Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series

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Biker Bait: The Lost Souls MC Series Page 10

by Ellie R. Hunter

  “Hey Uncle Mikey, it’s about time you came to see me.” I said, trying to gather as much enthusiasm as I could.

  He saw straight through me though, he pulled away and sat me back onto the chair at the table.

  “I know you don’t agree with my decision but it looks like it doesn’t matter where I put you, the club comes to you regardless.” he said, nodding his head at his brothers.

  “It doesn’t matter, I’m beginning to like it here.” I told him, truthfully, “Is this permanent for me?”

  He nodded, “I’ll never ask you to leave here Alannah, as far as I’m concerned this is your home now.” he said.

  He opened his cut and pulled an envelope out from the inside pocket. He passed it across the table and sat on the last available chair. I opened it up and found cash, lots of it.

  “What the hell is this for?” I asked, why the hell would I need all this?

  “Now you’re here, I’m sure you want to update the place, it could fuckin’ do with modernisin’.” he said, “Also you could buy a set up for you to write again?”

  Between settling down here, having a bodyguard and Cas, I haven’t given my writing a second thought. I used to sit and write for hours, sometimes poetry, sometimes short stories.

  “Maybe.” I muttered.

  I didn’t want his money really but I have to be sensible here, I haven’t got the stability of living at the club anymore.

  “How’s Aunt Kitty?” I asked, moving away from money and his offers of advice.

  “She’s fine, you’ll see for yourself on Saturday.” his smile was always bright when he spoke of his wife, it’s the only part of him I still recognised.

  I was about to ask him if he could bring her round sooner but his phone rang and he held his hand up telling me to wait.

  Cas and Sparky sat listening intently, the mischievous grin on Michael’s face told us all he liked what he was being told. He ended the call and shoved the phone in his pocket.

  “C’mon boys, Slade’s found somethin’, we gotta go.” Michael said, rising from the table.

  “Alannah, if you need anythin’, call me or tell the prospect. I’ll see you on Saturday.” he said, before leaving the room.

  I suppose I could’ve asked him why Billy is here, but what’s the point, he wouldn’t tell me anyway or if he did, it would only be a lie.

  “See ya later Barbs.” Sparky said, following Michael out.

  I wouldn’t have long with Cas but I am glad I get to say goodbye alone.

  “I don’t know what’s goin’ on but I’ll be back later and I want to take you somewhere.” he said, quickly pushing me against the wall, my heart rate sped up so much I thought my heart would burst out from my chest.

  “Where you gonna take me?” I asked, breathlessly as his wicked mouth kissed the most sensitive area of my neck.

  “Wait and see.”

  He kissed me on the lips, squeezed my ass and was gone.

  In the twenty-five seconds we were alone he had the power to disorientate me to the point I couldn’t tell what way was up.

  I heard their bikes ride away as I came back to earth and heard my phone beeping.

  I hoped it was Bonnie, I haven’t heard back from her yet and the worry I had before was intensifying. Finding my phone on the counter top I scrolled to messages and sighed when I saw it was from the phone provider offering me a better deal. I haven’t gone this long without any contact from her since we became friends. I don’t know where she’s from or where she lives, she could be very evasive when it came to her personal life.

  Oh well, expecting a full house in a few days I had plenty to keep me occupied, apart from throwing some sheets on the sofa and chairs, the lounge was ready for decorating, may as well get on with it.


  “What ya got?” Michael asked Slade when we arrived at the clubhouse.

  Slade was at his spot at the bar on his laptop, he spent most of his time there, if there is anything to be found he is the guy to go.

  “A Hunter Carson has just acquired himself some property on the edge of town.”

  Hunter Carson is the president of the Ghost Riders, we have never been able to track his property purchases before as he mostly uses fictitious names.

  “Our town?” I asked.

  “The one and only.” Slade said, frowning.

  “What type of property?” Sparky asked.

  “A warehouse, I’ve printed off the location and an image of the area, looks like Dirty Nicky’s old place.” He said, handing us the prints.

  His compound is over three hours away from here, he wouldn’t need any property around here, unless…

  “He’s plannin’ a fuckin’ patch over.” I said, feeling sick.

  Muttering and curses were being thrown about, I sat on one of the stools and grabbed a beer from one of the prospects working behind the bar.

  “Over my dead fuckin’ body is that gonna happen.” Michael roared.

  “We need to put a stop to this once and for all.” I said.

  “Too fuckin’ right we do, why don’t we take out the warehouse like their clubhouse?” Sparky asked, with a gleam in his eye.

  It isn’t a surprise he would come up with this idea, any opportunity he gets to play with explosives he will, it’s when he’s at his happiest.

  “Do what you need to do and hit them tomorrow night, we’ll blow their week well apart.” Michael laughed.

  Having the go ahead, Sparky was gone in a flash. Michael left too and I disappeared to my room. Unlocking and opening the door wasn’t the same, the bed was still unmade from the last time I slept in it, beer bottles littered everywhere and the laundry that needed to be done days ago was still in piles on the floor. It was a far contrast from being at the cabin. I stepped over piles of clothes and eventually made it to the bathroom, I turned the shower on, got undressed and stepped under the hot sprays of water. It was then I knew I didn’t want this part of my life anymore, I wanted a home, I wanted clean sheets every night, I wanted Alannah bent over the washer doing laundry and most of all I wanted a home with Alannah.

