Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series

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Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series Page 3

by Ellie R. Hunter

  I pushed my chair out from behind me and walked away. If he didn’t have anything further to say then neither did I.

  I didn’t give him the satisfaction of slamming the door behind me, I wiped the few tears that had escaped down my cheeks. Everyone must have known what was going to happen to me, no one warned me, not one tiny teeny heads up of what was to come.

  Fuck everyone. I have obviously been kidding myself I have a family here. Without a doubt I know my uncle would have had this planned for a while and while they came to collect me from college, they would have known what was in store for me. Like the worst fucking nightmare, everyone was filling into the clubhouse, normally they would have still been in bed but today of all days they had to be standing around to watch my humiliation.

  I held no one’s gaze until I made it to the door leading outside and Sparky made a bee line for me, putting his arm across the door to stop me from leaving. I kept my eyes on his bare arm, focusing on the scar that ran along one his Lost Souls tattoos’.

  “Move. Please.” I snapped through gritted teeth.

  “Don’t be like this, none of us wanted this for you.” he urged, looking at everyone in the bar.

  I slowly turned to see exactly who was here.

  Oak, Pope, Slade, Lizard, the prospects that were cleaning earlier, and a couple of club whores that had woken up with a brother. Most of them looked at me, silently telling me they don’t agree with this decision, Oak sat nursing his whiskey with an apologetic frown not quite meeting me in the eye. The last one I came across was Cas, who had found himself a whore while I was in the office.

  “You knew what he was planning.” I forced out through gritted teeth, trying to push him out of the door, “You knew and you told me last night not to worry.”

  I desperately wanted to scream and cry but I wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction.

  “I couldn’t say anythin’, I fuckin’ tried to get him to change his mind but he wasn’t havin’ any of it.” he shouted back.

  I could imagine how much he tried, my anger deflated with his sincerity, he wasn’t happy about this just as much as I wasn’t.

  “Doesn’t matter now, I have nothing to do with this place.”

  “Of course you do, you just can’t live here. Might not be as bad as you think?”

  I could tell he was trying to make light of the situation but he hadn’t heard what my uncle said.

  “Do you know what that makes me feel like?” I asked, angrily.

  He shook his head but he knew.

  “It makes me feel like a fucking club whore. Oh, hold on, they have more than I do.” I hissed.

  “Hey.” one of the whores protested,

  “Shut the fuck up.” someone advised her.

  “Excuse me Miss Alannah, your uncle said to remind you that you only have an hour.” one of the prospects said, coming up behind me.

  “Fuck off.” I muttered, “Now, move.” I said to Sparky.

  I didn’t want to fight with him but my humiliation was getting the better of me.

  “Do you want me to take you into town? The prospect can take your things in the truck.”

  “No, if I have no part in the club, then I don’t want anything from any of you. Now, please get out of my way.” I begged. I wasn’t fair to him or anyone else saying that but he wasn’t letting me leave and the whole scene was embarrassing.

  He grabbed me by both wrists, pulling me into him.

  “Don’t be so fuckin’ stupid Barbie, we’re still your family.” he warned.

  “I don’t want anything.” I narrowed my eyes and carried on, “And I’ve told you, don’t call me Barbie.”

  Any normal girl plays with Barbie dolls when they’re young and that’s acceptable, me, the MC princess owned every Barbie doll available added with natural blonde hair of my own and I get nicknamed forever.

  It was cute when I was six but now, it’s insulting.

  “Let her go.”

  Everyone turned to see Cas moving towards us. Sparky didn’t want to let me go but he couldn’t refuse his vice presidents order. Sparky reluctantly released me but didn’t move out of my way.

  “Prospect, go and pack her things and bring the truck round, force her in if you have to.” he told him.

  “I’ll pack myself, I’m not having no fucking prospect touch my things.” I said acidly.

  Cas ignored me and nodded for the prospect to follow his order. As he went to pass I stood in his way. I didn’t know this prospect but he looked like he hadn’t bathed in months and this is the man my uncle and former club wanted to help me. It was fucking unbelievable.

  “If you force me in that truck I will knock you upside your fucking head all the way where you’re forcing me to go.” I warned.

  I’m not usually violent by nature, but as humiliated as I felt I just wanted to get out of here and disappear.

  It would be comical if I weren’t so mad, I had the prospect squirming, frantically looking between his VP and me.

  He was never going to make the cut if he couldn’t deliver one girl to a house half an hour away. Just pathetic.

  “Fuckin’ hell woman, can’t you just for once do as you’re told?” Cas groaned.

  “Screw you. You don’t get to talk to me.” I snapped, pointing my finger in his direction.

  Before I could stop him, he crossed the distance between us and threw me over his shoulder, yelling for the prospect to follow him.

  I was an outcast and I was being treated as one, it didn’t stop me from fighting him all the way to the house. He carried me up the stairs, opening doors until he found my room and threw me on my bed.

  “Pack your shit.” he bellowed and left.

  I couldn’t help it, I broke down and cried. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. Aunt Kitty came in and held me, soothing me in her arms.

