by Cliff Ball
Chapter 18
“You’re going to vote on and pass a healthcare act that will put Americans on government healthcare. You’re going to claim that millions die every year without insurance and prices have skyrocketed because of predatory insurance rates. There will be no debate and no one will have time to read the legislation. Do you understand what I want?” Michael asked the Speaker of the House Darcy Rooney.
“I understand. Do I get to read it and will we be able to post it online for the people to read?”
“No. All you need to know right now is that it’ll be similar in design to the UK’s National Healthcare Service. You and the rest of the country will find out what’s in it once it’s passed. President Marsh will sign it and it will become law within the year. Full implementation will occur by 2015. No one will be allowed to debate it later, there will be no calls for repeal, and you will ignore the costs to businesses, and their eventual complaining, since they will be required to implement the changes that are in the bill. My people are fully prepared for everything in the bill, so they are more than ready to begin implementation,”
“I see. Will Minority Leader Tom Granger play along?”
“Granger has all the votes lined up, so the bill will pass with a comfortable margin. He has also handpicked the Representatives who will be the voice of the opposition, to pretend that not all Republicans are totally for a government takeover of healthcare. In the Senate, Majority Leader Jack Meeds will bring it up to a vote, and they will pass it with the majority of members voting yes, with only a couple of token no votes from the Republican members. The media will hype the bill to the moon and polls will be manipulated to appear that the majority of the people are for a government takeover of their health. Then that will be that and you will have the Universal Healthcare you and your side have wanted for a very long time,”
“I look forward to that day. I have another idea, if you’d like to hear it,”
“I’m open to new ideas. What’s yours?”
“We need to create a situation where we end up with full gun control. A situation where we can ban all guns, or, at the very least, shut down gun sales to all civilians. Do you think we can do that?”
“I don’t see why not. I imagine you’ll have some people threatening to bring down the government with most of the legislation that’s coming up, so if we can remove that threat to the stability of the government, you can pass anything you want without retribution. I’ll look into what can be done. We also have some technology coming online in the near future that we can use to control everything Americans can do; from limiting travel cross-country, to being able to know what kind of e-mail’s they send, or what they write in their text messages. We’re approaching some exciting times, and I, for one, look forward to it.”
The United States government passed the Healthcare Act within a month of putting it into committee, passing it through the House, then through the Senate, and President Marsh promptly signed it into law with great fanfare. Standing next to him were people whose supposed horror stories about healthcare was one of the reasons given for the need to reform American healthcare. No one was allowed to read what was in it, because their leaders told them it was too important and needed to be fast-tracked into law. Michael knew there would probably be some complaints once everyone found out was in the law, but by then it would be too late to repeal it.
Unbeknownst to the powers-that-be, there were people who downloaded from Congress’ website and read the three thousand plus pages of the Healthcare Act. These people who read the law, found that the government would eventually prevent senior citizens over sixty-five from getting the healthcare they needed, people who had various ailments would have to convince the government why the government should let them continue to use expensive medications to keep themselves alive, and babies who were not born yet and had special needs would be aborted.
The law even dictated to religious organizations what they were or weren’t allowed to do, including being forced to provide abortions. These were just some of the things they found in the law and it not only made them mad, but it made them concerned about the direction the United States.
Within a month, Americans who disliked a huge central government began coming up with ideas on how to deal with such an intrusive and potentially deadly Healthcare Act. Around the country, people e-mailed each other to plan protests, e-mail campaigns, and to come up with other ideas on how to convince their Representatives and Senators to repeal the law. They began calling themselves the Tea Party, after the famous Boston Tea Party.
At rallies across the country: “The United States government is imposing on us socialism and failed ideas from places like Europe, where socialism has been tried and it has failed. England’s healthcare lets thousands die every year because of the lack of properly trained doctors, lack of proper training for their medical technicians, and because they have a government who decides who can live and who can die. Meanwhile, the elite in their country come to the United States for medical treatment. The same is true of other countries, including our neighbor to the north, Canada. If we don’t repeal Marshcare, our nickname for such a monstrosity, the government will decide who gets to live and who gets to die. They will ration your medicine, they will abort babies who they deem unfit for their new America, and eventually, they’ll probably declare all of us who disagree with them as mentally unstable.
“Recently, the President bailed out Ford and Government Motors, sorry, that’s General Motors. Smart business would’ve been to let them declare bankruptcy and reorganize, but the political establishment in Washington declared them and the banks that they also bailed out as too big to fail. Ladies and gentlemen, if we handled our household budgets that way, we’d be hounded by our creditors, which are almost the same ones who received handouts from the government. The President and his cronies think they can just print money and the economy will recover, but so far, we haven’t seen it happening. Washington needs to stop spending money it doesn’t have! The way they’re going, our great-great-great-grandchildren will be still paying off the debt the government keeps piling up.
