Holiday Games (A Play-By-Play Novella)

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Holiday Games (A Play-By-Play Novella) Page 2

by Burton, Jaci

  It was going to be an extremely busy holiday season. Not only was Jenna getting married—with Liz taking a very active role in that, which she was very excited about—but in addition, she and Gavin would be hosting Christmas for the Riley family in their home this year. Since this was the first time they’d have the entire family over for Christmas, Liz felt the burden of doing everything just right.

  Not that Gavin’s family put high expectations on Christmas or anything. His parents were the kindest people she’d ever known. Kathleen and Jimmy Riley had been family to her—more parents to her than her own—since before she and Gavin had ever gotten together. She loved them so much, and they were genuinely warm people. So there was no pressure, other than the normal pressure she put on herself, which was always high.

  But still, there’d be a lot of coordinating to do. The Riley family was formidable, and now that there were wives and kids and significant others in the picture, Christmas was going to be huge this year. And Liz intended for this to be the best holiday ever.

  She made a few notes about food. Catering was out, unfortunately, because the Rileys just wouldn’t go for that. Nothing but homemade at Christmas. Kathleen would help her, of course, and so would Tara, along with Kathleen’s sister-in-law, Cara. They’d all have to get together and discuss options.

  This would totally work.

  She leaned back in her chair and stretched, then thought about Gavin and that wretched pregnancy test from earlier.

  She pushed back and stood, heading into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. She’d be damned if she’d let her body defeat her. She poured tea into her cup and leaned against the kitchen counter.

  If someone had told her two years ago that she would be married and trying to have a baby, she’d have laughed in their face. She’d been totally career driven, and there had been no man on her radar.

  Except Gavin, of course. She’d always loved Gavin, but in secret. He’d been the man of her dreams, someone she’d been close to as a client only. Never in her wildest dreams had she ever thought she and Gavin would get together, let alone fall in love and end up married. That’s when her desire for a child—someone who was part of both of them—had started to take hold. She was almost in her midthirties now. If she was ever going to have children, it was time to get going on that. A now or never kind of thing, because she wasn’t getting any younger.

  Which was why she wouldn’t let her dream of having a child go up in smoke.

  Giving up wasn’t an option. They just needed to have more sex. Gavin was strong and virile, and she was still young enough. She worked out and ate right. There was no reason they couldn’t get pregnant. Gavin was off season right now, which meant he was more available than usual, and that meant more time for sex. Granted, she’d be a more than a little busy with the wedding and holiday planning, but if there was one thing Liz knew how to do, it was make time for sex.

  She smiled against the rim of her teacup.

  Operation Make A Baby was on.

  Chapter Two

  Gavin smirked at his soon-to-be brother-in-law while they sat waiting in the tuxedo shop. “So, Tyler, what are your intentions toward my baby sister?”

  “I plan to marry the hell out of her, if that’s okay with you.”

  Gavin shrugged. “Are you sure you know what you’re getting into? She’s kind of a pain in the ass. Moody. Sometimes grouchy as hell.”

  “Sounds like that’s how she treats you. She’s great to me.”

  Gavin laughed. “You’re probably right.”

  “I don’t know,” Mick said. “She’s always liked me.”

  “Bullshit. She fought with you as much as she fought with me.”

  Mick arched a brow at Gavin. “That’s not the way I remember it. She always ran to me when you were picking on her.”

  “No. It was me. She hated both of you and ran to her favorite cousin.”

  Gavin laughed at Cole.

  “Anderson party?”

  “Oooh, we’re a party,” Gavin said, nudging Ty when he stood.

  “Not yet,” Ty said. “But as soon as all this tuxedo crap is over with, we’re heading to the bar.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Gavin said.

