Changing Destiny

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Changing Destiny Page 15

by Rivers, Brandy L

  “Someone came through a portal and torched him. He’s a charred mess, certainly dead. Know anything about that?”

  She frowned and relayed the information to Toryn. He took the phone and pressed speaker.

  “Mike, sorry for taking over. You’re on speaker and Isa can hear too,” Toryn explained. “I’m willing to bet Saressa took offense at Eiren trying to kill Scotty. Lonny might have a way to prevent Saressa from coming through a portal at headquarters again. Though, if he was bound to her in some way, she might be able to get to whomever she shares a similar bond with, regardless of wards.”

  “That’s comforting,” Mike muttered. “I figured you could pass the news on to Scotty. I called Isa because I didn’t have to dig up her number.”

  She laughed. “No worries. Oh, hey, Thursday night, you busy?”

  “The party at Shenanigans?” he asked.

  “That would be the one.”

  “Preston already told me. I’ll be on duty. So will Gwen. Though we’ll be undercover so we can enjoy ourselves until all hell breaks loose.”

  Isa winced. “Good. We’re preparing for the worst. Oh, and thanks for the update.”

  “No problem. I’ll let you go.”

  As soon as the call ended, Toryn stood up to pull on some pants. “If she’s come for Eiren, we’d better warn Alenathos. She’ll likely go to him next. Or try. Get dressed and call him.”

  Isa groaned, not wanting to deal with the dragon. He’d come through for her, but she was still pissed he’d nearly killed Toryn. She pulled her clothes on and stepped out onto the balcony.

  Toryn sighed, following her. “You could have done it inside.”

  “Rather not have him in our room.” She rolled her eyes and said, “Alenathos.”

  A full minute passed before he appeared. “You look properly mussed. I can’t imagine you want me to join,” he hissed.

  She groaned. “We have reason to believe Saressa will track you down. She barbequed a siren who was locked in the Silver Council Headquarters’ cells.”

  A smile appeared on the dragon’s lips. “Then it’s a good thing you bound me so thoroughly. What would you like me to do when she inevitably finds me?”

  Isa couldn’t resist a smirk. “Make sure to inform her about the party at Shenanigans on Thursday. It’s in honor of Scotty and Jayde’s reunion. Tell her it starts at eight and goes until we close.”

  He let out a snort, his brow arching. “You trust me with so few details.”

  “I assumed you would relish the thought of payback. Was I wrong? Keep it simple, make sure she knows where to find all the people she wants to hurt. Oh, and don’t tell her anything about the fact we’re planning this for her benefit.”

  Grinning, he nodded slowly. “You’ll let me have my revenge?”

  “Some. There are a lot of people who will want a hand in her end.”

  “Fair enough. I’ll make it easy for her to find me. Until Thursday, unless you have need of me before then.”

  “Goodbye,” she said, before going back inside.

  Alenathos chuckled as he disappeared.

  Toryn came in, shut the door and locked it. “He’s on your side now. He’s only riling you because he can.”

  “It’s not like I can forget you bleeding out in the sand because he decided to test me.”

  He took her hands. “I hear you, Princess. I don’t know what you want me to say, other than we can trust him now. He’s not going to betray you. He can’t. And you’ve given him freedom.”

  “Alen still creeps me out.”

  Toryn nodded. “Yeah, well if you weren’t so easy to annoy, he’d leave you alone.”

  “That’s just high school behavior. He’s what? A few thousand years old?”

  “Older. Much older. Legend is he’s been around since the beginning of time.”

  “And yet, Saressa duped him into becoming a slave.”

  “I still don’t understand how, but yes, she did.”

  “Enough about her.”

  “Come back to bed, Princess. I wasn’t nearly done with you.”

  “Ah, now who’s manipulating who?” she teased, as she stripped her clothes off.

  “Fuck, I love you, Isa.”

  “Mmm, as I love you.”

  * * * *

  “How do you like being a part of Ward Tower Security?” Jayde asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

  His smile brightened. “Love it. Gives me a sense of purpose, and I get to be around my two closest friends. Made dealing with my fucked up head easier.”

