BREAK ME (Teased and Broken Book 3)

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BREAK ME (Teased and Broken Book 3) Page 9

by Ashley Black

  I shivered at the intensity in his face.

  I shimmied backwards, sliding my ass along the floor as he prowled toward me on all fours. “You were saying before,” I bit my lip nervously, “that you held back.”

  He swooped and I cried out senselessly.

  He pinned my wrists to the floor with one hand . “Do you want this?” he asked softly, grazing my clenching slit with the head of his cock. You want to see this side of me Elena?” He tipped his head back and stared straight up at the ceiling, groaning. A shudder worked its way through his massive form. “Oh, I feel you do. You drench my prick already and I am not even inside you yet, love.”

  Damn this man!

  I was so wet.

  The inner folds of me swelling.

  A tingling riot of arousal.

  His mouth smashed against mine, slid to my neck, my breasts. The sucking at my skin came hard and rhythmic. His teeth grazed at my nipples. He went lower.

  That sexy mouth stretched wide and sucked hard at my mound. My eyes rolled back in my head.

  “Yes!” I sighed struggling against the binding of his hand crushing my wrists to the mat.

  “Stop that,” he growled. “Don’t resist me.”

  “I want to touch you,” I complained.

  “You already are,” he mumbled thickly. “You are in the carcass my soul used to be. You are filling it with the honey of your cunt’s nectar. Your pussy juice. Consider me touched. More than that love, consider me violated in the most wonderful way.”

  Holy shit.

  My back arched rigidly as he sucked harder at the mound. I was drenched in pleasure. My hips flicked and snapped at his mouth. I wanted his cock back at my quivering slit. She was clenching around absence. I wanted to be filled with the eye widening pain of him inside.

  “I want,” I groaned. “To be full of you.”

  His immense presence wrapped all around me, as he stroked the small of my back, pulled at my ass, scratched at my thighs.

  He tapped his hot and heavy cock at my slit. A tease I thought would kill me.

  I got my hand free of his, wrapped it urgently around his neck and grinded myself against him.

  “Naughty!” he hissed and slammed my wrist back into place.

  His weight bore down on me. An exquisite glimpse of his beautiful face, fire bright emerald eyes, lips curled in a smile of triumph. Then those lips opened mine and drew me into a frenzied kiss.

  That cock still twitched there against my swollen, outraged, mess of a pussy.

  He flicked it repeatedly before grazing the swollen bud of my clit with the tip of it. His hips undulating in sensual torture.

  “I will vanquish you for real if you don’t come inside right now Thornton Darko!” I whimpered, tears of frustration squeezing from my eyes. I tossed and twisted frantically writhing beneath him.

  “I am enjoying feeling you drench my cock with your cream, love, I got carried away,” he brushed my neck reverently with his lips.

  Hot and heavy I felt him drive into me.

  “Yes!” I screamed in relief.

  He laughed darkly. “You don’t even know what I’m going to do to you.”

  At that moment. I didn’t care. My body was pulled into a senseless twitching in the aftershock of his wrath.

  Then my eyes snapped open as I stared up at him in horror. “This isn’t going to hurt you is it?”

  I felt his cock flinch inside my pussy at my bringing up the unfortunate events of the night before, including his bits getting viciously belted by that lunatic Cult Leader.

  “Thank you for your concern” he said softly. “I am completely healed, and being inside you is making the skin forget everything. The only memory my cock will soon have is of the bliss of you woman.”

  I sighed happily. I wanted to give more bliss to that skin that had been mistreated.

  I wondered of my powers. I could enchant his cock. I could dampen arousal. I could amplify sensation.

  I enchanted his cock, sent a charge of sexual energy to his pulsing boner, felt it ripple up and down, from the base to the tip. He grew harder and thicker inside of me.

  Hmmmm … neat trick.

  “What?” he gaped at me, his face flushing, sweat slicking his brow. “Have you done? Oh god if I don’t spill soon I will fucking explode woman.”

