The Billionaire's Kitten: A Fake Marriage Romance

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The Billionaire's Kitten: A Fake Marriage Romance Page 81

by Cassandra Dee

  “My parents are different from me,” she said slowly. “Jim and Brenda love me and adore me, I’m their daughter after all, but they’re different. You know I’m the first person in my family to go to a four-year college right?” she asked hesitantly.

  I nodded. Jim was a fantastic accountant but he only had an associate’s degree. The fuck I cared. One thing I’ve learned from being the boss over the years is that school is well and good but common sense and experience isn’t taught in the classroom.

  But I was curious, pressing on.

  “But is that what you want?” I asked. “Are you finding that you like college? Are your classes stimulating, helping you figure out what you want to do, who you want to be as a person?”

  And the brunette sighed then.

  “I guess that’s one of the tough things,” she admitted. “My parents have wanted me to go to college since I was a little girl, I always studied so hard, tried my best in school, and now I’m here. But Chris,” she sighed, “it’s not all that. I don’t love my classes, I feel like I’m twenty years older than my friends sometimes, the stuff they want to do, the stuff they’re interested in, I’m just not into it, you know?”

  I nodded understandingly.

  “You mean like smoke weed and get drunk every weekend?” I asked wryly.

  And she sighed again, her hand playing with the table cloth.

  “Not just every weekend,” she said ruefully, rolling her eyes. “More like every day. I think my roommate’s an alcoholic, and she’s not the only one who has a serious drinking habit at school. But it’s other stuff too,” she continued. “I don’t feel like I’m in a groove, the friends I’ve made are interested in talking about boys, shopping and TV shows. Not that I don’t like that stuff,” she said quickly, making me frown slightly, “it’s just that it’s all the time with them. Plus, my professors are in their own worlds, stuck in an ivory tower that makes no sense to me, and sometimes I just don’t know,” she said with another helpless sigh. “I really don’t know.”

  Holy shit, there was a lot to unpack there, but I was interested, curious about the beautiful brunette and her life.

  “Let’s start with the friends,” I said slowly. “What don’t you like about them?”

  “Well,” replied Lindy slowly. “Sometimes they’re so … so juvenile, you know? Everything’s about texting and hooking up, and while I realize I come across as a little conservative,” she flushed, biting her lip, “I dunno, the guys at school just seem so … so …” she hesitated.

  “So what?” I pressed, my voice gentle yet rough at once. I wanted to hear her say it, wanted the brunette to voice what I was hoping.

  “So amateur,” she said in a whisper, looking down, and then back up at me, her eyes catching mine with such meaning, such resonance, that my my heart jumped, my head spinning. “Next to you, Mr. Jones, they’re just amateurs.”

  And I could feel myself staring at her, eating her up, devouring the goodness that was Lindy. Because the girl made me feel about ten feet tall, ready to conquer the world, and fuck but I loved it. I couldn’t believe that a nineteen year-old was doing this to me, making me shake in my shoes, harsh streaks of color staining my cheekbones, but yeah, Lindy knew exactly how to truss me up and leave me helpless.

  “And what else?” I asked, my hand deceptively still on the wineglass. “What else about school seems wrong?”

  “My classes,” the brunette sighed again. “If the classes were okay, I’d feel better about spending so much on tuition every semester. But they’re not! My professors make no sense, they’re talking about magical realism and negative capabilities and I want to scream, ‘What is this going to do for me in real life? How does this apply in real life?’ I mean, I get it, this has to have some utility later down the road, but right now, I don’t see it, Mr. Jones, I really don’t.”

  And I nodded approvingly. I have a four year degree myself but the value it’s added to my empire? I’d say about zero. Yeah, the shit I do at United Electric is about managing people and you can’t learn that in college, it’s about experience, trial by error and being a fair, open-minded boss. This shit isn’t gonna be found anywhere in a textbook, you can’t read about it, you have to live it.

  So I took her hand across the table, gentle, understanding.

  “Well, if school isn’t right for you, have you talked about this with your parents?” I asked, squeezing her fingers. “Jim and Brenda are forking a lot over for tuition, I’m sure they’d want to know how you really feel, what you’re getting from these four years.”

