Sweet Temptation

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Sweet Temptation Page 34

by K. C. Lynn

  “I knew you were going to be our sister one day. Turns out my brother isn’t such a dummy after all,” Jesse says teasingly.

  Laughing, I hug them back tightly, loving that I’m going to get to be a part of this family forever.

  As they turn their attention to Sawyer, my girls surround me next. All of us squeal and jump up and down excitedly.

  “I’m so happy for you, Grace.” Julia says with misty eyes. Katelyn laughs when Kayla rolls her eyes, attempting to hide that hers are also glassy.

  Grams walks up next, framing my face she kisses each of my cheeks. “I am so happy for you, my sweet Grace.”

  I hug her back warmly before stepping back. “Thanks everyone. I’m so darn happy. I still can’t believe any of this. This has just been the best Christmas ever.”

  Kayla grabs my hand now. “And Jesus, what a rock. I have to admit, Evans, you have good taste. The size of that diamond is almost as big as your head.”

  Everyone laughs, especially his sisters. Sawyer grins proudly, not being insulted in the least. “Of course I have good taste, look who I picked,” he replies winking at me.

  I smile back at him, what a sexy charmin’ bugger.

  After everyone else passes on their congratulations to us, I turn to Mac, who’s still in the same spot, watchin’ me with a grin. “So my darlin’s getting married.”

  Walking over, I wrap my arms around his waist again and look up at him with a smile. “I am. What would this old man think about walkin’ me down the aisle?”

  His grin spreads and his eyes turn a little glassy, “Well… that would make me damn proud girl… Damn proud.”

  Leaning down, he kisses my cheek before giving me one of his usual bear hugs. “I’m glad you’re accepting this place, Grace. You deserve it, all of it and I know Sawyer will take good care of you.”

  I nod into his chest since I’m too choked up to speak.

  Stepping back, I notice the room has fallen silent again. When I turn around I see everyone lookin’ at the massive picture of Mama and me. As I approach them, Catherine makes room for me between her and Julia. She puts an arm around my shoulders and Julia grabs my hand.

  Sawyer comes to stand behind me and puts his hands on my hips. His warm body bringing me extra comfort. We all stare at the picture silently for a moment, my mother’s beautiful smile lighting up the room.

  “She was real beautiful, Grace,” Jesse says softly.

  “Thanks. I wish she was here to see this… to see all of ya,” I whisper sadly.

  “She is honey,” Catherine replies, giving my shoulder a light squeeze.

  Another minute passes before Kayla clears her throat. “We should eat before the food gets too cold.”

  Looking over, I see her wipin’ her eyes inconspicuously. Then I notice all the girls wipin’ their eyes, which has my own wellin’ up again.

  Everyone starts walking into the back to get things set up. Not being quite ready to move yet, I stay where I am for another minute. Sawyer’s arms come around my waist before he leans down to press a kiss to the side of my neck. “She will live on forever, baby. Through you and through our kids.”

  His words has some of the sadness lifting from my heart and warmth spreads through me, as I think about us havin’ babies of our own one day. Turning in his arms, I wind mine around his neck and smile up at him. “Are you sayin’ you wanna have babies with me one day, Sexy Sawyer?”

  He pulls me closer, a smirk spreading across his handsome face. “Fuck yeah. Can you imagine how damn good looking our kids are going to be, Cupcake?”

  I burst out laughing. I should have seen that one comin’. Rising up on my tiptoes I try to plant a kiss on his sexy mouth. When I still can’t reach, his arms tighten around me and he lifts me off my feet before planting a big, hard kiss on my lips.

  “I love you, Sexy Sawyer. Thank you for makin’ this the best day of my life,” I whisper against his lips.

  He rests his forehead against mine. “I love you too, Cupcake. I promise to try and make every day the best day of your life.”

  My heart melting, I give him a couple more kisses, knowing I will never tire of this… of him.

  Slapping my butt, he puts me down. “Come on, baby, let’s eat.” He pulls me to follow behind him into the kitchen but I stop when we reach the door.

  “I’ll be there in a sec.”

  He looks at me for a second, with uncertainty. “All right, Cupcake.” He presses one more kiss to my lips before disappearing into the back.

  Walking over to the picture I stare at my Mother’s beautiful, happy face. Instead of feeling sad I feel at peace, knowing that she will see me happy and living our dream, a dream I thought was lost forever.

  Kissing two of my fingers I press them to her lips. “I love ya, Mama… forever.”

  Four months later…

  Looking around the gym I feel proud of the guys for what they have accomplished. The place looks amazing. All new, top of the line, exercise equipment is off to the right, the weights are in the far back corner to the left and the new sparring ring sits in the center. The front counter holds many all-natural supplements that they brought in for the steady stream of fighters that have been comin’ in from Columbia. The all-natural juice bar that will be opening next week is going to be a real hit.

  Seal Extreme has somethin’ for everyone. Whether you want to work out, take a self-defense class or spar…

  “Julia, I am serious. How the hell do you go from having a baby in your belly only a month ago to having some supermodel fucking body again?” Kayla asks, staring at Julia in disbelief.

  “Oh stop. I do not. I’m just good at hiding it,” she replies, her cheeks turning pink from being called out in front of us all.

  Katelyn rolls her eyes. “How can you hide it? You’re wearing yoga shorts and a tank that molds to your body like second skin.”

  Shaking her head, Julia laughs. “Trust me, I am hiding it, but thank you ladies for the compliment.”

  “Katelyn showed me pictures of your daughter. She’s very cute,” Katelyn’s cousin, Faith, says with a kind smile.

