The Billionaire's Kitten: A Fake Marriage Romance

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The Billionaire's Kitten: A Fake Marriage Romance Page 85

by Cassandra Dee

  That was true, I loved my parents and hadn’t wanted to see them thrown out on the street. But what about the issue of Chris “buying” me?

  “But Mom,” I began again. “Mr. Jones paid for me, lock, stock and barrel, like I was a horse at auction almost. Don’t you think that’s wrong, that any relationship like this is doomed?”

  And that’s when my mom paused again.

  “Honey, how do you think your dad and I met?” she asked slowly.

  “At a restaurant,” I said slowly. “You were a waitress and dad was eating there, and you struck up a conversation.”

  “That’s true,” confirmed my mom, “but there’s more to it. Your dad saw me but I didn’t like him at first. So he paid me for my phone number.”

  I cut in quickly.

  “Dad slipped your manager a fifty for your number,” I said stoutly. “That’s different, you didn’t get the money.”

  “Not quite,” said my mom quietly. “Jim handed the manager a fifty, but then my manager passed the money onto me and said there was a nice man outside interested in meeting me. And so I too was ‘paid,’ baby. Maybe not as explicitly as you, but I got paid just the same.”

  But I couldn’t square it away. My parents’ meet-cute was exactly that, a sweet story that they’d relayed countless times.

  “It’s different for you guys,” I said stubbornly. “You didn’t have sex for money.”

  And my mom sighed.

  “Sex, sex, sex, all young people are about is sex these days,” she said. “Honey, there are so many grey areas and all I’m saying is that both you and I fall into the grey space. Maybe you’re a little more towards one side, and I’m a little more towards the other, but the fact is that a man bought us in some way, big or small. And all I can say now,” she said with a small smile in her voice, “is that your father and I have been together for twenty years. Twenty years honey,” she said softly, “happily married for twenty years.”

  And I paused then. That was real food for thought because despite all the objections I’d thrown out, my parents were living proof that you could succeed despite ominous beginnings, when all the signs pointed to no.

  And my heart began to beat rapidly then.

  “So what are you saying, Mom?” I asked slowly. “That I should date Mr. Jones? See where it goes?”

  And my mom sighed again, her voice low.

  “Baby, I can’t tell you what to do,” she said simply. “But I know from my own experience that the heart wants what it wants, and you can’t stop it from going where it will. So follow your emotions, ask yourself what’s right for you, and I promise baby, your dad and I will support you every step of the way.”

  And with those words, we ended the conversation, my heart full, my mind buzzing. Because I’d expected this phone call to be filled with terror and recriminations, demands that I come home immediately, locking me the house until I came to my senses. But instead, it had been the opposite. My mom and dad were open-minded human beings who’d lived full, colorful lives themselves, in many ways mirroring my own situation. And I knew without a doubt now that Brenda and Jim would only want happiness for me … in whichever way, shape or form it came.



  “Anyone home?” came the dulcet voice, its tones so familiar, so sweet that my body immediately hardened. Shit, what the brunette could do to me was unbelievable, turning me into pure iron with just a few words. But I called back, responding in a normal tone.

  “In the study,” I growled. Okay, that wasn’t too bad, I sounded like a bear but at least a friendly bear, right? Not one that was going to devour a sweet girl.

  Because Lindy had emailed unexpectedly, asking to meet at my house and I was shocked to get the message. She’d been so confused after our meeting at the Four Seasons, stuck on the point that I’d “bought” her, her thoughts whirling, eyes troubled, that I was sure it was over. I was sure the girl was going to retreat, take her time finishing school, find a job, and heck, probably the only time I’d ever see her again was now and then at her parents’ place if I was lucky.

  So I’d steeled myself to the possibility. It fucking sucked, I’ll admit it. I’m used to getting what I want, and when it comes to women usually it’s not very hard. Generally there’s a sigh, maybe some token resistance, but sure enough, the woman’s in my bed at the drop of a hat, sometimes even by the next sentence.

