Burning For Claire (The O'Connell Family Book 2)

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Burning For Claire (The O'Connell Family Book 2) Page 10

by Steele, C. M.

  “Claire, I just heard about the fire. It’s so terrible. What are we going to do for a job? Call me,” Jane blandly said.

  “Wow, she sounds overly concerned,” Gordon said sarcastically.

  “Plus, what was she doing up at that hour? Tad, her best friend, didn’t even know about it yet,” Anderson pointed out.

  “That was my thoughts as well,” I said in anger. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to join the dark side and help John find them.

  We left the meeting with very little new information. It was frustrating as hell because we didn’t have any leads yet. All I wanted to do was get back to the house because I missed the hell out of Claire. We were having a fight about moving to Texas and opening up a salon when I had to leave this morning. It wasn’t the move that she had a problem with it was the fact that I didn’t want her to open up her own salon. She was going to lose that fight; although I promised her I’d make it up to her.

  It was a nice day. Perhaps, if her family and mine were gone we could get naked and go for a swim. My thoughts were all about Claire so I didn’t notice the car that pulled up in front of the station. I had just gotten halfway down the steps when out of the car came Sam. I had nowhere to run since she’d already seen me, so I rushed to her like I was overjoyed to see her, instead of the panic I felt.

  “Brady!” She shouted as she ran into my arms. I was in deep shit, now.

  “Samantha, sweetheart, I’m sorry about your parents.” I hugged her tight because I didn’t want her to be mad at me once she learned the truth about me. I looked at Rick, and he looked ready to belt me, but I didn’t care. I wiped Sam’s tears because she was still my little sister.

  He pulled her away from me like I was going to steal her away. They didn’t tell him that I wasn’t interested in anyone else but his sister. Well, he was in for a surprise.

  “O’Connell,” I hissed, playing up my hatred for him.

  “Williams,” he growled, which I was sure was in jealousy.

  “Are you two going to fight?” she asked worriedly.

  “Not yet,” I replied. Once he found out I deflowered his sister I wouldn’t put it passed him to want to fight.

  “Nope, I will wait until you’re tied to me, before I kick his ass,” he said to her.

  “You wish,” I muttered.

  Just then the dumbass sheriff walked out. I knew this wasn’t going to go well for me.

  “Miss Lake…Mr. O’Connell. I’m glad that you could make it. Miss Lake, I’m sorry about your loss.”

  “Thank you,” she muttered. It was clear that there was no love lost there and it gave the sheriff all the more reason to believe that she may have been involved.

  “Yes, Sheriff. We’re here for the interview,” Rick stated.

  “That’s good. Travis, please join us as well.” What the hell?! I almost made it out of there without getting busted.

  She started to look around for someone else, but she didn’t see anyone, but the four of us. That was when Rick whispered in her ear, distracting her. It was something personal, but nothing to do with me, since she was flaunting a large ring.

  I followed behind them. We were placed in the same room I’d just left. Inside was the D.A. Canello, Kennedy, and Cole who’d been in Cole’s temporary office discussing another case. After the murders he took up residence in the Collinsville Police Department headquarters.

  They wasted no time questioning her as I stood against the wall.

  “Miss Lake, where were you on June tenth?” the sheriff asked.

  With no concern for their opinion she answered, “I was on vacation in Greece with Mr. O’Connell.”

  “Do you know anyone who would want your parents dead?” Kennedy asked.

  I could see her anger ready to bleed out, but she responded calmly. “I don’t know. There could be a lot of people or only a few. Until about three weeks ago, I hadn’t spoken to my parents in over a year.”

  Kennedy continued, “Why is that?” What were they playing at? They knew why. They were aware of my undercover work—egotistical assholes.

  “Why is that relevant?” Rick growled.

  “Because they tried to sell me off like cattle to a man for marriage,” she responded to his question without any feeling at all.

  “Was it the only time they tried to do this?” Gordon asked.

  “I don’t know, but my mother did set up a date with Mr. Moreno.”

