Sweet Temptation

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Sweet Temptation Page 21

by K. C. Lynn

  I bite back a smile, noticing the disappointment that she tries to hide. “Nope,” is all I say, before hopping out of the truck and grabbing my hockey bag. I meet Grace as she comes around the other side. Grabbing her warm, soft hand I lead her to the side doors of the arena.

  Joe, the rink attendant, is waiting for us as soon as we walk in. “There’s our golden boy,” he greets with a smile, slapping me on the back.

  “Good to see you, Joe. Thanks for doing this for me.” Grace becomes more confused.

  “You bet, kid. This her?” he asks, moving his gaze to Grace.

  “It is. Grace, this is Joe Paletti, he’s run this place for as long as I have worn skates.”

  She smiles and puts out her hand, “Nice to meet ya, Joe.”

  His lips twitch as he takes her hand, “You too, honey.” He looks back at me, “All right, go on back. You have an hour before anyone else comes in.”

  I thank him again then grab Grace by the hand, taking her into the rink. I lead her into the box and sit her on the bench, “Are ya goin’ to tell me what’s goin’ on?”

  I drop my hockey bag and pull out my sister’s figure skates. “We’re skating, baby.”

  “EEEEKKKK!” she squeals and claps excitedly, “That’s what I was hopin’ it was,” she replies, ripping the skates from my hands.

  On the way to my game last night she told me she had never ice-skated before. It was a shock to my fucking system; how the hell has someone never ice-skated?

  “Well, it’s something everyone has to try at least once in their lives.”

  She ignores what I just said and starts throwing her boots off in a hurry to put on my sister’s skates. Chuckling, I bend down and start tying them up for her. I watch her as she looks around in wonder and excitement.

  “We get the whole ice to ourselves?” she asks in awe.

  “Yup, the rink doesn’t open for another hour. So that’s how long we have.”

  “How did you manage that?”

  “I told you, Cupcake, I’m a fucking legend around these parts.”

  She rolls her eyes playfully with a smile. Before I’m barely finished with the last skate she’s standing up. “Aren’t you going to wait for me?”

  She shakes her head, “Nah, I’m good. I’ll just hold on to the wall till you come out.”

  Her arms go out at her sides, trying to balance herself as she waddles towards the opening. I have a feeling this could be a total fucking disaster, so I waste no time getting my skates on and laces done up. The entire time I hear her laugh, squeal and a whole lot of ‘Uh ohs’

  Standing, I walk to the opening and take my first stride onto the cold, hard ice, feeling at home. Looking over, I find Grace only a quarter of the way from where she started. One arm is out at her side, still trying to balance herself, while the other grips the wall. She’s bent over at the waist with her ass up in the air. She looks fucking ridiculous and cute as hell.

  Chuckling, I glide over to her smoothly then slap her ass as I skate by. She yelps in surprise and grips the wall with both hands. She glares at me when I pass her for a second time, skating backwards. “Quit bein’ a show-off and help me.”

  “Doesn’t look like you need any help, Cupcake. Your stance is good. Just stick your ass up a little higher.” Instead of being offended she laughs.

  Taking pity on her, I stride over and take both her small hands, which have a thin pair of black gloves covering them. “Stand up straight.”

  When she does as I say, I lead her away from the wall and begin skating backwards, pulling her in front of me.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” she squeals, acting as if we’re going fast when we’re actually skating fucking slower than what my Grandma could.

  Eventually she loosens up and I pick up the pace, just a little. Watching her smile, her laughter fills the silence of the arena, and the strangest sensation plagues me- one I’ve never felt before. One that tells me to grab on and never let go. The thought has me stopping our strides abruptly.

  She looks up at me in confusion, “What’s wrong? Why are we stoppin’?”

  “Come here,” I pull her to me and lean down, “wrap your arms around my neck.” When she obeys I cup her ass and lift her up.

  “EEEKKK!” she squeals again, “Oh gosh, don’t you drop me, Sawyer,” she laughs nervously.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist, baby. Just watch your blades, I have enough scars on my back,” I say with a smirk.

