Sweet Temptation

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Sweet Temptation Page 25

by K. C. Lynn

  Minutes later, I pull my mouth away and rest my forehead on hers. “I know you’re scared right now, Grace, but I swear, I’ll never let anything bad happen to you ever again. Never, baby.”

  With a soft smile, she reaches up and traces my lips with her finger. “You’re my angel too, Sawyer.”

  I narrow my eyes at her, “But a bad-ass angel, right?”

  She graces me with one of her sweet fucking giggles, which is what I hoped would happen. “Very bad-ass and sexy.”

  “Damn straight!”

  Her smile fades, her expression turning somber, “Thank you, Sawyer… for everythin’.”

  Lying back down, I pull her against me. “You don’t have to thank me, Cupcake. I told you I take care of what’s mine.”

  And that is the fucking truth. Which is why I will make sure she gets back what’s hers. That piece of shit is going to pay for what he did to her.

  The next day we pull up to Jaxson and Julia’s. I park next to Cade’s truck and look over at Grace to see her staring out the window sadly, lost in thought, which is always how she is after we leave the hospital. I fucking hate seeing her like this. I want my Cupcake happy again.

  “You ready, baby?” She turns to me with a fake smile and nods. It’s been five long fucking days since that shit with Mac went down. I want that fucker to make his move already, so I can deal with him then move on to the next son of a bitch.

  Getting out of the truck I come around to help Grace. I lean down and give her a quick kiss. “Are you okay, Cupcake?”

  Instead of answering me, she wraps her arms around my neck and draws my lips down to hers again. I groan when she opens her mouth, giving me access to her sweet fucking taste. I kiss her thoroughly, long and deep, which has my dick standing to attention.

  We break apart when she needs to take in a breath. Opening her pretty fucking eyes, she gives me a genuine smile. “I am now.”

  Growling, I pick her up by her tight, perfect ass and pin her against the truck. She releases the sexiest fucking whimper when I slam my hard cock against her. “If that’s all it takes to make you happy, baby, then when we get home, I’ll bury myself in your hot, tight pussy for fucking hours so you think of nothing but me.”

  She moans, “Yes, I want to feel nothing but you.”

  “Fuck I want that too, Cupcake. I always want that.” I lean in for another quick taste, before reluctantly pulling back, knowing if I don’t I’ll end up fucking her right here for anyone to see.

  Just as I’m about to set her down, she cups my face and looks at me earnestly, “I want you to know, Sawyer, all it takes for me to be happy is to have you near me. Just knowing that I’m yours makes everythin’ better.”

  Jesus this girl is fucking perfect. “You’re mine, baby… always.”

  She gives me one of her sweet smiles that makes me feel all sorts of shit and messes with my fucking head.

  Lowering her to the ground, I grab her hand. “Let’s go, the sooner I talk with Jaxson and Cade, the sooner I can get you home and bury myself inside of you.”

  She laughs as I drag her behind me. Julia opens the door as we walk up the front steps. “Hi, Grace. How are you?”

  She pulls Grace from me to give her a hug. Walking in, I wrap my arms around both of them and kiss Julia’s cheek. “I’m fantastic, thanks for asking.” Then I give my Cupcake one on the lips, not wanting her to feel left out.

  Jules laughs, “I always know you’re okay.”

  “Damn straight. I don’t get into trouble like your spaz of a husband.”

  “Hey, he’s my spaz and I love him just the way he is, trouble and all.”

  “And you’re no boy scout yourself, Sawyer Evans,” Grace adds sassily, putting me in my place.

  I wink, “You know it, baby.”

  She rolls her eyes at me the same time a faint blush tints her sweet face. I chuckle and give her another kiss before stepping back. Jesus, I swear I could kiss this chick all fucking day and never get tired of it.

  “The guys are in the kitchen,” Julia says before turning to Grace, “want to come see the new baby furniture we just bought?”

  “Yes, of course. Oh that’s so darn excitin’!” Grace takes her hand and follows Julia up the stairs excitedly.

