Sweet Temptation

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Sweet Temptation Page 19

by K. C. Lynn

  “I wasn’t making fun of you,” he says exasperated, “I just said it was cute, and it is. Actually I think it’s sexy as fuck.” His voice oozes of sex, and I have to admit, this guy might just give Sawyer a run for his money in the flirtin’ department.

  The thought has me suddenly realizing his intention. “So is that the only reason why you came over here? Saw an opportunity and thought you could get back at Sawyer?”

  He sits back again and studies me, “Honestly?” I nod. “Yes, at first it was. I see my ex hanging all over him, and even though I could give a shit about her anymore it still pisses me off, because like you said, I have a big fucking ego.”

  “Your girlfriend is here?”

  “Ex!” he corrects firmly with a nod.

  “Who?” I ask, lookin’ back at the pool table, but it’s too crowded for me to even see Sawyer.

  “Her name is Stephanie.”

  “Town bicycle?” I ask in shock. Damn, I knew it. Ugh! I hate hearin’ it was her.

  He chuckles, “I guess you’ve met her?”

  “Just briefly. She really didn’t seem all that nice. If you ask me, it was a blessin’ in disguise. You’re way better off without her.”

  He grins, “She’s a total bitch, and yes I’m way better off without her. Still doesn’t make me any less pissed at Sawyer though.”

  I nod because I can understand that. “But to finish your earlier question. Yes, my original intention coming over here was payback, but not anymore. Now I think you’re pretty cool and I just want you to have a shot with me and maybe a conversation, since your asshole boyfriend is too fucking busy to.”

  I study his expression while I think this over; I see nothing but sincerity. It would be nice not to sit here alone anymore… “All right, I will have this shot with you, on one condition.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “You have to tell me your name, keep you sweetness comments to yourself and don’t call my boyfriend an asshole.”

  “That’s three.”

  I roll my eyes, “Fine, then on three conditions.”

  He chuckles, “All right, no more sweetness or asshole and the name is Jase.” He picks up his shot glass and holds it up; I grab mine and do the same, “To sweet little southern girls.”

  “How about to men with big egos?” I say instead.

  “That works too,” he says with a smirk, just before throwing back his shot.

  I follow suit but the nasty crap barely makes it down my throat before I’m sputterin’ and coughin’. “Oh my god!” I choke out, “what the hell was that?”

  He laughs his ass off at me before leanin’ over and shovin’ the lime between my lips. “Here, suck on this, it will help. Haven’t you ever done tequila before?”

  I shake my head; his form is blurry from the tears that leak from my eyes. “That’s the worst thing I have ever tasted. But you’re right, the lime helps.” He continues to laugh and I eventually join in.

  Suddenly I feel a dark looming presence over me, one that has awareness tinglin’ in my body, and a little bit of anxiety. I already know it’s Sawyer before I look up. He glares at Jase and me, as if he’s ready to commit murder. Town bicycle bitch stands not far behind him, with a snotty smirk on her face, eager to watch a fight.

  “Having fun?” he asks low and dangerously. “Actually we are,” Jase replies arrogantly. Great! I can tell this is going to get ugly. “Sawyer!” I say warningly.

  He completely ignores me, “I don’t know what the fuck you’re up to, Crawford, but you better get the fuck away from her before I wipe that fucking smirk off your face with my fist.”

  I stand up now, feeling both embarrassed and annoyed, “Cut the crap, Sawyer, we were just talkin’.”

  “No, Grace, that’s not what you were just fucking doing,” he replies angrily.

  Jase grunts, “Chill the fuck out, Evans. She’s right. I just figured I’d come keep her company while you fucking ignored her is all.”

  Sawyer starts at Jase, which has Jase rising in a flash, they both shove at each other. Thankfully Sawyer’s friends hold each of them back.

  “Sawyer, stop it! You’re bein’ ridiculous!” I say, getting more and more angry by the second. Especially when bicycle bitch puts her hand on his back, as if to try and comfort him. Of course he has no idea since he has two sets of hands already holding him back.