  It took about an hour to pick out the tuxes, though Jenna had already made a couple suggestions, and Ty, not really caring, went with what Jenna wanted. They were all fitted, except for Ty’s two teammates and friends Victor and Eddie, who couldn’t make it. But now that the tuxes had been selected, they could stop in and get their measurements anytime. All Gavin cared about was that his part was done. They were out of there as fast as possible, so they could head to Riley’s bar.

  “We’re lucky we could all be together this week,” Mick said. “Fortunately, we’re playing Cole’s team, so I’m actually in town in time for the tux fitting.”

  “Yeah, it worked out well,” Ty said.

  “We’re going to kick your ass.”

  “In your fucking dreams, Cole” Mick said.

  “We’ll see, pretty boy. You’re getting kind of old to play football. Shouldn’t you think about moving into the broadcast booth or something? Maybe play stay-at-home dad while Tara makes the big bucks?”

  Gavin snorted.

  “Hey,” Mick said. “You’re my brother. Shouldn’t you be on my side?”

  “I’m on nobody’s side when it comes to family playing family. I’m just going to enjoy the two of you trash-talking each other.”

  Cole smirked and leaned back in his chair. When Renee, their waitress came over, she high-fived them all.

  “I was wondering when the Riley crew would come in. Beers?”

  “I’ll definitely have one,” Tyler said.

  Gavin nodded. “Me, too.”

  “Soda for me,” Mick said.

  “Soda here, too,” Cole said. “Though I could drink ten beers and still kick your ass come game time.”

  Gavin rolled his eyes at Ty. “Here we go again.”

  Ty laughed. “I wonder if we should take bets on whether they’ll come to blows or not.”

  “They won’t. But it’s fun to watch them bullshit each other about whose team is better.”

  Ty nodded. “I can’t wait for the game on Sunday. The bar should be packed. Are you gonna go to the game?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it. You?”

  “Are you kidding? Jenna would kill me if I wasn’t there for the game. It’s a big family day for the Rileys.”

  “I think we’re gonna have a lot of big Riley days coming up in the next few weeks,” Mick said.

  Ty grinned. “Yeah. Seems that way.”

  “Are you excited?” Cole asked.

  “You know, I didn’t think I’d be. I mean, Jenna and I wanted this to be low-key, but it didn’t quite work out that way.”

  “I know how that is. Liz and I were the same way,” Gavin said. We were going to have a small thing, which turned into a big thing because. . . well, my mom wanted a big wedding, and then Liz decided maybe just having a small wedding wasn’t going to work. Suddenly it was this huge affair. Can’t blame that all on the parents, though. Weddings seem to take on a life of their own.”

  Ty laughed. “Yeah. It is becoming kind of an event, and I can’t say I’m all that disappointed about it. Despite Jenna not wanting to make a big deal out of the wedding, I know secretly she’s pretty excited about having the family all together to celebrate us getting married. I don’t think she would have really been happy if we’d eloped or gotten married at city hall.”

  Gavin nodded and took a long pull of the beer Renee had set down in front of him. “I know what you mean. Liz was never about the big wedding. Until it came time to plan the big wedding. Then she became driven, like planning a wedding had been the one and only thing she’d dreamed about doing since she was a little girl.”


  “Yeah. Can’t figure them out. Don’t even try. Just go with it.”

  “That’s what I do, man. I just try and keep her happy. If she’s happy, then I’m happy.”

  Gavin tipped his beer against Ty’s. “Amen to that.”

  The conversation reverted back to Cole and Mick’s heavily testosterone-laden one-upmanship over who was going to beat whom. In the end, the two of them just ended up laughing and toasted each other, then they got down to the business of eating burgers, until they got on the topic of the wedding again, which put Ty on the hot seat for making them all wear tuxes.

  Ty didn’t take the bait. Instead, he chewed a mouthful of cheeseburger and swallowed. “Not my fault. Talk to Jenna. I would have been happy in jeans.”

  “You’d throw your fiancée—my sweet baby sister—under the bus like that?” Mick asked.

  Ty reached for his beer. “Yup.”