  Katelyn was right, this girl is so darn sweet. The five of us are all sitting on the gym floor, in front of the sparring ring, waiting for Jaxson, Sawyer and Cade to come out and teach their first self-defense class. They wanted to run a trial on us girls. Katelyn had asked to bring her cousin along since she had just moved here only a few weeks ago. I only met the girl fifteen minutes ago and I already know she’s going to fit in great with us.

  “Thank you,” Julia replies with a smile of her own. “She means the world to me.”

  “And Jaxson,” Kayla adds with a scoff. “That guy hogs her way too much. I mean he gets to live with her, and when company comes over he still never shares her.”

  “Kayla,” Julia laughs, “you don’t really count since you’re over everyday for hours at a time.”

  “I am not,” she replies affronted. “Just the other day I was at the bakery helping Grace. And even when you’re there, helping with Annabelle, if he’s around no one else ever gets a turn… Right, Grace?”

  I hold my hands up, not wanting to get in the middle of this one. Even though I kind of agree with Kayla, Jaxson does hog her.

  “Whatever. Next weekend Coop and I get her for the whole evening. You promised,” she adds, pointing her finger at Julia.

  “Yes, you do, I promise. Jax and I are not bringing her on our date.”

  “Damn straight,” she mumbles, but has a smile of her own.

  “Who’s at the bakery for you, Grace?” Katelyn asks, changing the subject.

  “Just Mac at the moment. I’m heading back over there right after here. I have an interview with a high school girl today. I’m hoping she works out. Ruby and Mac have both been great but I could use a little more help. Things have been even more busy than usual since the weather has started warming up.”

  And boy has it ever. I’m happy that the bakery is doing so well, but I miss
spendin’ time with Sawyer. Although, he typically is at the bakery if he’s not at the gym. He plants his sexy butt at my counter and watches me in a way that is completely distracting.

  “Well I’m not sure what kind of help you’re needing, but I could help out a couple evenings or days a week until you find someone,” Faith offers kindly.

  “Thanks, Faith, that’s awful nice of ya. I might need to take you up on that. Kayla and Julia have been great too, with pitching in when they can.”

  Right when Faith is about to say something, Sawyer and Jaxson walk out of the office at the far back corner. That familiar awareness flutters through me as my eyes roam over the man I am madly in love with.

  He makes eye contact with me immediately, and even though he’s quite a distance away I catch his wink and sexy grin. My mind conjures up all the things he just did to my body only a couple hours ago.

  Oh man, do I want to be alone with him… “Oh my god. Oh god, oh god…”

  Looking over, I see Faith starting to panic. She stands up and keeps her head down, as if trying to hide herself.

  “Faith? What is it, what’s wrong?” Katelyn asks worriedly.

  “I’m sorry. I have to go. I have to get out of here.”

  “What? Why?” she asks confused.

  Sawyer comes to an abrupt halt as soon as he spots Faith. “Ho-ly shit.” Kayla, Julia and I look at each other, wondering what the heck is going on.

  Faith doesn’t notice Sawyer’s reaction since her head is down as she bolts from her spot.

  I see Cade walking from the washroom and is about to cross right into Faith’s hasty exit. I’m just about to shout out a warning but it’s too late. Not seeing him, Faith collides right smack into Cade’s chest.

  “Whoa,” he grabs her shoulders to steady her.

  “Oh I’m so sorry, I…” With tears streaming down her cheeks Faith looks up at Cade for the first time and gasps.

  Cade’s body stiffens in shock, a bundle of emotions splash across his face before his expression turns hard again. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  His harsh tone causes Faith to flinch. She rips from his grasp and runs out the gym doors.

  “Faith, wait!” Katelyn shouts. She glares at Cade, wondering what the heck is going on, before running out the doors after her cousin.

  “Jax, what’s wrong?” Julia asks, walking over to Jaxson as he stares at Cade, who’s frozen to his spot. He looks like he’s just seen a ghost.

  “Sawyer?” I ask softly when no one says anything.

  Before he can explain anything Katelyn walks back in and stares at all the guys in shock and disbelief… “Oh my god,” she says in a choked whisper, “it was you guys. You’re the ones who pulled her out of hell.”

  Oh god… And then it all became clear: Katelyn’s cousin, Faith, was Cade’s girl. The girl they all lived through a week of hell to save.

  First and foremost thank you to my amazing husband for picking up the extra slack with house work and our four beautiful children so I could get lost in Sawyer and Grace. I would never be able to do this without you. I love you so much for making my dreams come true in every way. XO

  Next up… to my girl Kayla. *Sigh* Seriously you are the best book friend a girl could have. Even though I did not need as much input with this story I love our regular sessions that consist of wings, a two hour massage and Men Of Honor talk. You’re the only one who truly knows how these characters evolved from me and I think you may love them just as much as me. I can NOT wait to write all about you and delicious Cooper. Love ya girl, thanks for always being there for me and being my biggest cheerleader. XO!

  To my friend/editor Megan. Thank you for helping me on another amazing journey. These books would not be the same without you. I love our witty comments and fun bantering. I appreciate you and love you for everything you have done for me. Thank you for always being there. XO!

  And last but certainly not least my beta readers. Shelley, Sierra and Kim. Sierra and Kim, you ladies are a hoot. I love that I have gotten to know you girls and that you have fallen in love with my boys just as much as me. I can not wait until London, we are going to tear it up.

  Shelley, out of all of my family you have been my biggest supporter right from the beginning. You told me to go for it when others put me down, you built me up and never let me second guess myself. You may be my sister in marriage only but you’ll always be a sister to me in my heart. Thank you for everything. XO!




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