  “Is your head still twisted around?”

  Scotty met her gaze. “I’m finally at peace, right where I need to be. Here, with you. Or wherever you are. This feels right. At no time before, at least not since that hateful night, has everything felt so right.”

  “Stop trying to sway me, Scotty. You have me.”

  “I’m not trying to do anything but tell you the truth. I don’t want to lie to you, don’t want to sugarcoat anything. You ask, I’ll tell.”

  “Some of it I’d rather not know.”

  “Then tell me to shut up and I will.”

  A smile stole across her lips as she leaned against his side. His arm wound around her.

  “I missed being able to be with you like this. Able to spend an evening, the two of us, all alone. Only now,” she turned toward him, her hand going to his pants, “I can have all of you.”

  The loud triple-knock made her jump. Scotty looked to the door with a frown. “I didn’t invite anyone.”

  “Maybe you should answer?” she teased.

  “It’s me, open up,” Lonny shouted.

  Shaking his head, he crossed the room and opened the door. Lonny strode in, caught Scotty’s shoulders, and pulled him into a hug. “Oh, thank fuck. Toryn said manticore poison and I freaked.” He glanced over, finding Jayde still sitting at the counter, and gave Scotty a grin. “Ah, now it makes sense. You two seal your bond?”

  Scotty grinned, nodding back at his friend.

  “I’ll bring you something tomorrow, or as soon as I find it.”

  Scotty’s eyes narrowed. “What?”

  “Trust me. I’ll bring it soon.” He waved at Jayde. “We’ll catch up later. You two enjoy.”

  Scotty laughed. “That’s it? Just come to make sure I’m alive?”

  “And to see if the rumor was true, that Jayde and you were finally in the same place at the same time.”

  Before Scotty or Jayde could say another word, he shifted into a hummingbird and flew away.

  Jayde laughed softly. “He’s always looked out for you.”

  “Indeed. More so than you can possibly know.” He didn’t have the damnedest clue what he’d do without his friends. And now he had Jayde back, hopefully for good.

  Her hands trailed around his waist before popping the button on his fly and shoving his jeans down his legs. She walked around him and dropped to her knees, looking up with pleading eyes. “You had me, now let me have this.” She gripped his cock with a wicked grin. “Don’t deny me.”

  “Never again,” he whispered, as her mouth closed over his head. He felt the zing straight up his spine as she sucked down his shaft, her tongue twirling around his length. She groaned, taking her time. Sensation shot through him as she ran her nails over his balls.

  Seeing her before him, giving him pleasure, tore at his heart. He didn’t deserve this beautiful woman, or her love, but he would deny her nothing. He vowed he would do anything and everything to make her happy, no matter what it was.

  “Bloody abyss, that’s so damned good.” He groaned. Her free hand landed on his thigh as she rocked back and forth. Watching his cock slide in and out of her mouth shot his desire to the sky.

  “Jayde, oh, Jayde, Jayde, Jayde,” he panted as his fingers slid into her hair. It took every ounce of self-control to keep from fucking her mouth hard.

  Her eyes danced with flame as she stared up at him. Her grip tightened, her cheeks hollowed, and the extra suc
tion sent him over the edge as ice and fire danced through him.

  When she released him, he stumbled back and fell onto the couch, closing his eyes as he tried to catch his breath.

  Her weight settled over him, her slick heat covering his still-hard length. His fingers tangled in her hair as he brought her mouth in for a kiss.

  * * * *

  She’d forgotten Endiscott’s recovery time was nearly nonexistent. He reminded her by rolling her onto her back, covering her body with his. His eyes delved into hers, anguish on his face. “Tell me no one ever made you feel like I do.”

  Jayde combed her fingers into Endiscott’s hair. “No one. It’s why I could never move on. I’d close my eyes in another man’s arms and wish it were you.” Tears threatened to fall.

