The Pack_One Rule Make it to Seven

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The Pack_One Rule Make it to Seven Page 8

by I. J. Smith


  The sun had risen and the day was beginning within the walls of the Order. The hallways came to life as people awoke. New Recruits, Keepers, Teachers, and Researchers went about their work, like any other day. Unaware of the trials that the Pack had completed during their first mission the night before.

  Laughter and morning greetings filled the air. The mood was one of happiness, but not for all.

  In his office, Frank had finished the bottle of scotch and sat slouched in his chair; still feeling the guilt of his confession to Tate.

  In the Pack’s living area, Abigail sat with Damian having breakfast in the communal room. Laughing and joking with each other as Emily and Rico still slept on the sofa. Ambrose continued to snore as he lay in his chair.

  Kate was the only one to make it to her bed. Changed into a black t-shirt and red pajama shorts, she had passed out hugging a pillow on her bed.

  Tate was still in his room, now sat on the floor with his back to the wall. His mind wandering as he kept re-reading the file on his mother. Every time, it tore him up inside.

  The tall, rigid man, Casey, weaved his way through the people. He walked with purpose towards Frank’s office. Ignoring the pleasantries of those wishing him good morning on the way. He reached out to knock on the door and noticed the shaking of his hand. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before attempting to knock again.

  Frank sighed as his door was banged on. “Come in!”

  As the door opened, Frank rolled his eyes as Casey walked in. “Mr. Goff, what do you want?”

  “Is this a bad time?” Casey asked.

  Frank wiped his eyes, “When is it ever a good time?” he replied tersely.

  Casey walked past Frank’s desk and stood by the large bookcase that sat against the wall. Frank shook his head, he was not in the mood for this. Asking again, “Casey, what do you want?”

  “I think we need to talk, Frank!” Casey replied.

  “Look, I’ve been up all night. I’m not in the mood for one of your talks about improvement.” Frank answered.

  Casey chuckled, “You have never shown me the respect I deserve.”

  “Look….” Frank began to say before Casey interrupted him with, “Shut up!”

  “My family has served the Order for generations. But still we are not treated with the respect we deserve.”

  Frank checked the bottle of scotch. Seeing the bottle empty; he slammed it down on his desk. “Respect. What exactly do you want respect for?” Frank asked.

  Casey turned to face Frank, “We have sacrificed! Given everything to the Order!”

  “Sacrifice? Your family have always hidden from the danger. Your grandfather was a famous Keeper. Famous for leaving his Unit to be slaughtered, running away because he was scared. And your father was no better!” Frank told him firmly as he stood up.

  “Now, get the fuck out of my office!” Frank told Casey.

  Casey shook his head. “You bought this on yourself. Today the Order changes forever!”

  Frank laughed loudly. “Piss off you little runt!”

  Not saying a word, Casey pushed the bookcase against the wall. A loud click echoed out.

  “What are you doing?” Frank asked.

  Casey smiled and answered, “Making history!”

  The bookcase began to open, outwards; the darkness behind it revealing a hidden passage.

  “Those passages have been sealed for years, so whatever you think…..” Frank suddenly stopped.

  He watched as a large figure appeared from the darkness, its eyes glinting through the dark. As it stepped forward, a full size of the man became apparent. Broad-shoulders, red beard and shining bald headed man, stepped into the light. As he smiled, the glint of two razor sharp fangs caught Frank’s attention.

  “Frank, I would like you to meet a friend of mine. Well, more like family, really. Meet Maddox, the Leader of the Blood Tribe.”

  The room went quiet.

  “There is no Blood Tribe,” Frank muttered.

  Casey smiled, “Well, that is not entirely true. They are one of the higher breeds of Vampires, hidden from the Order by my family.”

  Stepping towards Frank, Casey laughed. “All this time you were blind. Vampires hold the key to our future. My family realized that long ago.”

  Frank suddenly hit out, smashing Casey in the jaw with a closed fist. Like a rock, Casey hit the floor. Blood dripping from his mouth. Before anything else could be said, Maddox raced with speed and grabbed Frank by the throat, lifting him several feet into the air.

