Sweet Temptation

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Sweet Temptation Page 2

by K. C. Lynn

  Cade’s lips twitch, something that is very rare to see, “I’ll get the special with mashed potatoes, instead of baked. And a coke.”

  I nod then flick my gaze back to Sawyer, without looking directly at him. “You?” I ask, annoyed.

  I hear the smile in his voice when he answers, “I’ll get the usual. And, of course, throw in a slice of whatever delicious pie you baked for me today.” I roll my eyes again at his arrogant assumption and walk away.

  Though, the sad truth is, every morning I do think about him for whatever pie I’m makin’ for the day. Because I know he will be eating it. I’ve always been curious what his favorite one is, but, of course, I would never ask.

  Hanging the slip up for Mac, I grab two cups and start filling their drinks. Out of the corner of my eye I see Sawyer get up, and even though I try really hard not to, I find myself watching him as he walks towards the washroom. Damn, the man is one fine piece of ass. It should be illegal to be that good lookin’. Today his messy blonde hair is covered with a black Hurley cap, the longer strands brushing his ears and sides of his face. He’s wearing a black Bench T-shirt that stretches across his broad shoulders and lean muscles. Loose, faded jeans, that sport a few holes on them; they hang low enough on his lean hips that you can spot the edge of his boxer briefs… well I’m assuming boxer briefs, they look like boxer briefs. Oh boy would I like to find out for sure.

  Wait… no I don’t.

  I suddenly snap out of my perverted thoughts when I realize all that hotness has changed directions from the bathroom and is heading towards me. Uh oh! I look all the way up, until my head is craned back and see the biggest, arrogant smile plastered on his sexy face. “See something you like, Cupcake?” he asks in a smoldering voice, while leanin’ on the counter towards me.

  I feel myself turn beet red again. Well now that’s embarrassin’, this is why I try not to ever look directly at him. Rather than answer his stupid question and lie to him, I hand him both his and Cade’s drinks. “Here ya go. You can take these back to your table. Thanks for comin’ to grab them.” He snickers as I quickly walk into the kitchen, pretending to grab something. And even his stupid chuckle is sexy!

  “What is with her? Why do you think she avoids me like the plague?” I ask Cade seriously, as we drive over to Jaxson and Julia’s. I’m feeling frustrated, like always, after leaving the diner. That woman tangles me up and I fucking hate it.

  He shrugs, “Maybe she’s just not into you. You know that’s possible, right?”

  “No it’s not that,” I dismiss his assumption right away. Not that I’m arrogant, well… okay, yeah I am. But I know that isn’t why she avoids me, because I catch her looking at me a lot. Jesus, the way those beautiful, warm amber eyes eat me up like I’m one of those fucking delicious pies she makes, Christ, it makes me want to bend her over, hike up that waitress dress and fuck her until we’re both dying for air.

  “Maybe it’s because you’re always fucking with her. She gets good and pissed about it.”

  I chuckle, “I know, but she’s so fun to rile up.” And it’s true, she is. Besides, I like seeing her all ruffled; it’s better than seeing those beautiful eyes of hers filled with sadness, which I see more often than not.

  The conversation ends when we pull up to Jaxson and Julia’s. Now I get to ruffle someone else’s feathers, I smile to myself as I climb out of the truck. Ah I live for the days to piss Jaxson off. Cade knocks first. After waiting too long for an answer, I knock again, louder. I know they’re home but knowing Jaxson, he probably has his new wife in bed.

  The door flies open to a shirtless, scowling Jaxson. Yup, I was right. “Do you always have to come at the worst fucking time?”

  I smile brightly, “Hello to you too, dickhead. It seems every time is a bad time since you never keep your dick in your pants anymore.” He glares harder as I walk past him.

  Julia peeks her head over from the kitchen as I make my way in. Her hair is all rumpled, like she was just about to be fucked good. Of course though, she’s much more polite than her husband.

  “Oh hey guys, come on in. How are you?” she smiles sweetly. “Hey, Julia,” Cade replies, walking past.