  “I’m so sorry this happened baby.” she whispered in my ear, over and over.

  “Why?” I sobbed.

  “I don’t know, bad things have been happening you don’t know about, I trust your uncle is doing what he believes is for the best.”

  I cried in her arms for a few more minutes before she pulled away and helped me pack.

  “I don’t want the prospect to drive me, can you call me a cab?” I asked.

  “Michael won’t like it, just take the ride and ignore the prospect.” she urged.

  I backed down and began packing, for some reason I thought I would only need some clothes and my few possessions I couldn’t live without, until I saw the stack of cardboard boxes piled up in the corner. This was it, he expected me to take everything, wipe all trace of me ever being here.

  With two minutes to spare out of my one hour time limit, the prospect hauled the last box on the back of the truck and jumped behind the wheel.

  One last hug with Kitty and I was climbing into the passenger seat. The drive through and out of the compound was eerily quiet, no one around to see my degrading departure.

  After ten minutes on the road, something felt wrong.

  “Where are you taking me? I was told I was going into town.” I asked.

  “Last minute changes is all I know, I was told to take you to the cabin.” was all he said. Probably afraid I’ll hit him upside the head as promised.

  I used to love going to the cabin when I was younger, now it feels like a punishment.

  I had been looking forward so much to coming home and now I don’t have one, no family and to top it off, I was going to be stuck in the middle of nowhere on my own.

  Forty-five minutes later, the truck stopped outside the cabin and the prospect came round and opened my door. He was beginning to get on my good side and I didn’t want him to be, I wanted to be pissed at everyone who had a part in out casting me.

  “Why don’t you go in Miss Alannah and I will bring your stuff in.” he smiled, he actually had a nice smile with perfect white teeth.

  “It’s okay, I can help you.” I offered.

! I’ll do it, I was told you weren’t to lift anythin’.” he said, sounding mortified that he wouldn’t be able to do as he was told.

  I stepped back holding my hands up in defeat.

  “Okay, I’ll make us a drink.” I laughed.

  He visually relaxed and began hauling boxes inside.

  Once he was on a roll it didn’t take long before I had boxes piled high in the living room. I was instructed to write a list of everything I needed, and looking around the kitchen, I needed a lot. There wasn’t any food, cleaning supplies and for some reason there wasn’t any plates.

  The prospect took the list and told me he would be back by nightfall with the goods. I didn’t want to be on my own, I done everything I could think of to entice him to stay longer but he was adamant he had a job to do.

  Sighing loudly to myself, I looked around the cabin and thought life couldn’t get any worse.


  I couldn’t work out if I was happy she was gone or miserable I wouldn’t see her around the place, even though I could never get close to her. She looked broken when she came out of Michael’s office. Everything was so fucked up I couldn’t think straight. The decision to throw her over my shoulder was in question a selfish one, I wanted to feel her against me, all she saw it as was a form of removal but the five minutes it took to get her to Michael’s house was heaven to me. My hands gripping her soft skin, I wanted more and not in a one way act, it took all my will power not to slide my hands up to her ass.

  Always having to choose the club over anything never used to be a problem, the club won each and every time but when it comes to Alannah, choices are becoming a battle.

  I didn’t trust myself to stay and make sure she packed, her sprawled on her bed was giving me ideas I couldn’t afford to have. I had to hate her to make it easier to stay away from her but fuck me, it was fucking hard and so was my cock for her.

  I took straight off and near enough ran to my dorm room, jumped in the shower and stayed there long enough for Alannah to leave and then stayed in my room long after.

  The atmosphere was at all-time low when I finally returned to my brothers, it was as if someone had died.

  Oak hadn’t moved from the bar, I thought about joining him until he abruptly got up and left.

  Sparky was in the corner with the prospect who was given the job of escorting Alannah to the house in town. Sparky wasn’t looking happy about something so I found a spot at the bar that would get me close enough to hear what was going on.

  “What do you mean she’s not fuckin’ there?” Sparky snapped.

  I could see he was losing his patience.

  “Boss man told me to take her to the cabin and come back to get whatever she needs.”

  “Why she at the cabin?”

  The prospect shrugged, “Don’t have a clue, was told to take her there and I did.”

  Something about this didn’t sit well, Michael has been making decisions without club knowledge lately and I’m sure he’s been keeping secrets. Why make it known she was going to be staying at the house in town and then have her taken to the cabin? She was now in a secluded area, on her own while the club is in one of the worst situations we’ve faced in years with the Ghost Riders up our asses, she’s like a sitting duck out there. I’m sure Michael hasn’t warned her of the dangers she could be facing. Alannah has never been a push over and I wouldn’t underestimate her to defend herself by any means, but the Ghost Riders will do anything to kill our club, they have been trying to take us out for the last two years without much luck and they’re getting nastier in their attacks, if they knew of her whereabouts then a single prospect guarding her wouldn’t be enough to save her.

  “What have you been told to do after you deliver her shopping?”

  I listened intently.