  “I can’t recall how many times I wished I was with you and not some random woman. In all the years that twisted bond held me, you are the only one I never felt guilty with. Even with Saressa, I was betraying you.”

  “And now?” she whispered.

  He shook his head. “I was made for you.”

  “Make love to me.”

  He shifted, gliding into her. “Don’t ever want this to end.” His mouth descended on hers. For the first time in her life she felt complete. Their bond wound around them, pulling them tighter. The truth of his words, the love in his heart, and the desire coursing through his veins all spoke to her heart, in perfect harmony.

  Everything fell away—the doubt, the anger, the loss. He was hers, finally. His emotions rolled through her, pushing her pleasure as he surged in and out of her.

  Her head fell back, her body arching as she sought that last push to release. His lips trailed down to her breast and caught her nipple with a gentle bite before laving his tongue over the sting.

  Fireworks danced through her vision and she cried out at the intense pleasure, even as it flowed over with his release.

  She wound her arms around his neck, holding him tight.

  Scotty pressed a kiss over her heart. “I’ll fight for you, no matter what, Jayde.”

  Tears pricked her eyes.

  “Tell me how to wipe away the pain.”

  Shaking her head, she managed a smile. “No pain. Overwhelmed, in the best way.”

  A slow smile lifted his lips. “That’s a relief.”

  She raised her head to kiss him.

  He whispered, “I love you, Jayde.”

  A part of her wanted to deny it, but couldn’t. “Loved you from the beginning.”

  He drew a breath and sat up, she went with him. Dropping his head into his hands he sucked in a breath.

  Jayde stroked his back in long sweeps. “Don’t, please. It’s in the past. You didn’t do this. No more dwelling on what can’t be changed. Let’s plan for the future.”

  “I’ve never looked forward to the future,” he admitted, with a sad smile. “Didn’t think I had anything to look forward to.”

  “Me. And granted, had I not saved you, I may have stayed away, but I’m glad Toryn called.”

  “You took my pain. You shouldn’t have had to.”

  Shrugging she laughed. “I passed out. Only felt it a second. I’ve endured worse.”

  “I don’t like the idea of you hurt.”

  “Yeah, well I don’t like you hurt either. And all because some asshole sees you as competition.”

  “Don’t remind me.”

  She nudged him. “We’ll have to deal with it sooner or later. She’s coming for you, whether you want her or not.”

  “Why me? That’s what I have never understood. She despised me.”

  “She loved you. In her own twisted way. I’m sure she still does.”

  * * * *

  Something was wrong, Saressa realized, as she stepped onto a secluded beach. She couldn’t detect Alenathos. Her eyes narrowed as she reached out for him. Nothing. After a heaving breath, she shouted, “Alenathos, show yourself!”

  A blue water serpent surfaced, raising his head. “What do you want, Saressa?”

  “Come closer,” she demanded.

  A grin spread across his already-wide mouth. “Don’t have to. No longer bound to you.”


  “Does it matter?”

  “Do you want to be free of everyone? Including my niece?”

  “What do you think?”

  “Where can I find her?”

  “You want Endiscott as well?” he asked, moving slightly closer.

  “Of course. I need to punish him.”

  “Shenanigans in three nights. Toryn is throwing a party for Endiscott and Jayde’s reunion. Everyone you have issue with will be there. Besides maybe your brother. Never know. He may show.”

  A cold smile flitted across her lips. Reance had escaped her wrath too many times over the years. Even out of sight, he was still in her way, guiding her enemies around her influence.

  “I’ll see you then, and you’ll have your freedom.” Though his freedom would come in the form of death. In the meantime, she would continue to watch those she could, in hopes to move her plan ahead early.

  Chapter 28

  Scotty lay in bed, holding Jayde. She’d woken him at dawn with lazy caresses and murmurs of love. He promised her forever and worshipped her body until she passed out from their passionate lovemaking.

  Finally, they were together, intertwined as they were always meant to be. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect he would be here with her. He certainly didn’t believe he deserved this outcome, especially with Saressa coming.

