Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel

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Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel Page 11

by Nicole Colville

  “The sooner we get the info, the sooner we can get these guys inside. That’s down to you. If you’re not happy, we’ll take him into custody tonight and question him ourselves. I get this kid’s been through a lot. I can’t even imagine what they’ve done to him or how difficult this will be for him to go over again. We can offer counsellors, psychologists, whatever he needs. What’s happened to him, it’s happening to other kids right now. And this gang, they deal in heroin and cocaine, even arms dealing. This is the guy we need to take down.”

  He passed Milo a picture taken from a surveillance camera. The man was tall, big built, heavy set like a gorilla and dark-haired.

  “Nikolay Volkov. He has ties to the Russian mafia but he mainly operates separately and out of Russia. This is the guy we need. All the other men we have are just low level scum. The man here.” He pointed to the PC screen and Milo looked at the two men staring back at him. Both dressed in dark suits, but rough looking. “This guy is Boris Ivashov, he’s high up. Works closely with Volkov. He doesn’t get his hands dirty, and the fact he’s come to Manchester and tracked this kid down, it means something.”

  Milo’s heart was beating out of his chest. Russian mafia? Shit!

  “We’ll have two guys near him at all times, plus you. You’re his new best friend. Congratulations. Hell, don’t look so fucking pissed off, it’s not like he’s hard to look at.” He grinned and Milo ground his teeth together. “Seriously though, try to keep it just friends, huh.”

  Milo’s phone rang. It was Daniel. “I’ve got to take this.” Milo stepped away, getting some privacy. “Danny, is everything okay?”

  “Yeah fine. I have two plain clothes police officers sitting across the street from me. Apparently they’re going to be there for the foreseeable future for our protection. Milo, do I get to find out what’s going on soon or what?”

  “How’s Samuel?”

  “He’s in the bath. Milo—”

  “I’ll be over tonight. Keep inside, okay. Don’t leave him alone, and…” Milo took a breath. “Danny, remember when I told you this kid was bad news. Well, I was right. He knows too much and they’re not going to stop until they get him back. It’s serious. I want you to think about letting him come into protective custody.”

  “Not a chance, not unless I go with him.”

  “That could be arranged.” Milo rubbed his eyes roughly. “We’ll talk soon. He’s been off the radar since the fire. They may think he died and leave him alone. I'll be at yours in about an hour and we can go through everything.”

  “He cooked you a pineapple upside down thingy. It smells good. Be quick or I’ll eat it all.”

  Milo grinned down the phone. “He got custard, right?”

  “Hmm, he made his own. It’s sooo good.”

  “Okay, Baby. I’ll see you soon.”

  Daniel laughed. “That’s the first you’ve called me that at work.”

  “I have my mind on you constantly right now. It’s no surprise.”

  “I’ll be safe, I promise.”

  It was just over an hour later when Milo got to Daniel’s. The house was still clean—shockingly—and smelled great. He couldn’t remember the last time he finished work and had a meal ready for him, not unless he went to his parents’ house.

  Samuel smiled at him by the cooker. “Welcome home.”

  “Hey.” Milo shrugged off his coat and undid his collar. He didn’t have time to change, so he was still in his uniform. Samuel cast a quick look over him as he passed him a cup of coffee. “Are you feeling better?” Samuel had been upset when Milo left him this afternoon.

  “I’m okay.” He played with the tips of his hair.

  “I know this will be difficult, Samuel, but we can get these guys. Stop them from following you around. It would be a new beginning for you, one where you won’t have to look over your shoulder every minute to check who’s behind you.”

  “I know you want to help. And I want to be brave, I really do, but…” Samuel sat down and sighed. “I know it won’t end until I'm either dead or they’re behind bars, but it still feels easier to just leave England and start over.”

  “From what I hear, they’re able to follow you out of here, Princess. You’re not alone. We’re both here for you.” Milo gently stroked Samuel’s hair. It was the first time he didn’t jerk when they touched and it made Milo smile. “You cooked again. It smells good. I heard you made a cake for us. I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Everything’s ready. Daniel’s just got out of the shower. I can wait until you take one.”