  “I have to report to Michael.” he didn’t look comfortable talking to Sparky, “Look man, I have to go. She will be wondering where I am, she didn’t want me to leave in the first place.” he said, quickly adding, “She’s fine, I just don’t think she liked being on her own.” when he saw Sparky was about to burst with anger. I jumped in the conversation, slightly moving into Sparky’s glare at the prospect.

  “Hey man, why don’t I follow him and make sure she’s secure.” I asked, not that I needed permission, “Then, when I get back, we’ll find out what the fuck is goin’ on.” I promised.

  “Something’s goin’ on Cas, I have a bad feelin’ about this, it was weird enough he made her go but to stick her at the cabin?” he said looking confused.

  I agreed with him, I slapped his shoulder as I passed and made my way to my bike.

  I followed closely behind the prospects truck, keeping my eyes everywhere.

  I have been to the cabin a few times, it was impressive in size, too big for one girl on her own in my opinion. The outside needed attention, the bushes and trees were beginning to take over and for miles around there wasn’t another house in sight.

  Alannah was perched on the steps waiting, her smiled disappeared when she saw me riding behind. It wasn’t replaced with the usual repulsion I have come to expect from her but with confusion instead.

  I nodded to the prospect to make a start unloading the truck, while I waited for him to finish and leave I pulled a cigarette from the pack in my pocket and lit up, inhaling deeply.

  I don’t have a clue what I’m doing here, one of the brothers could have easily checked on her. I should have stayed at the clubhouse, there wasn’t any reasonable explanation for me being here apart from my selfish need to see her.

  She stayed out of sight in the house with the prospect, no doubt hiding from me trying to figure out why I was here.

  Just as I was about to light another cigarette, the prospect came walking out. I nodded for him to join me.

  “You goin’ back to the clubhouse?”

  “Yeah, gotta see Michael.”

  “What’s he got you doin’?” I asked, non-too kindly, by the way his eye twitched I knew he wasn’t meant to say anything.

  “Nothin’, I gotta go see him now.” he said quickly and jogged off to his truck.

  Frowning slightly, I headed inside and found her in the kitchen cleaning the fridge. She saw me leaning against the doorframe and returned her attention to the fridge.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  Good question.

  “I came to make sure you’re okay.”

  She stood abruptly and narrowed her eyes at me.

  “I’m just peachy, now you can leave.”

  Her mouth was making me hard again, I needed to have her, I mentally punched myself in the head, I should turn and walk away, she’s more than fine, I should definitely go. Instead two stupid fucking words left my mouth.

  “I’m sorry.” I said, barely loud enough for her to hear. Maybe I wanted her to hear it, maybe not, but I was sorry.

  “There’s nothing to be sorry for.” she said, continuing to keep her back to me.

  I wasn’t planning on ever talking about this with her, all plans of ignoring her and staying well away from her completely evaporated when she came home from college.

  Memories from last summer surfaced, the girl I couldn’t stay away from, the way she smiled, the sound of her laugh, the thought of her in my bed and never leaving. The first girl I wanted to be with properly, make her mine and no one else’s, there were no comparisons to the other girls around the club or around town.

  “Of course there fuckin’ is! I know I hurt you.”

  “I was hurt but I got over it.” she snapped, slamming the fridge shut.

  I moved closer towards her, I knew she was still hurt or otherwise she wouldn’t have turned away from me at the college.

  “I didn’t.”

  She looked confused. “I didn’t get over it.” I clarified.

  “If I remember rightly, you were under it.” she muttered sarcastically.

  “Don’t.” I warned.

  “I told you, you don’t get to talk t
o me.”

  “I’ll do what the fuck I like, you gonna stop me?” I asked, stepping towards her.

  Before she could argue back I crushed my lips on hers. We had shared a few kisses last summer but my memory hadn’t remembered exactly just how good her lips felt against mine.

  She protested at first but soon melted against me, I deepened the kiss forcing her lips open with my tongue. Finally fisting my hand in her hair, I kept her close to me. I pushed my luck when I heard her groan into my mouth and slammed her up against the wall, pulling her up around my waist. She tightened her grip and clasped her fingers in my hair.

  I needed her now, I was wrestling to get her top off when she began pulling away.

  “I can’t do this.”

  I continued to kiss down her neck, she surrendered for a few seconds before pushing me away as hard as she could. I stumbled back as she darted across the room, as far from me as she could possibly be.

  “You should go.” she said, turning away from me.


  If I left now I wouldn’t be able to think of nothing else all fucking night and the need to release myself would be in some dirty whore and I didn’t want that anymore. I want Alannah.

  “Because…I shouldn’t have done that! I hate you!” she yelled, turning back towards me, gracing me with her best glare yet. Anyone else might have found it intimidating, I could tell she meant it, but I found it a turn on. The way her cheeks reddened and her rapid breathing increasing, and the glaze sweeping across her eyes, it all nearly had me falling to my knees.

  “You want me.” I countered.

  She cackled with laughter.

  “Once I did, now I just hate you.”

  I edged closer towards her, maintaining eye contact. I was having her tonight and she was having me. It should have happened a long time ago, it’s been a very long time in the making.


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