  Of course, my greeting is a little more hands-on. “Well hi, beautiful.” I wrap my arms around her from behind, resting my hands on her slight tummy, and give her a kiss on the cheek. “I have to tell you, Julia, you’re starting to make me have a thing for pregnant women. Who knew they could be so fucking hot?”

  Which isn’t a total lie. She does look even more fucking beautiful; her body is still lean and tight, but she now has a little round belly that somehow makes her look even prettier.

  “Oh, Sawyer,” she giggles and elbows me playfully in the ribs.

  Suddenly I get jerked back by rough hands. “Get the fuck off my wife, asshole, and keep your goddamn hands to yourself.”

  I chuckle as I walk over to take a seat at the kitchen table.

  “Oh, Jax, lighten up, he’s just teasing,” Julia says, trying to calm down her possessive husband.

  “Yeah, Jax, lighten up!”

  Jaxson’s scowl deepens, and I’m pretty sure he’s ready to kick my ass. Really, I only used to rile him up about Julia because he was always being such a fucking idiot when it came to claiming her. Even though he finally married her, I still find myself not being able to stop; he’s just so damn fun to make mad. I’m glad the guy finally pulled his head out of his ass, but I’ll never understand how he can be so fucking possessive. I have yet to feel that way about anyone, especially since I have never actually dated a chick. I prefer to fuck and move on; I enjoy playing the field too much.

  “All right you two- play nice. Are you guys hungry? Can I make you something?”

  “No, we just came from the diner so we’re good. But thanks anyways… beautiful.”

  I dodge Jaxson’s hand when he goes to smack me upside the head. He takes a seat next to me but I move my chair slightly back, knowing he’s trying to get close enough to strike when he can.

  “Oh, you were at the diner. Was Grace working again?” she asks, concerned. She moves to sit next to Jaxson, but he grabs her hips and brings her down on his lap.

  Cade answers her with a nod. She lets out a heavy breath, “Of course she was; I don’t know why I even bothered asking. That girl has been working herself into the ground lately.”

  I noticed that too. “Speaking of Grace,” I pipe up, “what’s with her? Why the hell does it seem she’s always avoiding me?”

  Jaxson smirks, “Because she’s smart.”

  Now I’m the one scowling at him. “I’m serious. I mean, the chick doesn’t even fucking look at me half the time.” At least not when I’m addressing her, but I leave that out.

  Julia starts to look uncomfortable. “Sawyer…” She trails off like she wants to share something, but not sure she should.

  “What? Tell me. Have I offended her in some way, or something? I mean, I know I fuck with her a lot, but I’m only kidding, and she was acting this way with me before I even started that shit.”

  She looks at me seriously, “Can I ask why you want to know? What is it you want with her?”

  Being truthful, I shrug, “Honestly I don’t really know. But it would be nice to at least be fucking friends with her, talk with her.”

  She studies me for a moment then lets out a sigh. “You just have to be patient with her, Sawyer. She’s guarded, she’s been hurt and I have a feeling I only know the half of it. It’s taken her a long time to open up to Kayla and me.”

  I tense at hearing she’s been hurt. “What do you mean, hurt? What kind of hurt are we talking about here?”

  She shifts uncomfortably, “It’s not my story to tell.”

  Jaxson and Cade also look at her now with questions. “Baby, is this something we should know about? Is she in trouble?”

  I hold my breath, waiting for her answer. “Um no, well, at least I don’t think so. Like I said, I only know some of it.”

sp; We all stay quiet and stare at her, not backing down until we get some answers. She realizes it and lets out another breath. “Listen, she lost her mother tragically when she was seventeen.”

  “Shit,” I curse under my breath as soon as the words leave her mouth.

  “And don’t ask me for details, because I’m not sharing them with you, but it was real bad. I have a suspicion that where she was, before coming here, was not a good place. She’s been here for almost two years and just recently started opening up to Kayla and me about all of this.”

  “What about her dad? Where the fuck is he?” I ask a little too harshly.

  She shifts uncomfortably, “Again, that’s not my story to tell.” She narrows her eyes at all of our glares. “And don’t y’all dare try to bully me into telling you, because it isn’t happening. Grace is my friend and trusted me with this. Sawyer, if you want to get to know her then do it, just…”

  “What?” I ask when she trails off.