  “I’m okay. I’ll have one afterwards. I’ll call Danny.”

  Milo jogged up stairs and found Daniel half dressed in his room. He quickly wrapped his arms around his waist, breathing in his scent.

  Daniel relaxed his naked chest against him. “I've never seen you so worried.”

  “I'm sorry. I can hide it better.”

  “I don’t want you to hide it, Milo. Not from me at least. Share your thoughts with me. You’re not alone here.”

  “I’ll fill you in on everything tonight. I mean, if I'm staying tonight.”

  “Of course you’re staying.” Daniel smiled over his shoulder. “Samuel doesn’t know about us though.”

  “Is it a problem if he does?” Milo frowned at him. “I don’t want to hide or sneak around while he’s staying here. Besides, I'm pretty sure he’ll hear us shagging at some point and guess. Best he finds out before that.”

  “True.” Daniel grinned, rubbing his arse on Milo’s cock.

  “Don’t start, Danny. Come on, I’m starving.”

  “You and food. At least he cooked what you like and buys the food you want.”

  “He has taste. Like me. And what do you care anyway? You’ll eat anything.”

  They walked downstairs, Danny throwing on a t-shirt as they went. Samuel was sipping a glass of lemonade when they got in the kitchen and sat down at the table.

  Daniel looked at the table all set up with plates and cutlery, the chicken casserole steaming in a pot in the middle. “I don’t think I've ever eaten in here before you came to stay, except for a quick slice of toast while I read the paper.”

  “We can eat in—”

  Milo cut Samuel off quickly. “This is perfect. I hate eating off my knees.” He sat down, taking the beer Samuel offered him and twisted the cap off.

  “You’re spoiling us, Samuel.” Daniel peeked in the pot and sniffed. “You’re so good, Sweetheart. Thank you.”

  Milo grimaced at the endearment and took a drink of his beer. “Yeah, Princess, thanks.” If Daniel could give Samuel a pet name, so could he.

  Daniel paused drinking and stared at him. “Princess?”

  “I like it.” Samuel laughed at the look of shock on Daniel’s face. “Inside only.”

  “Sleeping Beauty was a princess.” Milo served Samuel some of the casserole with a cheeky smile.

  “Is that name going to stick forever?” Samuel gently tucked his hair behind his ear.

  “Maybe.” Milo laughed at him.

  “Flirt.” Daniel shook his head at Milo. Both Samuel and Milo stared at him. “Well, you are.”

  “I am.” Milo took a bite of his chicken and moaned. “Oh, nice.”

  “Thank you.” Samuel blushed a little, not looking at either of them.

  “You’ve embarrassed him.” Daniel kicked Milo gently under the table.

  “Me? What did I do?”

  “Honestly, it’s fine.” Samuel looked between them both. “It’s nice to have so much attention. I'm not really used to it, that’s all. But don’t stop.” He laughed softy.

  Daniel shook his head. “Don’t say that to him. You have no idea just how bad it can get.”

  “Look, I'm not that bad. If you’re thinking about how I flirt with you, then that’s different.”

  “Not just me.”

  "Oh, God. Stop it.”

  “Were you two… together?” Samuel delicately ate a piece of chicken.

>   Daniel cleared his throat. “Well, yes.”

  “For six years.” Milo took a drink from his bottle and watched Samuel’s eyes open wide.

  “We kind of broke up just before you came here, and…”

  “We’re working through things.” Milo threw a stern look at Daniel.

  Samuel and Daniel shared a look, then Samuel dropped his head to his chest and became quiet. Milo stared into Daniel’s worried eyes and sighed. This was difficult for them all. But it was for the best. Maybe with them both in a relationship, Samuel would be just a friend to both of them and things wouldn’t be so confusing.