  Starting towards the kitchen, a heaviness begins to settle over me, and the rage I’ve been keeping tamped down threatens to explode. Both Jaxson and Cade nod when I walk in.

  “Hey,” I respond, taking a seat at the table. They both stare at me, waiting to hear what I wanted to talk to them about.

  I address Jaxson first, “I need you to do me a favor.”

  He shrugs, “Sure, name it.”

  “I need you to get the address where Grace lived in Virginia, from Cooper.” Leaning back, he crosses his arms and eyes me questioningly, “Why?”

  I figured it wouldn’t be that easy, I try to give him an answer while also trying to keep my promise to Grace. “Because he has something that belongs to her and I’m going to go get it for her once everything here is taken care of.”

  “And you think Cooper has this information?”

  “I know he does. He said, at the gym, that he saw the case file and that she lived with an uncle in Virginia.”

  “Why don’t you just ask Grace?”

  I glare back at him, my patience starting to wear thin. “Because she doesn’t need to fucking know about this.” He glares back, not liking my answer. “Look he fucked with her, in a bad fucking way, okay. She’s goddamn terrified of the guy and doesn’t want anyone knowing, so that’s all you’re going to get from me. I hate that I even have to involve Cooper, but I tried searching for the guy’s address myself and nothing came up. I would ask Coop myself, but I know he’s more likely to tell you than me. So are you going to fucking help me or not?”

  “Shit!” Jaxson runs a hand through his hair in frustration. “What’s your plan? I don’t want Coop getting in shit over this.”

  “It’s not like I’m going to kill the guy. I’m just going to rough him up a bit, and get back what belongs to her.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Cade says, breaking in.

  I respond with a nod. That’s why I had asked him here, because even though I said I don’t plan to kill the son of a bitch, I’m not sure I’ll be able to control myself once I get my fucking hands on him.

  I look back at Jaxson again, waiting for his answer. “All right, I’ll fucking try. I can’t promise he will give it to me. But if he does, I’m coming too, because even if the prick deserves it I’m not going to let you get carried away, especially when Coop could have it all fall back on him.”

  “It won’t. The last thing I want is for him to get pulled into any of this. It’s just… it’s really fucking important that you get this for me.” I decide to tell him how important since he’s going to find out anyways. “He took her mom’s ashes away from her, and believe me when I tell you that’s not even a quarter of what the fucker did to her.”

  Violence begins to fuel in my body again as the words leave my mouth. Both their expressions go hard.

  “Don’t worry I’ll get it.”

  “Thanks. And don’t fucking tell Julia any of this either. Grace can’t know, I don’t want her worrying over this, she has enough going on right now.”

  “Well fuck me! Are you trying to get me into fucking shit here? Jesus Christ!”

  I roll my eyes, “Calm the fuck down, she’ll understand. I’ll tell her it was my fault if I have to.”

  Although, I could very well be dealing with a really pissed off Cupcake myself, but it’ll be worth it once I give her back what belongs to her…

  A few nights later I’m watching television when I see Grace walk from the bathroom to the kitchen in nothing but a fucking towel while on the phone. My dick spikes immediately at the sight of her. Jesus, I was just inside of her only a few hours ago, but already my cock aches for her again.

  “Mac, I told ya, I ain’t bringin’ your breakfast sausage pie to
the hospital. I’m sorry. The doctor said your cholesterol is high, so that’s the worse thing for ya right now.”

  Getting up off the couch, I walk into the kitchen and notice the dog staring out the back door. On my way to let him out, Grace opens the fridge door and bends over. My dick has me changing directions and leads me right over to her. When she moves to the sink I come up behind her and start reigning soft kisses down her slender neck.

  A low growl erupts from my throat when her fucking cupcake smell impales my senses. Fuck, I’m never going to get enough of this girl. With my hands on her hips I bring her back against me so her beautiful ass cradles my dick.

  “What?” she laughs. “No that was Sawyer, believe it or not. He gets like that when he’s hungry,” she says, elbowing me.

  I’m fucking hungry all right, for my Cupcake.