  “She’s right, Evans. If anyone should be mad right now it’s her. You’re the one who left her sitting here by herself so you could be a fucking attention whore. Can’t expect someone not to come along and keep her sweet ass company.”

  Sawyer goes ballistic fighting against his friends, which has another one joining in to hold him back, “That’s it, asshole, we are going to fucking finish this once and for all.”

  “No you’re not! Both of you stop it, right now!”

  “Stay the fuck out of this, Grace!” Sawyer shouts, keepin’ his glare on Jase. Okay that’s it!

  Turning around, I grab my jacket and purse. “Fine, do what you want, but I’m not standin’ here and watchin’ this shit for another second.” I start to walk away but stop to look back at Jase and his friends I met earlier, “It was nice to meet y’all. Except for you!” I point at town bicycle bitch.

  I catch Jase’s amused grin just as I turn back around, “You too, sweetness. Call me,” he yells out at my retreating back. I roll my eyes then hear Sawyer go crazy again, but I don’t stop. I am so done with his arrogant ass. Who does he think he is ignorin’ me then getting all mad because I’m havin’ a conversation with someone.

  As soon as I walk outside, the cold frigid air hits my heated face and I take a deep shaky breath. Lookin’ around I pick a direction and start walkin’. I decide I will head to a motel for the night then call Jesse in the morning.

  Gosh, what a disaster this is.

  “Grace! You get your ass back here right fucking now!” Sawyer shouts behind me.

  Ignoring him, I pick up my pace, the sound of my boots on the ground pounds to the same rhythm of my angry heartbeat.

  “Jesus fucking christ!” he growls, and before I can register how close his words are to me I’m being lifted off the ground and thrown over his shoulder.

  “What the hell are you doin’? Put me down right now, Sawyer Evans!” I shout and squirm to get out of his hold.

  I feel a sharp slap on my ass, “Stay still!” he growls.

  I gasp, “Did you just spank me?” That’s it! I slap him in the back and fight harder to get away from him. Before I know it he has his truck door open and throws me in. I swipe at my hair that’s a tangled mess around my face then try getting out of the truck. Sawyer pushes me back into my seat and gets in my face. The look in his eyes has a little of my anger bein’ replaced with apprehension. “Do not fuck with me right now,” he says warningly.

  I swallow nervously and give in. When he slams my door I throw on my seatbelt and look out my window. Getting in on his side, he slams his door so hard I’m surprised it doesn’t fall off. Then he peels out of the parking spot like a maniac.

  “Sawyer, slow down right now! You’re bein’ an idiot!”

  “Don’t you fucking tell me I’m being an idiot. What the fuck do you think you were doing back there?”

  I stare at him aghast, “You wanna know what I was doin’? I was havin’ a conversation with the only person who would talk to me in the whole damn bar. You act like what we were doin’ was inappropriate, Sawyer, when all we did was talk.”

  “Oh really, that’s why, when I walked up, that motherfucker was shoving a fucking lime between your lips?”

  “I had never done a tequila shot before. I didn’t know what to do, so he quickly shoved the lime in my mouth since I was gaggin’ the nasty shit up!”

  “You should not have been doing any fucking shots with him period!” he seethes, pointing his finger at me.

  My anger spikes to a whole new level and I slap his finger out of my face. “How dare you tell me who I
can talk to, or have a drink with, when you went and ignored me all damn night.”

  “Fuck that! I tried to bring you with me. You are the one who said you were going to sit with Amanda and wait for your drink.”

  “Yeah and she left me five minutes later. I also didn’t think you would leave me for forty-five minutes.”

  “Then why didn’t you fucking come and get me? How the fuck was I supposed to know?”

  “Well maybe you would have noticed if you didn’t let bicycle bitch soak up all your attention.”

  He looks over at me like I’m crazy, “What the fuck are you talking about? And who the fuck is bicycle bitch?”

  “The chick who was dating Jase at the time you stuck your dick in her.” He tenses, his hand gripping the steering wheel tighter. “You know, Sawyer, I have to admit, even though all I’ve heard since coming here is what a man-whore you are, I was still shocked to hear you would do something like that to someone. No wonder he doesn’t like you very much. I wouldn’t either if you had sex with my girlfriend… err boyfriend… oh you know what I mean.”