  “Just whatever it is you want with her, whether it’s friendship or more, I ask you be serious and sure about it. I don’t want either of you to get hurt. You both mean a lot to me.”

  I nod in understanding. I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to fuck the shit out of Grace, because I really do, but I also want to get to know her, especially now. All these unanswered questions aren’t going to cut it for me. So, I will take Julia’s advice: tread carefully and get to know her first, then I’ll go from there.

  “Honey, don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m sending you home.” I look over in shock at Mac. “What? Why?”

  “Because you have been here for ten hours, Grace, and you worked twelve yesterday. You look ready to fall over. You need to go home and get some sleep. Ruby’s coming in; she’ll be fine on her own for a couple hours, now that the supper rush is over.”

  “I’m all right, Mac. Really…”

  He shakes his head and puts his hand on my shoulder. “This ain’t up for debate darlin’. Go home, get some sleep and come back refreshed for tomorrow. I appreciate all your help, Grace; you know I do. Hopefully, I’ll be able to find someone soon that will actually stick around and help us both out.”

  “All right,” I agree quietly, “but just know I don’t mind all the hours, Mac. I need the money.”

  He narrows his gaze, “Oh, and what exactly are you needing it for?”

  I shift nervously. “I’ve been thinkin’ about trying to take some online courses for school. I haven’t decided exactly what yet, maybe business or somethin’,” I shrug, “but even online it costs a lot.”

  “Well,” he starts cautiously, “how much are we talking about? Maybe I can help…”

  “No!” I put my hand up, stopping him right there, “you have already done too much for me. I will not accept anythin’ more.”

  He scowls at my quick rejection. I walk closer and wrap my arms around the big lug, not wanting to hurt his feelings. “Mac, I love and appreciate everything you have done for me. Besides my mother, you have done more for me than anyone else in my life. Please don’t be offended, and understand that I can’t accept anymore from you.”

  He lets out a frustrated breath and hugs me tight… a little too tight that I find it hard to breathe. “Fine, you stubborn-ass girl, I’ll drop it for now. But you are going home, Grace, and I want you to get some sleep. That’s an order!”

  Easier said than done, but I don’t say that out loud. Instead I stand back and give him a salute, “Yes, sir.”

  His lips twitch as he nods, “All right, get outta here, I’ll see you tomorrow, darlin’.”

  “Bye.” I reach up and give him a quick kiss on the cheek, then go grab my purse and jacket from the back. Before I head out to the front I open the back door and look around for the sweet, timid, chocolate Labrador that’s been comin’ around lately. Normally anytime he spots me, he runs off, scared spit-less, which breaks my heart. I’ve tried coaxing him to come closer, have tried reassuring him, but he doesn’t trust me yet; which is something I can understand. Lately I leave leftover scraps for him, in a styrofoam take-out container, and hope he’s been the one eating it.

  Sure enough, as soon as I set down the container, I hear some clickin’ against the pavement. Looking up, I see the sweet, but homely lookin’ dog, walking slowly and unsurely towards me. With my heart in my throat I stay completely still, not wanting to spook him.

  “Hi, sweetheart, are ya hungry? Come on, it’s all right, I won’t hurt ya.” I keep my tone soft and gentle.

  The dog stops and tilts his head, as if assessing whether it’s a trap.

  Oh poor baby. Who hurt you?

  He must see something he likes because he continues slowly towards me. Once reaching me, he sits down and starts chowin’ down.

  I raise my hand ever so slowly; the dog stays still and braces itself, not knowing if the touch will be gentle. Laying my hand on the side of his neck, I pet softly, “There ya go, see I won’t hurt you.” I keep my strokes soft and gentle through it’s matted hair. “What’s wrong, baby, don’t ya have a family?” The dog whines, as if answering my question. “Well don’t feel bad, families are over-rated anyways. And they’re just big fat dummies if they don’t love somethin’ as special as you.”

  A chuckle erupts behind me that has me jumpin’ in fear, and smackin’ my head against the door, causing me to fall flat on my butt. The dog yelps and runs off.