  Reaching my hand down in front of her, I start trailing it up the inside of her thigh. “Ahhumm.” I chuckle as she tries to form words. “Um, Mac, I’ll call ya right back, okay.”

  She quickly hangs up then relaxes back into me. “Couldn’t ya wait till I was off the phone?” she scolds the same time a moan slips pasts her lips.

  The dog’s whining gets louder, but I ignore it and continue to trail my mouth up her neck. “No, I couldn’t. You walk around here like this and there’s no fucking way I’m keeping my hands to myself.”

  Grazing her earlobe with my teeth, she whimpers and grinds back into my painfully hard cock.

  Spinning her around, I’m just about to slam my mouth down on hers when something in the backyard catches my attention. Tensing, I pull her against me and stare out the window into the dark.

  “Sawyer?” Grace whispers, picking up on my sudden change of mood.

  I’m about to answer her when I see it again. Something in the back corner of the yard shifts amongst the trees. It’s subtle and difficult to see with the light on in here, but the height of it tells me it’s someone and not something. The dog’s whining kicks up another notch and he starts clawing at the door.

  Fuck! I should have picked up on that.

  “Oh gosh, Sawyer, is someone out there?” she asks, her voice trembling with fear.

  I trail my lips to her ear while keeping my gaze trained on the tree, the glare from the light making it fucking impossible to see much of anything. “Don’t be scared, Cupcake, everything is going to be okay, but it’s really important you do exactly what I say right now.”

  She nods into my chest, and her breathing starts to accelerate. “I want you to walk out of here slowly and into your room. Lock the door behind you and call Cooper. Do you remember where I put the gun?”

  “Yes,” she answers shakily.

  “Good. Keep it with you and don’t open the fucking door for any reason until I tell you to. If someone gets in there, Grace, you shoot first and ask questions later, do you understand?”

  “Oh god! Oh god!”

  I squeeze her trembling body tighter against me. “Everything is going to be fine, I promise. Now go and do exactly what I just said.”

  “Okay… Please be careful, Sawyer,” she chokes out, hugging me tighter.

  “Don’t worry about me, baby, I can take care of myself. Go now, but walk naturally. I don’t want to tip him off.”

  Giving her a gentle push, I don’t look behind me and pray she does what I just said. I turn on the tap to make it look like I’m getting water, then reaching down with one hand, I open the cupboard and grab the gun I have strapped under the sink.

  Releasing the safety, I reach over and flick the light off, so he can no longer see inside. I focus on where I saw the shift in the trees and spot the motherfucker just as he takes a step back further into the bush. I start backing towards the door, keeping my gaze trained on him. The house behind Grace’s turns on their backlight, calling attention to the guy.


  I take off out the door when I see the bastard bolt. The dog barks and chases after him as he runs diagonally across the lawn. Chuckie just misses him as he hops the fence into the front yard. Picking up speed, I leap over the dog and jump the fence, just seconds after him. Sirens and brakes screech to a halt in front of the house as I land on the other side.

  I watch Cooper fly out the passenger side of the squad car and intercept the asshole, taking him down. The guy screams and thrashes as he’s cuffed.

  I tuck the gun in the waistband of my jeans, behind my back, and start making my way over to them. “Is it fucking him?” I yell, already knowing the answer. As Cooper hauls the guy up I notice him pull a knife from the bastard’s jacket pocket. A white-hot fury washes over me, making me lose all self-control. Picking up speed again, I see nothing but red. “You fucked with the wrong girl, motherfucker.”

  “Shit! Grab him!”

  Cooper tries turning away from me but I’m faster. My fists start connecting with flesh. Hands grab at me, but I don’t let it slow me down. I think of nothing but what this piece of shit was going to do to Grace, what he’s already done to her. I feel bone crush under my fist when I nail him as fast and as hard as I can.

  “Fuck, Sawyer! Goddammit! Stop!”

  A force suddenly knocks me to the ground, and the impact snaps me out of my rage enough to regain some control over myself.

  An enraged Cooper pins me down, and the deputy now holds the bastard up, his face mangled and soaked with blood. “What the fuck are you thinking?”

