Sweet Temptation

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Sweet Temptation Page 12

by K. C. Lynn

  Guilt strikes deep at seeing the pain in her eyes, and anger pumps through my blood for hearing how awful that bitch has been to her. Then I had to go and fucking add to it.

  When she tries looking away again, I hold her in place and rest my forehead against hers. “I need you to hear me, Grace. She means absolutely nothing to me. I can’t fucking stand the bitch. I know I fucked up with her, and I regret it more than you will ever goddamn know. If you could have heard our conversation then you would know that. What we exchanged when you saw us wasn’t fucking pleasant.”

  I stare into her warm, uncertain eyes, and will her to see the truth. After a minute, when she doesn’t say anything, I reach up and cup the side of her soft cheek and gently run my nose across the side of her face, until my mouth brushes her ear. “Tell me you hear me, baby. I need you to believe me, Grace.”

  She lets out a tiny sigh, “I believe you, Sawyer.”

  I trail my lips back across the side of her face, not kissing, just tracing her smooth cheek until my forehead rests on hers again. I look into her heavy-lidded gaze, knowing that if I made my move on her now she wouldn’t turn me away. And fuck do I want to, I fucking ache for her like I have never ached for another. But I want her to fully trust me first; I can’t fuck this up.

  “What are you doing up? Other than playing charades with yourself.”

  She giggles and turns red again. “I couldn’t sleep, so I thought I would get an early start on the pies for the diner.”

  “You need to sleep, Grace.”

  “I know, but this is what always happens to me. There was a time where I trained my body to wake every so often, to make sure I wouldn’t be caught off guard. And I can’t seem to get off that schedule.”

  The fear that fills those pretty fucking eyes as she says this sends a dangerous violence pumping through me. “Tell me!” I growl out. She licks her lips and I feel her start to shake.

  She shakes her head, “I’m sorry, Sawyer. But I just can’t talk about it, at least not right now.”

  I can tell she’s not going to open up to me about that part of her life yet. Leaning in, I kiss her cheek. “I’ll leave it alone for now, but know we are going to talk about this eventually, Grace, and you’re going to tell me what the fuck happened.”

  She stares at me, saying nothing. I decide this is enough heavy shit for one night. “All right if you’re not going to go back to bed then can I help you?”

  Her eyes widen in shock, “You want to help me make a pie?”

  I shrug, “Sure, why not?” I’m willing to do pretty much fucking anything just to be around her. And okay… really, I have no intentions of helping; I just plan to eat as she makes it. But she doesn’t need to know that.

  She gives a small smile, “All right come on.”

  Getting up she grabs the ice cream and throws it back in the freezer. Her cheeks turn pink again. “Uh, we will make a different pie now.”

  I smirk, “I think that’s a good idea, baby. That bitch doesn’t deserve her own pie.”

  She giggles, “I originally intended to just do a lemon meringue and apple pie so let’s just stick with that. Can you grab me the lemons from the fridge please?”

  I walk over and open the fridge. “Which ones do you want: green or yellow?”

  When she doesn’t answer I look over to see her smiling at me in amusement. “Yellow. The green ones are limes,” she replies, holding back a laugh.

  Well how the hell am I supposed to know that? I don’t know this shit. The only thing I can manage making is a fucking sandwich.

  I hand her the yellow ones then go see what she has in one of the mixing bowls. It looks fucking good whatever it is, like whip cream or something. I stick my finger in…

  She gasps and slaps me, “Sawyer, you can’t do that!”

  “Why?” I ask, then stick the finger in my mouth, “Oh fuck that’s good.”

  “It’s unsanitary. I can’t serve that at a restaurant. Now I have to make a whole new bowl.”

  I shrug, “No one will know.”

  “Oh my god, I can’t believe you just said that.” She laughs and pulls out another bowl to remake the shit.

  Whatever. Leaning over I see what’s in the other bowl. This shit looks fucking good too. I grab an apple slice that’s coated in some sort of gooey shit.

  “SAWYER!” Grace slaps me again. “Ugh! Go sit, now!” she points at the kitchen table.