  “Shit! Grace, are you all right?” A concerned pair of intense green eyes suddenly comes into view as Sawyer kneels down in front of me.

  “Sawyer? What the heck are ya doin’ sneakin’ up on me?”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. Mac told me I could find you back here. I didn’t want to intrude on your conversation with your new friend there,” his lips twitch as he bites back a smile.

  “Well thanks a lot for scarin’ him off. Do you know how long it’s taken me to even get that close to the poor thing?”

  He loses his smirk. “I’m sorry, really. I didn’t mean to frighten you, or the dog. Is your head all right?”

  I soften from the sincere concern that’s etched on his face. “Yeah, I’m all right. What the heck you doin’ back here anyways? Don’t ya ever get tired of eatin’ out?”

  He chuckles, “I’m not here to eat, I’m here to see you.”

  “Me?” I ask in confusion.

  “Yes, you. I thought I would see what time you were off work, and offer you a ride home. Looks like I came at the right time, Mac told me he was sending you home.”

  I narrow my eyes at him, “You want to give me a ride home?”


  “Why?” I ask suspiciously.

  He looks taken aback, “What do you mean, why? Why not?”

  Hmmmm, what’s he up to?

  As I struggle to stand he gets up quickly and extends his hand for me to take. I look at it for a second before accepting. His huge hand engulfs my small one, sending a tingle up my arm to spread across every inch of my body. Including the spot between my legs.

  Good lord I’m pathetic.

  “Well thank you very much for the offer, but I like walkin’.” And if I am around you for too long I could end up jumping your sexy ass.

  He shrugs at my refusal. “All right, I’ll walk with you then.”

  That stops me cold. I turn and scrutinize him, “You don’t have to do that, Sawyer. I can manage on my own just fine; I do it all the time.”

  “I know you can.”

  Staying silent, I continue to stare at him, trying to figure out what he’s up to. He swears under his breath, “Listen, Grace, I just want to talk. I thought we could get to know each other better, since our good friends are married, all right.”

  Oh! Well that’s awful nice. I feel bad now for bein’ so suspicious. “All right, if you really want to.”

  He smiles, but it’s not his usual arrogant one, it’s a genuine one, and boy is it lethal. “I really do.”

  “Okay, come on then, we’ll
head out through the front.”

  My body hums with awareness as he trails closely behind me. Lord, this is going to be a long walk home.

  “See ya tomorrow, Mac,” I wave as we walk past him.

  “Bye, darlin’, and remember what I said… sleep, young lady!”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I grumble.

  As soon as we get outside, I bundle my jacket up from the slight chill that’s in the air. Heading into November now, you can feel the crisp coolness in the night air tellin’ you winter is on the horizon.

  “What did Mac mean about you getting sleep?” Sawyer asks curiously, as he strolls up beside me. I notice him slow his long stride, since his one step is like ten of mine.

  I wave, unconcerned, at his question. “He’s just bein’ a mother hen. He thinks I work too much and don’t sleep enough.”

  He grunts, “You do work too much.”

  “Yeah well, Mac needs the help and I need the money.”

  “And sleep?” he asks again.

  I shrug, “Sleep hasn’t come easy for me in a long time.”

  I feel him stare at me with questions, but before he can ask any I change the subject, “Aren’t you cold? Where’s your jacket?” I point to the same T-shirt I saw him in earlier today.

  He chuckles, “Cupcake, this is not cold for me. I grew up in Denver, Colorado, you haven’t seen cold till you experience a winter there.”

  I find myself intrigued at this tidbit of information. “You grew up in Denver?”

  “Yup, born and raised.”

  “I’ve always wanted to experience snow.”

  Sawyer grunts again, “Believe me, it gets old fast. It’s fucking colder than shit, a pain in the ass to shovel and it fucking sucks to drive in…” he trails off and I feel him watch me. I don’t look over because, well… I don’t want to embarrass myself like always.

  “What about you? Where are you from?”

  “Florida,” I respond quietly. It still hurts to say the words of the place where I lost everything that mattered to me.

  “Did you like it there?”


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