of victory. She took hold of the saddle and tugged. The saddle and blanket under it weighed more than she assumed, and she shrieked as the bundle sent her falling backward onto her butt.

  The horse nickered then blew out its nose. “Funny. Just yuck it up, big guy, and see if you get any water and food tonight.”

  Picking herself up and dusting off the twigs and dirt that stuck to her bare skin, she took the reins and led him inside the lean-to. She ducked under the board, getting out the opposite end, then looped the reins around the board.

  She patted the horse’s nose, enjoying the soft fur against her palm. “I’m sorry I dragged you along for the ride, but I’m sure Reese will be along shortly to take you back home to your comfy stable. Until then, I’ll fill a big bucket with water and grab some apples for you to snack on.”

  Daring to get closer, she pressed her cheek against the horse’s face. “I wish men were as easy to understand as you are.”

  * * * *

  “Damn it, Reese. What were you thinking? Or should I ask what were you thinking with?”

  Blane tracked his hand through his hair. Sometimes he wondered if Reese and he had really come from the same fertilized egg. His brother was more serious yet more apt to go and spontaneously erupt, throwing common sense and well-thought-out plans to the wind. Just like he’d done with Charlie.

  “Back off, bro. It was time to lay our cards on the table.” Reese handed his credit card to Dutch, one of the town’s few fairies and a full-time mechanic, then confirmed that Charlie’s rented truck would be delivered to her doorstep later tonight. “Besides, she’s getting a free repair out of the deal.”

  “Don’t remind me. The rental company should’ve paid for the repairs.”

  “And it would’ve taken twice as long. I don’t care to let her borrow my horse for any longer than she already has.”

  Reese was right about the horse. One of them needed to retrieve him as soon as possible. From what he could remember, the rental home didn’t have a barn or a corral.

  “I thought we agreed to wait and take her together. Seems you not only blew the fact that we know who she is, but you’ve gotten a head start on getting to know her.”

  Reese’s upper lip curled into a smirk. “Don’t worry about my getting to know her. She was cussing my name as she tore out of the house.”

  “Even more reason for me to be the one to pick up the horse. Come on. You can drop me off at the road leading down to the rental house.” He spun on his heel and headed for Reese’s pickup with Reese following behind him.

  “Don’t kiss her ass for me.”

  “I’m sure you’ve already done that, too.”

  “I don’t regret a thing.”

  Blane couldn’t help but smile at that. His brother rarely ever regretted anything he did. Even when he knew it was the wrong thing to do.

  “I’m sure you don’t, but I’d rather not have her thinking we’re both Neanderthals. She’s seen the rough one of the twins. Now I plan on showing her the better, the more romantic twin.”

  “She won’t let you inside.”

  “Don’t bet against me, brother. If I don’t get inside, then we’re going to have a hell of a time getting her to accept us as her mates.”

  “What are you going to tell her?”

  Blane slid into the passenger seat and waited for his brother to get behind the wheel. “About which thing? How we know her name or how long we’ve known she was in town? Or maybe I should explain that our mother dropped you on your head and now you can’t help what you say or do?”

  Reese pulled the pickup into the road then stomped on the gas. “Watch it, man. I’m not in the mood.”

  Blane snorted derisively. “If only you hadn’t been in the mood earlier.” He pointed at the local market. “Stop at the store and let me grab a couple of things. I think I know how to smooth things over with Charlie.”

  Blane was in and out
of the small market in a few minutes, which, in itself, was a small miracle. He usually got tied up by one of the older women in town who queried him with the same questions each time they saw him. When were he and Reese going to give up waiting for their mate to show up and go out hunting for her instead? Although he would’ve loved to tell them that she’d finally arrived—again—he didn’t want to jinx anything.

  He threw his body into the seat and dropped the bag filled with two bottles of the best red wine in Forever—which wasn’t saying much—a loaf of French bread, a bottle of sauce, Parmesan cheese and pasta, all the makings of his favorite dish of spaghetti. He’d taken a lot of flak over the years for his love of cooking, but now it was going to come in handy.

  “Put the pedal to the metal.”

  Reese did as he commanded but added a grumble. “I don’t see why we both can’t talk to her.”

  “Because, my dear brother, I’m going to mend fences with our woman, and I don’t want you around to tear them down again.”

  “What if I swear to keep my trap shut?”

  “Like you could ever keep that promise.” Blane looked out the window. The excitement he’d felt the first time he’d spoken with her ratcheted into higher gear. “You’ve had your alone time with her. Now it’s my turn.”

  “What about the horse?”

  “It’s taken care of. I called Rupert to go and fetch him later tonight.”

  “How are you planning on getting home?”

  Blane tossed his brother an amused look. “When did you turn into the Twenty Questions Man? You let me worry about how I get home. Just make sure Rupert remembers to be quiet when he gets Ripcord. I don’t want anything or anyone to disturb us.”

  Reese continued to complain until he pulled the truck off the road in front of the one-lane gravel driveway that led to the rental house. Blane laughed and slid out of the truck, taking his groceries along with him.

  He took a few long strides down the drive before turning around to see Reese, a scowl blackening his face. But the scowl only added to his enjoyment. “Hey, Reese.”


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