  My lungs heave for breath from the force of violence that just filled me moments ago. “I’m thinking that’s the least he deserves. For Grace, for her mom and for fucking Mac. He came on my property to fucking hurt her, Cooper, he’s goddamn lucky he’s not dead right now.”

  He glares down at me for another minute. “Are you good now? Can I let you up?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.”

  After helping me up, we both look over at the bastard as he spits out a pool of blood.

  “Jesus Christ. How the fuck am I going to explain this?” Cooper says, pinching the bridge of his nose.

  I shrug, “It was self-defense. He shouldn’t have been trespassing.” He grunts, not liking that answer.

  “How the fuck did you get here so fast?”

  “A neighbor called before Grace did. The people behind her said they saw someone hop the fence into her yard.”

  “And you didn’t fucking think to call and give me a heads up?”

  He glares at me, “I fucking did and you never picked up. I also called the house line and it was busy.”

  I pat my pockets and realize I don’t have my phone on me. Well shit!“Sawyer?”I turn at Grace’s soft, trembling voice. “Grace, baby, get back in the house now.”

  An enraged roar fills the night behind me, “This isn’t over, you fucking bitch. I’m going to fucking kill you.”

  The bastard’s threat has me losing control again. It happened so fast; before Cooper could grab me I ripped the fucker from the deputy and took him to the ground. I fight against the hands that try to grab me and shove my gun under his chin. “Yes, it is. It’s fucking over. You will never get to her, because I will always be here. And if you ever try again I will fucking kill you. Do you fucking hear me?”

  The son of a bitch actually smiles at me, “Do it. I fucking dare you. Come on, shoot me.”

  His taunt is so fucking temping… “Goddammit, Sawyer, stop!” Cooper shouts as he and the deputy struggle to pull me off.

  “I’m going to fuck her like I did her mother, then…” I don’t let him finish, taking the butt of my gun I cold-clock the motherfucker.

  “Fuck, Sawyer!”

  Letting Cooper pull me off the bastard’s unconscious body, I push away from him, “Get him out of my fucking sight before I change my mind and shoot him dead right here.”

  “You’re making it fucking hard for me to do that. Jesus Christ, I fucking got this, just go take care of Grace!” he shouts, pointing behind me.

  I turn around to see Grace, still standing by the door, frozen and pale
with fear. The terror and anguish that bleed off her has me forgetting my rage and wanting to do nothing but hold her.

  As I’m halfway across the lawn, she snaps out of her shock and rushes towards me. Within a few steps she’s in my arms. Her legs wrap around my waist and she buries her face in my neck. Her body wracks with sobs and shakes with fear.

  “It’s okay, baby. Coop’s got him, it’s over,” I say quietly, walking her into the house.

  The rest of the night happens in a blur. Cooper comes back to fill us in on everything that was going to happen. Ramirez was on his way down to bring Miguel back to Florida, for the state to deal with. Since he violated his court order by skipping town he would be sent back to prison, where he will wait to be re-tried for Grace’s mom. He’s also going to be charged for the assault on Mac and his intent to harm Grace. Ramirez was still looking into what happened with the forensic scientist. It was also confirmed, from an undercover agent, that the gang has not been in contact with Miguel since he was arrested and they are of no threat to Grace. Which was the biggest fucking relief for me.

  Grace stayed quiet and barely said a word. Cooper still seemed pissed at me for breaking the fucker’s face, but he didn’t arrest me. I was told to also thank Ramirez for that.

  I appreciated it, because there was no way I was going to leave Grace. Not now. Not ever.

  That night I knew sleep wouldn’t come easy. There were too many emotions storming inside of me, it was almost suffocating. So at three am I finally stop trying, and decide to start on the pies I’m bringin’ to Julia’s for Thanksgiving. Putting on my alpine thigh highs, I grab my long, thin cardigan to throw over my tank and walk into the kitchen. Turning on the radio, I make sure to keep it low, not wanting to wake Sawyer. I pray the soft music, and doing the one passion I share with Mama, will help quiet the mass of feelings that threaten to pull me under.


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