Changing Destiny

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Changing Destiny Page 24

by Rivers, Brandy L

  He ran, then slid forward, swiping the blade through the thick neck of the first, and spinning to hack the second in half.

  Aeryana, the queen of Air, floated forward, electricity dancing over her body. She flipped her hand out and the third dog, coming from his right, was swept into a sparking cyclone, convulsing as it spun like a top.

  He thrust the blade out as the fourth charged him. The sword went through the back of the beast’s head and he swiped it up, splitting the skull in half.

  The fifth charged as smoke flowed past him, then filled the space with a huge fire dragon. He scrambled to get out of the way as its tail swished through the narrow hall.

  “Holy fuck!” he cried.

  Dacia caught him under the shoulders, pulling him to his feet.

  “That’s Fuerah. She came with Reance.”

  He nodded. He knew the name, had heard the stories. Preston blinked as she ate each of the remains. “Wonder if dragons get indigestion.”

  Dacia shook her head with a silly smile. “Siren are still pouring in.”

  He nodded, turning toward the ring of singing creatures. His skin crawled, but thanks to the enchanted jewelry they all wore, nothing happened. He rushed toward the bar, now lined with siren, swinging his blade and throwing spells as he went.

  * * * *

  Isa flung a whip out, catching a siren around the throat. She yanked the man forward and he fell to his knees as Mike sent a jolt of electricity through him.

  The blade the siren had thought to throw clattered to the ground, and Mike kicked it away.

  He gave Isa a grin before turning back to the fight. Mike shifted into a huge striped tiger that batted siren around, ripping out throats, and clawing off faces, without so much as a pause.

  She couldn’t help watching the magnificent beast tear apart his foes. Questions bubbled but then a woman began to sing in her ear.

  Isa spun around, throwing her elbow up, into the woman’s throat. Pink hair flew as the siren landed on her ass. Isa grabbed her by the throat and lifted her back in the air. “You do realize, on this side of the veil, Saressa has no hold on you, don’t you?”

  The siren sneered. “She’ll always have a hold on me.”

  “Why? What has she ever done for you? It’s all about her, isn’t it? What she wants, what she needs. Nothing that benefits you.”

  The girl blinked and her hands fell to her sides. “I don’t have to kill you?”

  “Good luck trying, but no. You could all walk away and do whatever it is siren do.”

  Isa dropped her, calling fire and electricity to her palms. “What’s it going to be?” she shouted. “Are the siren going to stay and die? Or are you going to seize your freedom while you can?”

  Many of the siren stopped cold. Her friends stepped back from fighting those who paused, and focused on the ones who were too stupid to listen.

  Initially, more than half ran for the door. She let them go. “Last chance,” she shouted.

  Most of the remaining turned and ran, leaving a dozen fools to cleanup. She flicked her wrist, knocking another male siren to his ass. Preston rushed forward, slicing his head off.

  Reance shouted in the fire language. The last few siren went up in flames. Aeryana raised her arms and wind rushed forward, pushing the smoke out the doors, followed by ash.

  Isa took a look around as Toryn came up beside her. “You okay?” he asked urgently.

  She nodded as she blinked. Remembering Reese, she looked around. “Where’s Lana?”

  Toryn wore a grim expression. “She took Reese to the office. Lonny went with her.”

  Her hands trembled. “I tried to save him. I wasn’t fast enough.”

  He brushed her hair behind her ear, then caressed her face. “You did what you could. Saressa sentenced him to death the moment she touched him.”

  “He wasn’t supposed to be here,” she muttered.

  “But he was. He couldn’t resist Lana.”

  “And now he’s dead.”

  “Not your fault, Princess.”

  “No, it’s that bitch’s fault. If Scotty hadn’t interrupted, I would have killed her,” she snarled.

  He pulled her into his arms. “Scotty needed to say his piece. He needed that closure.”

  “I’m worried. What do we do about Scotty? And she’s got Jayde.”

  “We wait.”

  Mike walked up, shifting back to the man she knew. He shook his head, eyes wide. “They said you had more tricks up your sleeves than anyone else, but I wasn’t expecting fire whips.”