  But I’d had a feeling of foreboding with Lindy because she was different. The brunette was genuinely troubled, she wasn’t putting up a front of “I want you but I don’t,” trying to snare me by being difficult. She genuinely felt torn by the circumstances, feeling that she’d exchanged her beautiful body in return for her dad’s job. And of course she had, so I was curious to see what had changed … if anything.

  And sure enough, the door pushed open and the curvy brunette appeared, just as spectacular as before. Lindy was wearing a formfitting cashmere dress and the soft wool only highlighted her big tits and bigger derriere, my cock stiffening at that sensational figure.

  “Hey,” I said, shifting a bit behind my desk. “What brings you home? The semester can’t be over yet.”

  And the girl bit her lip, her pink pout going rosy.

  “No, it’s not,” she said hesitantly. “I left school, Chris, I dropped out.”

  At that my mouth hung open.

  “You did?” I asked before stopping myself. “It’s for the better, baby, I know you didn’t like it anyways.”

  And she nodded, still biting her lip, crossing her legs uncertainly as she took the seat across from mine.

  “It wasn’t right for me,” she said with a giant exhale, that beautiful bosom rising and falling. “It wasn’t right in so many ways, as I explained to you,” she added ruefully.

  I steepled my hands underneath my chin, nodding thoughtfully.

  “So what’s next?” I said casually, my voice neutral. “If you’re not going to school then what’s next for Lindy Martin?”

  And she met my eyes then before taking another deep breath.

  “I thought- ,” she paused for a moment, choking a bit. “I thought I might take you up on that offer of culinary school,” she said. “If it’s still open,” she added in a hurry. “No worries if it’s not.”

  That floored me. Not only had Lindy dropped out but she was here asking me for help with her education? Not that I wasn’t ecstatic, this was a huge step in the right direction, but what were her motivations?

  “Baby girl, I’m more than happy to support you if that’s what you want,” I growled. “But where are you going with all this? What’s caused this turnabout?”

  And Lindy took another deep breath, this time meeting my gaze straight on.

  “I did a lot of thinking,” she said slowly, “and I only have one life to live,” she added with a wry upturn of her lip. “I don’t want to waste it and so I’ve decided to pursue the things that I want.”

  “And that is?” I asked, my voice deep, the bass much lower than usual. My heart was beating so fast that my pulse jumped at my throat like a jackhammer, giving away my need, my hopes for the future, how our futures might intertwine.

  And the little girl nodded at me, a hesitant smile creeping over her face.

  “I was thinking,” she said slowly, “that we might be together. You know, like a couple, boyfriend and girlfriend … if you want,” she rushed again. “Only if you want.”

  That was exactly what I wanted. I wanted nothing more than to spend my days and nights with the beautiful brunette, talking with her, sharing ideas, loving, fighting, laughing, enjoying amazing days and sensuous nights all rolled into one. But I hesitated.

  “Lindy,” I said slowly. “When we met two weeks ago you were genuinely disturbed by the idea of ‘us.’ I get it, you had legitimate reasons that made sense. But this is a pretty sudden about face, so what caused the change little girl? Why are you now here, in my office, everything different?”

  And th
e brunette blushed beautifully, fingering the hem of her dress.

  “I was stuck on the way we met,” she acknowledged slowly, nodding her head. “I mean, you have to admit it was unconventional,” she said, meeting my eyes with a smile, her tongue between her lips. Oh god, I wanted to pull her into my lap right then but I forced myself to pay attention, forced my brain to keep going.

  “And?” I prompted with a low growl. “What changed your mind?”

  The girl took a deep breath.

  “My parents,” she said slowly. “Jim and Brenda … they told me that whatever I wanted they’d support, that I should find what makes me happy and not make a mistake going down the wrong path.”

  That just about blew off the top of my head. Jim and Brenda? Boring old Jim the accountant and his middle-aged wife, who was lovely, perfectly nice, but just as boring? And seeing my shocked expression, Lindy nodded.