  Chapter 15

  Daniel knocked softly on Samuel’s bedroom door softly. He’d come up here after dinner and it had been over an hour. It gave Milo a chance to go through what he’d found out and now Daniel was worried, more worried than ever, and he didn’t want Samuel to feel hurt or pushed out. He’d encouraged Samuel to feel something for him, albeit accidentally, but it happened. Hell, Daniel felt like he’d cheated on him downstairs, like he’d deceived him and gave him the run around, but it wasn’t like that at all.

  “Samuel, can we talk?”

  The door opened and Samuel stood blankly in front of him.

  “Is it okay if I come in?”

  “It’s your house. You can go where you want.” He threw himself down on the bed with a huff.

  Oh, yes. Stroppy teenage behavior. That came with the age he guessed. “I upset you and I wanted to explain. Milo and I… It’s complicated, but I wasn’t seeing him when you moved in here. We talked yesterday.”

  “Do you love him?” Samuel pulled his knees to his chest and played with his fingertips.


  “And he loves you?”


  “Why did you break up?”

  “Because… I didn’t know he loved me, and…” Daniel sighed as he sat on the bed, brushing Samuel’s hair behind his ear. “We’ve never had a normal relationship. We tried living together and it didn’t work out. We’re very different, but very similar too. We butt heads a lot, disagree on a lot of things. We wind each other up a lot, take it out on each other. Push each other away. Up until yesterday, I had no idea how he felt for me. He’s stubborn and complicated, but I’ve loved him for a long time.” Daniel took in a deep breath. “I never meant to hurt you. I care for you a lot.”

  “I know, and I’m glad you have someone. He seems nice. I just feel bad for kissing you. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Sweetheart, those kisses…” Daniel smiled remembering them. “Well, I got in shit for the last one.” Daniel grinned at Samuel, then shifted closer to him. “Me and Milo, we’ve never really been just for each other. Apparently that’s what he wants now, so… It’s still not sorted out between us. I don’t even know how it will work. It never has before. I love him, but I need things from him I don’t get and vice versa.”

  “I won’t kiss you again.” Samuel ran his finger down Daniel’s jaw, gently skimming his lips before they looked into each other’s eyes. It was there again, the pull, the connection between them. It was the same with Milo and it confused Daniel a lot. “Even though I want to.”

  “I want you to kiss me, Samuel.” Daniel kissed his fingertip and stood up. “But Milo isn’t the only reason why we can’t and you know that.”

  “I know.” Samuel hid his face in his arms.

  “Why don’t you come downstairs and watch TV with us? I don’t want you up here all alone.”

  “You’ll want time alone.”

  “Erm, I don’t know what you think Milo and I are like alone watching TV, but it’s not us curled up against each other and sharing popcorn. We won’t do anything to make you uncomfortable. I promise.”

  “I don’t want to be in the way. Get in between you two while you’re still sorting things out.”

  Oh God, Samuel getting between him and Milo. The thought had him semi-hard. He cleared his throat and turned from him. “It won’t be an issue.” No, that sounds awesome, and I'm sure Milo would be up for it too in different circumstances. “Come on down, we’ll wait for you.”

  Daniel left his door open and went downstairs, falling into the sofa next to Milo.

  “Is he okay?” Milo glanced at him.

  “He feels bad for the kiss.”

  “He shouldn’t. You should however.”

  “Milo… Don’t start that again.”

  “Will it happen again?”

  “You think just us two will work out?”

  “I told you several times, I get everything I need from you.”

  “And what about me? And it’s not just sex, don’t throw that in my face, I could do without it…” Daniel bit his lip. He’d miss it if he never fucked anyone again, but having Milo full time and them happy, maybe it would be different this time. “It’s everything else. Couple-wise, we’re shit. I don’t think that’s changed.”

  “I don’t know, it feels okay right now.”

  “Right now?” Daniel glanced around the clean room. “You're happier because the house is clean and you had a hot meal waiting for you when you got home. For fuck’s sake, he ran you a bath.” Daniel rolled his eyes. “You're happier because of what Samuel’s done, not me, I just got fucked.”