  “Yes. We know that.” Kennedy responded, looking at the sheriff like he was interfering.

  They were pricks. They knew a lot more than that. I almost choked up as I tried to hide my laugh when she rolled her eyes at them.

  “We have a long list of suspects. When you ran away that was not their first time trying to sell you out. They had offered you up to the highest bidders before. I’m so sorry.”

  Rick stood up and said, “Listen, gentlemen, I think that’s enough.” He tried to get Sam up, but she wasn’t budging.

  “Tell me all,” she growled, looking directly at the sheriff.

  Cole took the lead. “It started about four years ago. Your parents had gotten into a world of financial trouble with some unsavory people, and you were the only thing they had to barter with.”

  “But we had priceless things. We already moved into the mansion by then,” she uttered in confusion.

  “Yes. They needed to fund their extravagant lifestyle, and you were their meal ticket.” Her face dropped as she realized her true value to her parents.

  It was time for the district attorney to speak. “By the time you had run away they had owed more than five million dollars, to all sorts of people, in several different countries. When one of our informants gave us the tip, we sent in Federal Agent, Travis Williams to go undercover for your protection.” Damn. They just threw me under the bus—assholes.

  She looked right at me, and I knew that she was hurt. It was clear she wasn’t going to take my deception lying down.

  “I was just an assignment to you. I thought you were my friend.” Her eyes were filled with tears. Rick tried to ease her hurt, but she turned on him next. Oops…she knew he knew the truth about me.

  “You knew, didn’t you?! You asked why Travis was leaving my apartment; you thought he was my lover that night. What is wrong with you? With either of you? With friends like you two lying asses, who the fuck needs enemies?! I am done here.” She looked at us both before adding, “With all of you!”

  She stormed out and Rick chased right after her. I was going to follow too, but I needed to let these asses know they messed up.

  “Thanks for blowing my cover. I was planning to tell her. Now she’s going off the handle. Peace out, you asses.” I didn’t care if they were my superiors or could get me fired. I wasn’t going to let what they’d done go uncontested. I was sure Eli wouldn’t let them walk out without snapping. He was my brother and knew what Sam meant to me.

  I could see Rick and Sam talking as I reached the glass doors. I got out just in time to see a car pull up and open fire on them. I called out to them to duck as I opened up fire on the speeding car. I emptied my clip into the vehicle. I managed to hit the shooter, and he pulled back into the car. The other cops came running out the door with their guns drawn as the attackers sped off. I could see the plates were temporary and more than likely fake. John needed to be contacted.

  I ran up to Rick and Sam. They were both laying on the ground, and it was clear that they’d been shot. Rick was unconscious and losing blood quickly from his head and chest. I yelled for someone to call an ambulance. My eyes were stinging with tears as I looked down on them. I applied pressure to Rick’s wounds to try and stop the bleeding, while one of the other cops wrapped a belt around Sam’s arm to stop the bleeding. We got them to the hospital, but all I could do was pray they’d make it. Rick didn’t look so good, and Sam wasn’t much better.

  I made the call to his father. “Richard, get to Stroger ASAP. Rick and Sam have been shot.”

What!? I’m on my way,” he roared. I didn’t get a chance to ask about Claire because he hung up. I knew that he’d bring them to the hospital, so I’d see for myself. She’d already suffered enough lately, and it didn’t seem like it was going to end any time soon.

  Chapter 15—Claire

  I was at my breaking point. Was there anything else that could go wrong? I thought. The doctor just came out to tell us that my brother was in a coma. I just absorbed the words, trying to understand that he might not make it. When my father rushed us out of the house I knew it was bad. At first I thought it was Travis, but he said it was Rick. My big, strong, amazing brother had been gunned down. When I saw Travis, I rushed into his arms. The tears were steadily pouring as Travis held me throughout the six hours of waiting.

  Sam was with us even though she’d been grazed by a bullet. They patched up her in the ambulance, but she didn’t really even notice what happened to her. All Sam’s thoughts were in the OR with Rick.

