Born of Stone

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Born of Stone Page 7

by Missy Jane

  With a final deep breath for courage, she entered the room. He hadn’t noticed her standing in the doorway, but as soon as she neared his gaze found her. She froze with ten steps still separating them. His golden-brown eyes assessed her from head to toe. Did he find her lacking? Most likely. She was short for a Kevan and her breasts were smaller than many. Also, her hair was darker than the Kevan’s usual golden or reddish locks and fell to her waist. Most of the Kevan were warriors and kept their hair short for fighting. Phaidra didn’t have a warrior’s spirit, much to her elders’ chagrin.

  She swallowed her apprehension and closed the distance, holding the flask out like an offering.

  “I bring you water, Master Nel.”

  He said nothing, only continued to stare at her. It made her nervous and she couldn’t stop her hands from trembling when she held the flask to his mouth. At first he didn’t react, but then when she was considering pulling it back he finally opened his mouth. She tilted the tapered mouth of the flask to cover his lower lip. Clear, cool water flowed and he drank it down eagerly. How long had he gone without? She knew he’d been captured sometime in the night and it was now midday. Had they kept him thirsty this whole time?

  He finally used his chin to push the flask up and she pulled it away. It was much lighter. He had taken nearly half.

  “Food?” he asked. “Will I be starved as well?”

  She opened her mouth to answer but realized she didn’t know and simply shrugged instead. His gaze roamed over her face and down her body.

  “You’re a young one, aren’t you? What are you? Twenty winters?”

  “Twenty-two, Master.”

  “Very young. And very pretty. How have I never seen you before on my visits?”

  She nearly dropped the flask in shock. He found her pretty? But then the voice of reason spoke up in her head. Of course he found her pretty. He was a captive and she was not.

  “It won’t work,” she said suddenly. He arched one thick brow and she shook her head. “You can call me pretty all you want. I don’t have the power to free you.”

  He laughed though it held little humor. “I call you pretty and you think I’m only looking to be freed? I won’t lie, pretty one, I would prefer to be free of these bonds. However, that is not why I complimented you.”


  “What is your name?”

  Should she tell him? “Ph-Phaidra.”

  It slipped out before she could stop herself and she took a wary step back.

  He simply grinned. “Phaidra? As in the wife of Theseus?”

  “If the myth is to be believed,” she said.

  He nodded slowly and tightened his fists as he sat up straighter. She watched in fascination while his biceps bulged, but he could only go so far. His ankles were also secured.

  “Tell me, Phaidra, what is this that holds me so secure? It’s no metal I’ve ever seen.”

  She frowned and stepped closer to get a better look at his wrists. It was nearly impossible to ignore his nakedness, but she did her best to keep her eyes where they should be.

  “I do believe it is thellomonite, a mineral found only in the Kevarn Mountains. We use it for many things.”

  “And it’s incredibly strong.”


  He sighed and tugged his wrists against the cuffs but they held. He would have more luck trying to break them free of the oak headboard, but she didn’t think it wise to mention that. Most likely he’d figure it out for himself soon anyway.

  “Why is Iva holding me here? Do you know?”

  “I have not been told. I’m only supposed to give you water and then leave.”

  He lifted a brow again and then grinned. It was impossible not to be affected by that grin.

  “Only water, eh? You have done that duty but I still see you here, pretty one. Perhaps you’d like to keep me company for a while?”

  Of course she did. He had been the subject of every fantasy she’d ever had. But staying any longer was dangerous and foolhardy.

  “I can’t. I’m sorry…I must go.”

  She quickly turned for the door but he called out to her.

  “Phaidra, wait…please.”

  She froze in the doorway, checking to be certain the hallway was still clear. It was, so she braved a glance over her shoulder. “Yes?”

  “I’m being held against my will and that goes against at least three different treaties. You must know this. I’m not sure what Iva hopes to accomplish but she risks war with my brothers, my king and the Twenty.”

  All the blood drained to her toes and she swayed, barely catching the doorframe in enough time to stay upright.


  “I can’t do anything about this, Master Nel. I’m powerless—”

  “No. Only those who do nothing remain powerless. You can get word to my brothers. They will be searching for me.”

  He was right, but she was terrified. She looked at him another moment to capture his masculine beauty in her mind’s eye, and then she turned and ran.

  Nel watched the pretty little Kevan run from the room and sighed. He knew the chances she would help him were remote but he had to try something. The thellomonite was beyond his strength. It wasn’t too much of a surprise that he’d never heard of the mineral. The Kevan kept their secrets well. It had only been in the last fifty years or so that the Masters had been allowed to bed them on a regular basis. So far, no offspring had come of the pairings though the Twenty had assured them they were fertile. As far as Nel knew, he was the only one who had considered having children.

  A now-familiar ache formed in his chest at the thought. He was one of the few who frequented the human villages, though he bedded their women rarely. But they always had children everywhere. Big ones, small ones, clean ones, dirty ones. Some were light, some were dark, some could speak in spectacular whole sentences, and yet some would simply stare at him as if he were in his Gargoyle form. He laughed at the thought and leaned his head back against the bed.