  I chuckle at her pissed-off face and do as she asks. Fine, I’ll just watch her while she makes the shit, then I can stare at her tight sexy ass.

  She throws the bowls down in front of me. “Here, you may as well finish them now, since I have to make new ones.”

  “Well thanks, Cupcake.” She shakes her head, but I don’t miss the twitch of her lips.

  So for the rest of the night I watch her work. We talk, I make her laugh, which is starting to become my favorite fucking thing to do in the world, and it’s then I realize I’m in very serious shit when it comes to this girl. Because doing something so simple with her, ends up being one of the best nights of my life.

  The next morning we walk into the diner so Grace can drop off her pies.

  “Have a seat and I’ll get you some coffee,” she says before disappearing into the back. I walk over and sit at the end of the counter so I’m out of the way. She comes back out a minute later, bringing me a cup of coffee with two sugars and two creams, just the way I like.

  I smile smugly, “Thanks, Cupcake. Nice to know you’ve been paying such close attention to me.”

  She rolls her eyes, “In your dreams, Evans.” Man, if she only fucking knew what she does in my dreams… “Hang tight. I’m just gonna help Mac get goin’ till Ruby gets here. She’s running a few minutes late.” I nod and try to tamp down my semi- erect cock, from thinking about what she does to me in my dreams. Or what I do to her… oh fuck!

  I watch her walk to the other end of the counter, and can’t help but stare at her sexy ass that’s covered by tight black leggings like second skin. She’s wearing those fucking socks of hers over top, but a different color. These ones are burgundy. I’m pretty sure she owns every color of the goddamn things and they’re just as hot over clothes as they are without… well, okay, maybe not without. Her black, off the shoulder shirt makes me want to kiss and taste the smooth golden skin that’s on display. Her long blonde hair is down and wavy, just the way I like it…

  The bell jingles over the door, pulling me from my thoughts. “Well I can tell today is already going to be a great day. It feels like forever since I’ve seen my favorite waitress.”

  My head snaps to the door to see some preppy dickhead walking over to the counter. He leans over, getting much too fucking close to my Cupcake.

  “Oh hi, Blake,” Grace gives the guy a shy smile, her cheeks turning pink.

  Who the fuck is this jackass?

  I don’t know what this feeling is hitting me right now, but whatever the hell it is, I don’t fucking like it. And I definitely don’t like this fucking pretty boy.

  He says something I can’t hear, making her giggle. Oh I don’t fucking think so. Getting up, I start walking over.

  “I’ve only been gone two days,” Grace says, still giggling.

  “Well it’s two days too long for me to not see your sweet face,” he replies, winking at her.

  This motherfucker is about to get his ass knocked out. I walk right up to them and lean on the counter, looking relaxed. I don’t take my eyes off the douche bag.

  When he looks over at me his smile fades.

  Grace clears her throat, “Uh, Sawyer, this is Blake Carson, he’s a doctor at the hospital here. Blake, this is my friend, Sawyer.”


  Doctor dick nods, “Hey.”

  I nod, but don’t say hi back.

  “Anyways,” Grace says, breaking the silence, “I’m not gonna be around the diner much for a little while. I’m taking a personal leave, but I’ll hopefully be back soon.”

>   Douche frowns, “Everything all right, Grace?”

  “Everything is fine,” I answer, cutting in before Grace can.

  The guy turns to me, “I don’t recognize you. Are you from around here?”

  I’ll show this nosy fucker where I’m from…

  “Sawyer is a friend of Jaxson’s from the Navy. He just moved here not long ago,” she breaks in nervously, looking back and forth between Doctor dick and I.

  He grunts, “I should have known.”

  I stand up straighter, “What the fuck does that mean, asshole?”

  “Sawyer!” Grace scolds under her breath.

  Instead of answering me, the asshole turns around and faces Grace again. Then the ballsy motherfucker grabs her hand. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  Okay, that’s fucking it!

  I rip Grace’s hand out from under his. “She’s fucking fine. Now if you don’t want to lose that fucking hand of yours I suggest you keep it to yourself.”

  “Sawyer, stop it!” she scolds again, “I’m sorry, Blake, he’s normally not this rude.”

