Sweet Temptation

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Sweet Temptation Page 15

by K. C. Lynn

  I squint at him confused, “Why would that matter?”

  “Because the thought of someone else touching you drives me fucking insane, and if it turns out that you see the son of a bitch often the poor bastard might find himself with some serious injuries.”

  “Really? That’s a strange feeling, for the biggest man-whore known to mankind, to have.” Although I’m not going to lie, I kind of like how possessive he feels over me.

  “That was my old ways, baby, I’m a new man now.”

  I roll my eyes again, shakin’ my head. “Well, for your information, no he doesn’t live here.” Thank god! I clear my throat. “I dated him at the time everything happened. He moved to Charlotte shortly after,” I admit quietly.

  “Is he a fucking douche bag? Do I need to go kick his ass?”

  I smile, “He’s definitely a douche bag, but no, you don’t need to kick his ass. Long story short, the last time we were together his roommate walked in and tried to join, it was their plan from the beginning.” I shake my head, “I never thought he would do something like that. I thought I could trust him, but turns out I couldn’t. I don’t think I ever knew him.”

  That hurt the most. Adam knowing me so well, and knowing everything I was going through with my mom. Knew I hated being with my uncle, yet he still did that to me.

  “I think you’re wrong, I think I should kick the fucking loser’s ass.”

  I’m about to respond when my phone dings with a text. Leaning over, I grab it off the nightstand and see it’s from Mac.

  Mac: Night, darlin’. Just wanted to let you know I’m thinking about you. I’ll see you in the morning.

  My heart swells with emotion. Mac has been sending these sweet texts lately; I think the big lug misses seeing me so much around the diner. I send him a quick reply, tellin’ him I love him and I’ll see him in the morning.

  “Who was it?” Sawyer asks, being all nosy.

  “My boyfriend. He’s comin’ over so you better leave before he gets here.” I try to keep a straight face but I laugh the whole time. Sawyer stares at me unamused. “I’m just teasin’, it was Mac.”

  He grunts, “I know you are. You’re a terrible liar, baby.”

  Still laughin’, I give him a quick peck on his sexy lips. The small action has fire igniting in his green eyes.

  “Why are you still in your clothes and on top of the blankets?”

  “It’s for the best right now, trust me.”

  Glancing down, I see he still has a giant erection. I lick my lips to wet my sudden dry mouth. He lets out a pained groan and closes his eyes. Bringing my hand to his hard stomach I try putting it under his shirt, but he grabs my wrist so fast it startles me.

  “No, Cupcake. If you put your hands anywhere near me right now I will come in my fucking pants.”

  I open my mouth to argue but he shakes his head. “I meant what I said, Grace, tonight was just for you.” Bringing me closer, he leans in and kisses my forehead, “Sleep, baby.”

  I curl into his hard chest and breathe in his delicious scent, letting peace, safety and another emotion I’m a little scared to name wash over me.

  Although I’m relaxed twenty minutes later I find myself still awake, thinking about tonight’s events. Sawyer has been still the whole time. His breathing became deep and even a few minutes ago. I look up to see his eyes closed and his face soft with sleep. Lord, the man is beautiful.

  Reaching down, I grab my phone that is between us and send a group text to Kayla and Julia.

  Me: Well girls, it finally happened… *blush*

  J: OMG! No way! Yay!


  Me: NO! Uh… he just gave me one… two, actually. ;)

  K: WHOO HOO! That-a-boy Sawyer! See, I told you that cocky mouth of his would provide useful. Wait… he used his mouth right?

  J: LOL! ?

  I snicker quietly.

  Me: Yes! *Blushing again*

  “Don’t forget to tell them I used my fingers too.”

  I yelp and throw my phone across the bed when I realize Sawyer is awake.

  “Oh-My-God,” I groan, coverin’ my face. He laughs at my embarrassment. “What the hell are you doin’ awake? I saw you sleepin’!” I mumble into my hands.

  Chuckling, he pulls me in close, and shoves his sexy face into my neck. “No, baby, just resting. But I have to say I’m glad I wasn’t. I can’t wait until you tell them about my huge dick when the time comes.”