  Travis left me for a moment to hug Sam. She cried into his chest, and I surprisingly wasn’t jealous. Her heart belonged to my brother, and Travis’s belonged to me. Hell, we were supposed to be sisters. We’re going to be sisters, I had to believe that. I needed my brother to make it.

  “Baby, I have to make some calls. Can you hang in here by yourself for a few?” Travis asked gently, looking at me like I was going to fall apart at any moment. If he wasn’t here, I really might have crumbled.

  “I’m not by myself,” I mentioned.

  “I know, but I’m worried about you,” he said sincerely.

  “I know, and I love you for it, but I also know you have to work to find these bastards,” I growled as I tried to control my anger and pain.

  “He’s going to pull through. Think like that for me, please. I love you, Claire.”

  He walked away after he gave me a peck on my lips. I knew he didn’t want to leave me just in case something happened, but I wanted him to find them and make them pay. I wanted him to get those bastards.

  My brother was lying in a coma, fighting for his life. He may not make it and they needed to pay for it. My uncle John was ready to get his hands dirty, and I think my whole family wanted to join him. Ethan was pacing, hurting like all of us, but he was looking like a really pissed off caged lion. Angry men are dangerous ones.

  “Ethan, calm down,” I whispered as I put my hand on his shoulder.

  “Claire, I can’t calm down. Some bastards tried to kill my brother.”

  “He’s my brother too. I don’t want you to go all ape-shit on these people and get in trouble or even worse killed.”

  “Baby sis, I’m not going to do anything like that. I’ll leave that to uncle. I just want to smash something. This is nuts.” I knew what he was feeling. We were all feeling the same thing.

  “I know. I want him to be his overbearing, bossy self again,” I sobbed.

  “Me too, but there is nothing we can do here. Sam isn’t going anywhere, but they aren’t going to let all of us live in the waiting room. Are you ready to head back to the house?” Ethan asked as he wrapped me up in a hug.

  “I’m just waiting for Travis to come back, and then we can go back to the house,” I said as he loosened his hug a little.

  “He means a lot to you, doesn’t he?” Ethan asked sincerely.

  I smiled up at my brother and said, “Yes, he does. Since the first time I’d seen him. You have no idea how I wanted to pull Sam’s hair out when I thought they were together.” He started laughing at me. “Don’t laugh. That shit isn’t funny, but Travis told me of their relationship from the start was nothing but a brother-sister love.”

  “Here he comes.” Ethan looked up over my head. I turned around and saw my Travis walking towards me looking so strong and tough.

  “Baby, how you doing?” Travis whispered as he took me in his arms and kissed me softly.

  “I’m as good as I can be. You’ve got blood on your clothes.” I just noticed the dried stains and knew it was probably Rick’s. My heart felt the pain all over again, and I started to cry.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t have a chance to change. I only had the clothes from the bag I packed before they blew up my apartment. Mel ordered me some clothes and had them delivered to your parents’ house. They should be there already. I’ll change as soon as I can. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

  “It’s not your fault. You did what you could to stop what was happening. I just know it’s my brother’s blood on you. I want him to be okay.”

  “He will, Claire. He’s a stubborn prick. He’ll be fine.”

  “I hope,” I sobbed.

  “Are you ready to go back to the house?” Travis asked.

  “Yes, Ethan’s going to drive us back.”

  “Good. I need a shower. Then I’m going to hold you until you fall asleep.”

  He kept his promise. He took me home and held me all night long.

  Chapter 16—Travis

  It had been four days since the attack on Rick and Sam. It seemed that the group who had shot Rick and Sam had been found in their homeland and had been dealt with. I didn’t ask questions about what happened to them or who did it because frankly I didn’t want to get involved.

  I called John for some information as I poured myself some coffee.

  “John, I don’t want to know anything other than if those fuckers tried to kill my Claire.” All I needed to know was if it they had been involved in the attack on Claire.

  “They denied the arson. They said they would have rather stolen her for violation than blow her up, but they didn’t know about her. It has to be your initial suspects.”