  Not wanting to be here, I was in and out and dressed within ten minutes, grabbing my cut and my keys, I locked my room and went back into the bar.

  Oak was still propping the bar up, lately every time I saw him, he was at the bar, I was beginning to wonder if he moved or went to bed. Checking I had enough time, I did, I went and sat on the stool next to him.

  “You okay old man?”

  His response was a grunt. He refilled his glass and downed the shot of whiskey.

  “What’s wrong brother?” I asked, now worried for my old friend.

  “Just reminiscin’ on the days where we didn’t have bullets chasin’ us, our only plans were wonderin’ which route to ride and Michael and I weren’t the only originals left. Too much is changin’ and I’m not sure if I’m cut out for it.” he admitted, filling his glass again.

  The changes were affecting more than just me, they were slowly eating their way through the club I love so much. The only person who seems to be happy with them is Michael, he was embracing them, once again making my opinion more likely that he was in fact up to something.

  It made me more determined to find out what he’s hiding and put the club back on the right path.

  “We’ll have those days back again brother, I can promise you that.” I told him.

  He grunted again and I knew our conversation was over. I slapped him on the back before leaving. I sent a text to Alannah telling her to be ready soon and to wear something warm.

  By the time I arrived at the cabin she was waiting on the porch, I remained on my bike and she came over.

  “So, where are you taking me?” she asked, full of excitement.

  Even fully covered in her tight fitted jeans, boots and jacket she looked gorgeous. I have no doubt all the changes in my life I want to make for her were wrong.

  “Thought it was time you were on the back of my bike instead of Sp
arky’s.” I told her, handing over the spare helmet I recently acquired especially for her.

  We both know what this means to us without having to say it, I have never had a woman on the back on my bike and until Alannah there hasn’t been anyone who came close to getting on.

  She clipped the helmet in place and climbed on behind me, wrapping her legs round me had me twitching in my jeans, particularly when she held her hands so close to my growing bulge.

  “Yours is the only one I want to ride on.” she said, giggling in that sexy way she does.

  I started the engine before I could change my mind and take her back inside. I’ve seen how happy she is when she has been on the road and this is my chance to achieve that for her, finally. It’s also the first time she’s left the cabin in a while, technically it wouldn’t matter to her where we went as long as she was with me. We had to go quite far out to avoid being seen by anyone, that wasn’t a chore to me, with Alannah on the back of my bike I would have to stop myself from taking her away completely.

  I decided to take her to the lakes where I knew it would be quiet on a chilly afternoon like today, hence why I had packed a blanket. I sometimes ride out here when I need a breather from the club and all the shit that’s coming with it lately. Over an hour later I cut the engine by the path that led down to the lake, grabbed the blanket and took her hand.

  “I know it’s cold but I wanna spend time with you away from the cabin, go somewhere like normal couples do.” I said, picking a spot by one of the trees.

  I sat down leaning against the tree trunk and pulled her down so she was sitting between my legs.

  “I know what you mean. It’s so pretty here.” she said, snuggling against me. I threw the blanket over us and wrapped my arms around her.

  “I never knew this place existed, how did you find it?” she asked.

  “I was out riding a while back and stumbled across it, I come here sometimes to think.”

  “And what do you have to think about?”

  “All sorts, I came here after you left for college a lot, I didn’t have to pretend I wasn’t thinking about you from everyone.”

  I couldn’t see her face but I felt her smiling, women, all the fucking same, tell them the truth which turns out to be a whole lot of soppy crap and their liquid mush for the taking.

  “I wish I can say the same about you, well I did think of you a lot but it was mainly how much I hated you.”

  “How am I doin’ with that, you still hatin’ on me?” I asked.

  I had her, we both knew it but the confirmation would be music to my ears.

  “You’re doing good, not a lot of hate left now.” she teased, craning her head up to look at me.

  “Still have some makin’ up to do ay?” I winked down at her.

  “I’m not going to say no to your apologizing techniques.” she giggled.

  Oh I knew how much she liked me making it up to her, it wasn’t all about the sex though, it was mainly the time I spent with her doing the normal couple things that broke down her hate for me. I doubt she has any hate for me now, she just likes me to think there is.

  “If I ask you a question will you answer it this time?” she asked, resting her head against my chest.

  Her fingers found their way under my jacket and tee and brushed up and down my bare skin, her cold fingers against my hot skin was electrifying.

  “Depends what you’re gonna ask.”

  “Where are you from and why do you have two opposing crosses as tattoos?” she asked.

  She had asked me this last year, and as I was all for impressing her not scaring her away I had told her I didn’t want to talk about it and cut it dead.

  “That’s two questions.” I pointed out, “But I’ll answer them both.”

  I had given her everything else of me, we are closer now.