  And Lindy sighed again, her little fingers still under mine.

  “That’s the thing, Mr. Jones,” she said quietly. “I’m afraid to tell my parents. Afraid that what they hoped for me, what they dreamed, isn’t panning out. I appreciate all the sacrifices they’ve made, how my dad st-stole from you to help put me through school, but I can’t stop now,” she hesitated. “They’re already spent so much money and that would be wasted, we can’t get that back..”

  I enveloped her small hand in a big, warm one.

  “Are you sure baby?” I reasoned gently. “Sometimes it’s better to consider it a lost cause, there’s no sense in throwing good money after bad.”

  That made her shake her head even more.

  “That’s it exactly,” she sighed again. “If Jim and Brenda heard the words ‘lost cause,’ they’d go ballistic. They’d be devastated and I can’t do that to them, I can’t do that to people I love.”

  And I understood. Lindy was a good girl, she wanted to like school, wanted to do her best, but was caught in a conundrum because what her parents wanted for her was different from what she wanted for herself. I got it. Sometimes you’re caught between a rock and a hard place and there aren’t any good ways out, there are only okay or bad solutions, but that was part of being an adult and learning how to navigate the waters as well as possible.

  “Honey,” I said slowly, “Just think about it more. You have plenty of time, the clock’s not ticking, you’re young.”

  “I’m young,” she agreed with a rueful smile, “but the clock’s definitely ticking. I calculated that every day I spend at school costs my parents about a hundred bucks,” she said sadly. “Can you believe it? Imagine what I could do with a hundred bucks per day.”

  And I knew exactly what I’d do with that money. I’d give Lindy anything she wanted, hell, one hundred was nothing. I’d open an unlimited account for her, let her use it as she saw fit, I knew my girl wasn’t the type to go crazy and buy a fire truck or anything. She’d use it to find her dreams, to make other people happy, her sweetness and innate goodness overwhelming.

  And suddenly I wanted to make it right. Wanted to show this girl how much I appreciated her and with my heart thundering in my throat, I reached into my pocket, clasping my fingers over the velvet box before pulling it out.

  “Honey,” I rasped, “I have something for you.”

  And slowly, I snapped open the lid to reveal a huge emerald pendant hanging off of a delicate gold chain.

  Lindy paused, eyes open in shock.

  “Wh-what is this?” she gasped, eyes wide. “What? Why?”

  “It’s for you,” I said simply. “I want you to have it.”

  And it was true. Usually when I end a relationship, I provide the woman with a consolation prize, expensive jewelry in most cases. Everything just goes down easier, makes the crying stop, the hysterical screaming comes to a halt a lot faster when you’ve got a fifty thousand dollar bracelet on your wrist. So yeah, I’d been planning on sending Lindy off with an extravagant parting gift, but somehow everything had gotten screwed up.

  Because when I’d passed the jewelry store, my feet had magnetically been drawn to the door, and pretty soon I was picking things out. Not one item. Not two, but actually five things, I made a giant six figure purchase that day, much to the glee of the salesperson. And when I stepped outside, I was a little dazed because yeah, I’d had Lindy on my mind the
entire time, imagining how the precious gems would look draped around that elegant white throat, clasping her wrist, on her finger, or wrapped around an ankle.

  But I shook my head, trying to bring myself back to reality. I wasn’t gonna give her all of it, one was enough, and it was a fucking parting gift for crying out loud, something I’d hand her at week’s end. But while dressing for tonight’s dinner, I’d found myself spinning the lock to the vault, my fingers moving of their own volition.

  And pulling out the emerald pendant, the green gem lit with an internal fire, I knew it was right. I wasn’t going to wait, it’d look beautiful on her now, compliment that shining fall of brown curls, look amazing against her creamy throat. And god no, I wasn’t gonna unpack my emotions now, figure out what was causing me to behave this way. So shaking my head, I slipped the gem into my pocket, promising myself to give it to Lindy only if everything went right, if I had absolutely no doubts.