  “Are you sure?” I didn’t want it to be true because that meant Claire still had enemies out there that knew she was alive.

  “Trust me. I made sure they had nothing to do with it,” he replied confidently.

  “Thanks,” I said. I hung up the phone, and I was just sipping a cup of coffee when Samantha entered the kitchen.

  “Morning, Sam,” I said. I didn’t like that she was still mad at me. She didn’t leave the hospital until last night, and she refused to talk to me when she got back.

  “Morning, Bra…Travis,” she muttered, giving me a subtle glare.

  “Samantha, we need to talk about this. I can’t stand the fact that you hate me.”

  “I don’t hate you. I’m not pleased with you at all, but I don’t hate you. I just wish you would have told me before,” she hissed.

  “I wanted to. I really did, but I couldn’t. After the first day we met I knew that you were special. When you came to live with me I felt like we were family, which meant I needed to protect you even more.”

  She shed the anger, but the pain was still there when she asked, “Were you ever planning to tell me?”

  “Yes. You were turning eighteen and that was when I was going to take you away until we captured them, but Rick did that for me. By the way happy belated birthday.”

  “Thanks. Rick made it really special.” She started to tear up again, but she regained her composure. “I’m sorry that you lost everything in the fire.”

  “Sweetheart, it was no big deal. It was federal money.”

  “I forget you had a life back in Texas. Unless that’s a lie too?” she queried

  “No, it’s not. I was given the assignment because I’d been put on suspension for destroying city property while chasing a suspected murderer and kidnapper.”

  “So you were punished and given this assignment?”

  “No. It was still my choice to take it. I wasn’t losing anything by going undercover.” I tried to let her know that she was more than just a lousy assignment.

  “But what about your family?” she challenged.

  “You’ve heard me talking to my family. I would see my sister, Melanie a lot.”

  “True, and I finally got to meet her family too. I always thought there was some reason why I never saw the kids.”

  “Yes, because they call me ‘Uncle Travis,�
��” I chuckled.

  “I feel like a fool,” she sighed.

  “You’re not a fool. Don’t let the fact that I lied to you for so long make you doubt yourself. If anyone is a fool—it’s me. I should have told you sooner, but I was afraid you’d run, and I needed to have you close.”

  “Good Morning, Sam, Travis,” Claire said as she walked into the kitchen and right up to me, kissing me right on the lips.

  I grinned and turned to Sam. “See, Sam, if it wasn’t for you, I’d never have met Claire.”

  “Yes. Thank you, Sammy. I have my man because of you,” Claire added as she gave me a squeeze.

  “Yes, but Rick isn’t here because of me,” she whimpered.

  Claire moved from me and put an arm around Sam, and said, “He’ll be here soon bossing you around again.”

  “I hope so,” Sam said with a slight smile.

  Claire pinched Sam’s waist before she let her have it. “You need to eat, girl. I don’t think you’ve eaten in days. It’s not healthy.”

  “I know, Claire. I just can’t stop thinking of Rick.”

  “Do you think he’d let you get away with it?” my pixie asked.

  “Once he wakes up and finds out that you’ve been starving yourself, he’s going to lose his mind and snap on your ass,” I added.

  “Fine, I’ll eat, but I really can’t eat much.”

  I handed her an apple and said, “Start with this. A little at a time, and you’ll be okay.”

  I turned to Claire and with one arm around her waist asked, “Babe, have you been eating?”

  “Actually, I need to eat too. I’m really hungry.” She pulled away and walked to the fridge. “I have a taste for some cereal this morning. Do either of you want any?”

  “No.” We both responded.

  I looked at Claire and smiled. “Babe, I have to go into the office. So you need to stay here, protected by the guards.”

  “I thought the danger was over,” Sam asked.

  “Not for Claire. I forgot that you weren’t here when it happened, but Claire’s salon was bombed.” She wasn’t really here since she’s been back from Greece. She wasn’t up to speed on everything.


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