  Despite her worry for Scotty, she couldn’t help grinning. “You shifted into a tiger, Mike. Shit, when did that happen?”

  He shrugged. “That thing I didn’t tell you about months ago? Yeah, I’m a druid. I can do other animals.”

  Her brow arched. “Guess we’re both freaks in our own right.”

  Mike looked to the woman next to him and shrugged. She’d met Gwen a few times.

  Isa grinned. “Thank you, for being on hand tonight.”

  “Think it’s over?” Gwen asked.

  Reance nodded as he joined them, with Aeryana at his side. “This part is over. Now we wait for Kellan, Endiscott, Jayde, Alenathos, and Aquila to come back.”

  Fuerah shrank down, shifting back to human, her eyes blazing to Reance. “You assured me Alenathos would be fine.”

  “I believe he will be.”

  Fuerah’s eyes slid shut.

  Isa shrugged. “I could call him back if you really want.”

  Her eyes flipped open, flames flickering within. “Why?”

  “Set your mind at ease.”

  “No. He wants to make Saressa pay for her many crimes. I don’t believe he’d appreciate being yanked away when he has the opportunity.”

  “I agree.” Isa sighed, looking back toward the hall. “He’s a pain in the ass.”

  Fuerah laughed out loud. “That he is. Thank you, for not holding him prisoner.”

  Isa frowned. “Look, the bond—that was his idea. He chose to keep it. The moment he asks for it to be removed, I’ll crush the amulet.”

  She shook her head, her red hair flickering with tiny flames. “You’re like your father. Being bound to you is not a hardship.” Her gaze snapped to Toryn. “You have found yourself a good woman. Let’s hope Alenathos learns a few traits from her.” She wisped into smoke and sped out the front doors.

  “She’ll make sure no siren is stupid enough to come back,” Reance explained.

  Morrigan shook her head. “You really know how to throw a party. I’m sorry I didn’t get to go a round with Saressa.”

  “Dare I ask why?”

  “Ancient history.”

  Chapter 42

  Jayde fell to her knees on the other side of the portal. Before Saressa landed, she fazed into air and floated, waiting for Saressa to appear.

  A laugh rent the air as smoke billowed out, searching. The dim evening light filtered through the trees in the Water Realm’s swamplands. The Water Castle was within view.

  The portal had opened into a ring of barren land. Threads of Scotty, Lonny, and Toryn’s magic remained and she guessed it used to be the glen Scotty used as an escape from Saressa.

  “You can’t be far,” Saressa taunted, reforming in the center of the scorched land.

  Jayde wanted to ask if she’d ever had Scotty in the glen. But she already knew the answer, and dragging out the fight would do no good.

  Instead, she asked, “Why? Why take him from me?”

  Saressa spun, trying to find the voice’s source. “The visions. You’re the one who will take my life.”

  “If you had left us alone, I would never have come near you. I had no quarrel with you until you twisted our bond.”

  “He loved me. He did. He worshiped the ground I walked on.”

  “No longer.”

  Saressa’s eyes faded to silver. “I’ll kill you and take him back.”

  “You’ll never have him again.” She took form beh
ind Saressa and slammed her fist into her head before fading back to air.

  Saressa spun, falling to the ground with a frustrated scream.

  Jayde watched as Scotty and Kellan fell through the portal. Two dragons flew past, circling the blackened land.

  “Finally come to your senses, son?” Saressa asked, walking toward Kellan.

  Kellan shook his head. “Came to make sure no harm comes to Jayde.”

  “Stupid child,” she sneered. “You can’t have her. Even when Endiscott comes to me, and he will, you can’t have her.”

  Scotty stepped forward, shaking his head slowly. “I would die before I returned to you. You tore me away from the only woman I ever loved, then nearly destroyed me.”

  “I can right my wrongs.” Her expression softened as she moved to Scotty, her hands outstretched. “Please, let me fix what I broke.”

  “You can’t. It was corrupted from the beginning.”

  She stepped within Scotty’s reach and he caught her by the throat with a feral roar. “Never again, Saressa.” Vines and roots grew, winding up Saressa’s body and he squeezed her throat.