  Why he would be thinking of human children now of all times, he didn’t know. But he did know the ache to create a child was only getting worse. If the Kevan couldn’t conceive with his kind—and it was apparent after fifty years they could not—then what kind of woman could? Not even the human pairings had created offspring.

  He stretched again while he considered the various female creatures on the continent of Lenara. Halstrid took up the northern quarter of the vast continent but there were other, smaller kingdoms beneath it. Perhaps it was time to travel farther south and bed other females? He shuddered at the thought. The action moved his wrist and he once again jerked on his restraints. There was still no give but the wooden bed creaked beneath him. He stilled.

  Up to this point, he hadn’t been alone while conscious long enough to explore all his options. Now he looked more closely at his situation. Both wrists and both ankles were surrounded by a metal cuff that was, in turn, attached to a length of chain made from the thellomonite. This afforded him some limited movement—more for his feet where the chain was longer. He twisted as much as he could to inspect the points of restraint at the top of the headboard. It appeared the thellomonite was imbedded within the wooden posts. But how deep did it go? With time he might be able to pull the chain loose.

  He took a deep breath and calmed his racing thoughts, centering all his significant power. Then he applied slow and steady pressure to the wrist cuffs. The chain pulled taut beneath his strength and the wood creaked again. Unfortunately, it held, but he knew if he kept trying it wouldn’t hold indefinitely. Hopefully, he could free himself before Iva accomplished whatever she had set out to do.

  For two full days, Astrid was in heaven. Orestes treated her like his most prized possession, bathing her, feeding her, and making love to her until she begged him to stop. He was insatiable and for the moment, he seemed to only want her. Even the delectable food brought to their door on a regular schedule never kept his attention long. He would ensure she
had eaten her fill and then be ready to take her again. It was…daunting. But she had never been happier in her life.

  And so, like all good things, it finally came to an end like she’d known it would.

  She remained naked in his bed, trying to catch her breath from their last bout of lovemaking, while he stood to don his clothes. The Masters had no official uniform since even their clothes turned to stone when they changed. He pulled on a simple shirt and thick, coarse pants with buttons up the front. Then he pulled on his long leather coat and began sticking various weapons in the many pockets. She watched in fascination while he slipped a dagger into each sleeve.

  “I want you to remain here, in my room, as long as you like. In fact, it would please me greatly to know you’ve slept every night in my bed while I’m away,” he said.

  It would please her greatly as well, but she was afraid to admit that aloud. “As you wish. Who is now in charge of the staff? I’ll have to find out where my duties are now.”

  He turned to face her with a frown and shrugged. “I don’t know, but I can ask Wynn before I leave.”

  “Thank you.”

  He nodded but was still frowning. “Astrid, I don’t…”

  She waited but he seemed to be struggling for words.

  “Yes?” she asked.

  He faced her fully, leaning both hands flat on the bed and closing the distance until he could easily reach her for a kiss. “I don’t like the idea of you working yourself to death while I’m gone. Is there any way I can convince you to simply stay up here, in my room?”

  She laughed until she realized he was serious. “But Orestes…what would I do all day? It’s not in me to simply lounge the hours away.”

  He sighed and straightened to run his hands over his face. Then he set them on his hips and looked around his spacious room. She also looked around. There were books and parchment but she didn’t have the knowledge for either. Perhaps he had clothes to mend? She could also keep the room clean, but that certainly wouldn’t take more than an hour of her time.

  “No,” he said finally. “I don’t suppose there is much to do here while I’m gone.”

  He paced back and forth before her and her heart melted a little more. Could this mean he truly cared for her?

  “What if…” He headed for the fire and gazed into its depths as if seeking inspiration. Then he finally looked her way again. “What if I asked Wynn to assign you to the library? You could keep it dusted and organized. Perhaps there is more in there to do. I’m sure it can be made into a full-time job.”

  She sat up slowly, afraid her joy would make her burst. It took a moment for her to find her tongue. “The library? You would trust me with your library?”

  He finally seemed to realize her excitement and grinned as he neared the bed again. “Yes, my little star. I think you would be perfect in there.”

  She jumped to her feet and leapt right off the bed into his arms. He laughed aloud and spun her around.

  “Oh, Orestes! I’ve always wanted to see a library.”

  He kissed her hard, but it soon turned into a soft melding of their lips. After a moment, he finally pulled back so she could catch her breath.

  “Well then, my sweet, I think it’s high time you saw ours. Put on one of your new gowns and we’ll go now. Then I’ll find Wynn and tell him of your new assignment.”

  Tears burned her eyes but she valiantly fought them. They always seemed to distress him, even the happy ones. With a nod, she kissed him then slipped from his grip. He let her go slowly. She ran to the wooden crate his brother had delivered just that morning and pulled out one of the beautiful dresses inside. It too had her holding back fresh tears. Could this really be happening to her?

  She pulled the soft, silk piece over her head and let it fall down her naked body. With a sigh, she smoothed it into place and spun on her heel to find Orestes watching her. She held out her arms and spun again.

  “What do you think?” she asked.

  He smiled and closed the distance between them. “Beautiful.”

  “Yes, it is. I can’t thank you enough.”