  “First off, I did not pay any attention to that bitch tonight!” he seethes through clenched teeth, “and secondly that shit was a misunderstanding, and he needs to get the fuck over it already.”

  I scoff, “You accidentally stuck your dick in another guy’s girlfriend?”

  “I did not fucking know they were still dating. She told me they broke up. And what the fuck do you care? You seem quite fucking protective over some asshole you don’t even know.”

  “I am not protectin’ him. I’m just sayin’ I understand why he doesn’t like you. You were a complete jerk with the way you came at us like that, Sawyer. You didn’t even stop to ask me what was goin’ on, you just shot your mouth off and started a fight.”

  “I didn’t need to ask what the fuck was going on. I could fucking see what was going on.”

  “Well it’s nice to know you noticed me after forty-five minutes.”

  “What the fuck do you want from me, Grace? I tried to bring you with me and you said no. When Amanda left you could have come over and joined us.”

  Pulling up to his gate, he leans over entering in the security code. He hits the numbers so hard I’m surprised they don’t break off.

  I respond as he pulls in. “Why would I want to come and join you, Sawyer? It’s nerve wrackin’ enough to be around a bunch of people I don’t know, but then to be around a crowd of girls that you have fucked, while they shoot me dirty looks all night, is not my idea of fun. I mean why the hell did you even bring me there?” I say it angrily but I know the hurt I’m feelin’ starts to creep in my voice.

  He parks in front of the house and throws his hands up, “You’re the one who said I should go, and let’s face it, Grace, it’s not like I was just going to leave you behind.”


  His words are like a slap in the face. So he only brought me because he felt obligated.

  My hurt must show in my expression. “Fuck, that did not come out right! That is not what I meant!”

  I swallow thickly then throw open my door. “Save it. I don’t give a shit what you meant!” Slamming the door, I hurry into the house.

  “Grace, stop! Get the fuck back here, we are not done talking!”

  “I have nothing more to say to you!” Stomping inside, I slam the door and feel bad when I don’t bother takin’ my boots off. But all I want to do is get away from him before I break down and let him see how much he hurt me.

  I trek through the house, bypassing the kitchen and living area, before I reach the first room. Walking in, I see our suitcases. Perfect! I grab Sawyer’s and throw it out of the bedroom just as he comes storming into the house. I quickly close the door and lock it so he can’t come in.

  “Grace, open this fucking door right now!”

  Ignoring him, I throw myself on the bed and hide my head under the pillow to block out his stupidity and let the first of my tears fall. Tears that are full of anger and hurt.

  How did this night turn so awful?

  Sawyer! That’s how! The darn jerk!

  Loud pounding starts on the door. “Grace, I fucking mean it, if you don’t open this fucking door I will break it down!”

  Yeah okay, I’ll get right on that, buddy! NOT!

  Suddenly a loud crash has me gasping and sitting up in a panic. I turn around to see the door off its hinges, lying on the ground. Standing on the bed, with the pillow in my hands, I swipe at my tears to see Sawyer clearly. He walks over the door like it’s not even there to stand in front of me.

  “Oh my god! What the hell are ya doin’? You just broke your sister’s door, ya idiot!” I start swingin’ my pillow furiously, hitting him in the head, in the chest, anywhere I can reach.

  He raises his arms to block my blows. “Stop! Stop fucking hitting me… give me that fucking thing!” he grabs the pillow to tug it out of my hands, but I don’t let go and fall against him.

  As soon as my body collides with his, his mouth crashes down on mine. I gasp, stunned only for a second before my fingers wind in his hair roughly, holding his mouth to mine. He cups my ass, lifting me up, and my legs automatically wrap around his waist. He thrusts his tongue in my mouth the same time he slams me up against the wall. Our kiss is punishing: it’s raw, desperate and angry. My tears mix in with the sweet hot taste of our desire as our tongues tangle fiercely.

  I nip sharply at his bottom lip, which causes an animalistic growl to erupt from his throat. I heave for breath when he rips his mouth away and rests his forehead against mine, “Tell me this is okay, baby; tell me, Grace, that you need me just as fucking bad as I need you.”