  “Then she can’t have you, either.” She gasped, drawing her hands up. The swamp froze, spines of ice grew and pierced completely through Scotty. His eyes widened as he released Saressa. “No one will have you.”

  Jayde rushed forward, taking Scotty’s hand as she latched onto Saressa’s arm. Her mother had once told her she could transfer wounds from one person to another, but she would draw magic from both parties to do it.

  Closing her eyes, she transferred the wounds from Scotty to her, then to Saressa. She managed to block most of Scotty’s magic, only taking slivers of skills, not all of any one, while she pulled fully on Saressa’s ability to control and manipulate others.

  Dozens of bonds latched on to Jayde as her wounds healed. She cried out, snapping each connection.

  Scotty caught her, pulling her close as she collapsed.

  Saressa stared up at them, blinking. “Death isn’t the end,” she whispered, before her eyes dulled, sliding shut.

  Taking Jayde’s face in his hands, Scotty pulled her attention to him. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” he pleaded.

  Jayde shook her head slowly. “No. Very much okay. Just dizzy.”

  “You barely pulled from me. You should have taken more strength.”

  “No. That’s not the problem. It was her bonds. They transferred to me and I broke them.”


  She nodded. “Not even sure who.” She drew in a breath, and pushed herself to her feet.

  Scotty followed, taking her hands. “She’s gone. Forever gone.” He wound his arms around her and lowered his mouth to hers. His love poured through her, and she relaxed, until she remembered him being pierced.

  Pushing Scotty back, she ran her hands over his body, looking for any signs of the holes that were there moments ago.

  “I’m fine,” he murmured.

  Aquila snorted. “Not sure what you did, but you took the wounds from him, and gave them to Saressa. That’s not normal, even for a Paineater.”

  “My mother said it was possible. I wasn’t sure I believed it, but last time I tried to kill Saressa, she got away because of some fucking artifact. I needed to fix Endiscott, so this was the best solution.”

  “It was a good one,” Alenathos offered. He looked beside her. Tiny flames flickered over Saressa, her body actually burning, charring, and turning to ash before their eyes. “She really is gone.”

  Jayde called to the wind, hoping to scatter the ashes far and wide. The wind picked up, zinging through the trees, carrying Saressa’s remains away as the fire died.

  Kellan laid his hand on her shoulder. “You okay?”

  Jayde nodded. “You?”


  “Does that mean you can take us back?”

  Kellan looked to Scotty. “You ready?”

  “Do you even have to ask?”

  Kellan threw his hand out and a portal opened. They all stepped through, into the hallway at Shenanigans.

  Isa and Toryn stood in the center of a group of people. The mages who came, Reance and Aeryana, and Morrigan all waited. Jayde was surprised to see Zoe, until she realized the woman was watching Kellan.

  She looked over her shoulder to find Kellan moving toward Zoe with purpose.

  Scotty chuckled and whispered in her ear. “Perhaps he found his destiny.”

  Jayde smiled up at Scotty.

  * * * *

  “She’s gone?” Isa asked. “For good this time?” Something in her sparkling emerald eyes sent a chill down Scotty’s back.

  Believing otherwise would drive him crazy. “There’s nothing left. She burned to ash and blew away on the wind.”

  Kellan shrugged. “Her essence faded away. I can’t detect her at all. That should mean she’s in the abyss.”

  Reance offered a smile, but there was a trace of caution in his eyes. It matched Isa’s. “Then her rule is over.”

  Aeryana beamed at her daughter. “Tomorrow, would you meet us for breakfast at the hotel?”

  Isa smiled. “To plan?”

  “Yes. I won’t insist you come to Faerie. Please, I’d like to visit.”

  “You got it. Are Toryn and Reance invited?”

  She nodded. “Of course. Your father will actually be quite welcome in the planning committee.”

  Lonny moved up next to Scotty, Lana tucked under his arm. His oldest friend said, “Before everyone leaves, I have an announcement. Tomorrow night, at Scotty’s cabin, I’m officiating his wedding.” Lonny looked over. “Right?”