  Her laughter dies, and her expression turns sad. Well shit, that wasn’t my intention. “I’ll be careful,” she replies softly.

  When her knees grip each side of my hips I begin long, smooth glides. Her smile returns, but her fingers clench tightly on my shoulders. “Relax, baby, I’ve got you.”

  She looks at me a little unsure. “What happens if I fall?”

  Not being able to resist I reach up under her long, silky hair and cup the side of her slender neck. “I’ll never let you fall, Grace.”

  Her breath hitches just before she gives me a soft smile. Leaning down, she lets me have a small taste of her sweet mouth with a gentle kiss before letting go of my shoulders.

  Raising her arms out at her sides, she closes her eyes, “Faster,” she whispers softly.

  I quicken my strides, and the faster I go, the bigger her smile becomes. Her expression is soft, and her hair begins to blow gently around her face from our speed. And it’s in this moment, as I hold her sweet, warm body against mine, I know without a fucking doubt that God made this beautiful girl just for me.

  For the next forty-five minutes I went back and forth from holding her, to teaching her how to skate. We laughed and had some major hot make-out sessions, one that has my dick hard and aching to be inside of her again. All too soon Joe is peeking in, letting me know our time is up.

  “Sorry, Cupcake, that’s our cue,” I say, doing a final lap while holding her again.

  Her smile softening, her warm amber eyes shine with something I can’t name. “Thank you, Sexy Sawyer, for bringin’ me here. It’s a memory I’ll cherish forever.”

  “You’re welcome, Cupcake. You deserve to be happy like this, Grace, always.” She rests her forehead against mine. “You make me happy, Sawyer.”

  I’m not going to lie about how fucking awesome that makes me feel. This arena holds some of the best memories of my life, but this one, by far, will always be my favorite.

  That night, we’re at the kitchen table eating supper, when Jesse opens her big mouth, “So I heard you had quite the night last night at Overtime?” she says with a smirk.

  “What happened?” Mom asks, worriedly. “Nothing.” I glare at Jesse to keep her mouth shut.

  Of course Sam smiles and joins in, “Turns out Sawyer is all sorts of possessive over Grace. He didn’t like Jase Crawford talking to her last night.”

  I swing my glare over to her and silently let her know I’m going to kick her tattletale ass when we leave this table.

  “Sawyer Evans, you better not have been fighting!” my mom scolds.

  “Leave the boy alone, Catherine. That kid needs to be taken down a notch, he’s a hot-head just like his old man.” Everyone’s gaze swings to my dad, shocked that he just stood up for me. He doesn’t look at anyone as he continues to eat.

  Eventually my mom breaks the silence, “Well, I know another father and son with the same problem, and there’s no excuse for fighting.”

  “I didn’t fight, Mom, so relax, the girls are just stirring shit up,” I explain, glaring at my sisters again.

  The rest of our supper conversation flows with my mom and sisters asking Grace about Florida, and what living there was like. I had worried talking about this would upset her, so I tried steering the conversation away, but Grace assured me it was fine, and she did seem okay to talk about it.

  After dessert I’m about to take Grace back to the guesthouse, for a night in the hot tub, when my dad asks for my help with something in the attic. Again I’m shocked as fuck, and I’m
not really sure what this is about, but I agree.

  “So, I heard you played quite the game last night?” he says, breaking the awkward silence as we make our way upstairs.

  I shrug, “Not bad, considering I haven’t played in a few years.”

  My dad nods, uncomfortable silence settling around us again. Once reaching the attic, he leads me to the back where there’s a whole shrine dedicated to all my hockey shit. Medals, every pair of skates I’ve ever worn, old Jerseys, newspaper clippings, pictures…

  “I can’t believe you kept all this.”

  My dad clears his throat, “Yeah well, these are memories to keep and be proud of. And who knows, if you ever have a boy maybe this stuff could be passed down to him.”

  I stare at him in shock at the mention of kids, and I begin to wonder where this is going.

  He expels a breath, “Listen, son, I know shit hasn’t been good between us for a while, and I know most of that is my fault. I just… I worked my ass off, Sawyer, to give you this,” he points to my hockey shit.