  “Please!” Milo hissed out at him. “Yeah, I like everything he’s done. I appreciate it. I spent all day running myself ragged and my head was all over the place. I heard and saw shit today I never want to talk about, let alone think about. So forgive me if I find the idea of coming home to a nice place and having something good to eat a pleasant thing. You enjoyed it too, and I get neither of us would ever do that for the other, but… We both need to bend. Maybe set up a schedule for taking it in turns or something.”

  “Taking it in turns?” Daniel smiled cheekily. “Like sexual-wise?”

  “Danny, how many times am I going to say no to you?”

  “One day you might say yes.”

  “I won’t. You know I won’t.”

  “We could try it out, just once. Just to see how things go between us.”

  Milo closed his eyes, but he nodded slowly. “You won’t ever get over this, will you?”

  “Can you imagine never having your cock inside me, Milo? Imagine wanting it and never getting it? I tried, I really did. Four years ago when you were fucking anything that moved, I tried it out. I gave up picking up other men and stuck it out, you knew I did, and it was like some joke to you because I was a fool for keeping my body just for you when you gave yours to anyone.”

  “It would be different this time. We’re both just for each other. That will change things for you.”

  “Will it?”

  “We’ve gone over this so many times. I change for you…”

  “You change for me? How? Have you ever really changed, Daniel? So you tried not fucking other men for a couple of months, I’ve gone three years with just you. Okay, I didn’t tell you, for the same reasons you just mentioned. I knew you’d need other men and I didn’t want to look like a fool for keeping myself just for you when you were with others. But apart from that, have you changed anything? Have you ever tried to think about me and what I would like? Like the dinner? I know you can’t cook, but you never tried. Or what about cleaning up once in a blue moon so I could sit down without crisps packets and dirty cups everywhere. How about choosing me over your mates for once, or calling me up and arranging a weekend away.” Milo stood up and brushed his hair back.

  “Well, what about you letting me relax in your fucking house instead of giving me shitty looks when I don’t use a coaster or I don’t place my shoes exactly as you would have done it. And what the fuck? You want romantic weekends away? Since when do either of us do that? And my friends? You're welcome to come out anytime, I've always asked you to join in, but you hate them. You’d rather spend time with your family, the family who hate me and think you should keep away from me.”

  “Christ, one comment from my drunk sister four years ago
and you still won’t drop it.”

  “So, why have I never met them?”

  “We’ve never been together. What the hell would I introduce you as? My fuck buddy?”

  “Fuck buddy?”

  “Okay, wrong word.”

  “Oh yeah, it’s fucking wrong, Milo. I told you five years ago I was in love with you. Five whole years where you fucked me around, and for three of those, you lied to me, made me think you were still sleeping with other people. Now I feel like shit for actually being with other men. I involve you in my whole life—my mum and you met loads.”

  “She hated me.”

  “She thought you were using me, which… you know, it looked like that, Milo.”

  Milo groaned and Daniel took a deep breath. Here they were again, back in the same old arguments. It would never change. Why did they keep trying?

  “We tried the open thing for a long time. I don’t want to do that again.” Milo looked down at him. “I still think the ménage is an option for us.”

  Daniel rolled his eyes. “You just want another man to fuck. We tried that one out. The sex was awesome, I won’t lie, but it got too much. Neither of us wanted him for anything more. I would never have felt for him and I don’t think you would have either.”

  “No, I wouldn’t have, he wasn’t right for us. I agree the sex was brilliant, but I'm not just talking about the sex. I'm talking about everything else which we argue about. We don’t work as a couple, we both agree with that. We don’t want the open thing anymore, and either one of seeing someone else and not involving the other, that’s a bad idea. We’re both jealous, it would kill what we have. But… a ménage, that’s different.”

  “How the fuck are we supposed to find someone who we both want? Who we both could love and share? And! Who the hell would want us both? Look at us, we’re not exactly a winning package here. Who we find is going to have to do a lot of work to keep us all together. Who would want that?”


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