  Scotty looked to Jayde. “Up to you.”

  Grinning, she nodded. “Sounds like the perfect plan.”

  Breaking eye contact before he devoured her in public, he took a look around with a frown. “Please tell me cleanup can wait until tomorrow? I’ll be glad to help then.”

  Nearly everyone agreed.

  Lana sniffled. “I’ll be here.”

  Lonny murmured, “I’m sorry, darling. I’ll stay as long as you need.”

  She leaned into him and he wrapped his arm around her. Her sigh was heavy. “Thank you.”

  Isa took Lana’s hand. “I know you cared about Reese. I’m sorry.”

  “There was nothing you could do, Isa.” Tears fell down her face. “Saressa killed him before you could have stopped her.”

  “Take the time you need.”

  “No. What I need is to keep busy. I’ll be here. Maybe around noon we can have a group help finish the cleanup?”

  “I’ll meet you here.”

  Lana hugged Isa. “Thank you.”

  Isa nodded.

  Scotty squeezed her shoulder. “Don’t blame yourself.”

  She let out a sigh. “Go. Everyone go, I’ll lock up.”

  Chapter 43

  Fear still flowed through Scotty. After more than a century under Saressa’s control, and another wishing he could banish her from his mind, maybe he couldn’t accept she was finally dead and gone.

  But Reance and Isa seemed to have similar hesitation.

  He stepped through the door of Jayde’s house, and she locked it, before tiptoeing up to kiss him while pushing him toward the couch. He fell onto it with wide eyes.

  She pulled the dress over her head, and slid her thong down her legs, before dropping into his lap with a hungry smile. “Tell me you want me.” A hint of pleading laced her tone.

  He took her face in his hands and kissed her deep. Her hands went to his pants, releasing his already aching cock. “Never wanted you more,” he professed against her lips.

  “Need you inside me, a part of me.”

  He rolled her to her back and stood to remove his clothes in a hurry. Then he knelt before her, staring down at Jayde.

  Her eyes lowered, a smile on her lips. “Don’t taunt me, Scotty.”

  He pushed her thighs open and scooted up, pressing into her with hiss of pleasure. “I’m yours, Jayde. Tell me
what you want.”

  “All of you.” The love pouring off her filled his heart, washing out the fear, the doubt, filling up all the gaps.

  “As long as I get you.”


  Scotty took his pace slow, propping himself over her on his elbows, staring into her mesmerizing eyes. Her legs were locked around his hips, her fingers tangled in his hair.

  “Love you, Scotty,” she whispered.

  “My heart is yours.”

  She pulled him down for a kiss, and he couldn’t help pushing harder. Her magic rippled to life. Ice danced over his skin, chased by flames. His own magic sparked, melding with hers in the same fashion.

  She came around him, and he followed, thrusting deeply once more before holding himself inside her, relishing the sensation of being a part of her. Pressing his forehead to hers, he smiled. “Mine, now and always.”

  She nodded, her eyelids lowered. “Forever.”

  He scooped her into his arms as he stood and carried her to her bedroom.

  Jayde looked over his shoulder and laughed softly. “My living room looks like a jungle.”

  He glanced back. The potted plants had all doubled in size, flowers blooming. Bloody abyss, there were flowers on ferns that didn’t normally have blossoms. “Um…”

  “I like it. Though, maybe being at your place will be better. I’ll run out of room in the yard.”

  “Wherever you want to be, that’s where we’ll go.”

  “Bed sounds good.”

  He laid her out on her comforter and curled up around her. “We’ve finally found our destiny.”

  She kissed him before snuggling in to sleep.

  * * * *

  Sensation prickled as her body rocked into the mattress. She tried to move her hands, but they were bound above her head. Her ankles were outstretched, bound the same. Testing the bindings, they stretched but didn’t give. Silk.

  “Mine,” Damha whispered against her ear as he thrust into her, the pleasure intense as her body came alive with the first breath she sucked in.

  Saressa’s chest heaved as Damha pumped her. “Yes,” she cried out, pulling on the bonds as he trailed his fangs over her jugular. His spider legs rose around them, casting shadows as light danced through her skin.


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