  “When I was born I was left in a church doorway in Chicago, the woman who pushed me out left me wrapped up in towels and blankets one winters night, the sisters named me, hence why I’m named after an angel. The traditional cross represents how I came into this world and was raised, while the upside down cross represents my journey to hell for all the unholy shit I’ve done and most likely will have to do in the future.”

  I was waiting for her to ask the unholy shit I’ve done, but she stays quiet, she knows the club isn’t full of roses, earning the way we do has certain implications and the result mainly ends in violence and death.

  “Do you believe heaven and hell exist?”

  “Not really, but if it does exist then I’m prepared for it.”

  “I don’t believe in heaven and hell so you’re safe from burning for all eternity.” she smiled.

  “Well, I have nothin’ to worry about then do I.” I laughed.

  “The only worry we have is telling my uncle about us.” she murmured.

  “Let me worry about that.”

  We sat talking about everything and then we sat there for a while in silence as day turned to night and the stars shone down brightly alongside the moon. It wasn’t awkward, neither of us felt the need to talk about anything in particular just to fill the silence.

  I combed my fingers through her soft hair and she looked up at me, her eyes so deep and open, not only looking at me but baring into my soul.

  I bent down closer and took her lips, she tasted as sweet as honey. It didn’t take long before the kiss deepened into more but as her lips began to chatter against mine, there was no chance of it evolving into anything more out here.

  I whipped the blanket away and we pulled ourselves up and headed for my bike.

  She slid on behind me and her legs squeezing around me drove me crazy.

  “Fuckin’ love you on the back of my bike babe.”

  I told her as I tore us out of there and took her home.

  Chapter Eight


  Last night cemented our relationship to another level, to me there is no going back without him. We rode for an hour before he parked up and we found a spot by the lake. Riding under a sky full of stars and a bright shining full moon on the way home was the most romantic ride of my life. The peace of only having the engine roaring on the road and no one in sight made it feel like we were all alone on the planet.

  After a while I felt Cas relax into me as he made his way through roads lined with trees on either side. By the time we settled on a blanket Cas produced next to the lake, we silently agreed we both needed the road to unwind after everything that’s been going on.

  We sat talking about anything and everything, it was too cold for anything to go further than kissing, so with an urgency we shared for each other, he swiftly had the blanket back in the side bag and we were once again on the road, this time heading for home.

  His body was buzzing with passion and I’m sure mine felt the same to him. Instead of jumping on each other as soon as we got off the bike, he took my hand and we made our way to my room. He got rid of his boots and I done the same, standing in front of one another we undressed each other barely able to refrain ourselves from ripping the clothes blocking our way to each other’s bodies. What turned out to be slow and sensual in the beginning soon transformed into hungry, desperate need to be as close as possible.

  I have no doubts about his commitment to me, the way he looked into my eyes as he caressed my body was like I was the only girl in his world. His eyes and hands showed me how he felt. It was the most intense silent exchange I’ve experienced.

  Looking at the time, we hadn’t been asleep long but I was too pumped up to sleep, I carefully edged my way out of bed and threw on an over-sized t-shirt.

  Whatever was going on at the club had him looking tired, so I left him sleeping and went down to the kitchen.

  Billy must have been awake for a while because the coffee pot was half empty and still warm, although he was nowhere in sight.

  Eyeing the eggs and bacon, I decided a cooked breakfast was in order, one because I wanted to cook for Cas, that’s what old ladies
do and secondly, Billy would need all his energy today decorating the lounge.

  Life couldn’t be better at this moment in time.

  I was waiting on the sausages when I felt arms slip around my waist, as I went to twist my head for a good morning kiss, he claimed my neck between his lips.

  “I didn’t do somethin’ right if you’re awake already?” he chuckled, his breath tingling the back of my neck.

  “Trust me, you did everything right.” I grinned, “I thought I’d cook you breakfast, go and call Billy in, it’s nearly ready.” I told him, and twisted out his arms before the sausages burned.

  By the time I filled the plates they were both at the table, nope, life couldn’t be better. It was true, I wasn’t at the club but the club was with me.

  “Where’s yours?” Cas asked, when he noticed I wasn’t eating with them.

  “I’m not hungry yet.” I said, reaching for my phone off the table.

  Still nothing from Bonnie, I sent another message asking if she was okay and to reply as soon as possible.

  I kept checking my inbox while they ate and spoke about the club. Whenever Bonnie replies, it’s always within minutes, I sent the message ten minutes ago, frustrated by her silence I put my phone down.

  “What’s goin’ on?” Cas asked, nodding to the phone.

  “I don’t know, my friend from college has gone silent on me.” I said, checking the phone again. Nothing.

  “Maybe she’s busy.”

  “Probably.” I murmured.

  I went on to explain what I thought about her home life and how she would return to school bruised and hurt and the last few messages we shared.

  “Don’t be worryin’ yourself, if she wants any help she’ll ask.” he said, kindly.

  He was right, I knew that anyway, you can’t help if it’s not wanted.

  I typed one last message telling her the cabin’s address so she knew where I was if she did need me and left it at that.

  Billy cleared his plate, said thank you and disappeared again. Cas retrieved his boots and cut and came back into the kitchen.


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