  “Don’t worry Frank, your precious Order will be in good hands. Well, once the purge has happened!” Casey gloated.

  “Oh, Did I forget to mention that all the old passages have now been cleared?” Casey added.

  Maddox squeezed and ruptured Frank’s throat. As his windpipe crushed, blood spewed from his mouth. The flesh broke apart like butter, Maddox dropped the lifeless body to the floor. Turning to Casey, he roared. “NOW!”


  In the training hall, new Recruits were being briefed on the rules of a being a member of the Order. The trainer was just talking to them about the commitment of seven years, when suddenly the metal shutters that cover the windows activated. The sunshine that beamed through the windows was now blocked.

  “OK! Don’t panic, I am sure it’s just a security test!” the teacher announced, trying to calm everyone.

  The echoes of screams outside the hall suddenly changed the teacher’s mind. The large double doors flew open and rushing through, came an uncountable number of Half-Breeds. Before anyone could even react, the teacher’s face was removed with a single swipe to his face. As his body dropped to its knees, the recruits screamed seeing the remaining part of his brain slide out.

  The screams of, “RUN!” Echoed around the Order.

  Blood sprayed over the walls of the Order, the carpeted floors being drenched in blood and entrails. As people ran, the vampires, both Half-Breed and Pure-Bloods, fed on the massacred.

  The young Doctor Lewis ran along the hallway, her face splattered with blood. Running in heels, she tripped. Her glasses flew off, leaving her unable to see clearly. Patting the floor in front of her, she panicked in searching for her glasses.

  “Here you go,” a soft, female voice told her.

  Feeling her glasses being handed to her, Doctor Lewis sighed in relief. “Oh my God, thank you so much!”

  Standing up she replaced her glasses and looked at her savior. Her happiness turned to fear, beginning to cry; as the beautiful woman in front of her smiled. The woman’s lips were red with blood, saying, “Don’t cry little one!”

  Aviana stood, about to sink her teeth into Doctor Lewis, when the brave woman slapped the vampire.

  Standing there laughing, Aviana watched as the Doctor attempted to run away.

  “Run little one!” Aviana said as she laughed.

  The Doctor made it only a few feet when she felt the grip of Aviana’s hands on the back of her neck. Throwing her against the wall, the Doctor slumped to the floor. Her forehead showing a deep gash, with blood rushed down her face, blurring her vision.

  She attempted to get back up, but her head was spinning. She could not focus, unable to move her legs. Pushing a small side table over, Doctor Lewis noticed a red button underneath.

  Aviana crouched down, her fangs exposed as she leaned in for the kill. The Doctor tried with all her remaining strength to push the button. Even with the sharp pain of the fangs, piercing her skins and slowly killing her, she continued in an attempt to raise the alarm.

  Just as her last remaining breaths left her body Doctor Lewis managed to press the button.

  Suddenly the hallways became alive with the sound of a high pitch alarm echoing through them.


  Aviana roared into the air.



  The sudden impact of
the alarm sounding out made Ambrose fall from the chair that he was sleeping in.

  “What the hell?” Rico shouted.

  Abigail rushed to the door stepping out she looked along the hallway. The shock of seeing a Half-Breed staring back at her, made her freeze to the spot.

  “Damian…” she whispered. But the Half-Breed heard her. With a mighty roar, the vampire raced down the hallway towards her.

  Before Abigail could move back, the beast was almost upon her, only a few feet away. When suddenly the glint of a blade caught her eye. Before she could focus, the head of the Half-Breed rolled to the floor. Breathing heavily, Abigail focused to see Tate, stamping on the severed head. As the blood and brain matter spread over the floor, Damian appeared.

  “That’s a vampire!” Damian stated.

  Rico, Emily, and Ambrose appeared behind Damian. “What gave it away?” Rico muttered.

  Damian looked at Tate, seeing his Dead-Cutter dripping with blood. “Nice work!” He told Tate.

  Kate’s bedroom door opened, “What’s all the fucking noise?” She asked as she stepped out, barefoot and still in her pajamas; into a puddle of blood. Looking down, she watched the blood soak in between her toes.