  I groan again which makes him laugh harder. He lies back down on his side and pulls me back against his body. When I curl back in to him, his erection hits my behind and I can’t help the little whimper that escapes. Now it’s his turn to groan: “Stop that shit and sleep!”

  I don’t know how I managed, but soon I had drifted off in his arms.

  “Oh my gosh Sawyer, ain’t this so darn excitin’?” Grace squeals as we walk onto the plane.

  I smile over at her, “Yeah, baby, really exciting.”

  Actually, I don’t find any of it exciting. I’ve flown a thousand times before, and although I’m looking forward to seeing my family I’m not looking forward to the fucking cold weather. But I can’t deny that watching my Cupcake burst at the fucking seams over something so small makes me pretty damn happy. I watch her look around in wonder, as if she’s in a fucking spaceship headed to the moon and not an airplane. She doesn’t even watch where she’s going and almost bulldozes people down in her path. Grabbing her arm, I pull her back when she walks past our aisle. “These are our seats, Cupcake.”

  “Oh sorry,” she smiles embarrassingly.

  Chuckling, I lean down and press a quick, hard kiss to her cute, sexy mouth. I keep it brief, because I’ve been bordering on the edge with my control since the night I got to feel and taste her sweet pussy. Some major hot tension has been surrounding us since then, and I’m getting to the point where I’m not going to be able to hold back any longer.

  Jesus, when I think of the way she tasted and came apart for me… Oh christ, I’m getting hard now.

  “Can I sit by the window or do you want to?”

  Grace’s question breaks me out of my perverted thoughts.

  Get a hold of yourself, Evans!

  “You can sit there, Cupcake; I prefer the aisle for the leg room.”

  “Thanks,” she replies with another big-ass smile. You would think I just gave her fucking diamonds or some shit.

  My eyes draw to her tight fuckable ass as she moves into the seat. She looks so goddamn good today, well okay, every day, but especially today.

  I told her to dress comfortable, which she did by wearing yoga pants that mold to her lean legs and perfect ass. Her hair is up in some high messy shit on her head that looks sexy as hell. A thin, dark purple, long-sleeve sweater-type thing hangs off her one shoulder. It shows off golden, smooth, flawless skin. Skin that I want to lick and taste… Fuck!

  I adjust my hard cock inconspicuously. Grace beams at me and bounces in her seat with excitement, having no clue what’s going on in my head right now. I take the seat beside her and stow our carry-on under the seat in front of me. Yeah, our carry-on. I feel like a fucking pussy that I’m happy as fuck just for sharing luggage with her. But that’s what this chick does to me, makes me feel shit I have never felt before.

  And my mom knows it too. She was shocked as hell, but damn excited, when I told her I was bringing Grace. I didn’t tell her much about the situation but she knew right away that I cared about her, especially since I have never brought a girl home.

  Looking over, I watch Grace as she rummages through and checks everything out. She looks out the window, plays with her TV and then opens the flaps at the back of the seat in front of her and looks through all the pamphlets.

  The captain comes on, telling us to buckle our seat belts and watch the safety video. Grace quickly follows the instructions. She stares transfixed on the video that no one ever pays attention to, and I watch her face quickly transform f
rom excitement to fear as she watches the instructions in case there is an emergency.

  “Everything okay, Cupcake?”

  She looks at me, wide-eyed, and nods. I see her swallow nervously and then tighten her seatbelt.

  I smirk, “Don’t worry. It’s safer to fly than it is to drive. Everything will be fine.”

  I rest my hand on her thigh then shift in my seat, trying to get as comfortable as I can. These fucking things are not made for guys that are six foot four.

  The plane slowly starts its way down the airstrip. Grace turns and watches out the window. Once we’re in position the plane rolls forward before the pilot punches the gas and picks up speed for take off. When the wheels come up, transitioning from ground to air, we hit turbulence, which sends Grace right over the fucking edge.

  She gasps and slams her hand into my chest, digging her nails in me… Is it fucked that I get hard from that?

  Her face pales in fear. “Oh god, oh god, oh god.”

  “Baby, it’s okay. This is normal.”