  “My parents are pretty mainstream now,” she acknowledged, “but it turns out they have a past too. When they met, my mom was twenty and my dad was thirty-five,” she confessed with a wry grin, “so they’re no strangers to major age gaps.”

  “Yeah but fifteen years is a lot different from twenty-five,” I inserted quickly.

  “Twenty-six,” replied Lindy with a blush. “You’re twenty-six years older than me Chris, I’m nineteen still.”

  And my cock rocketed to diamond hardness then, the girl’s youth, her sheer inexperience a turn on in a very wrong way. But that only proved my point.

  “You don’t know what you want,” I ground out, “and I can’t let you make a mistake, you’re too young.”

  And to my surprise, the brunette stood up abruptly, her fine form bouncing as she put her hands on her hips, glaring at me, her gaze shooting sparks.

  “If one more person tells me I don’t know what I want because of my age, I swear I’m gonna kick something,” she said through gritted teeth. “Because I know exactly what I want and that’s this.”

  And without further ado, she marched around the large mahogany desk and plunked herself into my lap, that beautiful ass smashed up against my cock, my dick immediately finding that sweet space between her thighs, right up next to her pussy.

  And although I was surprised, I’ve never been a man to say no to a beautiful woman.

  “Well, well,” I drawled, my hands running up and down her arms, that lusciousness so close, so near that my senses were overloading. But I forced myself to focus. “What is this?” I growled, my heart going like a jackhammer.

  And Lindy smiled at me then, that pink pout so delectable, so sweet. “I missed you,” she breathed, and leaned in for a deep kiss. And oh god, she was so tempting, so desirable that my cock punched up against that bouncy ass, trying desperately to find where it belonged, her warm wetness so close yet covered by frustrating layers of cloth. I growled, taking her mouth, pushing my tongue between her lips, exploring her warm, wet cavern, her breasts bouncing in my hands, hips wriggling provocatively. But before I completely lost it, I forced myself to focus once more.

  “Lindy,” I sat back, grabbing her arms and holding her away from me. It was only a few inches, but it was enough. I looked deep into her eyes, drowning in the chocolate pools, forcing myself to speak again. “Little girl, I need to know that you’re okay, baby. Because once I start, I’m not gonna stop. You’re gonna be below me, screaming and panting, and you’re not getting up until I say you can.”

  And the girl just smiled at me, her breath warm, her body tense yet relaxed near mine.

  “It’s absolutely what I want Chris,” she breathed. “You’re what I want because,” and here she paused, “my mom and dad had an unexpected courtship. I’m not going to get into it now, but let’s just say that they got married when no one approved, not one of my grandparents attended the ceremony. And you know what? It’s worked. They’ve been happily married twenty years, and so I know that we can make it work.”

  My body grew hot then, my jaw clenching as her words sank in. Twenty years? More like I wanted fifty years with this beauty, shit, even that wasn’t enough. A lifetime was more like it.

  But I still didn’t get it.

  “But honey,” I ground out. “What about the way we met? You hated that, you thought I was buying you, that you traded sex for money.”

  The girl nodded soberly, her brown eyes meeting mine.

  “I admit that we met in a … um, untraditional way,” she said softly, “but that doesn’t mean that what we have now isn’t real. I’ve been thinking, and I think everyone ‘buys’ others to some extent, it’s just a question of how explicit it is. I mean, my mom’s never worked during her marriage so I guess my dad has ‘bought’ her for the last twenty years, right? It was part of their marriage pact.”

  And I growled deep in my throat.

  “But honey, that’s completely normal. Your mom is taken care of because she’s a wife,” I ground out. “I’d want that for my wife as well, I’d want to provide for her and my family, but we’re talking about something different. You weren’t my wife, you were a girl whose body I wanted, and which I paid for, I admit. And that transaction was making you question everything, our love for one another, our devotion, our mutual trust and understanding.”

  And the brunette nodded at me, her eyes growing wide at the word “love.”