  “Wait ’til I tell her,” Gavin said.

  “Go for it,” Ty said with a shrug. “She’ll back me up.”

  Cole slapped Ty on the back. “That’s what I like about you. No fear.”

  Mick took off after lunch to do some football-related thing. And Cole had to leave for the airport to pick up Savannah.

  “Has she been out of town again?” Gavin asked.

  “Yeah. She’s been doing a consulting thing for a client in Chicago for the past couple weeks.”

  “Rough on both of you with all the travel, isn’t it?”

  “We manage. At least the homecomings are hot.” Cole waggled his brows.

  Tyler laughed. “Speaking of hot fiancées, I need to go see mine. We have . . . God forbid, wedding stuff that I promised to discuss with her. Thanks for meeting with me today, guys.”

  They all took off. Gavin headed home, figuring Liz would be out doing some of that wedding stuff, too.

  So he was surprised to see her car in the garage when he pulled in.

  “Liz?” he called when he walked through the door.

  She didn’t answer. He looked for her downstairs, but didn’t find her, so he headed upstairs. It was already getting dark outside, and cloudy, as he looked out the window in the landing.

  There was a light on in their bedroom, so he pushed the door open.

  And his jaw dropped.

  Liz was on the bed, the only light in the room from candles lit on the nightstands. She was dressed in some silky, flimsy thing that rode high on her thighs and barely covered her breasts.

  He went hard in an instant.

  “Did we have a date I didn’t know about?” he asked as he entered the room.

  She was reclining on her side, her head resting on her hand. “No, but we were interrupted this morning. I thought we could finish what we started.”

  She patted the bed.

  “Hell, yes.”

  As he walked toward the bed, he kicked off his shoes and pulled his shirt over his head. Liz sat up and crawled toward the end of the bed, her breasts nearly visible as she bent over.

  “I like whatever it is you’re wearing. Or almost not wearing.”

  She tilted her head back and gave him one hell of a sexy smile. “I bought it to tease you with.”

  While she unzipped his pants, he drew one of her straps down. “You aren’t going to be wearing it long.”

  She sat on her heels. “That’s the idea.”

  He shucked his jeans and underwear, his cock springing right into her hands. “Now, this is about where we were this morning, weren’t we?”

  Her hands were warm, her mouth inches away from giving him exactly what he’d spent the day thinking about. “I’ve been aching for your mouth on me all day.”

  “Is that right?” She fell forward onto her stomach, that slinky little thing she wore creeping up over her shapely ass, revealing that she had . . . absolutely nothing on underneath it.

  His cock twitched and he surged forward, thrusting it into her hands.

  “A little eager, are you?”

  He looked down at her. “You know it. Now suck me.”

  “I get all tingly when you give me orders.” She put her beautiful lips around his cock head, at the same time her tongue wound around him. Then she drew him into the sweet heat of her mouth, inch by slow, torturous inch, deliberately prolonging his pleasure.

  “Aw, babe, that’s so good.” He bent forward and lifted the shift she wore, revealing the globes of her ass. He smoothed his hand over her flesh, parting it with his fingers so he could get to her pussy.

  She was wet, and he slid his fingers into her at the same time she engulfed him, taking him deep.

  “Fuck,” he whispered, closing his eyes as she sucked him. “You’re so good at that.”

  Her answering hum around his cock made his balls tighten. And when she withdrew, his cock wet from her mouth, it was all he could do not to shove back into the sweet warm cavern and come down her throat. But he wanted to explore her body. She’d gone to all the trouble of the candles and wearing that outfit that was driving him crazy. He wanted to be inside her, drawing her close, inhaling her scent and pumping into her. That’s where he wanted to come.

  So he pulled her up to her knees, drew her body against his, and kissed her, sweeping his hands over her curves and enjoying the feel of her breasts against his chest. Even after more than a year of marriage, Liz hit his hot buttons. She turned him on with an animal passion that still surprised him. He could never seem to get enough of her, and now that baseball season was over and he was home on a regular basis, he could indulge in his need for her.