  “Did I miss something?” Kate asked.

  The echo of screams, travelled towards the Pack.

  “We need weapons!” Tate told everyone.

  Nodding his head, Damian moved, to stand next to Tate, “Agreed! We should move for the armory.” Damian tells them.

  “Where is it?” Tate asked.

  Damian looked at him, and replied, “The other side of the building.”

  A sudden eruption of blood curdling screams, echoed even closer.

  “It might as well be a thousand miles away!” Emily added.

  The Pack remained silent, until Kate broke the silence and asked, “What happens now?”

  Tate stepped closer to the screams, he glanced back at the others. “We fight!” He informed them.

  “I don’t mean to be the voice of negativity here, but…” Kate started to say, before Tate interrupted.

  He approached Kate, handing her his Dead-Cutter. “I don’t need it, but I do need you!” He told her. “All of you!” he said, while looking around.

  “You say we’re The Pack, so let’s go show those motherfucking blood suckers who we are!” Tate added.

  Their expression of fear suddenly turned to one of hope, as they heard Tate’s words.

  “Let’s do this shit!” Ambrose shouted. Everyone smiled in shock at his response.

  “OK, if we’re going to die. Let’s do it together!” Rico added.

  Emily frowned, “I don’t wanna die….”


  The Pack began their journey along the hallway. As they reached of their hall, the slaughter become obvious. Thick layers of blood covered the wooden floors, severed arms, legs and heads were scattered everywhere. The sound of those still dying; was hard to listen to; Emily had to wipe the tears of sadness from her eyes.

  “They were slaughtered,” Emily said emotionally.

  Tate stopped ahead of them, “Abigail, can you show Ambrose to the security room?”

  “Excuse me?” An annoyed Abigail replied.

  Tate looked at her, “Ambrose has a history in I.T., I would feel more comfortable with someone monitoring the cameras and being able to turn off this damn alarm.”

  “Makes sense,” Damian added.

  A reluctant Abigail turned away, “Come on Ambrose.”

  “Do you think that was wise?” Damian asked.

  Tate glanced at him, “You both keep telling me to step-up and show I can be a leader. Well here I am, stepping up.”

  “Just remember not to run, before you can walk.” Damian replied.

  Tate just smiled in reply, as they continued.

  The blood on the floor grew deeper with every step. The bodies began to pile up as they continued down the hallway. In that moment, the main lights shutdown. Within a few seconds the red emergency lights came on just as group of Half-Breeds attacked, coming from the neighboring hallways.

  “There’s too many!” Rico told them.

  Damian looked around. He noticed Frank’s office door was open. “In there!” He told them.

  “GO!” Tate shouted.

  As the half-breeds attacked, Tate and Damian covered the others as they retreated to the office. With his shoulder still hurting, Damian favored his left hand. Punching a balding beast in the face did little except buy them a few seconds. Tate was much more aggressive; with his bare hands he grabbed a Vampire and held it down, as he repeatedly punched it in the skull. The sound of cracking bones echoed out, Damian glanced just in time to see Tate’s hand covered in brain matter. Allowing himself to be distracted, Damian was tackled to the floor. Tate could see him struggle to hold the Vampire at bay, his arms losing strength. Tate made quick work of rolling over and throwing himself at the beast, saving Damian.

  “Go!” Tate shouted at him.

  Managing to turn the beast, Tate held it by the back of the neck. He began smashing its head into the wall.

  “Tate, come on!” Kate screamed as she waited for him in the doorway.

  With one last skull crushing thrust against the wall, the vampire’s head cracked like an egg. Tate jumped up to his feet and ran, towards the door, with a small army of Half-Breeds behind him. As he rushed through the door, Kate slammed it shut behind him. Quickly, she locked the large bolts, securing the door.

  The sudden impact of the vampire, smashing against the door, made Kate jump backwards and almost fall. Kate looked up to see Tate holding her. “You OK?” He asked.

  She smiled as their eyes locked.

  “My God!” Emily said.