  “I know, Chris,” she whispered, her breath warm against my skin. “But I’ve realized that as cheesy as it sounds, love can triumph … if you’ll just let it. And we love each other, don’t we? We love spending time together, talking, fighting, loving, we’re a match through and through, aren’t we?”

  And the lump in my throat was so big, so enormous that I could hardly make out any words. But I forced myself because this was literally the most important moment in my life and I couldn’t let her down. I couldn’t let down my best girl, who’d pushed through her own inhibitions, her own justifiable concerns and doubts, to end up here, with me, believing in me, in us, trusting me and revealing her heart.

  “Baby,” I ground out, pressing my forehead against hers. “I’ll make it worth it to you. I promise,” I rumbled deep in my throat. “There is no one more precious to me than you because yeah, we started off in an unsavory situation but I’ve never regretted it. Never,” I ground out roughly.

  And the girl laughed softly then, flashing that beautiful smile, making my heart pump all the faster.

  “Chris, let’s do something different from here on out, okay?” she suggested gently, her brown eyes filled with such emotion that my heart overflowed and burst, I was such putty in her hands. I was a prisoner to Lindy, whatever she wanted, her desires were mine, her needs, her wants, were my guides in life. “I want to propose that instead of referring to our first moments together as a ‘transaction,’ let’s just say that I ‘gifted’ myself to you instead. Is that okay?” she asked shooting me a special smile.

  And I leaned down to kiss her again, nuzzling her lips, grazing my mouth across her cheek.

  “Of course baby,” I rumbled. “Because I’ve never had a gift as good as you.”

  And the brunette just sighed, wrapping her arms around my neck. “Good,” she breathed. “Now take me again and make me yours.”

  And this time, I didn’t hesitate. Because the virgin was a virgin no more, but instead of walking away as I normally do, Lindy and I were going to find a future together. It wasn’t a straightforward path at all. We’d gone from sex for money, a hedonistic ten-day arrangement, to a long-term relationship all in the course of a few months. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything because the brunette was my lover, my star, my guide, and I can’t imagine life without her anymore, it would be cold, pathetic and miserable. But instead, a new chapter has blossomed and I’ve got a girl in my arms that’s worth more than anything.

  So I kissed her and murmured into her hair.

  “I love you baby,” my throat tight, my heart aching. “I love you so much and I can’t wait for our life to start together.”

bsp; And she looked up at me, brown eyes full with adoration and yet spiced with a twinkle of mirth.

  “I know Mr. Jones,” she murmured. “And let’s start now, okay? Because I can’t wait a moment longer.”

  And with that, the new chapter unfolded. We rushed up to the master bedroom, sure, but there was so much more than just the physical this time. Because there was real emotion, caring, adoration in every touch, and our love was cemented then in a way that only happens once in a lifetime. And about making it permanent? You’re right, I did it, because Lindy was a catch and I was never letting her walk away. So yeah, I was gifted a virgin … and I never let her go. She was mine, I was hers, and the entire world was at our feet, our love shining so strong, so pure, so true that there would never be any doubts again.



  “Oh Chris,” I moaned into the pillowcase. “Oh god.”

  The big man chuckled behind me. “Are you referring to God or me?” he panted, his voice rough. “Because although I’m flattered, I’m not him … although I could if you wanted me to be,” he panted with a sly smile. Because at that very moment, Chris was driving into me, his hips forceful, his rod so deep into me that I mewled again, muffling my cry.

  “Shhh, baby,” he hushed, his hips pistoning like crazy, his cock bouncing off my cervix with every stroke, making me moan even louder. “Don’t wake the baby, don’t make her cry.”

  And I choked back my groans as best I could, swallowing my gasps, pressing my face into the pillow so hard that I could barely breathe. Because we’d just put Joanie to sleep, our six month-old daughter was sweet awake, but even sweeter asleep, and Chris and I wanted to make the best of her naptimes, use the brief interludes to explore each other physically, reacquainting ourselves with each other’s bodies, tasting one another, savoring, sampling, and releasing ourselves in our mutual love.


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