“The President, Congress, and all of their political cronies are also attacking the Constitution. They say that it’s a living document, so it can be interpreted in any way they see fit. The founders of our great country wrote the document as straightforward and simple as they could possibly make it, without all that mumbo-jumbo lawyer language they could have written into it. Our rights come from our Creator, not from government. If we let these attacks on the basic principles of our country to continue, our freedoms to worship, bear arms, assemble peaceably like we are now, our freedom of speech, and every other freedom guaranteed under the Bill of Rights will be taken away from us. Do we want that? No!
“They attack the institution of marriage, by wanting gays to marry when the government has no business interfering in marriage. Marriage is for those of us who have morals and a belief in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, not for those godless heathens who go from partner to partner, use children in their despicable acts, and get each other infected with nasty diseases. This is not Sodom and Gomorrah! They attack our religious beliefs, yet they have no problem with Muslims, who will kill you for not believing what they believe. Christians are about freedom, Muslims hate freedom. We’re called racists, even though we have people of all colors at these rallies, and the merchants of hate even hate black Americans who think for themselves. What they want from us is that we sit down, shut up, and let them do what they want.
“As of now, we will start backing candidates to local, state, and federal office who agree with our principles. We will no longer feed the beast of the Establishment in Washington or in our own states. We will no longer support Republicans who have been in Washington for more than a decade, and those Republicans who have been in office for decades have now been put on notice that we will kick them out of office. We will create a new party that backs liberty and freedom. Know this, my fellow pat
riots, the state run dinosaur media will be against us all the way, including the so-called commentators and the like who claim they have the same values as we do. With the internet at our beck and call, we can join forces together across the country, bypass the government propaganda, create our own alternate media, and educate the people about what’s really going on in this country. We will take our country back from these godless socialists and return the United States to the Christian nation it once was. God Bless America!”
In Delaney, Nebraska, the Atwood’s returned home from the rally that was held in Rapid City, South Dakota, and Aaron wasn’t too happy. “These people aren’t serious, all they’re doing is whining. Our ancestors declared their independence from England for a heck of a lot less, but all of us continue to put up with more and more government intrusion into our lives. I didn’t serve in Afghanistan just so we could turn into the Soviet Union. If everyone was serious about deposing the socialists and control freaks from our government, they would ask those of us who served in the military that are on their side to protect our country from these domestic enemies. Instead, it’s all talk, talk, and more talk. Electing fresh blood into the political system won’t work, they’ll end up as corrupted as their predecessors and there will continue to be no difference between the Republicans and Democrats. I’m sick of these godless pagans telling me what to do. What’s needed is to remove the cancer that is Washington from our lives by blowing the city up and have a federal capital that is rotated among the states. Plus, require the politicians to live among their constituents by making them telecommute so lobbyists will have a hard time bribing them and the politicians won’t get together so often to play their stupid little games,”
“Sweetheart, please calm down, you’ll upset our children,” Mary Anne asked of her husband.
“Fine, but they need to know how absolutely corrupt our government is, including that indoctrination center they call school. Maybe I should start preparing for a disaster like those Doomsday Preppers we’ve been seeing on cable TV or on online. We should start stocking up on food, weapons, ammo, water, and prepare for whatever is about to come in the near future. I’ll also make sure nobody will be able to find my weapons. You’re ok with that, right?”
“I don’t know, Aaron, you should really put your faith in God that everything will work out for good for those that love Him. I know you’re saved, but why prepare for something that may never happen, when you know God will protect us, and even may Rapture us before anything like that even begins to happen?”
“Why? Because it’ll make me feel better. Right now, I feel mad enough to go storm the White House myself and take down that jerk who says he’s our President. All I’m going to do is go online to research various ways to protect ourselves from potential disasters. Please don’t worry, ok?”
“Ok.” the two kissed and Aaron went to his computer to do some research into the matter.
Michael Evans saw an opportunity for some mischief with this mini-Civil War that was occurring between the conservatives and libertarians versus the Republican establishment. Michael figured the best way to get his agenda achieved was to exploit this rather fortuitous turn of events, so he pulled all of his monetary support from the Republican National Committee, had the media start attacking anything and everything that socialists and others thought was bad about the Party. Michael then began throwing his support behind random candidates who challenged incumbent Republicans all across the country. In the meantime, he prepared for the eventual downfall of the Republicans by researching the possibilities of backing or establishing a third party. Michael would also secretly give money to Conservatives so they could establish their own Party, and then with three national Parties, it would keep the Democrats in office in perpetuity since the other two would split the votes.
The test came in the mid-term elections. By the end of the night, nearly every Republican in Washington who was up for re-election and had been in office for decades were now out of office. The candidates Michael backed, ninety percent of them won their office, while the new Conservative Party and its candidates won very few. The old guard Republicans then began to migrate to the Democrats, including Allen MacMurray, while some joined the new Independent Party that Michael sponsored. The President and the Democrats now saw this as a mandate that their policies were what the American people really wanted so they began to look for more ways to implement these programs.