  I think about it for only a second, I’m still angry but I need him more, so much more.

  “Yes, this is okay. I need you so much, Sawyer,” my words come out more vulnerable than I want them too.

  My response has another growl escaping him. “You are fucking mine. Do you hear me, Grace? Mine and only mine.” His green eyes blaze with fire and are wild with lust. I moan when he slams his hard cock where I ache for him the most.

  “Say it! I want to fucking hear you say it!”

  Right now I am willing to tell him almost anything he wants to hear, but before I can say those words to him, to solidify whatever this is, I have to know one thing first: “And what about you, Sawyer? Are you mine?”

  Some of the wild eases in his eyes and is replaced with something else, something softer, “Yeah, baby, I’m yours. You fucking own all of me, Grace. You owned me before I even knew you.” My breath seizes in my chest, making it hard to breathe. His words didn’t make much sense but I believed them because they dripped with so much sincerity it was impossible not to. “Just like I own your ass, every sweet fucking inch of it, and I’m going to show just how much right now.”

  He keeps me pinned against the wall with his hips then reaches for the bottom of my sweater. I raise my arms as he pulls it from my body. Before it’s even fully off me he has the front clasp of my bra unsnapped and my breasts spilling free. His mouth immediately latches to one aching nipple while his hand tweaks and torments the other.

  I throw my head back and cry out as sensations light my body on fire, having me craving more. My fingers clench the back of his shirt, trying to drag it up, “Take this off, I want to feel your skin against mine.”

  He groans around my breast before unlatching his mouth, then, before I can finish bringing his shirt up, he reaches behind him with one swift pull and it’s gone. His hands go to my ass again as he crushes his hard, naked chest against mine. Our moans mingle in the silence as electricity rushes through every nerve of my body. It was something I have never felt before.

  His face buries in my neck, “Jesus christ, your skin is so fucking soft.” I whimper and grind against his erection. His hands move down to my boots and starts unzipping them while his hard body keeps me pinned against the wall. My hands roam across his strong sculpted back, feeling the raised and puckered skin
of his scars, ones that don’t belong on a man as beautiful and honorable as this one.

  Once my boots fall off, he places my feet to the ground and drops to his knees in front of me. He presses a tender kiss to my stomach that has my heart swelling with emotion. I run my fingers through his hair affectionately, holding his head against me as he trails his soft warm lips along my heated skin. His hands move to the waistband of my pants. He pulls them down and off my legs so I’m left standing in nothing but my black lace panties. “Jesus, you’re fucking sexy,” he whispers roughly, his mouth only an inch from my aching center. His hot breath hits the lace of my panties, causing a delicious shiver to travel through my body. My fingers tighten in his hair, and on their own accord, I try bringing his mouth against me.

  He resists against my pull and looks up at me with a smirk, “You want my mouth, don’t you, baby? Want my tongue buried deep in your pussy again?” His erotic words has me moaning and thrusting my hips towards his face.

  “Answer me, Grace!”

  “Yes I want it, I want it so badly,” I whimper desperately.

  “And I’m going to give it to you, baby, because I want that too. I want the scent and taste of your sweet pussy all over my face.” He hooks his finger in the center of my panties and runs it through my wet slit, causing slight shock waves to travel through me. “Always so fucking wet for me,” he groans, then inserts his finger deep inside of me, “I hope you’re ready, baby, because tonight, Grace, I am going to kiss, taste and fuck every inch of your sweet body. I’m going to bring you so much fucking pleasure your voice will go hoarse from screaming with it.”

  Oh god! I already feel like screamin’.

  He pulls his finger out and shoves it in his mouth. A loud, primal growl erupts from his throat just before he grabs the edge of my panties and rips them from my body. I gasp and barely have time to register it before his mouth buries in my hot, wet flesh.

  I cry out and my knees go weak from pleasure. Before they can completely give out on me Sawyer’s hands go to the back of my thighs and he throws them over his shoulders so I’m straddling his face. My back braces against the wall, and my fingers wind in his hair tightly as he devours me.


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