  I move so I can get closer to her, but her grip tightens. “Don’t move, Sawyer. I’m serious, don’t move, you’re big you might mess somethin’ up.”

  I chuckle, “Grace, really it’s fine.” Pulling her hand away from my chest I lean in and graze my lips down her slender throat. I kiss, lick and suck at her delicate skin. She relaxes instantly, letting out a seductive fucking whimper that has my cock hardening painfully.

  Shit! I meant to calm her down, which I did, but now I’m all fucking worked up too. “You okay now, Cupcake?” I whisper in her ear then gently suck her earlobe.

  She moans then shivers, “I will be if you keep doin’ that.”

  I chuckle but it quickly turns into a groan. Yeah this shit can’t wait anymore. It’s one of the reasons I begged my sister to move into the main house and let Grace and I have the guesthouse. Because her sexy ass is mine this weekend, every beautiful fucking inch of it.

  Anxiety and excitement rush through my system as we drive away from the airport in the massive SUV Sawyer just rented. I take in the beautiful Rocky Mountains that have snow on the very peaks but am disappointed there’s none on the ground. But I’m keepin’ my fingers crossed because Sawyer says there’s a good chance it will snow this weekend. It’s cold enough, that’s for sure, I think, zipping up my jacket higher.

  “How far is your parent’s place from here?”

  “Around forty five-minutes. I’m actually from a small town just outside of Denver; I grew up in the country.”

  I smile over at him, “You’re a country boy, Evans? I would have never guessed that. Do you own a cowboy hat too?” I ask, snickerin’.

  Sawyer grunts unamused, “Not that kind of country, baby. You’ll see.” My curiosity peaks at that.

  “All right tell me again about your family?” I’ve never been more nervous to meet people in all my life.

  “Well my dad owns his own construction company and my mom does a shit-load of charity work. My youngest sister, Sam, graduates this year (with honors actually) and my middle sister, Jesse, is your age- she’s in the fashion industry. She makes clothes and shit, even has her own store.” You can tell he’s proud of them all.

  “They seem real great, Sawyer. I sure hope they like me,” I say nervously, looking out the window again.

  I turn back to him when he takes my hand and laces his fingers with mine. “They’re going to love you, baby, just like everyone does when they meet you. And if they don’t I’ll kick their ass.”

  Chuckling, I roll my eyes, “You can’t kick someone’s ass for not liking me, Sawyer.”

  “The hell I can’t. I’ll kick anyone’s ass who hurts my Cupcake’s feelings.”

  I laugh again at the ridiculous statement but I can’t deny the little flip in my tummy. I really like it when he says things like that. I haven’t had someone care about my feelins’ in a long time and it feels really good.

  I watch him now, finding it sexy the way his big, lean body fills the massive SUV. Where my seat is all the way pushed forward, his is all the way back to accommodate his long legs. He’s wearing black track pants that look hot as hell on him. I take in his winter Puma coat and realize it’s the first time I’ve seen him wear a jacket. His dirty blonde hair wisps out the side of his black Hurley hat and makes my fingers itch to run through it.

  Leaning over I rip his hat off. “Hey! What the hell are you doing, woman?”

  Giggling, I crawl over to him and wrap one arm around his neck and the other hand in his silky, messy strands. I keep my arm out of his vision so I don’t disrupt his drivin’. His delicious masculine scent penetrates my senses as I plant a big, loud smooch on his sexy face. I drag my nose along his cheek till my mouth hits his ear,

  “Thank you for bringin’ me with you, Sexy Sawyer.” After I whisper the words I give a little nip to his ear like he always does to mine.

  A low growl rumbles from his throat and the sound of it hits me right between the legs. He reaches one of his big hands over and cups my ass. “Baby, you better get the fuck back over in that seat of yours before I pull this bitch over and fuck you right here on the side of the road for all the traffic to see.” I laugh at the strain in his voice, loving that I affect him like this. He growls again but this one sounds a little more dangerous. “I’m fucking serious, Grace, my restraint is about to fucking snap.”


  “All right I was just teasin’, ya grump.” I give him one more loud smooch on the cheek then put his hat back in place.