  “You like my powers?”

  He puffed as he swelled some more inside of me.

  Shit, I hoped I hadn’t gone too far! I didn’t want to hurt him.

  “Yes,” he panted. “It’s just, my boner is so fat and heavy. I think you sent all the blood there love. All the fucking blood.” He winced a little as he shifted his position.

  I sighed happily as he plunged even deeper.

  I felt adrenalized and electrified.

  “Tell me Enchantress, do you like my powers?”

  A guttural moan ripped from my lips when I felt his mouth, everywhere. All over my skin, licking, flicking, caressing, suckling. A crackling fire pop of sizzling tension lashed across my skin at the sensation.

  His mouth was so hungry and wild.

  I was being devoured.

  He then pumped me urgently timing the suck and flick of his mouths everywhere to the same tempo.

  Holy shit.

  I was sliding away from him in the puddle of arousal the man had reduced me to.

  His mouth fell away from all of me, and just exploited my seething clit.

  Licked at it at the speed his cock flicked within.

  I screamed.

  He drew out and released my wrists. His hands gripped my ass as he lifted my hips up to him. He thrust harder, grinding me desperately. I saw the terror in his beautiful face and I felt my back bow.

  I frowned.

  My hands had come to rest on that hot ass moving up and down. His muscles straining with the effort of all that thrusting.

  I felt my legs dangling.

  I felt cool air rush beneath my back.

  As I clenched harder around him. The throbbing rush of orgasm tightened all of me. I realized we had left the mat.

  We were levitating. Drifting a foot off the floor.

  He had said he would only do that to someone he wanted to take as his wife.

  We were revolving gently, spinning in an exquisite slow circle. I was now on top of him.

  He did not break the pace and intensity of his pumping even just a little for the change in position of our bodies.

  “Oh,” I teased. “You are very skilled, Thorn.”

  Doesn’t mean I will let you take me as your wife, but you are an exceptional mid air fuck.

  He grunted as I slammed my hips to his and bore all my weight on one side of me, concentrating on an itch, an ache I had on the right. I thought that would tip him off balance and flip us to the floor, but he held us perfectly still as that throbbing cock duly soothed and fucked away that ache. I rose up and tipped back, letting my head fall back, my hair rush down my back, my hand gripped the base of his thickness as I pulled him back with me and snapped my hips against him.

  Thorn gasped in shock and pain. “That feels ridiculously good woman.” His hand flashed to my belly pushed me back further as he strained away from me. He roared.

  I pulled back even more.

  The roar deepened into a guttural wail.

  “Going to come so hard love.”

  He gently spun us so he was on top again. He covered my body with his hot insane one. He drew out of me so sharply the shock of his cock’s absence made all of me clench in protest. He flipped me so I faced away from him, drew me up to my knees and tilted me forward slightly. He exploded all over my ass.

  I gasped in shock as the throbbing pulse of my orgasm tripped me into bliss distracting me for a moment from the shock of his hot cum running between my ass cheeks, and down the backs of my thighs. Impossibly he was still spurting his load. He was panting hard.

  It was so delicious to hear him so affected.

  I screamed when my knees suddenly h
it the mat.


  He landed on top of me.



  The man was motionless. Eerily unmoving.

  “Thorn,” I whipped my head around to look at him over my shoulder.

  He blinked at me dazedly, lifting from me. He sighed with intense satisfaction. His huge hand flashed to my hip, dug in, and massaged the flesh there.

  “Everything all right back there?”

  “Yes and no,” he groaned. “I am sorry for the rough landing. I lost my concentration. It’s all your fault.”

  “How is it my fault?” I wondered, amused. He dragged a yelp of surprise out of me when his hand parted my cheeks and he swirled his wet warm sticky fingers around outside my nether mouth. He pinched it playfully. Fuck that man so very much. That annoying descriptor of my anus ‘nether mouth’ had stuck with me.

  “It’s your ass, love,” his huge muscular arms slid up, enclosing me in a possessive circle, “it looks so pretty with my cum all over it.”