  “Dad…” I say warningly, not wanting to get into this with him again.

  “Just hear me out.” I let out a frustrated breath and let him finish. “I worked really hard so my kids could live a good life, so they could be the best they could be and, most importantly, so I could keep them safe. Then one day my biggest fear came crashing down on me, all because my only son, the one who was going to be something great, tells me he wants to join the Navy and fight for his country.”

  I watch as pain and fear washes over my Dad’s face, something I have never seen on him before.

  “Well, I don’t know what to say, Dad. I lived a good life, I still do, and I appreciate everything you gave me. I still love hockey and I’ll love it until the day I die, but at the end of the day it wasn’t something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I’m sorry if that disappoints you…”

  “No, son, you’re not getting it. I’m not disappointed, I was mad because I was scared. I didn’t want to lose you; it’s something that this family would have never been able to overcome Sawyer. That day we got the call about you and Cade…” he lets out another breath, running his hands through his hair in frustration, “well it almost broke us all, especially your Mother.”

  My chest pulls uncomfortably tight at thinking what that phone call did to them all. “One day, when you have kids, you will understand what I’m talking about. But what I’m trying to say now is… I do understand, and a lot of it is because of that girl you brought here. Your mom told me some of what’s going on, and I’m damn proud of you for stepping in to help her. I’m glad you’re trained to protect her, and well… I’m just goddamn proud of you period, kid.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” I reply gruffly.

  He pulls me in for a hug, something he hasn’t done since the day I told him I was joining the Navy. After a few claps on the back he stands back, but keeps ahold of my shoulders, “Now I want you to listen to me. I know we both can be arrogant sons of a bitches, because of our crazy good looks,” we both smirk as he says this, “but that girl you brought here is a special one, Sawyer, just like your mom. Do you understand what I’m telling you, son?”

  I nod, “Yeah, Dad, I do and I know she is. I care about her a lot. Actually, I think I’m in love with her.”

  He shakes his head, “No, you don’t think, you know. Because you’re not stupid, so whatever you have to do, you keep her.”

  I grin, “That’s been my plan the whole time.”

  He smirks back, “Good. Now go tell your mom I made up with you, so she will talk to me again.”

  I chuckle and start to walk away when my dad pulls me in for one more hug. “I love you, Sawyer.”

  “I love you too, Dad.”

  Later on, Grace and I are trucking through the snow, on the way back to the guesthouse. I’m walking a little faster than normal and notice her having a hard time keeping up. I know I should slow down but I’m fucking dying to be inside of her again.

  She looks up at me with a sweet smile, having no idea what I’m thinking. “I’m real happy you and your dad worked out your differences.”

  I grunt, “Yeah and it’s all because some nosy little blonde chick, who smells like cupcakes, couldn’t mind her own business,” I reply with no heat.

  “Hmmm, those damn chicks that smell like cupcakes. Where do they get off?” she tries to say it seriously, but laughs the whole time.

  Smirking, I shake my head at her. She looks back at me with a little gleam in her eye before she leans down and grabs a handful of snow. I watch her as she tries to compact it, but she has no fucking clue what she’s doing.

  “Oh, Cupcake, I wouldn’t start that shit if I were you. I am the fucking king of snowball fights, and you do not…” My words get cut off when a big pile of snow hits me right in the face. It’s loose and not compacted at all, so it pretty much just sprinkles on me.

  She laughs her ass off as if it’s the funniest thing in the world. “You were saying?” she says sassily.

  “Just remember, baby, you were warned.”

  Knowing I’m about to come for her she turns and runs. I even give her a few second head start before I go after her. It takes me no time to reach her; she screams as I take her to the ground and roll her underneath me. “Oh my god! Get off me, it’s freezin’,” she shouts, laughing.

  “No, Cupcake, this isn’t freezing. This is freezing…” Taking a huge pile of snow I shove it under her shirt, beneath her jacket, and spread it along her bare stomach.

  She squeals and tries to squirm away. “Oh my god… please stop! I’m sorry, I won’t do it again, I promise.”

  I smirk as she begs for mercy, “You want up?”