  He grunts, “There’s nothing funny about how hard you make my dick, Cupcake.” Then he reaches over and laces his fingers with mine again. “But, Grace,” I look up at him, “I’m glad you came too, baby.” Then he brings my hand to his mouth and presses a kiss to the inside of my wrist. His words, mixed in with the small gesture, completely warms my heart.

  “And I’ve got big plans for that beautiful ass of yours this weekend.”

  I roll my eyes, “You just had to ruin a perfect romantic moment with your big mouth, Evans, didn’t ya?”

  “I use my mouth best, baby, you know that,” he says winking at me.

  Sexy bugger!

  I’d be lyin’ if I said I didn’t want to know what these plans of his are. Major sexual tension has been consuming the both of us since the other night, and I’m more than ready to take us to the next step. We haven’t talked about making anything between us official but I’ve come to care very deeply for Sawyer, more than I have ever cared about another guy before. Although the feeling scares me a little I’m not going to let my fear get in the way. I’m just going to take in stride what he has to offer me, because I have a feelin’ I will never care about someone else the way I do him.

  We ride in comfortable silence the rest of the way, my heart feeling lighter. Confusion fills me when we pull up to a huge rod-iron gate, but anxiety quickly replaces it when Sawyer leans over and punches in some numbers.

  “Uh, Sawyer, where are we?”

  The automatic gate opens and Sawyer looks over at me with an expression that spikes my anxiety higher, “My parent’s place.”

  He begins to drive down a long winding driveway. One that you would see in the movies, leading us to the biggest, most beautiful house I have ever seen. No, not house, mansion.

  “You’re rich!” I shout, looking over at him incredulously, “why didn’t you tell me this?”

  He narrows his eyes, “Because it’s not a big fucking deal, that’s why.”

  Is he crazy?

  “It’s just money, Grace.”

  Ha! Easy for him to say.

  I look back at the ginormous house. Oh gosh, this is going to be a total disaster. There is no way I’m going to fit in here. I swallow thickly and look down at my clothes.

  “Don’t fucking start that shit!” he growls out.

  My gaze snaps to his pissed off one and I feel my own anger spike, “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me. That you let me find out this way!�

  “Because I knew you would make a big fucking deal about it.”

  “I don’t fit in here, Sawyer!” my voice cracks with hurt and frustration. “Fuck that! You belong wherever I do.”

  I turn my face away and swipe angrily at the tear that escapes. He blows out a frustrated breath, “Come on, baby, don’t cry.” Leaning over, he grabs me and hauls me over to his lap so I’m straddling him in the driver’s seat. He cups my face, bringing my gaze to his, “This isn’t a big deal, Grace. Yes, my parents have money, but my dad worked his ass off to have all this. They’re good people which you will soon see, and they’re going to love you, I promise.”

  I look away, still not feeling sure about any of this. When I don’t say anything he leans in and starts planting soft kisses along my cheek. I try not to let his delectable lips distract me. “You should have told me. I shouldn’t have found out like this.”

  “You’re right, I’m sorry. I really wanted you to come with me and I didn’t think you would if you knew.”

  He’s right, I probably wouldn’t have.

  He unzips my jacket now so he can drag his mouth down my throat. “Come on, baby, tell me you forgive me.” I let out a small moan when he cups my ass and brings me against his erection. The dull ache I have comes roaring to life.

  I let out a sigh as he trails his lips back up my neck, “I forgive ya. Just don’t keep things from me, it ain’t right.”

  “I promise, Cupcake, nothing else. Now let’s kiss and make up.”

  Giggling, I wrap my arms around his neck then attack his sexy mouth. Sawyer ends my control quickly and kisses me like he’s starvin’ for me. I moan as his delicious taste drugs my senses. Our tongues slide together in perfect desperate rhythm. Anticipation hums through me as he moves one hand under my shirt and slides it up my ribs. Right when I’m lost in it all, and just about to start ripping clothes off, a loud bang startles me out of my fog.

  Squealing, I fly off Sawyer back into the passenger seat. Looking over I see some girl, who I’m assuming is one of his sisters, with her face plastered against his window. “What are you doing in there, big brother?”


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