  Her pending arrival sent a jolt of fear through him. He wasn’t a great protector like Toryn. His gift with wards was pathetic next to Lonny. He couldn’t wield magic like he’d seen Jayde and Saressa both do. His power was more subtle and revolved around nature. Plants, trees, and on a few occasions the ground would rumble.

  Climbing from bed, he went in search of his phone. He found it on the floor, next to his jeans from the night before. With a glance at Jayde still curled in his bed, he called Toryn.

  “Hey, man. You two okay?” The question was light, as if he had a good idea already. Didn’t surprise Scotty. Toryn’s visions weren’t as far reaching as Reance’s, but always reliable.

  “Never better, but I was hoping you could help me learn to harness my connection to nature. Or maybe have Isa help me figure a way to tap into it? I have access to more abilities, but I’ve never really tried. To protect Jayde, I want to learn.”

  “There? Or do you want to meet us at our cabin? Bring Jayde with you. She can help you better than I. Not to mention, she’s tied to you. My bet is she has a finer sense of what you can do.”

  He hadn’t thought of that. “I don’t want her laughing at me.”

  “She won’t. Trust me. I’ve seen her train others. It may even be a bonding experience for you.”

  Scotty laughed softly, being mindful of Jayde. “I seem to remember you being quite grumpy helping train Isa.”

  “Ugh. That was a totally different ball game. She hurt herself and didn’t want to let me fix it.”

  “She needed to learn.”

  “And she did. She also figured out that she could tell me if she was hurt and I would help. Ten years I had to let her suffer if something happened, when I could have easily taken every pain away.”

  “You never let anything that bad happen.”

  “You didn’t see her after Evan got to her the first time, Scotty. I had to wait until she was asleep to take the worst of it. When she woke, and I realized how bad her side was, I did enough healing to mend her cracked ribs, but leave the bruising. I wanted to take it all. I could have.”

  Scotty sighed, sitting on the couch. “How do I take away the two centuries of pain I caused Jayde? More than that even. Shit. How do I right all the wrongs?”

  “You don’t have to. The future is what matters. Help her forget the worst times by giving her the best memories. That’s all you can do. Honestly, that’s better than wiping out the past.”

“I hope so. I should make her something to eat. Text me with a plan once you have one. I want to be prepared.”

  “Until later.” Toryn hung up, and Scotty set the phone aside as he stood and walked to the kitchen, not bothering with clothes.

  He hoped Jayde took his nakedness as a hint and that she could wait to eat until after he made love to her once again. There were so many years to catch up on, and he’d never grow tired of having her.

  * * * *

  Jayde woke to the smell of fresh-brewed coffee, fragrant tea, and an assortment of foods. Silently, she climbed off the bed, and tiptoed to the open doorway for a peek. There was Scotty, moving through the kitchen with purpose. A feast was piled on the counter.

  A grin spread across her lips as she snuck up behind him and wound her arms around his waist. She pressed a kiss to his shoulder. “Are we having a party, or is this all for me?”

  “Wasn’t sure what you like,” he admitted gruffly. “Wanted all the bases covered.”

  “Is this on the menu?” Her hand slid down his belly and wrapped around his cock. “Tell me you haven’t been hard this whole time.”

  “No, but your hands on me, your body against mine, I can’t help but be ready for you.”

  Her slow stroke elicited a groan. She nipped his shoulder blade. “Does that mean I can start my meal with you?”

  “Was hoping you’d say that.” He spun, his hands going to her ass as he hauled her against him. She locked her legs around his hips as he shifted her to glide into her depths. Jayde wound her arms around his neck as he walked away from the kitchen while moving her body up and down his shaft.

  She meant to protest as he walked, fucking walked, to the living room but cried out, “Fuck yes!”

  His masculine chuckle ramped up her desire. “Couldn’t wait.” He controlled every movement, and all she could do was hold on as he increased the pace.

  “Tell me you’re close, love.”

  “Yes,” she cried, as she shot over the edge. He pressed tight, following. His chest heaved as he claimed her mouth while his cock jerked inside her.


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