  And fuck, but everything was more than right. It was a hundred, a thousand percent right. Lindy’s humbleness, her giving nature, the way she wanted her parents to be happy, cared more about them than herself, spoke well of the girl. Plus, school. I liked what she had to say, about her classmates being juvenile, the dudes mere ants, nothing compared to a mature man. So “right” wasn’t the word to describe the brunette, it was more along lines of “perfect.” And I wanted to make her happy.

  “Here,” I said, pushing the box towards her. “Put it on.”

  Her hands trembled a little, her eyes welling up.

  “But Chris, I don’t get it,” she said, her voice quavering. “Why? What is this for?”

  And I leaned forward and pressed a swift kiss against her lips.

  “For being you,” I whispered against that peachy pink pout. “For nothing else but being you.”

  And Lindy positively melted against me then, her mouth opening under mine, her arms going around my neck to hold me tight, the sweetest, softest restraints. And fuck, but I’d never felt a better prison, feeling her latch onto me like that, her curvy form warm, willing, so generous and sweet.

  “Thank you,” she murmured, “Thank you, thank you, thank you, you don’t understand how that makes me feel.”

  But I knew all too well because I was feeling it too. Somehow, the physical had become intertwined with the emotional and I knew, fucking knew, that I was in real danger. Well it’s only ten days, I growled to myself. Ten days and then the danger’s gone, the fairy tale’s over.

  So I went took advantage of the time left. Taking a couple bills from my wallet and throwing them onto the table, I swept the brunette into my arms, growling into her mouth.

  “I need you baby,” I whispered rawly against that slim white throat, nuzzling the sensitive flesh. “I need you now.”

  And she was so responsive, her breathing hitched, hard nipples pressed against my chest that I knew she needed it just as badly, wanted to ravish me and be ravished, now and not later.

  “But Chris,” she panted, her voice trembly and soft. “What about the food? We haven’t finished our meal yet.”

  I growled, not giving a shit.

  “I know the chef, he’s not gonna be offended if we take off … especially since I left a giant tip for the staff.” And it was true, money paves the way for everything, and I’d be welcomed back at Osteria with open arms based on the tip alone and not the way we were rudely leaving our food half-eaten. So I spirited her away, racing back in my Lamborghini to the house, rushing up the stairs with Lindy in my arms before depositing her on the big master bed.

  “Take off your clothes,” I commanded. “Let me see all of you.”

  And the girl smiled shyly. Really, still shy after everything we’d done, my cock in her pussy countless times, my thumb in her ass?

  But my brunette is no worldly woman, her movements still hesitant, slowly peeling away the lavender cocktail dress, letting the high heels drop softly to the ground before sensuously rolling off her thigh highs, leaving her clad in nothing but a black g-string.

  “This too?” she asked softly, fingering the lace, her eyes melted pools of caramel.

  I nodded sharply, my blue gaze pure fire on that sassy form.

  “That too,” I commanded, and in a sweet second, it was off, her cunny bare to my gaze.

  But I wasn’t finished yet because my mind moves in mysterious ways and Lindy’s body was just the ticket for release, to find my dreams.

  “Baby,” I said, taking the emerald necklace out of my pocket. “Run this through your cunt, get it all lubed up, and then put it on your neck.”

  She flushed then, head to toe, I could see the beautiful pink making her nips turn red, stand out all the more, her pussy grow more swollen before my eyes.

  “But it’s priceless,” she gasped. “That emerald is worth so much, I can’t just …” her voice trailed off.

  “Put it in your pussy?” I growled, finishing her sentence. “Believe me, you can. And believe me, you’re going to,” I said with finality.

  Because I wanted to see Lindy draped in jewels, items that I’d given her, marking her as mine. And to have each and every one christened in her pussy first? That was the cherry on top.

  So with trembling, obedient hands, the girl did as told. She took the emerald pendant, rubbing it between her fingers, feeling the hard facets. It was gorgeous, a deep, sparkling green, huge at about ten carats. I’m no cheap bastard, and I certainly wasn’t holding back when it came to my best girl.

  “It’s big, isn’t it?” I grinned at her. “It’ll feel good in your cunt.”

  The girl gasped at my nasty words, her eyes going wide with shock, but also with desire. Because oh yeah, she wanted it. Lindy is perfect for me, and the nasty words turned her on. So sitting back on the bed, the brunette spread those creamy white thighs, opening herself to me, and leaned back slightly so that her honey hole winked a bit, pink and gleaming in the low lights.