  Rude? If she thinks this is fucking rude she hasn’t seen anything yet.

  The prick shakes his head, “Like I tell Julia, don’t apologize. I hope everything works out for you, Grace. I’ll see you around.” Then the asshole walks out empty- handed.

  Ha! He didn’t even get his coffee; serves the fucker right.

  Grace turns to me, pissed off. “What the hell is the matter with you?”

  “Me? What the fuck did I do?” I ask incredulously.

  She’s blaming me for this?

  “Yes, you! Why…”

  Before she can finish, Ruby walks in. She comes to an abrupt halt, noticing our tension. “Oh hey, guys. Everything all right?”

  “Yup, everything is fucking great,” I answer, trying to sound happy.

  Grace shakes her head, glaring at me. “Whatever, let’s go.” She grabs her purse. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Rubes,” she says before hauling her sexy, pissed-off ass out the door.

  I keep my smile in place for Ruby then follow her out. When we get into the truck and pull away, she starts at me again, “Why were you so rude to him?”

  I grunt, “The guy is a fucking tool!”

  She looks at me appalled, “Sawyer, you don’t even know him. He is actually a very nice guy.”

  “Oh yeah, he’s fucking nice all right, because he wants in your fucking panties.”

  “Oh my gosh. No he doesn’t.”

  “Oh come on, Grace, you are not that fucking naive… ‘There’s my favorite waitress… two days too long to see your sweet face’,” I mimic the prick.

  She starts laughing. I glare over at her, pissed off, finding none of this funny.

  “So he’s a flirt, so what? He’s like that with everyone. You of all people should understand that.”

  Oh she is not going to pull that shit. “We are not talking about me. We are talking about Doctor fucking sissy… And what the fuck was with ‘this is my friend’ bullshit?”

  Just thinking about that jacks up my anger another notch.

  She looks at me like I’ve lost my damn mind. “How was I supposed to introduce you?”

  Well… I don’t fucking know, but not like that. Fuck! I keep quiet when I can’t think of anything to say.

  “I don’t see why you care anyways,” she mumbles now.

  I look over and point my finger at her, “Don’t ask me why the fuck I care. You know why.”

  She stares at me for another minute, “It doesn’t feel nice, does it, Sawyer?” No, it fucking doesn’t. “Imagine if you heard him screwing my brains out.”

  My stomach twists with dread. Just thinking about it makes me want to find pretty boy and fucking strangle him.

  Well fuck!

  I look over at her, to see her looking smug, which only pisses me off more. “I told you, we are not talking about me!”

  “Of course not!” She turns around and ignores me the rest of the way home.

  Well fine!

  When we pull up to the house I’m surprised to see Julia and Jaxson waiting in their truck.

  “What are they doing here?”

  “Julia is picking up a dress she lent to me,” she grumbles.

  They get out the same time we do. “Hey, Grace, is everything okay?” Julia asks concerned, as we walk up the front steps.

  “I’m fine. Sawyer is just bein’ an idiot.”

  Jaxson chuckles, “That sounds typical. What did he do now?” I glare over at him. “He was incredibly rude to Blake this morning at the diner.”

  Jaxson tenses, “So what, that guy is a fucking tool!”

  “Ha! See, that’s what I fucking said.”

  Julia shakes her head, “Jaxson, he is not. You don’t even know him.”

  “I know enough, the guy needs to keep his goddamn hands to himself.”

  “Jesus, again that’s exactly what I fucking said too.” I get all riled up again hearing Jaxson talk about it. “I mean you should have seen the prick,” I tell him the story while mimicking the fucking douche, which makes the girls laugh.

  Seriously? What’s so funny about this shit?

  Jaxson gets worked up now, just as much as me. “Yup, I fucking believe it. And I mean what kind of bedside manner is that for a doctor to have? He should be fucking reported.”

  “Good fucking idea!”

  The girls gape at us and then burst into a fit of laughter. “You guys are ridiculous. Come on, Julia, I’ll get you your dress. We are not gonna waste time arguin’ about something so insane.”

  The girls continue laughing all the way to Grace’s room, leaving Jaxson and I even more pissed off.