  When I awoke less than three hours after, all of me ached.

  My skin burned.

  It was as if Thornton Darko had branded his essence all over me. Even though he insisted he didn’t have a soul, Thorn still had an energy that was uniquely his, dark, twisted, crazy, magnetic.


  I was his.

  Thorn had taken me at least three more times until I passed out in a swoon with him still inside of me.

  At different times I had awoke to find his body still covering mine possessively. It seemed he held onto me for dear life.

  “You made it all go away,” he had mumbled against my lips when he had taken me the last time. “It’s gone. I don’t feel it any more. You are my remedy.”

  I peeked at him through my lashes, sleeping soundly, still lying on top of me. His cock was snug and soft inside.

  I was reeling from yesterday. Not just because of the crazy amazing sex, but because of my deception of this man who loved me so much.

  Who I loved so much.

  I had lied to him.

  I had told him I was “all or nothing” for him. That I was with him.

  Brett and his military muscle would get here today.

  The deadline for getting the truth out of this man was today.

  I thought about how he had allowed Clarissa to help me with my powers.

  I thought about his dad almost dying the other day and Thorn depleting himself of his rather formidable powers in his efforts to save him. How much he cared for this man who had taken in as his son. How in his love for Bob, and wanting to help him, he had put himself at a near fatal disadvantage when Snake Father turned up.

  I thought about his band dying. How fucking helpless he must have felt seeing them hanging there by the necks like that. Hearts cut out.

  I had learned of his tragic past filled with cruelty and sex abuse. What that reprehensible, depraved, sick as fuck cult leader had done to him.

  I thought about how we made such a fantastic team out in the field against cult leader and his fanatics. Him with his ravens, me with my bodacious bad ass enchantress powers.

  I thought about him seemingly drug fucked from a warlock designer drug in that bath tub. How scary that had been to see him like that.

  I thought about how much I didn’t want to lose this man.

  I sighed in resignation. I knew what I had to do.

  Time to blow this prick.

  Learn some truths.

  I gently, carefully, disentangled myself and wriggled out from beneath him.

  He made an “oomph” sound as I rolled him onto his back.

  I wondered if I could tie him up with my powers.

  I could enchant animals; could I enchant inanimate objects to do my bidding? I scanned the room quickly, noticing the gold silk ties around the heavy dark drapes. My hand rose to my mouth when they unwound themselves from the drapes, looping around the bed posts. The ties snaked his wrists, binding him securely to the bed.

  Terrified and oddly aroused I watched as the cord from the bathrobes draped over the bottom of the bed unfurled from the gowns, and snagged around his ankles.

  The width of the bed in our expansive suite was bloody enormous.

  But so was Thornton Darko.

  I wanted his legs stretched as wide as possible to give me unimpeded access to the goods.

  “The fuck?” he uttered angrily, trying to spring up.

  I heard his hip bones crack from the strain of being pulled so wide open for me.

  Poor man.

  “What?” he growled, dark green eyes flashing. “What the hell do you think you’re doing … witch?”

  I shivered. He hadn’t called me that for a while. Guessing he didn’t like being woken in this manner.

  His eyes widened as I flung myself at him, landing between his straining, protesting rippling thighs as he thrashed furiously beneath me.

  “Explain,” he roared in my face. “Is this how your book ends, Elena?” His gaze hissed toward my lap top. VANQUISH ME was open.

  Curious prick.

  “No,” I could have laughed in his flushed face. I didn’t. “You seriously think I want to vanquish you Thorn? I love you!”

  “I don’t understand?’ he frowned. “Are you feeling kinky is that it?”

  I smiled. “I am a kinky bitch as you know, but no. This is about getting some fucking answers Mr. Darko.”

  The color drained from his beautiful face.

  I licked my lips and looked down at his semi aroused cock. It was starting to stir and become harder.