  As Tate helped Kate back to her feet, he glanced over to Emily who was standing over a body. He checked to see Rico and Damian standing there. He walked over slowly. Coming into view was Frank’s body, taking notice of the large hole in his throat. Tate closed his eyes and shook his head.

  Walking up behind Tate, Kate placed her hand on his shoulder and told him, “He was gone before we got here.”

  Looking back at her, Tate observed the goosebumps on her arms. “You must be freezing?”

  Kate looked at him and gave a slight nod; Tate placed his arms around her and held her close.

  They stood in quiet, the only noise coming from the vampire bashing against the door. Emily walked over to the large green sofa. She picked up a throw that lay on the back, walking over to place it over Frank’s body.

  “Right! We need to get prepared!” Damian told them.

  Standing up he walked over to a large wooden cabinet. The doors were locked, but Damian was in no mood and simply pulled hard on the door; breaking it from the hinges. Inside were several Dead-Cutters, hand guns and two rifle machine guns, including a large amount of silver bullets.

  Grabbing a rifle, he shouted, “Tate!” As Damian threw the rifle to him, asking Tate, “Remember your training?”

  Tate simply checked the magazine and loaded the rifle.

  Damian proceeded to hand out the other weapons to the rest of the Pack. Kate grabbed a Dead-Cutter and handed Tate’s back to him. Rico and Emily checked their handguns and prepared.

  “So, what’s the plan?” Kate asked.

  “I think the best option is to get the window shutters open, to flood the place with daylight.” Damian said.

  “Sounds like a plan!” Tate replied. “OK, myself and Damian first. We will clear a path. Kate, Rico, and Emily make your way to the control room, and get the power back to the shutters.” He continued.

  “What about Abigail and Ambrose?” Emily asked.

  “Here,” Damian said as he handed out small walkie talkies to everyone. “Channel five is for internal. Once Abigail is in the security office she will make contact, it’s protocol.”

  Tate moved to the office door, cracks were beginning to appear as the vampire kept smashing against it. Taking a grip of the handle, he shouted
out, “Ready!”


  Moving carefully, Abigail and Ambrose approached the security room. Like the rest of the building, blood drenched the floor. The door had a key code lock. Abigail looked around first, to make sure no one was around. Pressing the keys 54873, the door gave out a buzz and opened. As she entered a large silver blade swung at her. She dropped to the floor, just in time. Ambrose rushed in, tackling the sword wielder to the floor. Ambrose swung a fist, punching the person in the nose.

  “Ambrose, stop!” Abigail yelled.

  Abigail locked the door and looked at the person on the ground. “Casey?” She asked.

  Holding his bleeding nose, he focused on Abigail, and replied, “Oh thank God, I thought they got you too!”

  Ambrose stood up and offered a helping hand, telling Casey, “Sorry about that!”

  “Don’t be, you did the right thing.” Casey replied.

  Abigail rushed over to the security monitors. She looked to see Damian and Tate fighting Half-Breeds; hand to hand outside her father’s office.

  “Casey, what happened?” She asked.

  “They just appeared inside the walls of the Order, we had no warning.” Casey lied to her.

  Ambrose looked around the office, “But its daytime, how did they even get inside?”

  Casey and Abagail looked at each other, both looking puzzled. The she replied, “The tunnels!”

  Snapping his fingers, Casey agreed, “Of course, there are passages are all around this place. The vampires must have cleared them.”

  “Cleared them? Tunnels?” Ambrose asked confused.

  “This place has stood for hundreds of years; it was built on tunnels that lead all over, for miles. They were decommissioned decades ago. They were collapsed.” Abigail told him.

  Ambrose sat down in front of the monitors. He pulled the keyboard closer, and began working on shutting down the alarm.

  Abigail moved closer, to ask Casey something personal, “My father, have you seen him?”

  He placed his hand on her shoulder, “No, it all happened so quickly.” Casey replied.

  She walked away, wiping a tear from her eye. Unlocking a metal cabinet, she picked a handgun and a walkie talkie. At that moment, the alarm turned off.


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