  He pushed her onto her back on the bed.

  “Anxious?” she asked, her voice a husky, teasing caress.

  “Yeah.” He spread her legs and eased his cock into her, watching her face as he entered her. One thing he’d always loved about Liz was the way she enjoyed sex—no-holds-barred, always fully into it. She loved making love with him as much as he enjoyed being with her. And as she arched her hips and took him inside, he knew once again that he’d found the perfect woman for him.

  He grasped her hips and pulled her down on his cock, listening to the sounds of her breathing, the moans and whimpers she made as he pumped into her. That silk riding over her hips drove him crazy, so he leaned over her, pulled the straps down and took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking it as he fucked her.

  “Yes,” she whispered against him. “Harder.”

  He gave her what she asked for, both with his mouth and with his cock. Her pussy squeezed his dick, making him fight for control.

  “Kiss me,” she said, and he moved up to take her mouth.

  She sucked his tongue, making him groan and plunge his cock deeper. Liz moaned, writhing underneath him.

  “That’s going to make me come,” she said.

  He lifted up, met her gaze, and ground against her, giving her what she needed—a slow, hard deep movement that made her eyes widen.

  And when she came, she raked her nails down his arms and shuddered against him. Unable to hold back, he went with her, his orgasm rocking his world and stealing his breath, like it always did.

  Liz wrapped her legs around him and held him there while they both settled from the aftermath. She smoothed her hands down his arms, pressing a kiss and a love bite to his shoulder.

  “That was a great way to end the day,” he said.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I sure did.”

  He rolled to his side, bringing Liz with him. She shivered, so he pulled up the blankets and they lay there. He hadn’t been much of an after-sex cuddler before Liz came into his life, but now he enjoyed holding her in his arms, listening to her breathe.

  “I took a pregnancy test this morning,” she said.

  He stilled. “And?”


  He heard the flat tone of her v
oice. She tried to be nonchalant about it, but he knew how much it hurt her, how much she wanted to have a baby. He wanted to have one with her, so he kept the disappointment out of his voice. “It’s okay, babe. We’ll keep trying.”

  She sighed. “Yes, we will.”

  This was such a touchy subject, and Gavin never knew how to approach it. “It’s going to happen.”

  She sat up in bed and leaned against the pillows. “I know it will. I’m determined.”

  He pushed up and sat next to her, giving her a grin. “If there’s one thing I know about you, it’s that you won’t let anything stand in your way. But you have to relax about this. We’ll get there.”

  “You’re so sure. How can you be so sure?”

  “Easy. I have insider information.”

  She tilted her head to the side and frowned. “Huh?”

  “Let’s check the magic cock of knowledge and see what it says.”

  She gave him a look of utter disbelief “What the hell are you talking about?”

  He pulled the sheet back, grabbed his shaft. “You know, like the Magic 8 Ball.”

  She studied his dick and balls. “I don’t know, Gavin. I only see two balls down there. Not eight. Unless you’ve been hiding six more somewhere.”

  He laughed. “Trust me. My cock knows all.”

  She arched a brow, raised her knees, and wrapped her arms around them. “Okay, this is interesting. Do go on.”

  He shook his cock back and forth, like all the kids used to do with their Magic 8 Balls. He could tell Liz was trying hard not to laugh.

  “Oh, magic cock, is there a baby in our future?” he asked.

  Her lips curved. “And what does the magic cock of knowledge say?”

  He grasped his balls in his hand. “It says I’ve got your baby right here.”

  She laughed, then rolled over on top of him. “You always know just the right thing to say.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and tugged her close. “Stick with me, babe. You’ll never go wrong.”

  Chapter Three

  The family had gotten a suite at the stadium for the football game, all of them gathered together to share Mick and Cole’s day.


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