  “I tried asking you. You refused to tell me. I am going to blow you so hard Thorn, you are going to tell me everything I want to know. All the things you don’t want me to know, I shall soon know. Including.” I yanked angrily at the raven necklace, “what is really going on with this!”

  “I already told you,” he barely whispered. His dark green eyes squeezing shut. “I didn’t have a piece of my soul to give so I bound myself to you, because I love you. That necklace is highly meaningful to me. About what you mean to me. ”

  “It feels like a slave choker, Thorn,” I hissed. “As long as I am wearing this, I can’t escape you.”

  “No,” his dark green eyes popped open, beautiful face crumpled in pain. “Don’t say that. Don’t ever say that. You are not my slave.”

  “Tell me what the warlock gifted you when he did his mojo on this thing?” I tugged impatiently at the little raven on the chain.

  Thorns lips pressed together in a stubborn line. He glared at me defiantly.

  “Tell me why you keep coming back?”

  “I already did, you want me Elena.”

  “Why do I want you?”

  He was chewing on his flirty lower lip. It had started to bleed.

  “You should know why you want me,” he almost wailed, pulling against his binds. “Please,” he said on a plea. “Elena?”

  I shrugged. “Bored now,” I dove between his legs and clamping my lips down around his cock tightly, drawing a low menacing growl from his thick white throat.

  The taste of sugar, salt and power, intoxicated my mouth.


  His cock swelled quickly for my attention, slid and hit the back of my throat, threatening my gag reflex.

  I eased back between his painfully stretched wide legs, and then swirled the flat of my tongue around the very tip, squeezing the base lightly.

  He twisted frantically beneath me. “No,” he growled louder. “Please don’t do this.”

  I pointed my tongue and flicked the twitching head.

  His ass shuddered.

  I kissed his cock softly, alternating with a lick, back to the suck and pull of my lips.

  “Please,” he breathed raggedly. “Stop!”

  I bobbed my head up and down his length licking the underside as I went. His ass lifted off the bed and a guttural moan rumbled out of him.

  I bobbed faster
. He roared.

  I saw his large ball sac tighten below the large twitching dance of his cock above as it bounced against his belly. His hips were moving in a beautiful undulating motion. A sensual roll and flick upwards.

  I decided maybe this was the best way of giving head.

  No hands in your hair.

  No one trying to control the tempo and rhythm.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” I breathed, giving his sensitive tip another lick.

  I asked my questions.

  The man looked incoherent. He was a writhing, twisting, seething frantic mess of need and arousal beneath my mouth.

  I started with something fairly innocuous.

  “Why do your eyes sometimes turn to flame? They have been doing that more and more lately.”

  “It is something to do with what they put inside of me. Like I said, a sliver of hell.”

  I remembered our strange, hallucinogenic fuelled, intensely erotic encounter in the enchanted wood that flanked his castle. The wood in which the town folk and his family were buried. “You turned into a demon when we hallucinated that time you wanted me to meet your folks? Do you believe you’re the devil?”

  “A devil,” he corrected. “I believe there is something really, fucking wrong with me Elena. Like I said, I’m broken. Every day I fight for an unbecoming. I don’t want to become what’s foretold.”

  “Holy shit can you please make some kind of sense?”

  “The truth doesn’t always make sense,” he said quietly.

  “All right? But why do your eyes turn to green flame when they do? Is there a reason? Does something set it off?”

  “When my base primal instincts are triggered. When I’m feeling particularly intense emotion, they glow. I’m finding it harder to shake it off as you saw last night.”

  I attacked the underside of his cock with a slow, teasing caress of a kiss and drew a whimper from him. “Hmmmmm,” I murmured thoughtfully.

  He grunted and tried to twist away from my mouth.

  “You keep saying ‘when you are finally mine’, what does that even mean?”

  “It means what I am going to do after this love,” he smirked.

  “Which is?” I felt my brows raise.

  “I am going to fucking burn a brand into your ass. It will bear the word MINE and my initials will be beneath it. In Warlock lore, that is a very powerful sign of ownership.”


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