  Later that night I’m in the living room, watching a movie. I hear Grace moving around in the kitchen, and it takes everything in me not to go to her. We have been doing our own thing around the house today, pretty much ignoring each other, and I miss hanging out with her. But I’m still annoyed about Doctor sissy, and my ego is too big to apologize first.

  So I’m surprised when she walks in holding a slice of pie. “Are you done pouting?” she asks with a smirk.

  I glare at her, “I don’t fucking pout.”

  She chuckles, “Yes you do, but that’s okay,” she walks closer to me, “I brought a peace offerin’…” she waves the plate in front of me. Looking all cute and fucking sexy.

  I look at the delicious pie that may just pull me out of my shitty mood. Well seeing her holding the pie helps too. Shit, I wish she were holding it naked, which would be a better peace offering.

  “What kind is it?” I ask, not wanting to give in too easily. I know I’m being an asshole.

  “I thought I would take your advice and call it Jealousy Pie.” I glare at her when she laughs, “All right, I’m kiddin’, it’s Coconut Cream.”

  Shit that does sound good. “Okay, apology accepted,” I smirk taking the pie.

  She rolls her eyes, “I said it was a peace offerin’ not an apology. I’m not apologizin’ for you being ridiculous.” She lays down on the floor in front of the TV and curls herself around the dog. “How’s my baby?” she coos, making fucking kissy noises.

  Lucky little bastard.

  I take a bite of the pie and want to fucking groan over how good it is. By the time I finish, well okay, inhale it, I’m in a much better mood, and I want her curled up next to me, not the dog. I’ve decided I need to start moving a little bit quicker with her, since she is not getting the fact that she’s mine.

  “What are ya watchin’?” she asks, staring at the TV.

  “Paranormal Activity.” It was the only thing on.

  “What’s it about?”

  “It’s a horror movie. You might get scared, so you better come sit up here with me.”

  She scoffs, “I don’t get scared of horror movies. I think they’re silly. Besides Chuckie will save me… won’t you, boy?” she says, kissing the dog’s face.

  I’ve never wished to be a do
g so fucking badly in my life.

  We watch most of the movie together, me on the couch and Grace on the floor with the dog half on her lap. I’ve caught her jump a few times, and now she’s staring at the screen as if that fucking demon is going to come out of it.

  “Oh my god, he’s inside her, ain’t he? Oh no, that boyfriend is in big trouble.”

  She’s been making comments like this throughout the whole movie. It’s a goddamn good thing I find her so damn cute, or else I’d never watch a fucking movie with her again.

  “Oh no, buddy, don’t go down there.”

  Knowing what’s about to happen I get on the floor and silently come up behind her. As soon as the chick throws the guy at the camera, I grab her hips.

  “AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!” She jumps so high I swear she almost hit the fucking roof. The dog barks and runs out of the room, well as fast as it can on a broken leg.

  “Sawyer, you asshole!” Grace starts punching and hitting me. I block her tiny blows while laughing my ass off. “What the hell is wrong with you? You could give someone a heart attack doin’ that… Ugh!” she gets up angrily.

  “Oh come on, it was a joke, ‘Ms. I think horror movies are silly not scary’,” I laugh harder when she tries to kick me before walking away.

  She stops when she reaches the hallway and glares at me with her hands on her hips. “I ain’t scared of horror movies. Anyone would have jumped when someone does that to them, including you, ya jackass,” then she stomps off to her room.

  Fuck she’s cute when she’s mad. When I finally get control of my laughter, I lock up and head to bed.

  “Goodnight, Cupcake,” I yell, walking past her room.

  “Shut up!”

  I chuckle. Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have done that, but she is so damn fun to ruffle sometimes. After brushing my teeth, I strip down to my underwear and get into bed. With my hands behind my head I start thinking about the sexy chick that’s across the hall, like I do every night, and my cock turns rock-hard. Christ, I’m not sure how much longer I can keep my dick in my pants being around her like this. I’ve whacked-off more in the last few weeks then I probably have my whole life.

  My thoughts come to a halt when I hear Grace shuffling around in her room. “What was that?” I hear her whisper to what I’m assuming is the dog.


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