  And oh fuck, the insertion. I growled as I watched, it was so fucking dirty, so fucking incredible, watching those swollen, wet pussy lips suck the giant green gem in, watching them close over the sparkling facets, her pink flesh enclose the emerald until it could no longer be seen. I almost came right then, my dick so hard that I was sure I was going to unload right there on the floor of my bedroom, let loose with a spray of cream, hit everything and anything in sight.

  “Push it in deep,” I commanded, my eyes never leaving that curvy form as I fisted my pole, the shaft slick with pre-cum. “Deep, baby, deep.”

  With a mewling cry, the girl leaned back more, tossing her hair and closing her eyes as her fingers inserted the gem up into her pussy, sliding up that internal channel, her hole creaming as I watched, juices spilling until her thighs were positively coated, a sweet trickle running down her crack. And the brunette was so sensuous, pushing the gem all the way in until only an inch of the golden chain still showed, a bit of metal dangling out between her lips.

  And I was so fucking turned on, fisting myself, my hand a vise around my fat cock, that I was about to burst. But I wanted this to be about her, and not me. So I ignored the insistent pulsing in my balls, the ache in my cock, and pinched my dickhead, forcing myself into line. Down boy, I commanded. Down, this is about her.

  And striding over to the beautiful girl, I positioned myself between her legs. Lindy’s eyes flew open for a moment, languid, almost dazed, the sensuousness of the situation overwhelming, her breasts soft and huge, yet capped with stiff pink tips, her thighs spread while her pussy pulsed.

  “Put it in me, Chris?” she murmured, writhing a bit, begging for my touch. “Please?” she asked.

  But I had something much dirtier in mind.

  “Oh yeah, little girl,” I rasped. “But first, I’m gonna do this.”

  And grasping that bit of gold chain in my finger, I began to pull. Oh fuck yeah, I began to pull the ten carat emerald out of her pussy, letting the precious stone drag against her internal channel, stimulating her like a giant ben wa ba
ll exiting her tight cavern. And at the same time, my other hand played with her clit, rubbing the sensitive nub in circles, up and down, stimulating it, feeling it grow bigger and harder beneath my hand, pulsing with her heartbeat as I stimulated her vag.

  “Oh god!” she gasped breathily, looking down between her legs, eyes wide at the dirty sight, both my hands working her. “Oh god!”

  “Yeah,” I grunted, still dragging that chain out slowly, letting her pussy feel every inch of the emerald as it made its descent down her internal canal. “Jewelry’s so much better once it’s been in your cunt, isn’t that right?”

  And the little girl creamed then, creamed hard as I popped the emerald out.

  “Fuuck!” she shrieked. “Oh god, oh god!”

  And with one last yank, I got the green giant out, the stone exiting with a satisfying wet sucking sound, spattering me with her juice. And sure enough, Lindy’s pussy went wild then, clamping and spasming at the sensation, shivers running through her entire form as I continued to stimulate her clit, pinching it, giving her a good rub all over, the cream gushing from her hole now, covering my hand with that sweet, tangy goodness.

  And fuck, but my dick. I’m not sure how this happened because this has never happened before, not even when I was a gangly adolescent with raging hormones. Because I came then, with no physical stimulation. Oh sure, my hands were on her body, I was touching those sweet curves all over, but she wasn’t touching any part of me. My dick was there one second, hanging in the air, and the next it was spurting wildly, like it’d been in her hand, her mouth, or her pussy, some curvy part of her rubbing on me.

  Because she was so exciting, so responsive that I couldn’t help it, and I came straight onto the little girl’s puss as I massaged her clit, exploding with blast after blast of hot white, spraying that sweet cunt with everything I had to give, spurt after spurt landing in gooey, wet lashes all over her pulsing slit.

  And Lindy loved it. While thrashing in the throes of her orgasm, she reached one hand down and opened up her nether lips so that my semen went inside, the white bubbly inching up into that sweet hole as her fingers caressed the sperm into her folds, pushing it up into herself, moaning and gasping the entire time.


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