  “Yes!” she shouts, trying to get away. Little does she realize the more she squirms underneath me the harder my dick gets.

  “Then say: Sawyer has a big dick.”

  She freezes for a second then bursts out laughing, “What? No way, I ain’t sayin’ that!”

  I shake my head. “All right…” I reach for snow again.

  “Oh my god, no stop. Okay, okay… Sawyer has a big dick,” She rolls her eyes but her cheeks turn pinker from embarrassment rather than the cold.

  “Good girl,” I whisper, leaning down I nuzzle her neck, and my tongue runs along her smooth delicate skin. Her sweet smell penetrates my senses and her moans spike my already hard dick to full intensity.

  “Now say: I want Sawyer to fuck me.”

  She lets out another moan, this one a mixture of need and frustration, “Uhhh, Sawyer, stop bein’ a sexy jerk and let me up.”

  “You know what you have to say, baby, if you want up.” Then, to drive the point home, I slam my hard cock between her sweet thighs.

  She lets out the sexiest fucking whimper, “I want you to fuck me.”

  A growl erupts from my chest, and I kiss the shit out of her. As much as I want to fuck her right here in the snow I have other plans in mind. So a few seconds later I reluctantly pull my mouth away, pick her up and carry her sexy ass to the house.

  She laughs when I start jogging. “This shit isn’t funny, Cupcake. I’ve been dying to get my cock inside you all day.”

  She rolls her eyes, “You’re lucky that you’re gonna get any from me after the snow you just shoved up my shirt, Sawyer.”

  I smirk, “Don’t worry, baby, we’re going to hit the hot tub to warm up.”

  “Hot tub? I didn’t bring a swimsuit.”

  “You don’t need one.”

  “Oh yes I do. I am not gettin’ in that hot tub naked, Sawyer. Your family could see.”

  “No they can’t. They’re five acres away for christ sakes.”

  “Doesn’t matter. Your sisters could come over, or even your parents. No! No way, I’m serious.”

  “Fine, whatever, you can borrow one of my sisters,” I say easily.

  She doesn’t need to know that shit will be coming off her within seconds of getting into the hot tub.

  As soon
as we get into the house she calls my sister to ask if she can borrow a swimsuit. She also tells me I have to wear one too, or else we won’t be able to resist each other… She’s fucking crazy if she thinks I’ll be able to resist anyways. But I do what she says, letting her think I agree with her, then I go out and remove the lid off the hot tub and check the chemicals.

  Climbing in, I expel a groan on how good the hot water feels on my muscles. I need to get my own place, back home, so I can get one of these. That has me thinking about Grace, I know it’s way too soon to be thinking about that, but really, I don’t plan on going anywhere, even when that fucker is caught…

  “Holy moly it’s freezin’ out here,” Grace’s sweet twang tears me from my thoughts and has my gaze snapping to her.

  Oh fuck me!

  My semi-erect cock turns into fucking steel at her sexy, lithe body, only minimally covered by a black string bikini. My eyes zero in on her tight little nipples that poke through the thin material, making my mouth water.

  “Eeek! I think my feet are gonna turn blue,” she squeals, jumping into the steaming hot water, having no fucking clue what I’m thinking right now.

  Oh yeah, fuck this hot tub shit, I’m taking her.

  “Ow that stings,” she says on a giggle. When she finally brings her attention to me, her eyes go big at the expression on my face. “Hey now, stop lookin’ at me like that,” she points, shaking her finger at me.

  “Like what?” I ask huskily, making my way over to her.

  “Oh no you don’t, Sawyer, I mean it, I have already been busted by your family, makin’ out with you once. I do not wanna get busted again.”

  She tries making an escape, but I grab her around the waist and haul her over to me. She squirms to get free, but then lets out a soft moan, and immediately goes lax when I cup the firm, heavy weight of her perfect tits in my hands.

  Her hair is up in a messy knot on top of her head, giving me easy access to kiss the back of her damp neck. Steam envelopes us as I nibble my way to her earlobe. “Come on, baby, I’m not going to let anyone see this. Just let me touch you out here, then we’ll go inside where I’ll fuck you properly.”


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