  He laughed. “I wasn’t talking about the dress. Though it’s very lovely too.”

  A small laugh escaped before she could stop it. She was just so damn happy, it was almost frightening. He moved past her to fish the matching shoes from the crate, and a matching ribbon for her hair. Then he went down on one knee to slip the shoes onto her feet. He handed her the ribbon and she quickly pulled her hair into a braid. He grabbed his last few weapons then turned to her with a small, jewel-encrusted dagger. It was so tiny he could hide it in the palm of his hand.

  “I want you to have this, Astrid. Keep it on you at all times, understand?”


  She didn’t know what to say. She’d never owned a weapon before, and this one was beautiful.

  “It doesn’t look like much but it’s sharp. If any man tries to touch you in my absence, use it.”

  That brought her head up quickly and she frowned at him. “I won’t be leaving the castle unless I’m forced to.”

  “Good.” He nodded in approval. “At least two of my brothers will remain here for protection, but just in case. I’d feel better knowing you can defend yourself if needed.”

  She wasn’t sure she could wield the weapon but she took it from him anyway. She knew what it was to be a helpless woman and didn’t relish the thought. Her dress had no pockets so she slipped it inside the snug bodice between her breasts. He grinned and nodded his approval once again.

  “Perfect. Ready?”

  “Yes,” she said.

  He took her hand in his as if it was the most natural thing in the world and gently pulled her from the room.

  Chapter Seven

  Leaving the castle, and more specifically Astrid, was a lot harder than Orestes had expected. For the first time in his long life, he felt apprehension at leaving a woman behind. She was just so small, fragile, and…human. He vaguely wondered how human men could stand to leave their women for more than a single day of work. But they did it all the time and now he must as well. Somewhere out there his brother could be in trouble. He had to find Nel and see with his own eyes Nel still lived. Deep down he was certain he would simply know if that wasn’t the case. But the Twenty could neither confirm nor deny that ability. However, he had always shared a connection with Nel that was stronger than with the others. Right now, his gut told him his brother lived, but there was trouble.

  He flew away from the castle swiftly, like ripping off a bandage. Thoughts of Astrid distracted him and he shook his head to clear it. Would it always be this way with her? Why her of all the women he had bedded over the years? She was the most innocent he had ever taken, and the only to sleep in his bed. Perhaps that was why. He felt protective of her after her treatment from Simon. But was that all? With a sigh, he did his best to push her from his thoughts. His strong wings would have him flying to the borders of Halstrid in no time. He had to keep his wits about him.

  He watched the changing scenery below him while he flew, enjoying the pointing fingers and expressions of awe on the many human faces he passed. He truly liked the humans and was happy to dedicate his life to protecting them. Part of it surely had to do with the inherent sense of duty the Twenty had created him with, but not all. That thought brought Astrid’s face into his mind once again and he laughed at himself. She was like a fever running though him. One he didn’t care to ever be rid of.

  He headed for the border town of Angor. There two of his brothers would meet him after flying in from the western and eastern borders. The Masters’ castle was centrally located in the heart of Halstrid. The King’s castle was farther north as were most of the wizards’ homes. The brothers actually took turns staying in the King’s castle for a month at a time. Orestes still had a few months before it was his turn again.

  Could he take Astrid with him?

  “Argh!” He shook his head again before laughing at himself. The woman
was a sickness all right.

  He spotted a trail of movement below within the trees of a small forest. The line of dark shapes was too slow to be animals but a ways from any human village. What were they doing? He found a clearing in the canopy just wide enough for his large frame and landed lightly on his feet. A few of the travelers screamed and fell to their knees. Others simply gaped, but not in a good way. He quickly shed his Gargoyle form to face them as a human man.

  “Master! Master, help us, please!”

  An elderly man shoved his way through the crowd of gawkers and dropped to his knees before Orestes. He held his hands up to the sky as if in prayer with tears streaming down his dirty face. Orestes grabbed the man’s arms gently and pulled him to his feet.

  “I am no god. You need not fall before me so. Tell me what ails you.”

  The man wept harder and shook his head, unable to speak. Motion in the crowd drew Orestes’s attention and a young girl ran out to the old man’s side.

  “Forgive ’im, sir, please. ’E’s just scared like all of us.”

  “And why is he scared? What do any of you have to fear within the realm?”

  Murmurs from the crowd answered his question but the young girl looked down at her dirty, bare feet. Orestes was impatient to be off but knew they might have answers he needed.

  “Please, tell me what has frightened all of you from your homes. I will do what I can to aid you.”

  “That blasted witch and her minotaur!” the old man cried out.

  “Minotaur? Here in Halstrid?”

  Unfortunately, he knew the creatures were more than myth. He’d even fought them a time or two.

  “Oh aye, right here in Halstrid,” the old man said. “Over near Angor and at the border, they was. Big, ugly, foul things. They started burning homes and threatening to take our babes. So we all packed up and ran away, we did.”

  Orestes looked around at the group of dirty, frightened faces and saw exhaustion lining them as well. They all nodded in agreement. A tug on his jacket had him looking down at the young girl.

  “What is it, sweeting?”


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